The Great Era of Rebirth: 1993

Chapter 636: , Four wise sayings to Wen Hui (please subscribe

   Chapter 636, Four wise sayings to Wen Hui (please subscribe!)

   Being intimate for the first time, Wen Hui felt an indescribably complicated feeling in her heart.

   There is a kind of bright fragrance, some heart palpitations, but more of a panic.

   After half a minute.

   Wen Hui, who had regained part of her consciousness, raised her hand and slapped her.

   This time it was a real slap, unlike the last time it was painless.


   was beaten on the right face.

   Zhang Xuan, who was forgetting himself, was stunned for a moment, then left her, but did not leave completely.

   At this time, the distance between the two is less than 10cm, and they can smell each other's breath, feel each other's temperature, and each other's emotions.

   For a while, Wen Hui lay helplessly on her back in the chair, his shadow reflected in pure black and white.

  Zhang Xuan looked down at her from a high place, and had a panoramic view of her elegant demeanor.

  You look at me and I look at you, the atmosphere is a little subtle.

  Wen Hui's extremely comfortable temperament filled Zhang Xuan's entire brain with something indescribable.

   confronted him for about 30 seconds. Facing the beautiful woman who was haunting his dreams under him, Zhang Xuan lowered his head and couldn't bear it any longer, and leaned over again.

   Knowing what he was going to do, Wen Hui quickly blocked his mouth with her right hand.

   Zhang Xuan paused, and after a moment of stunnedness, he then grabbed her right wrist with his left hand, pulled it apart, and kissed her again.

The corners of   's mouth were kissed, the first quarter moon was choked, and Wen Hui's right hand was still struggling.

   But when Zhang Xuan stretched out his arms to hug her, a strange feeling instantly made her panic, and finally her mind went blank.

5 minutes later.


   Another slap sounded in the piano room.

  Wenhui hurriedly pulled it out of his mouth, and the pure and simple black and white water stared at him like a fog.

  The room fell into silence, and the suffocating air seemed to freeze.

   "I have been slapped three times since I was a child."

   This is the first sentence of the old man, which means that these three slaps are all yours.

   "I've never been a loser."

   This is the second sentence of the old man.

   After saying the second sentence, Zhang Xuan lowered his head again and leaned over, but this time it was just a little bit of water, just a little taste.

  Wenhui raised her hand again, but Zhang Xuan grabbed it and said, "If you hit again, it will be the fourth slap."

  Wen Hui was suffocated, her dexterous little mouth pouted tightly, her right fist smashed on his chest, after smashing her right hand, she didn't take it away, she just pressed against him like that, with her eyes down, her chest heaving up and down.

   "I didn't learn materialism well, my actions always didn't follow my thoughts, and my mouth was not obedient."

   This is the fourth sentence of the old man.

After   , Zhang Xuan got up from her and sat back in his seat.

  Wen Hui's tense body suddenly loosened. After taking two breaths, she also sat up, her right hand tucked her messy hair behind her ear, bowed her head and walked away.

   left the piano room.

   After a while, the sound of the door opening and closing came from the next bedroom.

  Wen Hui slowly sat on the bed, folded her hands on her knees, and stared at the night outside through the window, without any focus.

   If the last time he kissed himself was defined as "a man's impulse".

  The way he looked at himself tonight said it all.


   He listened to the movement and found that there was no abnormality in the closing sound, Zhang Xuan was relieved.

  The hero is sorry for Meirenguan, this is the idea that suddenly flashed in his mind.

  Bah, you are a hero!

   But Zhang Xuan understood that if Mi Jian was the nemesis of his previous life, then Wenhui was the calamity he encountered in this life.

   When facing them, there is always a young heart, a passion and impulsiveness, an uncontrollable emotion, an eagerness to try, and an uncontrollable one.

  Do you regret it?

  There is nothing to regret, if you like it, you like it. The old man who knows his heart chooses to face the reality.


   Just as his thoughts were running wild, the phone in his pocket vibrated.

   came a phone call, an unfamiliar number.

  Look at the time, it is already 11:05

  Who calls himself so late?

   With this suspicion, he pressed the answer button.

   "It's me." A long-lost voice came from the phone, Zhang Lan's voice.

   "Anything?" Facing this familiar and unfamiliar voice, Zhang Xuan asked subconsciously.

After    asked, he fell silent.

   A standard polite word "something" made Zhang Lan fall into silence.

   "I sent you a registered letter." After a while, Zhang Lan broke the embarrassment.

   "What's in it?" Zhang Xuan asked.

   Zhang Lan said: "Two photos, and two money orders."

   Then she added: "The money order is the same amount, one for Mom, and one for us to send to the school in the town center next door."

   Zhang Xuan was curious: "How much is the money order?"

   Zhang Lan replied: "5000 each."

   Zhang Xuan asked: "You can send it yourself, why do you want me to send it? Don't you need to do this?"

  Zhang Lan said lightly: "He and I didn't plan to go back immediately."

   Zhang Xuan opened his mouth, he wanted to say something, but he swallowed it again, and finally only spit out three words: "Got it."

   Zhang Lan suddenly asked: "Is your girlfriend Aunt Ai Qing's youngest daughter?"

   Zhang Xuan was a little surprised: "How did you know?"

  Zhang Lan said: "Just to confirm an idea in my heart, I made a bet with others a long time ago that Xiao Shaowan would not be Du Shuangling's opponent."

   Having said this, Zhang Lan on the other end of the phone smiled and hung up.

   He only spoke half of his words, and people hated him. Zhang Xuan called back, and it was indeed another person who answered the call.

   I asked, this is a public telephone booth.

   Ask again, this is Zhenjiang's phone number.

   Well, be careful enough, you don't even use the local public phone in Shanghai Stock Exchange.

   Putting down the phone, he thought again, who is betting with this cheap second sister?

   She is three years older than herself and three years older than herself. When she was in the first year of junior high, she happened to be in the first year of high school.

   How did you meet Xiao Shaowan?

  I was very worried, did she find out that she was in love with Xiao Shaowan?

   After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't figure it out, and he finally gave up.

   This is his good habit, never obsessing and worrying about things he can't figure out.

   It was windy outside, and the wind was so strong that the curtains rattled.

   got up and closed the window, and after a short while on the black and white keys of the piano, he also left the piano room.

   When passing by Wenhui's bedroom, he paused on the spot, then walked to the sofa, lay down on it, squinted his eyes and started to sleep.

   At first, I couldn't sleep, not because the sofa was not soft enough, but because I thought about a lot of things.

   fell asleep in the back, and he himself didn't know when he fell asleep.

   As soon as he closed his eyes, he had a dream.

  The scene in my dream is when I was in elementary school and it was summer vacation.

  The eldest sister who has not studied is working as an apprentice tailor in the town. She wakes up in the morning and goes to the town on foot.

  The second sister also went out, with a sickle and a slanted bamboo basket, to hunt hogweed. But she is not alone. She has tricked several children into helping out with her rhetoric, and the fat child is one of them.

   He also went out, leading a yellow ox to eat the dew grass. I heard that the cow eats the dew grass and is easy to get full and strong.

   Eating dew grass is easy to be full, he knows.

   But it's not easy to be strong, and he hasn't figured it out yet.

  The days in the dream are very bitter and sad, but also full of innocence and memories.

At that time, he never realized that Zhang Lan could fool people so much. He only knew that this cheap second sister was very courageous. In the second year of junior high school, he dared to scold a middle-aged man with a kitchen knife. Yes, that's a long-running joke.

  The dream is beautiful and the sleep is sound.

   But the incense was suddenly interrupted, and in a daze, he felt that there was something on his body.

   When he opened his eyes, it was a thin blanket.

   Lifting his eyelids upwards, he could see a back figure heading towards the kitchen.

  The air conditioner was down, it was really cold, and my nose started to gamble.

   got up and prepared to turn up the temperature of the air conditioner, and found that the temperature had reached 26 degrees.

   Staring at the number "26" for a while, Zhang Xuan returned to the sofa and continued to lie down, squinting his eyes and pretending to sleep.

  Wenhui soaked a glass of milk and warmed a slice of bread.

   In the past, when she was eating, the etiquette taught at home made her habitually go to the dining table and eat properly.

   But this time, she did not go, but stood at the kitchen window, with bread in her left hand and milk in her right, looking up at the stars in the sky in the dark night.

  About ten minutes later, Wen Hui came out of the kitchen. She didn't even glance at the sofa, and went straight back to her bedroom.

   Hearing the slight sound of the door closing, Zhang Xuan's eyelashes sank and fell asleep again.

   Continue to dream until dawn.

   When he woke up from the dream, he found that the sun was shining outside on the windowsill, and the sound of the piano came from the piano room.

   is not "Exodus", but a previous Liszt piano piece.

   Sitting on the sofa and listening quietly for a while, he picked up the key on the coffee table and went downstairs to wash, then went for a walk outside, breathing fresh air.

   Not to mention, I am used to seeing the hustle and bustle in the school, and the huge campus suddenly disappears, and I am not used to it.

  The times are developing, the society is changing, and the people who practiced qigong in the past have disappeared.

   Instead, he saw the international settlement teacher on the grass, practicing ballroom dancing with a male teacher, and there was a tape recorder playing songs next to him.

   It's really going downhill. Such a beautiful teacher Yao was actually bitten by a dog. It's a pity that he felt the man's heartache.

   After watching for a while, Teacher Yao asked him during the break, "Do you want to try it?"

   Zhang Xuan smiled and shook his head, he was afraid of being beaten.

  Although there is a high probability that the male teacher will be beaten by himself to the point of being unable to find the North after the fight is opened, but God has the virtue of good life, his level is so high, if he can't use force, he will not use force.

   went to the vegetable market and dialed the phone number at home.

   "Full of cubs."

   "Mom, have you had breakfast yet?"

   "After eating, Mom is going to visit the old town mayor. Have you eaten yet?"

   "Ready to eat."

   said, Zhang Xuan explained Zhang Lan's affairs in detail.

   Ruan Xiuqin immediately asked excitedly, "Is it true? Did your second sister really contact you?"

   Zhang Xuan said in a certain tone: "There can be no mistake, her voice is so recognizable, it can't be wrong."

  The sky was pleasantly surprised. Ruan Xiuqin was not sitting there, nor was standing there. After a long time, she choked up and asked, "What's her phone number?"

   Zhang Xuan explained the contact information again, Ruan Xiuqin was a little disappointed, but she still urged Wan Jing: "After you receive the letter, keep it safe and bring it back to your mother in August."

"it is good."

   He knew what his mother meant. In a small town in a remote mountain area, letters were often lost. Ruan Xiuqin was worried that the money order would be gone.

  Although 10,000 yuan is just a drizzle for today's old Zhang family, not even a drizzle.

   But the photo and the money order are of great significance to Ruan Xiuqin and the teacher's family in the next town, and they should not be missed.

   The vegetable market in the morning was very lively, with aunts and uncles crowded and noisy, which formed a sharp contrast with the clean campus.

   His goal was clear, he wanted to eat stir-fried yellow beef, he bought a pound and a half of fresh yellow beef, a bundle of lettuce, and finally a fish and some side dishes.

   Back on the third floor, after Zhang Xuan opened the door, he first probed into the piano room, while Wen Hui was still concentrating on practicing.

  I didn't bother, just went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

   Wash the lettuce, pickle the fish slices, and plan to make our own specialty fish with pickled cabbage.

   Finally, the beef should be cut against the texture of the meat. The knife and the texture of the meat should be at a 90-degree vertical angle. The cut pieces of meat will be in the shape of a "well", and you will be able to bite when you eat them.

   Decided to make pickled fish first.

   Drain the sauerkraut, cut it into filaments, chop the soaked red pepper, and chop the soaked **** into small pieces.

  Pour oil in the pan and heat the shallots and **** slices, fry the fish head and tail and fish bones until golden brown on both sides and remove.

Leave the oil in the pot, add sauerkraut, soaked red pepper, ginger, chopped green onion, then pour in an appropriate amount of water, put the fish bones into the pot, simmer the soup until it becomes milky white, filter it for later use, and then slide the fish fillets, after 30 seconds Out of the pan, drizzle with oil and serve.

   Zhang Xuan was very satisfied with the appearance of the finished dishes.

   couldn't wait to taste a piece with chopsticks, "Well, it's delicious, I am indeed a little genius in cooking, this cooking skill is like punching Wenhui and kicking Qingzhutong"

   Zhang Xuan finally found his long-lost self-confidence about his favorite dish, but before he was finished, he accidentally caught a glimpse of a person standing behind him, Wen Hui.

   He was arrested for speaking ill of people behind his back.

  This, this is embarrassing!

  Especially the relationship between the two is now in a very delicate state.

   Wen Huizheng looked at him with a strange look.

   "No? When did you come here?" Zhang Xuan's face is thick, and he will not be embarrassed if he is embarrassed.

  Wen Hui did not make a sound, and turned her attention to the pickled fish.

   Zhang Xuan handed the chopsticks: "Try it?"

  Wen Hui glanced at the wet part of the chopsticks, indifferent.

   Zhang Xuan muttered: "Don't dislike it, anyway, you have already spit my saliva."

  Wenhui suddenly raised her head and stared at him.

   Zhang Xuan blinked, handed her a pair of chopsticks again, and said confidently: "The world is complicated, but at least my pickled fish won't lie."

   Seeing her still looking at him, Zhang Xuan said, "If you don't eat, I'll kiss you."

   Hearing this, Wen Hui instinctively took a step back. After hesitating for a few seconds, she took a piece of fish fillet with chopsticks and put it in her mouth.

   Zhang Xuan asked expectantly, "How does it taste?"

  Wenhui put down her chopsticks, but said nothing. Then he passed over him, tied his scarf, and took over the rest of the lettuce and stir-fried yellow beef.

   Seeing this, the old man was holding back the internal bleeding, and he was about to be depressed. How bad is his specialty dish?

   Shouldn't it?

   Zhang Xuan stretched his chopsticks again to put a piece of fish in his mouth and chewed it slowly, as if it really didn't taste so good.

   For the third time, he put down his chopsticks and put the fish fillet in his mouth and tasted it carefully. He was a little suspicious of life.

  The corner of Wenhui's eyes kept a panoramic view of his movements and expressions. When he saw that he was not so confident, he also took back his eyes and cooked her dishes seriously.

   After leaving Shao City, I haven't eaten rice for a long time for breakfast. Today is a rare occasion, and Zhang Xuan is very cherished.

  Three dishes, and the two of them still sit in their old seats.

   That is, sitting face to face.

   One bowl of white rice per person, eat quietly.

   After going through what happened last night, the tacit understanding of the two people will not be too much trouble, but there is no communication after a meal.

   In other words, Wen Hui hasn't said a word to him since last night.

  Three dishes, the two of them are clearly distinguished, and they eat the side in front of them, the well water will not make the river water, and the chopsticks will never cross the boundary.

   But to his surprise, Wen Hui actually ate fish with pickled cabbage, and she ate a lot.

   This is comforting, it seems that my craft is still there.

   He has a good appetite, eats fast, and after eating, he picks up and leaves.

   As for washing dishes?

  It’s okay to cook, but forget about washing the dishes. I’ve never washed the dishes in my previous life, so it’s even more impossible in this life.

   Watching him walk away, seeing the door closing, Wen Hui stretched out her chopsticks towards the pickled fish.

(and also…)

   I’m going out in a hurry, I’ll change it first…

   (end of this chapter)

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