Kong Xuan rushed towards the golden lion, clasping his hands together.

Along with his voice, the power of the five elements between heaven and earth turned into five-colored light.

Then, the five-colored light converged behind Kong Xuan, forming a five-color FaLun, which was connected together in a mysterious way.

The brilliant light emitted by the five-colored FaLun seems to be able to destroy everything in the world.

An extremely terrifying aura emanated from Kong Xuan’s body.

“Your Majesty, is Your Majesty a god and a man?”

Looking at Kong Xuan in the air, Wei Wei’s eyes showed adoration.

So beautiful.

For the peacock opening screen ghost behind him, a FaLun mystery is unpredictable, reflecting Kong Xuan in the light.

Vivi can only say, so beautiful.

However, this beauty carries endless horror.

Facing Kong Xuan in such a state, she only felt like she was facing a god.

And now, Kong Xuan is obviously in a state of wrath of the gods.

Under the wrath of the gods, how can mortals resist?

“Will die, absolutely will die.”

Suzaku shook his head frantically, his expression surprised with fear.

No matter what she thought, she couldn’t think of how she could survive in front of Kong Xuan now.


Keeping the whole corpse was her luxury.

Fortunately, such a powerful Kong Xuan is their king.

The stronger Wang was, the more excited she became.

“As His Majesty’s bodyguard, I am really derelict in my duties.”

In another place, Bai Ge, who had solved all the golden lion’s men, looked into the air and muttered to himself.

As His Majesty’s bodyguard, he was very disappointed in himself when he solved some small minions here.

Why let His Majesty personally take action?

That’s right.

Or he is not strong enough, so he needs His Majesty to personally intervene.

You must redouble your efforts to become stronger in order to truly help Your Majesty!


The golden lion roared and swung his knife down.

The huge golden lion outside the body immediately accelerated its impact towards Kong Xuan.

The dense slashes on the golden lion’s body even shattered the air.


Kong Xuan also waved his hand at the same time and pressed down towards the golden lion.

The five-colored FaLun behind him emitted a multicolored light.

In an instant, the multicolored light crossed a distance of hundreds of meters and brushed the golden sword qi giant lion.

“Whoa, whoa.”

The sun and spring are white and the ice water is melting.

The scene at this time can only be described as such.

Dan saw that the sword qi giant lion that was brushed by the five-colored divine light had no power to resist.

All the slashes that came into contact with the five-colored divine light instantly collapsed and dissipated.

The entire sword qi giant lion was half destroyed in the blink of an eye.

Moreover, with the spread and invasion of the five-colored divine light, the speed of the dissipation of the sword qi giant lion continued to accelerate.

In the air, only the red aura formed by the overlord color winding remained.

Red lightning flashed powerlessly in the air.

Losing the attached sword qi, the overlord color gradually dissipated.

The sword qi slash is naturally within the five elements, and it is naturally brushed into nothingness by the five-colored divine light.

The overlord color domineering is the embodiment of will and courage, and belongs to spiritual power.

Therefore, the five-colored divine light could not destroy the overlord color together.


The five-colored divine light kept flowing, completely destroying the entire sword qi giant lion.

The Golden Lion Terrifying Such a Strongest Sword Technique dissipated.

“Damn it! How could I have such a restrained ability to bear fruit? ”

The golden lion behind the giant lion of sword qi did not dare to roar.

From the very beginning of the battle, he was completely restrained.

The objects controlled by his fluttering fruit were all destroyed by the kid’s restrained attributes.

And now, he has opened the fruit awakening.

Any object that enters the realm of his fruit will be manipulated by him.

However, it is light, this kind of attack without a physical object.

Light has no substance, and naturally cannot be affected by the realm of his fluttering fruit.

It can be said that his fruit ability was completely restrained by that kid.

This is not a war crime, but the restraint of the fruit, how can he be willing?

In the last battle of his life, how could he meet someone who could completely restrain him?

“Erdaoliu Lion Flash.”

The unwilling golden lion swung his knife again and accelerated his impact towards Kong Xuan.

He hasn’t lost yet.

As long as that kid enters the range of his domain, he can control the other party’s clothes and cause confinement.

His next slash can accurately divide the opponent into two halves.

“Lie down!”

Kong Xuan’s eyes were ancient and unwavering, and his index finger was pointed towards the golden lion.

Above the fingertips, the power of the five elements flows brightly and extinguished, forming a five-colored divine light.

With Kong Xuanyi’s finger, the five-colored divine light appeared in front of the golden lion in an instant.


The five-colored divine light hit the double swords in the hands of the golden lion, and the power of Xuan Ao came out.

As soon as the golden lion loosened his hand, two famous knives fell from the air.

And the golden lion itself is also constantly retreating.

The power of that multicolored light, he had just seen it with his own eyes.

If the body is contaminated, I am afraid that the body will immediately dissipate into nothingness.


After the five-colored divine light, Kong Xuan flew out extremely quickly.

When the golden lion did not respond, he stepped on the golden lion.

Even if you open the Fluttering Fruit Realm, you must be able to lock his body.

With the current golden lion’s sight, it can’t do such a thing.

That’s right.

The moment the golden lion retreated, the power he gained by burning his life force weakened and went first.

Losing the idea of not being afraid of death, how could he continue to burn his life force?


Under Kong Xuan’s foot, the golden lion immediately lost consciousness and fell from the air.

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