The Greatest Showman

Chapter 412: Totally natural

For role play, clothing is undoubtedly the most important part, not only those costume movies, but also modern works. Appropriate clothing is essential for role positioning.

Imagine Van Diesel wearing a big red T-shirt with ripped jeans all day long, pretending to be handsome in the "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion" series. The picture is so beautiful that people dare not look directly at it.

The Oscar's Best Costume Design Award is not randomly set up.

The three modern films that I starred in before did not involve too many styles of clothing, and they were relatively simple. "Buried alive" is a set of clothes to wear to the end; "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5" is a solid color T-shirt and military uniform in the style of a tough guy. The only set of "Love Is Crazy" is actually mostly used by Lan Li's personal clothes.

Lanly’s clothes are mainly shirts. On abnormal occasions, he has a variety of casual shirts, which can provide different matching combinations. In addition, Lanli also has some of his clothes in casual sports styles, including surfing and skateboarding. Some clothing purchased later.

The interlacing and matching of these clothes has shaped Jacob's youthful overall style, slightly nerdy, but not too trimmed because of the carpenter's craftsmanship.

But this time, Adam was not like that.

Due to the lack of sufficient space in the script, the image and style of the character must be supplemented by objective factors such as styling, housing, and hairstyle.

In the last life, Adam played by Joseph Gordon Levitt, the style of clothing is basically the same as "500 days with Summer": a shirt is matched with a sweater cardigan or a pullover, otherwise it is a casual suit worn by young people. Wear different styles of sweaters.

Simply put, this is the stereotype of a lively and fresh otaku. It's just that, in comparison, Adam will be a little more down-to-earth-or rather old fashioned. But overall, there is still consistency between the two.

Due to the similarity of the costume styles, this has increasingly made the different roles of the two films similar.

The costumes prepared by the crew for Lan Li have not gotten rid of such a style. They are basically the standard equipment for otaku, but according to Will's personal style, there will be slightly more types of shirts. Today Will wears a plaid shirt, not the rough style of western cowboys, but a fresh academic style with a little bourgeoisie feel.

However, this is not the Adam in Renly's conception. To be precise, the image of Adam that Renly finally established is not only a far cry from Joseph's version, but also somewhat deviated from Will in real life.

In Lan Li's view, Adam does have a tendency to be an otaku, but he has his own distinct style.

Usually, in private, Adam should keep everything simple and choose a solid-color T-shirt. There is no special tailoring or design. It is an ordinary T-shirt, but the size is more suitable, not too wide or too tight, and the color is also the same. Cool colors are the main ones, but not monotonous black and white colors, such as navy blue, dark green, smoky gray, and so on.

Because Adam is a very low-key personality. He doesn't need and doesn't want to flaunt his maverick, he will not wear those T-shirts with rock band motifs, or tailored T-shirts with a strong style.

For Adam, these were too public and deliberate, as if he couldn't wait to announce his personality to the world and constantly emphasize his uniqueness. But in fact, this kind of dressing choice is already a label in itself, a label called "personality". Just like contemporary society, it is too exaggerated and too direct. Everything floats on the surface and is clear at a glance.

When going to work, Adam would choose a shirt because it is more formal.

Compared to solid-color shirts, those retro styles will be more suitable, such as stripes, such as plaid, such as polka dots. Not the exaggerated design style, but the youthful and formal college style.

Deep down, Adam actually worships and admires the culture of the golden age. He is the "Y century" generation, who was born in the 1980s. He missed the best era of movies, missed the best era of music, and missed The best age.

Although he saw the heyday of television and the peak of the dance hall, he benefited from the influence of his parents when he was a child, but he has always admired the glory that passed away, tirelessly absorbing the rich cultural heritage, and imagining that he can return to the time. It's like the story of "Midnight Paris".

Therefore, compared to the rigid and serious solid-color shirt, Adam's style is closer to the Parisian chic and free, but with the restraint of a nerd.

This is definitely not the otaku immersed in his own world in "500 Days with Summer", nor the dull young man performed by Joseph in the previous life, or even Will Rissel. He is Adam-Lerner, an ordinary person, a living ordinary person with his own personality.

He is low-key, introverted, sunny, active, slow-heating, slightly clumsy, but he has his own sharp, sharp, clear, persistent, persevering, and refuses to give up easily.

Before reading the script, Adam’s image has come to life, not only in dressing, but also in facial expressions, hand movements, and even the habit of eyes. All the details have become full and full, and there is no need to deliberately figure it out. Even deliberately performing, everything is hidden in the blood, and it is natural.

Lan Li didn't need to read the lines at all, closed his eyes, and he could imagine that when Adam first learned of his true illness, his facial expressions and mental activities. Everything is so real, as if he was back to the day after he was sober in the car accident. Just open your eyes and reality has arrived.

Before the doctor entered the room, he was reading the pamphlet provided by the hospital so that people could learn some basic information about cancer and treatment. He was reading very seriously, sitting on a chair with a straight back, and the fingers of his left hand couldn't help but began to turn the pencil - but at this time, there was no pencil in his hand, and he could only make a void posture.

The sound of opening the door made him raise his head, fart/struck slightly left the chair, trying to stand up, but found that the doctor did not raise his head at all, just whispered "Hello", there was no communication between the two people's eyes, he returned With a word of "Hi", he stretched out his right hand and prepared to greet, but the doctor closed the door and did not leave the report in his hand at all. This made Adam's movements a bit embarrassing, scratching his head awkwardly, and then sat down again.

Adam's sight followed the doctor, but the doctor never raised his head and sat down directly opposite him. Even after sitting down, the doctor still did not cast his sight, but directly looked at the computer screen, not knowing what he was checking.

He showed a friendly smile, his gaze moved following the doctor's eyes, ready to say hello at any time, and hoped to have a little eye contact, but his wait was lost, and the doctor had already started on his own. I picked up the recording pen, put it to my mouth, and said, "The patient's symptoms include low back pain and night sweats. The blood test and urine test are normal..."

Adam's expression was slightly stunned, his eyes drifted for a while, and he began to study, what brand is the doctor's voice recorder? Look at the buttons and gloss above, it seems to be Sony's, he should have seen it in the electrical shop before.

The doctor’s voice was still chattering, Adam’s eyes flickered, and he told himself that this was his examination report and he needed to concentrate, but the doctor’s indifference and alienation gave him an illusion, as if he were The illusion of an outsider, no one can see him at all, he is just a puppet sitting here.

"... MRI showed that in the psoas major muscle, there is a spread of intradural malignant neurofibrommoma, accompanied by nerve root compression syndrome and bone erosion, located in the L2 to L5 area of ​​the spine. The patient needs Biopsy to verify the condition..."

Adam was distracted, his eyes fell on the computer screen next to him, what brand of computer was that? Does the hospital's computer cooperate with a large group? But he had heard before that iPads are now popularized in hospitals. Wait, is the iPad available now? Is it 2010? Still 2017? In addition to Apple, other companies seem to have tablet computers, right?

The doctor's words were like a monk chanting, a lot of Sanskrit scripts that he didn't understand were gurgling, but Adam's attention had been completely lost.

He blinked, took a deep breath quietly, and quickly withdrew his attention. He hasn't forgotten that today he came to ask about the results of his inspection report. He still has work to do in a while. In the evening, he made an appointment with Kyle to play darts in the bar... Wait, he can no longer continue his thoughts.

Converging his attention, Adam found that the doctor was still talking and couldn't stop at all. The large section of unfamiliar medical vocabulary really made people dizzy, so Adam Adjusted his sitting posture, raised his right hand for a gesture, trying to attract the doctor's attention, but he failed, so he waved his hand gently, agitated the air, and disrupted the doctor's sight.

Sure enough, the doctor stopped talking, paused the recorder, and raised his head, "Why, is there a problem?"

"Yes, I would like to ask, what brand is the recorder? I mean, I also bought one before, but the functions are not so complete..." Adam asked curiously. After speaking, there was a brief appearance on the scene. For about half a second, Adam put his right hand down in a hesitant smile, showing an apologetic smile, and then said seriously, "Sorry, I mean, I didn't understand the words just now."

With a kind smile on Adam's face, his dark brown eyes kept widening, as if he was trying to avoid falling asleep again, so that his expression was slightly funny, "Is there something wrong with my body?"


The doctor froze in place like this, unable to make a sound, and then the director's silent voice came from his ear, "Ka!" As soon as the voice came out, the audience burst into laughter.

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