

Smoke billowed and flames roared.

The earth within a radius of tens of meters has been reduced to ruins.

A wall of extremely thick ice was smashed apart and melted into pieces.

The ground was wet, and a lot of water vapor was permeated.


The gray-faced green pheasant rushed out in embarrassment.

His eyes were sharp, looking straight at Kane in front of him.

“Click…” The right hand made a palm knife shape, and directly turned into ice cubes.

An astonishing cold air gushed: “Ice cube violent pheasant mouth!” ”


A huge ice bird directly condensed out.

Carrying terrifying freezing air, he fluttered his wings and fluttered towards Kane in front.

Everywhere it passed, everything was frozen.

To directly freeze Kane completely.

“It’s useless!”

Kane sneered.

Without showing weakness, his right hand suddenly raised: “Samadhi True Fire Immortal Fire Phoenix!” ”

“Crackling…” Golden flames kept gushing out, burning violently there.

It turned into a huge, lifelike fire phoenix, bathed in raging flames and full of life.

The fierce fire dyed the entire sky golden and burned the atmosphere to the point of distortion.

It raised its head to the sky and rushed out directly.


“Zig… Zig…”

All of a sudden——

The huge ice bird and the blazing fire phoenix collided strongly.

The violent air wave carried an astonishing high temperature, and it couldn’t stop rushing in all directions.

A large amount of ice is directly melted and evaporated mercilessly.

The entire area becomes misty and evaporates.


The heat wave continues, and the phoenix grows.

Although after burning through the huge ice bird, the fire has weakened by half.

But that huge fire phoenix was still fierce.

Straight towards the green pheasant whose face has changed greatly.



“Crackle… Snap…”

The flames burst into the sky and the smoke filled the air.

The earth was burned black.

The surrounding jungle has already been set on fire.

The ferocious fire could not help but expand in all directions.

“Hmm… Hmm…”

Human-shaped ice cubes condensed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The green pheasant was covered in cold qi, and half of its body turned into ice cubes, looking a little embarrassed.

With a solemn face, sharp eyes looked at Kane in front of him, a little uncertain: “This guy…”

He had to admit it.

This kind of guy who has infinite force and is invulnerable, and who has an extremely high temperature flame, makes him unable to freeze directly.

It’s a bit tricky and difficult.

Fortunately, although the other party did not know which horn appeared from, he only mastered the domineering color of seeing and smelling, and did not master the domineering color of arming.

Otherwise, I am afraid that it will be more troublesome.

But if you let it go, let it escape here.

In the future, I am afraid that it will be another BIG· Monsters like MOM or Kaido.

“Oh? Coming? ”

This time.

A pair of eyes that seem to have two flames burning, golden light is dazzling.

Looking at the naval fleet that was already clearly visible on the sea in the distance, Kane couldn’t help but squint.

In contrast to his body, the external avatar located in the submarine cannot be maintained for long.

At present, it can only support two hours.

Enough, though!


Hook under your feet.

A boulder half a man tall flew up.

Held by him with one hand.

The next moment.

That half-human-tall boulder.

was directly and unceremoniously thrown at the pheasant by Kane: “Thirty times!” Magnify! ”


In a flash.

Breaking through the air with a dramatic roar.

The sky darkened.

It was originally a stone that was only about a meter tall and unremarkable.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a boulder tens of meters high, like a small mountain.

Covering the sky, it fell violently from the top of the pheasant’s head.

It makes people break out in a cold sweat.


The green pheasant’s pupils shrank sharply and couldn’t help but change color.

Without hesitation, the whole person retreated like lightning.


The earth roared.

Large clouds of smoke and dust billowed up.

I don’t know when, the boulder that just fell from the sky has disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

But on the ground, there was a shocking huge pit full of cracks.

Telling the outside world about the amazing scene just now is not an illusion.

It’s what really happened.

“Boom… Boom…”

Right at this moment.

A series of loud noises came from the direction of the coast.

Let the green pheasant and Kane both couldn’t help but look over.

I saw that the ships that were frozen there had all been ruthlessly blown up.

Burning fire, billowing smoke.

A large number of people were ruthlessly affected, and the deaths and injuries were heavy.

“That guy Sakaski…”

Witness this dehumanizing scene.

The green pheasant opened its mouth wide, broke out in cold sweat, and was shocked and angry.

Recognized the warship that opened fire, it was the flagship of the candidate “Red Dog” of the senior admiral of the naval headquarters.

He never expected that Sakaski, as the supreme commander of this operation, would directly order to fire on those innocent people.

Obviously, they only need to eliminate those scholars.

“What are you still pretending to be surprised there?”

Take in the horrific scene.

There was a slight fluctuation in Kane’s eyes, but it quickly turned indifferent.

Looking coldly at the green pheasant who couldn’t believe it, he said sarcastically: “Isn’t the purpose of your navy here to completely destroy O’Hara?” ”

“Don’t you think that if you doodle the word ‘justice’ on your cloak, you can really represent the so-called justice, right?”

“It’s just a lackey of the world government, don’t fool yourself there!”

If the green pheasant is willing to strike directly for these people, he will even clash with the red dog.

He may still look up at the other person.

But it is clear that nothing can be done except incompetent silence.

The position is not firm, sympathize with those who are innocent, but also undecided….

Such a swing from side to side, cowardly and incompetent justice.

In vain to make people laugh.

“I didn’t know that guy was going to do that…”

The green pheasant’s face changed.

Clenching his fists firmly, he took a deep breath.

His gaze gradually turned to firmness, and he looked directly at Kane in front of him: “But the justice in everyone’s mind will change because of different positions, although I do not recognize Sakaski’s justice, but I will not be shaken by your words.” ”

“However, you are such a dangerous fellow, let’s stay here!”

He didn’t hesitate any longer.

Murderous rushed in.

Make up your mind to do your best to keep each other as much as possible.

After all, if you let such a young monster who has simply gathered the two major templates of Charlotte Lingling and Hundred Beast Kaido leave here, give it plenty of time to grow up.

He is bound to become a great threat to the naval headquarters and even the world government.

“Ice cubes, two spears!”

I saw the green pheasant with his hands interlaced, and the freezing air was raging.

Several extremely sharp and cold double-headed spears were directly condensed in the air.

Entwined with high-level armed color domineering, lightning tearing the atmosphere.

Without mercy, he stabbed towards Kane in front of him.


“Boom… Boom…”


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