Kingdom of God, Apayado.

In the temple of Anilu, Anilu was lazy and half lying.

Suddenly, Anilu straightened his upper body in surprise, and his eyes flickered.

“These people, where did they come from?”

In his mental perception, many people and birds broke into Angel Island.

Moreover, whether it is a bird or a person, the aura is extremely powerful.

Six or seven hundred people, and powerful flying bird mounts, who are these?

“Hmm! Test it first, and aim for the leader! ”

Ainilu thought about it, and his right hand turned into a ball of lightning.

“God’s sanction.”

Thunder and lightning flew out, aiming at the leader in the air and falling.

However, something happened to Ainilu’s surprise.

Then the leader actually grabbed his thunder and lightning with his hand.

How is this possible?

How is it possible for humans to catch lightning with their hands?

“Is it the same fruit ability as me? Hum! ”

Ainilu thought about it and snorted coldly.

Devil Fruit, he still knows, and he also knows that his power comes from the Thunder Fruit.

However, even if the lightning bolt was caught by someone’s hand, Ainilu was still very confident.

But he is God, and no one can touch God’s body.


Angel Island.

Kong Xuan held the thunderbolt in one hand, and with a fierce pinch, he crushed the lightning and dissipated it in the air.

At this time, Jin Wuwei and Divine Phoenix Wei also moved quickly to gather the residents of Angel Island.

A Jin Wuwei handed Kong Xuan a megaphone bug.

“Rest quiet, I am the king of the Phoenix Kingdom, and there is an announcement.”

Kong Xuan also did not talk nonsense, and directly announced overbearingly:

“From now on, Angel Island, Apayado, and Yunyin Village will all be owned by the Phoenix Country.”

There is no high-sounding statement, Kong Xuan’s statement is unusually straightforward.

He set out with hundreds of men, not to get the consent of the inhabitants of Angel Island.

An Anilu can rule Angel Island for six or seven years, and of course he can.

The people of Angel Island, accustomed to giving in, would not think of resisting.

“He, what is he talking about?”

“King of the Phoenix Kingdom? Doesn’t he know God Anilu? ”

“It’s over, these people are all over, God must be angry.”

“Think that if you block a thunder and lightning from God, you can provoke God? He’s still too young! ”

However, at this moment, Ainilu had not fallen, and the residents of Angel Island looked at Kong Xuan sympathetically.

As for what Kong Xuan announced, no one would put it in their eyes.

God, invincible!

Even if this person catches a lightning bolt from God, he will surely die in God’s hands.

Not only him, but the hundreds of people he brought with him, will die today.

It’s miserable.

He had no idea that his words had cost hundreds of lives.

“Hey, is he here to occupy here? Is he a bad guy? ”

The Straw Hat gang also crowded into the crowd, and Luffy asked suspiciously.

It sounds like this place belongs to a guy named Anilu, so isn’t the King of the Phoenix Kingdom an invader?

The King of the Phoenix defeated the crocodile bastard, and he always thought he was a good guy.

“It seems to be, but it seems that everyone is very scared, afraid of the guy named Anilu.”

Sauron sensed the atmosphere of fear very clearly, and his face became heavy.

God Anilu.

Just listening to the name, there is a sense of oppression, and the strength must be good.

In particular, it is estimated that it is a difficult guy to deal with who can make everyone on Angel Island fearful.

“Everyone be careful, the battle should happen soon.”

Sanji also had a heavy face, wary of his surroundings.

Now the situation is unknown, and anyone around may be an enemy.

“Namisan, let me protect you.”

Then, Sanji came to Nami’s side, and his body swayed into waves.

“That young man, you better run away! Don’t give your life in vain. ”

Ganfur, who was riding an ugly horse-like strange bird, kindly reminded Kong Xuan.

How terrifying Anilu was, he had personally faced it back then.

Even though these hundreds of people look terrifying, they still can’t compare with Anilu!

“Hmph, extremely arrogant, looking for death.”

In the temple, Ainilu turned into lightning and flew out.

After gathering his four priests and hundreds of guards, he rushed towards Angel Island.

Here, however, is the territory of his Ani Road.

To declare that it belongs to the territory of some Phoenix Country is this provoking him?

Since he wanted death so much, he gave those people capital sin.

“Coming, the imposing search for death!”

Ruri looked in the direction of Apayado, chuckling and shaking her head.

The elementalization of the natural devil fruit is really easy to make people have the illusion of invincibility!

Obviously, His Majesty grabbed the thunder and lightning with his bare hands, hasn’t he woken up yet?

“Attacking Your Majesty, you have committed a capital crime!”

Liuli’s expression also became serious, and he muttered in his heart.

Although she doesn’t have much respect for Kong Xuan, it doesn’t mean that she can allow others to be presumptuous in front of Kong Xuan.

Attacking the king of the Phoenix Kingdom is already a capital offense.

“Then it’s up to you.”

Kong Xuan yawned, and a wooden throne appeared behind him.

A Divine Phoenix Guard soldier sent a cushion very intimately, and Kong Xuan immediately half lay down.

Since Liuli wanted to try the power of the Dark Fruit, he couldn’t help it.

There are also Suzaku and Bai Ge and others here, and there is no need for his king to personally make a move.

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