The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 992: Thunder 9 Flame Wolf

Latest website: Liang Yan nodded slightly and reached out to take Fulu, but when Ge Dajin continued:

"The Senluo Secret Realm is very dangerous. The Thundery Nine Flame Wolf inside also has the strength of the late Golden Core. You must not act arbitrarily. It is wise to converge in one place as soon as possible!"

After listening, Liang Yan, Ma Wei and others at the scene agreed at the same time and put the talisman given by Ge Dajin in their sleeves.

At this moment, Nangong Weiyang, who was not far away, laughed loudly:

"Friends of Taoism, our Nangong family will go one step further!"

Before the words were over, the five members of the Nangong family turned into five afterimages, and they rushed into the space portal of the Secret Realm of Sen Luo.

"Let's go too."

As a member of the Chamber of Commerce, Ge Dajin naturally knew the principle that he would be strong first, and he would be able to gather the team sooner if he entered the secret realm earlier.

He gave an order, and several people in the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce pinched the tactics with one hand, and the five rays of light lifted into the air at the same time, and went straight to the entrance of the secret realm.

Liang Yan followed the crowd, and halfway through the flight, he felt a chill in his back for no reason, and there was a great warning in his heart.

He has cultivated the "Ba Bu Yan Yuan" for a long time, and his five senses and six senses have long surpassed ordinary people, so he believes in the warning signs before the crisis.

The sense of danger this time was far greater than that of any time before. At that moment, his hairs were standing upside down, his back was cold, and he couldn't help being shocked, and hurriedly released his consciousness to look around.

However, this warning sign came strangely and went suddenly, and it disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye!

Liang Yan looked again at this time, everyone on the top of the mountain pinched Jue Yukong and went straight to the entrance of the secret realm. No one looked at him more.


There was a strange look on Liang Yan's face, and he secretly thought: "Although the sense of crisis just now was only a momentary, it is definitely not my illusion!"

"...Nor would it be Su Yan. With her early golden core cultivation base, it is impossible for me to put such a pressure on me... Could it be the Su family? Among the incoming people, is there a master who has hidden his cultivation base?"

The more Liang Yan thought about it, the more likely it was. This person not only concealed his cultivation base, but also concealed the magic weapon detection of the other three families and Qingyun Chamber of Commerce. This method alone was already shocking.

Thinking of this, Liang Yan couldn't help but speed up his escape secretly, distanced himself from the Su family, and rushed into the golden light curtain like waves.

As soon as he walked through the light curtain, he felt a gentle force gently enveloping him, surrounded by chaos, as if entering the deep sea.

The next moment, the surrounding chaos gradually dissipated, and he fell gently on the ground like a feather.

After Liang Yan landed on his feet, he immediately looked around and saw that there was a dense forest with verdant vegetation and fragrance of birds and flowers, just like a paradise.

"This is the Secret Realm of Sen Luo?"

Liang Yan was slightly surprised. Before he came in, he thought how harsh and dangerous this place is, but now that he is on the scene, he doesn't seem to feel any danger.

However, he was always cautious, and he didn't dare to be careless at this moment.

"There are no other monks and spirit beasts, it seems that this place is still safe..."

Liang Yan murmured to himself, and then patted the wooden house on the waist with one hand, only to see Guanghua inside, and then a snow rabbit jumped out.

"I have brought you in as agreed, so the second half of the tactics should be handed over to Liang." Liang Yan looked at the rabbit and said lightly.

As soon as his voice fell, a burst of blue light appeared from the snow rabbit, and the brilliance became more and more prosperous, and eventually covered all the surrounding area. .

After a while, the blue light gradually dissipated, revealing the figure inside, who was indeed the former Sect Master Qian Yexue of the Feihua Sect!

"Thank you, Daoist Liang, for your accomplishment!"

After Qian Yexue appeared, she bowed to Liang Yan, and then with one hand, immediately a jade slip appeared out of thin air and landed directly in front of him.

Liang Yan stretched out his hand to take the jade slip, stuck it on his forehead and felt it for a while, then smiled and nodded and said: "Sure enough, it is the lower half of the secret technique of soul separation. Fellow Daoist did not lie to me."

"Hehe." Qian Yexue said with a chuckle: "I regard death as home during my trip, so why don't I care about a secret technique? As long as I can get revenge on the Slaughter Sect, these are nothing."

Liang Yan frowned slightly after hearing this, and said faintly: "Vengeance does not necessarily have to sacrifice yourself. Su Yan is also my adversary. It is better to join hands with the two of us.........."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Qian Yexue shook his head, and said firmly, "I said it a long time ago, how can I use others for revenge? Now that I have entered this place, I naturally have my plans. Today's day Goodbye, there will be no deadline, goodbye!"

Qian Yexue said that he bends over and salutes him, and then turns around, and the person gallops towards the distance, almost without hesitation.

Liang Yan looked at the direction the woman was going, and couldn't help but sighed slightly. He had not experienced the pain of Qian Yexue, and naturally he had no right to make irresponsible remarks about the path she chose.

He didn't care about others. At this time, he recovered, stretched out his hand to take out a talisman from his sleeve, and injected some spiritual power according to the method taught by Ge Dajin.

After receiving Liang Yan's spiritual power, that Fu Lu immediately rushed into the air with a "cock!"

The yellow bird circled in front of Liang Yan, then spread its wings and flew to the southeast.

"It seems that they have already started to converge in that direction, I have to hurry up to be..."

Liang Yan whispered in his heart, and then pinched a magic trick with one hand, turning into a ray of light and following Huang Bird...

According to the scholar Ma Wei on the road, the interior of the Secret Realm is vast and boundless, and most of the land is shrouded in mist, only a small part of it is exposed.

But even this area not covered by fog is very vast.

Liang Yan controlled the escape light and followed behind the yellow bird. After flying for two full days, he did not see a half-person figure, but the yellow bird's flight speed was getting slower and slower, and it looked like it was disturbed by something. of.

Just when he was secretly a little strange in his heart, he suddenly heard a sound of breaking through the air behind him, and a scorching air went straight to his heart!

Since Liang Yan entered the secret realm, he had released his divine consciousness and had a twelve-point spirit. At this moment, he reacted almost immediately, hurriedly turned away and swooped down.

Not long after he left his original position, a group of fiery red light galloped past behind him, hitting the forest in front of him.


Hearing a loud noise, the forest fires in front of the sky, and countless smoke and dust scattered, revealing a huge deep pit nearly a hundred meters in radius. There is no grass growing inside, and the eyes are full of barbarians.

The corner of Liang Yan's eyes jumped, and he hurriedly turned and looked back, only to see a spirit beast floating in the air not far away.

This spirit beast looks like a wolf, with wings on its back, and its body is covered with nine flame cloud patterns. Liang Yan almost didn't need to guess these appearances. It must be the "Leiyin Nine Flame Wolf" among the population such as Ge Dajin!

He originally planned to join Ge Dajin, Ma Wei and others, and then work together to hunt the beast. He didn't expect to find the other companions before he would meet him alone.

Standing on the spot, Liang Yan narrowed his eyes, did not rush to do anything, but quietly released his divine sense, first made sure that there were no other monks hiding in the dark nearby, and then made the next step.

However, the Leiyin Nine Flame Wolf was obviously a violent temper. He didn't know what it meant to be determined and then moved. He kicked his hind legs and the whole wolf body turned into a red glow, and came straight to Liang Yan's position. .

Its speed is extremely fast. When it is speeding in the air, the sound of thunder can be faintly heard, but in the blink of an eye, it has reached Liang Yan's front, and then stretched out its two front paws and pounced towards him. .

Liang Yan has only now understood why this spirit beast is called "Thundery Nine Flame Wolf". In addition to its own fire attribute supernatural powers, the speed of this spirit beast is extremely fast, and it can cause thunder when it runs. !

"It seems that you can't run if you want to run. You can only fight head-on...Well, since I have received the favor of the Qingyun Chamber of Commerce, I will cut this beast today and use its demon pill to serve the Chamber of Commerce. ."

As soon as Liang Yan thought of this, he refused to avoid the idea of ​​avoiding this beast, and slapped the Taixu gourd on his waist with one hand, and a purple sword gang appeared out of the sky, slashing towards the thundering nine flame wolf.

The Lei Yin Jiuyan Wolf saw Jian Gang approaching, but it was not a bit scared. On the contrary, he opened his blood basin and spit out nine groups of flames.

These nine groups of flames are connected to each other in a line, the fire is stronger than the waves, and finally turned into a sea of ​​flames, enclosing Liang Yan's Purple Thunder Sword Gang.

Liang Yan only felt a burning pain coming from the front, and he couldn't help but feel a little startled. However, the flame was reluctant, coming from all directions, and finally trapped him in it.

When he cut out with this sword, instead of pushing Leiyin Nine Flame Wolf back, he plunged himself into a sea of ​​fire, and he couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

"This spirit beast is really good, no wonder Ge Dajin told him many times before leaving to let himself and others reunite as soon as possible, instead of fighting with it alone."

But the matter is now, it is useless to think too much, Liang Yan's sword was useless, and he immediately retracted the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword, turning it into a sword circle, and forcing back the many flames beside him.

He defended himself with a flying sword, but he seemed to be able to do well, and he was not very afraid of the flames of the Leiyin Nine Flame Wolf.

The monster was already psychic. Seeing the flame, it couldn't say anything. He hurriedly hid in the sea of ​​flames. When Liang Yan could resist the flame with all his strength, he suddenly rushed out and slapped the opponent with its fierce claws.

Liang Yan cut back the flames with a flying sword while observing secretly. When he saw the monster beast pounced towards him under the cover of the sea of ​​fire, he couldn't help but sneered.

He slapped Taixu Gourd with one hand, and then he wanted to offer a fixed lightsaber to give this Leiyin Nine Flame Wolf a "surprise".

However, at this moment, the wooden house on the waist flashed with white light, and something jumped out just one step earlier than his flying sword.

This thing was a fluffy, snow-white little beast, resembling a civet cat, with an unusually large tail. As soon as it showed up, it grinned at the opposite Lei Yin Jiuyan wolf.

Upon seeing this, Liang Yan frowned slightly and couldn't help but shout: "Come back! That's a monster in the Golden Core Realm!"

Who knows that Li Xiaosong has never heard of it, and even a fierceness is aroused in his eyes.

The Leiyin Nine Flame Wolf originally came rushing towards Liang Yan, but since Li Xiaosong appeared, he somehow left Liang Yan aside and turned his gaze to Li Xiaosong not far away, as if As if facing an enemy.

This wolf and cat, one big and one small, are facing each other in mid-air. Only in terms of aura, they are actually evenly matched.

Liang Yan gave a tut in his heart, and no longer restrained Li Xiaosong, but the imperial ambassador Zi Lei Tianyin sword, walking with the sword, turning into a long rainbow, and beheaded at the opposite demon wolf.

This sword beam statement had already used all his strength without leaving any hands. When the purple thunder sword came, there were bursts of explosions around, and countless sword qi scattered and flew across, crushing all the jungle trees passing by along the way into powder.


There was a loud noise, but the Leiyin Nine Flame Wolf retracted all the flames in front of him, turned into a big flame hand, and forcibly connected Liang Yan's sword in the air.

After this move, Liang Yan's Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword flew back, and the sea of ​​flames of the Leiyin Nine Flame Wolves was also cut apart.

But Liang Yan didn't give the other party a chance to breathe at all. With a pinch of the sword in his hand, another sword light slashed towards the demon wolf.

The demon wolf also understood Liang Yan's difficulty at this time, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and suddenly opened his mouth to spit out a red light ball.

This light ball is shining brightly, like a small sun, giving the feeling that people have been unable to look directly at it. And as soon as it appeared, the surrounding temperature suddenly rose, and a monstrous heat wave swept from it, making it almost hard to breathe.

Liang Yan was shocked, and hurriedly used the magical powers of the "Eight Branches of Yanyuan", covering his whole body with a layer of golden light, and then the whole person flew back.

The power in the red light group made him feel a little palpitating. If he took this blow hard, I was afraid that he would be seriously injured.

This has just entered the secret realm, Liang Yan doesn't want to end up losing both sides being missed by others.

Just as he lifted up the light and flew backwards, Li Xiaosong, who was ready to go, seemed to see Bao, his eyes suddenly lit up.

In the next moment, this little snow-white beast did not evade, facing the monstrous heat wave, pounced towards the red light ball...

Liang Yan was slightly taken aback by its sudden "feat", and he hurriedly held it down and looked at it intently.

I saw a flame lotus blooming in the red light group, and the terrifying power could be clearly felt even if Liang Yan was hundreds of feet away, but Li Xiaosong didn't seem to be affected, and actually plunged in.

Vaguely, Liang Yan seemed to see a demon wolf figure that was countless times smaller in the flame lotus, fighting with the little white beast that Li Xiaosong had transformed.

Both you come and I are fighting in the most primitive way of beast duel. Even after a sea of ​​flames, Liang Yan can probably guess the tragic situation of the battle...


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