The Great Era of Rebirth: 1993

: Ask for a monthly pass

  July is the month that this book is closest to the top ten of the city monthly pass list, and it is also the month with the most monthly monthly passes for this book.

  March would like to thank everyone here.

  It’s just a pity, the 28th is still the 8th place in the city monthly pass list, but I didn’t expect to go after the 12th place.

   So this month, I would like to ask everyone for a guaranteed monthly pass. It is also the first time that this book has issued a single chapter to ask for a guaranteed monthly pass, and it is also the last time that a single monthly monthly pass has been issued.

   About the update:

   At the beginning of July, the target was 240,000 words, and the actual increase was 278,000 words.

  The initial target for August is 260,000 words. If there is a big boss, you can specify the number of updates.

  This month is very important for this book, many things need to be arranged in a context, you can look forward to the next!

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