“This business trip is quite long. I haven’t seen you for a long time and I really miss you all, so I brought some gifts for you all.”

Roy said, taking out a few bottles of wine from somewhere.

Then he distributed them one by one, including Akainu and Sengoku, both of whom had two bottles.

Not to mention Garp and Kizaru.

“I guess you still have some conscience.”

Warring States felt a little comforted.

However, it quickly disappeared.


It was wine?

This bastard actually brought wine to everyone. Isn’t this a bad habit?

“Give it a try. It tastes pretty good. It would be better if it is heated.”

“But I have to ask Sakaski for help. Roy said naturally with a smile on his face.

After saying that, he actually handed a bottle to Akainu.

【They definitely won’t know the secret of this wine]

Akainu’s face was livid, and his heart suddenly became angry.


Are my rock berries just for your hot wine?

Seng Guo’s face became even more ugly.

Doesn’t this bastard know how to talk after the meeting?

This is a meeting!

Drinking during meetings?

And, what’s the secret?

“It’s quite fragrant.”

Kizaru also opened a bottle and smelled it.

After the patient guidance of Roy and Garp, he has now learned to drink, and he can also distinguish good from bad.

“Sakaski, just warm it up!”

Zhan Guo breathed a long sigh of relief and said desperately.

He kept telling himself to be restrained!

If this situation continues, it will be impossible to drive without drinking a little.

Moreover, according to past experience, Roy knows The secret must not be simple.

He just hopes that Roy can tell it, or just think about it in his heart!

Akainu was stunned for a moment.

But since Sengoku also spoke, he reluctantly turned his arm to stone.

He grabbed the wine Bottle.

I was also full of dissatisfaction.

This guy went too far and openly wanted to drink at the meeting.

I didn’t care about this guy in Warring States. If I were the marshal, I would never let him do this!

Soon after, the wine became warm. Except for Lieutenant General He, everyone drank a few sips.

Of course Roy drank a bottle directly, but he had a good drinker and acted as if nothing was wrong.

After seeing everyone drink and accepting the gifts, he I feel relieved.

In fact, this wine is the wine given by Bucky.

It can also be regarded as a gift for the position of Shichibukai.

The result is now better, everyone has been dragged into the water by Roy.

Even if Sengoku finds out in the future, he can’t say anything. Because he did it himself!

Of course, this is basically difficult to detect.

Roy just thought about it early in the morning and be cautious.

Warring States listened attentively, hoping that Roy could reveal some secrets.

However, this was something Roy had already thought about. I thought, he didn’t hear anything

“The meeting begins!”

Zhenguo’s face was livid, and he loudly announced the start of the meeting.

He was already a little depressed before the meeting started.

If he had known that Roy would not say anything, how could he allow him to drink before the meeting?

Why did he drink it himself!

“Let’s review the tasks from the last meeting first. Roy and Kizaru performed well and completed them all.”

“Especially Kizaru, who not only brought Bonnie back, but also severely damaged the Blackbeard Pirates, was given special praise this time.”

Sengoku briefly summarized, and unexpectedly praised Roy and Kizaru in particular.

In addition to completing the task, he also expressed his fairness and justice.

Kizaru finally got some comfort in his heart, although this time it was a bit Unfortunately, he overturned while trying to fish.

But it also made Sengoku improve his view of himself.

This laid a solid foundation for the next time he fished.

On the other hand, Akainu felt a little uncomfortable.

He was exhausted and injured. Supervise the work personally.

Why didn’t he even mention it?

As soon as he saw Roy like this and brought back a bunch of wine, he knew that this guy must not be doing anything serious when he went out!

However, he didn’t know why Roy He doesn’t do anything serious every time.

But he always completes the task, and sometimes exceeds the target.

This makes Akainu even more depressed.……

“That ends what happened last time. Now let’s talk about the latest situation.”

“First of all, Marinefando must strengthen repair work to prevent pirates from attacking again! Now that Porusalino is back, this matter and the guarding work are all left to you!”

“Secondly, many naval cadres were killed or injured in this war. All generals must lead new people and strengthen the cultivation of backbone forces.”

“It has been quiet recently, but it will definitely become more chaotic in the future, and the supernovas are preparing to cause trouble. We must always be prepared!”

Sengoku said slowly, and finally revealed the biggest purpose of this meeting.

To promote the middle-level!

In this war, although the general’s high-level combat power was not damaged, and the sailors were not greatly damaged, the middle-level strength lost a lot.

Now the navy’s power is broken!

“In addition, due to the shortage of manpower, several generals have to add tasks……”

Warring States went on to talk about some specific matters.

It can be said that some of the things that happened to the lieutenant generals before were also thrown onto the generals.

One person can be used by several people.

Roy and Kizaru’s faces suddenly turned pale.

Damn it, forced to work overtime?

Especially Kizaru!

What bothers him the most now is that two years of salary have been deducted, and now he has to increase his workload.

“Marshal of the Warring States Period……”

Kizaru looked sad and wanted to fight for it.

Talk about your pain.

However, he was interrupted by Warring States before he finished speaking.

“Porusalino, the situation is a bit special, you need to stand up!”

After Warring States finished speaking, Kizaru’s expression froze.

You know what I’m going to say before you even open your mouth?”

“Do you have any comments?”

Warring States looked around for a week

【Pooh! There are opinions, of course there are opinions. With extra work and no increase in salary, who the hell wants to join the navy?】

【No, I remember that there is now an international conscription. Why is this matter not mentioned now?】

【Could it be that there is a problem in some link? No one thought about this problem】

【Now that the war has just ended, the whole world is shocked. Those strong men who are not usually famous want to join this great era. If we don’t recruit soldiers now, will they all become pirates?】

【The old monk is so stupid! 】

Warring States eyes suddenly lit up!


Why must we select from the bottom when the strength in the middle level is gone?

Why not just recruit capable people to serve as middle-level cadres?

Why didn’t I think of that?

Warring States slapped his head and wanted to speak out!

Indeed, as Roy said, if the navy does not recruit these strong men at this time, they will soon be taken away by the big pirate group.

If one goes off and the other goes off, that would be very troublesome!

However, he was worried about arousing Roy’s suspicion, so he decided not to steal the idea.

“Roy, do you have any ideas?”

Warring States looked at him with a smile on his face and said.

His attitude improved a lot. He felt really comfortable immediately.

Although this bastard is always annoying, he always has amazing suggestions at critical moments!

“Start world conscription!”

Roy said directly.

Everyone was stunned.

Warring States was overjoyed that the good boy was finally willing to say it.

However, he pretended to be stunned for a moment before he suddenly realized it.

Then he repeated Roy’s reasons. Read it again.

It was like he figured it out in an instant

“This is good. If you recruit more people, you don’t have to do the work of several people!”

Kizaru was the first to stand up and express his approval.

“It does make sense. There are still many strong people in the world who are unwilling to start as sailors!”

Garp nodded.

As a recruit instructor, coupled with his status, his words carry great weight.

Not surprisingly, everyone expressed their agreement.

A proud expression appeared on Sengoku’s face unconsciously.

Who can not Like other people’s praise?

He suddenly realized that it would be good if Roy was used well!

However, Akainu looked annoyed.

How come this… is the same as what I thought?

Why didn’t I say it first ? Oh!

Hey! Fake wine can harm people!

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