The Great Master of Illusion in Naruto World

Chapter 779: : The Secret of Time Space Art

"Hahaha, it seems that the battle on Tsunade-sama's side is about to end!" Kai shouted at Kakashi and Naruto with a thumbs up: "We have to cheer too, youth is not allowed to fall behind!"

   "ho~ But the outside golem has already set up a barrier, we can only defeat the masked man first. Ye!" Kirabi said with a serious analysis.

   "My goal was him from the beginning! That guy." Naruto looked at Daido and said firmly.

   Kakashi looked a little flustered, and he thought of a certain possibility. He recalled the scene where he tried to twist off the Golem with Shenwei before. In his memory, Shenwei had never been stopped. Coupled with the cracks that appeared on the mask after Lei Che Kuwu was transferred by the divine power...

"It's useless to just think about it. Although this hypothesis is whimsical, it's not impossible." Kakashi must have said in his heart: "Kay, Naruto, Kirabi, I want to confirm something, please Do me a favor."

   "Just ask!" Naruto said with a big grin.

   "Okay." Kakashi nodded and explained the next battle plan to the three of them.

   Then, Kirabi held Kakashi, Naruto, and Kai in his hands, and then threw it toward the soil. When Kakashi and Naruto approached the soil, they borrowed their strength on a floating boulder and jumped to another location. Kai was clutching the nunchaku, and a stick smashed the boulder and pressed it down towards the soil on the ground.

   "It's amazingly destructive." Watching Kay fall into the gravel, his face was indifferent. He has entered a state of imagining, ignoring the falling gravel and Kai directly.

   "Oh! How? It's too late to absorb it!" Kai nunchaku danced like an electric fan, but all his attacks passed directly through the soiled body, without a trace of results.

"It's useless, your attack is meaningless in front of Shalunyan. I have seen through your movements. I will accept this pair of weapons." After taking the soil, he shook his hands and directly grabbed Kai's. Nunchaku. Then activate the divine power, ready to put Kai's weapon into the bag.

   "Just now!" Kai was not surprised, but bent down slightly. Naruto, who was hiding behind him, rushed out, holding Helix Maru in one hand and pressing down on the soil.

   "I said it's useless, don't you understand?" Daido absorbed Kai's nunchaku while reaching out to grab Naruto.

   "Shenwei!" Kakashi hid in the dark and saw Naruto's Helix Maru passing through the soiled body, and immediately activated God's might to transfer Helix Maru. But Naruto still passed through the soiled body, and the two changed positions. Naruto looked back, but saw that the soiled shoulder suddenly exploded. The soil was blown out, if it weren't for the Uchiha group fan stuck in the crack of the stone, it might have flew farther.

   The two joined Kakashi, and Naruto said excitedly: "Kakashi-sensei is right. Although I don't know why, I finally hit!"

   "It turns out that this is the case. Naruto didn't revoke the spiral pill. It's transferred the spiral pill with the power of God!" With soil lying on the ground, he said calmly, as if he was not injured.

"Sure enough, as I thought, I thought you had both penetration and item absorption and release. But that's not the case. You only have one!" Kakashi pointed to the soil and said with certainty .

"His technique has only one technique?" Kai was very surprised. He looked at Kakashi and said, "No one is better than you in terms of analysis ability. Please also briefly explain his technique. For his technique Knowing it or not is related to the transformation of fighting methods."

"The essentials of this technique are very simple," Kakashi said calmly: "Like absorption ninjutsu, penetration is also time-space ninjutsu. First of all, the cracks on the guy's mask are caused by my kunai. There is no doubt about this. And the wound on his shoulder was caused by the spiral pill just now. What these two wounds have in common is that when Naruto’s body penetrates his body, they are both heavy. Merge the contact location. And these two scars have one thing in common, they are all caused by my transferring the kunai and helix pill to time and space by using the magic technique."

   "I always feel like I'm going to reveal some big secret." Looking at Kakashi's serious appearance, Kai swallowed and said.

   "That's right," Kakashi said with a wry smile: "From the above situation, I infer that his space-time ninjutsu and my divine power space are connected."

   "Oh!...Wait, wait a minute...what do you mean?" Kai looked at Kakashi in surprise, and asked with an exaggerated expression: "Why is his pupil technique connected to your pupil technique?"

   "Time space ninjutsu, is it connected no matter who uses it?" Kirabi moved over and asked curiously. After all, when it comes to time and space, the first thing he thinks of is the four generations of Hokage Wave's Fengshui Gate, and that man singled out the combination of him and Ai.

   "No," Kakashi shook his head and denied, "It should be only me and him."

   "I won't discuss this first, why didn't it hit him with my fist, but the disappearing kunai?" Naruto asked, looking at Kakashi.

   "That's right, even if the spaces are connected, doesn't it mean that you can hit a guy who can be penetrated?" Kai added immediately.

   "The so-called penetration is just our wishful thinking." Kakashi looked at the soil and said calmly.

   "What do you mean?" Naruto asked with confusion.

"Your attack may seem to have been penetrated, but in fact it was just that the part of the guy's body that was in contact with you moved into space. In other words, the part of the guy's left face that was penetrated by your fist was not so much a penetration Thoroughly speaking, it's better to say that it disappeared from this space, moved and existed in time space. Moreover, it was in physical form. And at almost the same time, I used divine power to transfer Lei Che Kuwu to time space. That guy stretched out his hand. I moved forward in order to catch you. Right beside him, I shot Lei Che Kumou also completed the temporal and spatial movement, so it cracked the mask." Kakashi slowed down his speech and analyzed what he had analyzed as much as possible. The information is clear, so that the three passionate men around him can understand.

   Naruto put his chin in one hand, and carefully recalled the spiral pill that had just hit the soil, nodded suddenly and said: "That's it!"

   "But, why is your pupil technique connected to his pupil technique?" Kai was puzzled and couldn't help looking at Kakashi.

   Kakashi stared at Daito and asked, "Where did you get that eye?"

   "From where?" Taking the soil stood up and was about to answer, suddenly feeling a dangerous breath coming from behind. His expression changed, and immediately faded. The next moment, a figure flew upside down. Kakashi, Naruto, and Kay reacted extremely and escaped dangerously. Kirabi was too big to avoid it, and was directly hit by this figure and flew out.

   "Uncle Bi!" Naruto instantly entered the nine-tailed state and turned to look at Kirabi who was knocked out.

   "What's the matter? Is this guy's reinforcements coming?!" Kai asked solemnly.

   "It's too fast, I didn't see it clearly!" Kakashi said with wide eyes.

   "Cough, cough, cough..." There was a cough in the dust, a figure slowly walked out, and then a familiar voice came out: "Fortunately, it's you, otherwise I don't know how far to fly!"

  Naruto looked at the brawny who came out, and shouted in surprise: "Uncle Raikage?!"

   "It's me!" The fourth generation Raikage seemed to be beaten a bit miserably, but he could still jump. He looked at the opposite belt and asked: "Is this guy calling himself Uchiha Madara?"

   "Big brother, you are still alive, woye~ but it hurts more than the uncle being hit! You idiot! You idiot!" Kirabi slipped out, rubbing his chest with one hand and singing with gestures with the other.

"Don't think that I can't beat you in your state!" The fourth generation of Raikage turned his head and glared at Kirabi, then looked at everyone and said: "Continue to hand over to you here, but the filthy reincarnation spot over there has not been resolved, I I have to rush over to help."

   "..." Kakashi and Kay glanced at each other, a feeling of sorrow that was full of slots but nowhere to vomit.


   First set a small goal, such as 1 second remember: Shukeju

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