Chapter 82 Heading to the headquarters of the Navy, about to enter the war!!

Advance the city.

No, at this moment, the advancing city has been reduced to ruins, and it can only be said that it is the former site of the advancing city.

Under the action of Barrett’s combined fruit, the entire huge propulsion city was completely destroyed.

On the old site, only Wei Wei controlled a large piece of the ceiling, floating in mid-air.

Under the sea, countless fish and sea kings follow the smell of blood.

The scramble over corpses has destabilized the seas.

“Weiwei, head towards the headquarters of the Navy.”

Kong Xuan stood on the edge of the ceiling and looked in the direction of the naval headquarters.

Now, it’s time to complete the deal with Whitebeard.

“Then, let’s see how the battle is going first!”

Kong Xuan took out a telephone bug from the inner pocket of his clothes and operated it.

After a while, the eyes of the telephone worm released a light, forming a light curtain

On the screen of the light curtain, it is the battlefield of the headquarters of the navy.


Behind Kong Xuan, his eyes immediately rolled and lost his mind.

With just one glance, he saw Ace lying on the ground with a big hole in his chest.

“Daddy, Daddy is in danger! Please, please hurry up. ”

Shen Ping quickly reacted and gave Vivi a big gift.

On the battlefield, the red dog was seriously injured and did not retreat, and the green pheasant and the yellow ape besieged Whitebeard.

Even Whitebeard, facing the three major generals at the same time, is instantly scarred.

Whitebeard’s iconic curved beard was half ruined by Chifuxiao.

“Yes, yes.”

Vivi was taken aback by Shen Ping, and the ceiling flight speed increased again.

“That’s Captain Roger’s son, Ace? The strength is really weak! ”

Barrett also looked at the dead Ace and mocked mercilessly.

With his combat experience, a glance at the battlefield can tell that Ace died under one blow.

Even the general’s blow could not be blocked, which could not be compared with Captain Roger

At the time of his arrest, he was just a lieutenant general, how could he ever put it in his eyes?

“Karp, Sengoku, Lao Tzu is back ~”. ”

Barrett looked at Karp and Sengoku and laughed heartily.

“Navy headquarters Marin Fando, completely destroy!”

Barrett laughed for a moment, his face grimacing.

On his body, a trace of ghost aura emanated, and Barrett was reflected like a devil.

“I really don’t miss the old love! Don’t you want to avenge Ace? ”

Kong Xuan glanced at Barrett and asked with a smile.

As a member of Roger’s pirates, since he is going to the battlefield, he should want to see revenge for Ace!

Barrett, in particular, is clearly capable of revenge in the event of a serious injury in the red dog.

“Are you kidding? Do you really think the pirates are playing the family game? ”

“When a pirate has to have the consciousness of death, Ace’s strength is not good, who is to blame?”

“Moreover, he didn’t even inherit Roger’s surname Gor, and he joined the Whitebeard Pirates, what does it matter to me?”

Barrett sneered, looking extremely disdainful.

Pirates are not a game of family, death will follow.

In case of death, no one is to blame, and they can only blame their own weak strength.

Moreover, why should he help Ace avenge?

Ace’s full name, Portkas S. D. Ace has nothing to do with Roger

Of course, if Ace inherits Roger’s last name, he will definitely be the first to kill Ace after he is released from prison.

Roger’s surname, a weak person is not eligible to inherit.

“That’s a shame.”

Kong Xuan shook his head and didn’t say much to Barrett.

He also thought that Barrett and the red dog would fight hard and let him pick up a bargain!

“You Phoenix Country, the love investment is very powerful!”

The Red Count, who had looked at it for a long time, suddenly nodded in praise.

“The live video I am watching now should not be live broadcast by the Navy, right?”

Compared to the battlefield, the Red Earl pays more attention to small details.

The video I am watching now does not fully show the battlefield, but only locks in some important people.

Moreover, Ace, who will be executed, did not die at the execution table, and the Navy should not broadcast live.

“You should observe carefully.”

Kong Xuan nodded, but did not explain.

The live broadcast they are watching now is actually the work of intelligence officers of the ground network.

The leader of the ground network, Mu Lin, one of the trumpet identities, is a rear admiral of the naval headquarters.

If there is any accident in this war, the navy will immediately turn off the live broadcast, which is not what Kong Xuan wants.

Because of the wanted by the world government, the major forces have noticed the existence of the Phoenix Country.

There is no point in continuing to hide, but it will be considered that the Phoenix Country is weak and bullying.

Just right, take advantage of this grand war to show the world the strength of the Phoenix Country.

Lest others think that he, a billion-dollar bounty criminal, is just a false name.

Moreover, how can this opportunity to sweep the majesty of the world government be wasted?

After a war, the naval headquarters and the advance city, which represented justice, were completely destroyed.

This situation will make the world government fretful, right?

He has decided to march to Qinghai, and now it can be regarded as the first shot in front of the eyes of the world!

“That’s fine! After so many years of imprisonment, the world should also remember my name as Count Red. ”

Count Red nodded indifferently, but a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

If there is no live broadcast, he will go around the headquarters of the Navy and forget it, and he does not plan to make any efforts.

After all, with his old body, it is not good to fight with Karp and Sengoku.

However, when it will be seen by the world, it will not be able to degrade the prestige of the Red Earl.

Advancing the old site of the city, Kong Xuan and the others left not long ago.

A warship flying the flag of the world government appears! The CP0s in the bow of the ship were at a loss.

In front of their eyes, where is the advancing city?

“Inform the Marshal of the Warring States that the Phoenix State destroyed the advancing city, most likely went to the headquarters of the Navy, and the escaped personnel are unknown.”

The masked CP0 leader ordered.

“Order, the warship is heading towards the headquarters of the Navy, moving at full speed.”

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