The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1004: The situation has changed drastically

As soon as Su Muyun's voice fell, he raised his hand and gently clicked in the air, and as a ripple spread out from his fingertips, nine groups of blue light suddenly appeared around him.

   In every cyan light cluster, there is an emerald green seedling emerging, growing rapidly in the air, and turning into nine old green trees in a short time.

   "Boy, let alone the old man bullying the small, if you can break the three sacred trees in my hand, what's the harm in letting you go?"

   Su Muyun jokingly smiled and pointed one hand at one of the light groups. The ancient trees in the light group immediately soared and grew rapidly in mid-air. In just a few breaths, it has become the size of a hill.

   This ancient tree traverses a radius of one hundred meters, covering the sky and the sun, sealing all the retreats of Liang Yan, and then plummeting downwards, as if a mountain fell from the sky.

   As the giant tree above his head fell, Liang Yan only felt a surge of surging wood attribute spiritual power, like a raging sea, almost crushing his physical body, even finding it difficult to move his fingers a few times.

"not good!"

   Liang Yan's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly ran the exercises. The golden light inside his body was blooming. The whole person was like a golden Buddha. There were three sword qi bursts above his head, and he slashed up against the giant tree in mid-air.

brush! brush! brush!

   Three sword gangs cut through the sky, and the infinite sword energy rushed in all directions, as if to crush everything around.

   However, Su Muyun's ancient tree is like an unstoppable mountain. At this time, it fell from the sky and suppressed all Liang Yan's three sword lights, and the remaining power remained undiminished, and he fell sharply downward!

   Liang Yan never expected that all his three sword gangs were suppressed, his face instantly turned pale as paper, and then he uttered another mouthful of blood.


   Before he could make the next move, the huge and verdant old tree fell from the sky and smashed its whole person into the ground, erupting with a deafening noise.

   This loud noise is like a nine-day thunder. Even Su Yan and the others couldn't help but tremble in their hearts, and their faces were a little pale.

And after hearing the loud noise, the poison of "Bodhi Heartbroken", the Nangong Changge, and the Wang family, they vomited blood, and then turned their eyes, they were all shocked to death. Past!

   The top of the mountain, which was originally lively and extraordinary, was pressed by this giant tree, and it was immediately silent.

   This ancient tree stands on the top of the mountain, like a huge pillar supporting the sky and the earth, majestic and majestic, without any breath underneath it anymore.

  Su Yan, Elder Snake, Old Crane and others all smiled upon seeing this, and cried secretly: "No matter how cunning this kid is, it is not in the hands of our Su family ancestors in the end!"

   They were about to go up to congratulate, and pat the ancestor's flattery by the way, only to see Su Muyun frowning slightly, and looking down, obviously looking for something?

   "Is this guy not dead yet?" Su Yan snorted in her heart, with a vaguely bad premonition.

   Before this woman could think about it, the ground not far from her suddenly burst with a "bang!"

   This person was in a gray gown, his body was soaked in blood, and his face was swollen. If it weren't for the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword that accompanied him, Su Yan would hardly recognize this person as Liang Yan.

   "He really is not dead!"

   Su Yan exclaimed, and subconsciously stepped back two steps.

   She has been fighting with Liang Yan so far. Although she has always been the hunter thanks to her family's superiority, she was resolved by the other party every time, and she was almost killed by him. Now, Su Yan's mentality has gradually changed.

   Unknowingly, she had already developed a fear of this man in her heart. Even though the other party was seriously injured at the moment and surrounded by a group of experts from the Su family, she still couldn't help taking two steps back.

   "Huh, three swords in one? This kid still has some tricks!"

   Su Muyun in mid-air gave a chuckle, and didn't seem to care much about Liang Yan's escape from the shadow of his ancient tree.

   He lightly tapped with one hand, and another ancient tree flew out from the cyan light group. This ancient tree did not grow bigger in the air, but slowly rotated.

   Every time it turns, one branch shoots out, just a few breaths, and hundreds of emerald green branches rush into the air, like hundreds of chains entangled towards Liang Yan's body.

   Su Muyun practiced the secret technique of the Su family, "Nine-Nine Gui Yuan Dao Jue". This technique is practiced to the extreme, and nine ancient sacred trees can be manifested with magical powers.

These nine sacred trees have their own magical functions. Like the first tree that suppressed Liang Yan just now, it was the "Evil God Tree", which can suppress all magical and magical powers with pure wood spirit power. Ordinary monks are suppressed under this tree. It will take a moment for the soul to disperse, and even a trace of the remnant soul cannot escape.

As for this second ancient tree, it is the "Essential Transformation Tree", which specializes in the power of sealing. Its hundreds of branches are hundreds of methods of sealing. It only needs to be wrapped in one or two roots, a spirit. The force immediately becomes invisible, and if you have the ability to reach the sky, you can't use it at all.

   Although Liang Yan didn't know Su Muyun's natal Tao tactics, or the mystery of this "Transforming Essence Tree", he could still see that he must not be entangled with these branches, otherwise he would be dead.

The collision of "Broken the Evil God Tree" just now had actually broken many meridians in Liang Yan's body. If he hadn't seen a few of these changes at a critical moment, he would use the "No Phase Sword Classic" method to motivate the three swords. Unity, barely escaped the suppression of the sacred tree, this would probably already be a piece of meatloaf.

   But even so, Liang Yan was already seriously injured. A big scar on his forehead was dripping with blood, almost blocking his vision.

   Faced with the hundreds of sealed branches evolved by the "Essential Spirit Tree", Liang Yan could only do his best to keep flashing and moving in mid-air, or slashing with a flying sword to push back the branches close to him.

Su Muyun’s divine mind incarnation had his feet still, and even the nine sacred trees didn’t need to be complete. Just two of them had already made Liang Yan embarrassed. If a third sacred tree was sacrificed, he would undoubtedly lose. !

   "I can't go on like this anymore, this person is too strong, even if I offer a sword pill, I am afraid it is not his opponent!"

   Liang Yan's thoughts turned, he gritted his teeth suddenly, his eyes were fierce, and he pinched the sword in his hand.

  He used the black lotus sword to protect his whole body, but the purple thunder heavenly sound sword rushed out to take Su Yan from the crowd!

   Everyone in the Su family was originally watching a movie. Seeing this scene, they couldn't help being taken aback, and then they immediately reacted.

   "This son is invincible, this is because I want the fish to die and the net to break!"

   The two elders of Snake and Crane had such a thought at the same time. They had been ordered by their ancestors to desperately protect Su Yan, so how could they dare to neglect at this time?

   Seeing the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword rushing forward, the sacrifices of the two golden cores in the later period were also offered by their own magic weapons, and they were greeted forward.

   Liang Yan's sword only attacked but not defended. It was basically looking at death as home. The Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword turned into a purple river of swords, smashed into the air.


   Hearing a loud noise, the old snake's black giant snake stubbornly resisted Liang Yan's sword, and blood stains appeared on the original indestructible snake skin.

   At the same time, He Lao's "fishing **** net" also volleyed under the hood, collecting countless purple thunder sword qi into the net.

   The late offerings of the two Golden Cores were shot at the same time, and they immediately suppressed Liang Yan's sword.

However, Liang Yan didn't have the slightest surprise in his eyes. He hid his left hand in his sleeve, and secretly pinched a magic trick. Su Lang only felt a flash of silver light in front of him, and there was a flying sword sprang out of the void, and then passed him. The top of his head went straight to Su Yan!

   It turned out that Liang Yan knew that he was not the opponent of Su Muyun's Divine Mind clone. For the sake of this plan, he had to capture Su Yan desperately and make everyone in the Su clan cast a rat avoidance weapon.

   After escaping from the "Broken Evil God Tree" just now, he sneaked into the ground and secretly selected a location close to Su Yan to break through the ground.

In the face of Su Muyun’s second sacred tree, the "Human Soul Tree", Liang Yan knew that he would be defeated if he continued to fight for a long time, so he abandoned the defense as an offensive, only protected the whole body with the black lotus sword, but with the purple thunder sword. Pretending to be positive.

   After the two elders of Snake and Crane were attracted by him, he secretly released the fixed light sword, using the moves in "Mirror Flower and Water Moon" to hide the sword light, with the intention of sneaking on Su Yan.

   At this time, the fixed lightsaber turned into an afterimage, and the speed was surprisingly fast, but it broke through Su Lang's defense in an instant and came to Su Yan.

  Su Yan really didn't expect Liang Yan to be so fierce. In the situation where it was difficult to protect herself from the three swords, she actually dared to separate two swords to attack herself!

   Although she is a direct descendant of the Su family, she has grown up under the care of many elders since she was a child. She has never experienced such a dangerous thing of fighting for her life. She couldn't help but screamed in panic:

   "Ma Fei! Ma Fei help me!"

   At this moment, among the people present, the two elders of Snake and Crane were both restrained by Liang Yan's Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword, and now they had no chance to come to help.

   And Su Muyun's divine mind incarnation is the farthest away, even if his supernatural powers are amazing, it is impossible to come to save people in such a short time.

   As for Su Lang, he is not afraid at all.

   The only one who can stop Liang Yan's desperate sword is the Su family who worships Ma Fei.

   Liang Yan was quite jealous of this person. In the previous battle in Fengtian City, this person silently killed Li Chongba with a wooden sword. At that time, he saw that his strength was extraordinary.

However, at this moment, Liang Yan has no other way. He has exhausted all the means and can only do this. Whether he can capture Su Yan in one fell swoop depends on whether it is Ma Fei’s wooden sword fast or he. The fixed lightsaber is coming soon.

   As long as his light sword is placed on Su Yan's neck first, everyone present will not dare to act rashly, and he can also get a bargaining chip.

  Ma Fei also clearly saw Liang Yan's plan, his face was so gloomy, his whole figure shook, and he rushed towards Su Yan's location.

  "Don't be afraid, miss! Ma will save you!"

  The other person was still in the air, and the sword in his hand was a pinch, a wooden sword emerged from behind his head, the sword intent around him skyrocketed, and then turned into an afterimage, and went straight to Su Yan's location.

   The speed of this wooden sword is astonishingly fast, and Ma Fei was originally close to Su Yan. At this time, the latter came first, and he actually rushed to the front of Liang Yanding's lightsaber.


   Liang Yan exclaimed, he counted thousands of dollars, but Ma Fei had hidden his strength before it counted. At that moment, the sword intent that erupted from the wooden sword far exceeded the two previous fights with him.

   His fixed light sword is not good at speed, but Ma Fei's wooden sword is surprisingly fast, but in the blink of an eye, it has already stopped in front of his flying sword.

   At this time, the situation reversed instantly. Ma Fei only had to block his sword for Su Yan, and everything he planned carefully would be in vain. At that time, if he wanted to save his life, he could only use the Mayfly Sword Pill.

   "If Kenmaru is damaged this time, I am afraid it will never be repaired..."

   Liang Yan sighed secretly in his heart, and silently moved his right hand toward the Taixu gourd on his waist.

   However, before he can offer the sword pill, the field is suddenly changing!

   I saw the wooden sword that was blocked in front of the Dingguang Sword, originally intended to save Su Yan, but at this time it exploded with a sword intent, and it didn't stop at all, and it slashed directly on Su Yan's body!


   A scream came, Su Yan, who had been cut off by Liang Yan's right arm, was also cut off at this time.

   Su Yan's expression was already distorted with pain, she screamed and backed away, her eyes filled with fright.


   This change was so sudden, everyone present was stunned, not only from the Su family, but even Liang Yan showed incredible expressions.

   "Ma Fei! You are crazy!"

   Crane's angry roar came, with a faint trembling sound: "Do you know what you are doing?"

   However, Ma Fei didn't care about, his face was as calm as water, and he didn't answer Old He's question at all. He just pinched the sword art in his hand, the wooden sword turned the sword light, and then cut off one of Su Yan's right leg.

This time Liang Yan could understand that in the wound of Su Yan's broken leg, there was a talisman's corner exposed. It was the power of this talisman that blocked Ma Fei's wooden sword and prevented him from killing Su Yan with a single sword. .

   However, Ma Fei did not seem to be surprised. At this moment, the sword art was pinched, the wooden sword raised the light, and Su Yan's left leg was chopped off.


   Su Yan's screams resounded through the top of the mountain, and she almost went crazy.

   All this is a long story, but from Ma Fei's rescue to his sword killing, it only took a few breaths. In just such a moment, he had already cut off all Su Yan's limbs!

   Although Liang Yan is far apart, it is also clear that Su Yan is not the only suffering here, but also Su Muyun in the distance!

   Every time Ma Fei cuts off Su Yan's arms or legs, a corner of the talisman exposed from her wound will be missing. At the same time, the breath of Su Muyun in the distance will also decrease a bit.

"Do not!"

   Although Su Muyun wanted to stop it, the incident happened suddenly, and then he was set aside by Liang Yan. At this time, the distance was too far to be rescued.

When Su Yan's limbs were severed, Su Muyun's breath also began to retreat crazily, and his expression was extremely painful. With just a few breaths, he had fallen into the Tongxuan Realm and reached the realm of the Golden Core Peak... ....

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