The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1043: Unboxing

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Even though the Boy of Bliss and the Poison Lady were already seriously injured, they were not to be outdone at this time. They followed Xuanye and pursued them in the direction of the Kunshan Three Sages.

Only Wan Xinghai looked at the disciple in the door who had been more than half dead and wounded, and suddenly became somewhat distracted.

He was originally the lord of a sect, if it weren't for the huge rewards in the Luowang Chamber of Commerce, he would not have done such a thing.

Now that things have not been obtained, most of his elite disciples died first, and it was really not worth the gain.

"Forget it, just follow me!"

Wan Xinghai sighed lightly, and regardless of the already injured Song Ru, he raised his hand and brushed his sleeves, and then left in the opposite direction with the remaining Shuiyunzong disciples...

On the top of the huge Lianyun Mountain, only three people from Wushuang City were left at this time.

Just now Fang Liren suffered from Chu Xuanfeng's stick with his Golden Core cultivation base. If he hadn't been good at defensive abilities, and some unheard layman helped him resolve part of his strength behind him, I am afraid that he would have died and disappeared at this moment.

He and Lay Buwen helped each other to come to Song Ru and asked, "Senior Song, what should I do now?"

Song Ru was also uncomfortable at this time. She had just fought a battle with four cultivators of the Profound Realm. In the end, she was defeated and was attacked by the "Kunshan Three Sages". Naturally, she was also seriously injured.

But her face was still firm, and she spoke without hesitation:

"Senior Six Fingers' remains cannot be taken away. Since Song Ru took this mission, we must not give up halfway! Let's catch up, and forgive the'Kunshan Three Thieves' for not going far!"

Fang Liren and Lay Buwen looked at each other after listening, and finally nodded at the same time:

"Follow the predecessors' orders!"


Let’s say that the "Kunshan Three Sages" took Fang Liren’s iron box and flew all the way to the east. The three of them have reached the Tongxuan Realm with their cultivation bases, and their speed is not slow, just two days of effort. He had completely moved away from the Lianyun Mountain Range and came to the sky above a dense forest.

"Big Brother! Someone is catching up!"

Du Meng, who was flying at the back, suddenly moved his ears and reminded him.

After Chu Xuanfeng and Wei Jun heard this, they both froze for a while, and then shouted angrily: "Which can't get rid of the bastard! We have all run so far, how can we still be caught up by him?"

Du Meng's ears moved lightly again, and then he said, "It sounds like... it sounds like Xuan Ye's **** nose!"

"Xuan Ye?"

Chu Xuanfeng was convinced of his third brother's abilities, and nodded after hearing this: "It turns out that it is him...This is not surprising! This person relies on the yin and nourishment of the yang. His secret method barely advanced to the Profound Profound Realm, his supernatural power is not high, and he has a lot of skill in the sidelines. It is not a rare thing that he can track the three of us brothers!"

"Brother, what shall we do?"

"What to do?" Chu Xuanfeng's gaze swept across the dense forest below, and he suddenly sneered: "What are you afraid of? The four of them are not of one mind. Xuan Ye can chase them, but the others may not be able to rush to them. Both of you. Brother Xian, look at the dense forest below. Is it a wonderful place for an ambush?"

After Du Meng and Wei Jun listened, they looked down at the same time, and then suddenly said: "Big Brother means..."

"Hey, since Xuan Ye, the bull nose, is in a hurry to die, then we might as well help him. As long as Xuan Ye dies, other people probably won't be able to track us!"


Wei Jun nodded in agreement and said, "Xuan Ye is eager for treasures, and will go deep alone without waiting for the other people to join him. Then we might as well set up an ambush here and kill the bull nose first!"

Du Meng was originally a person with no idea. Hearing Chu Xuanfeng and Wei Jun say this, he nodded and said: "Listen to the two brothers!"

The three people negotiated, and immediately stopped to escape, and then flew into the dense forest below, each finding a suitable location to hide.

Everyone held their breath, and after about half a cup of tea, they saw a flash of light galloping forward.

In the escape light was an old Taoist with gray hair, looking around, his eyes full of anxiety.

"Haha, it really is the old Taoist Xuan Ye! This old thief can't find the breath of our three brothers, he has been messed up!" Wei Jun said with a smile at this time.

"Go! Get him on the road!"

Without any hesitation, Chu Xuanfeng gave a low voice and rushed out first.

He waved the crying stick in his hand, and there were gusts of wind on it, and a hundred ghosts screamed. In an instant, he came to the back of Xuan Ye and hit the back of his head.

At the same time, Wei Jun and Du Meng also sacrificed their own magic weapons, which were a set of double blades and a pair of black heart iron rings, and they attacked Xuanye from different angles.

A moment ago, the sky was still quiet and quiet over the dense forest. At this moment, it has become murderous.

The old Taoist Xuan Ye was taken aback. He used the tracking technique and followed the Kunshan Three Sages secretly, but after coming here, he suddenly cut the clue.

Just as he was about to investigate carefully, he unpreparedly shot out three figures from the dense forest. Only at this time did he realize that he had already learned the way of others!

"Friends, please slow down, I have something to say!"

The panicked Xuanye shouted loudly while offering her own "Acacia Treasure Mirror". A pink brilliance shot out of the treasure mirror, protecting her whole person.

However, he had just fought with Song Ru, and he had already suffered serious internal injuries. At this moment, he was attacked again. The body guard behind him was instantly pierced by a crying stick.

And the mourning stick remained undiminished, and it penetrated through his back and out of his chest, stabbing it to the heart.

At the same time, Wei Jun and Du Meng's magic weapons also volleyed into the air. The badly injured Xuan Ye Lao Dao couldn't defend at all, and the body guard's aura was easily broken like paper.

In the middle of the sky, only a scream was heard. The next moment, Xuan Ye had no breath, and the whole person was like a puddle of mud, falling downward.

"Hey, what nonsense do you want to say to delay time? The three of us brothers are walking outside, but we never eat this one!"

Chu Xuanfeng sneered looking at the lifeless Xuan Ye corpse. Raising his hand and pinching it, he first took a picture of the storage ring on Xuan Ye's finger, and then waved the crying stick in his hand, and sucked in all the souls of Xuan Ye that had not yet dispersed.

As for the remaining body of Xuan Ye, it was burned clean by a black fire released by the third child, Du Meng.

After all this was dealt with, Xuanye would no longer exist in the world. Pity the master of his dignified Profound Realm, he was actually attacked to death by the three of them.

"Hahaha, my eldest brother is thoughtful! Now that the old Taoist Xuan Ye is dead, and other people can't track us, this'six-finger bones' can be completely returned to us!" Wei Jun's mood at this time was extremely happy, and he couldn't bear it. Live haha ​​smiled.

Chu Xuanfeng's hanging heart also let go, and laughed at the words: "Song Ru is also a human being. So many people along the way grab this'six-finger bones', but she can still be killed by her. So far! But what about it? In the end, it’s not cheaper. The three of us brothers? Hahaha!"

The look on his face was extremely triumphant, he seemed to enjoy the feeling of being a fisherman very much, but after a while in mid-air, he said seriously: "Now in the territory of Wushuang City, our brothers can't stay any longer. , You have to leave here quickly and find the black market of the Luowang Chamber of Commerce to sell this thing!"

"Big Brother!"

Du Meng suddenly interrupted at this time: "This'six-finger remains' has been sold at sky-high prices in the black market of the Luowang Chamber of Commerce. What is its magic?"

After hearing this, Chu Xuanfeng groaned: "According to what I heard, as long as you gather the six finger bones, you have a chance to get the magic treasure heaven receiver of the six-finger magic calculation."

"Sky receiver?!"

Du Meng exclaimed: "It's the treasured heavenly receiver that claims to be able to calculate the heavens and the earth, seek good fortune and avoid evil? No wonder there are so many people rushing to... Boss, Now that we have got one of them, is it okay..."

"shut up!"

Before Du Meng could finish speaking, Chu Xuanfeng sternly shouted: "I know what you are thinking in your heart, but do you know how many people are watching this thing? The roots are already lucky. If you try to gather the other five roots in a delusion, then we won’t have enough lives to fill in!"

Du Meng was also greedy for a while. He was awakened by Chu Xuanfeng's words. Thinking of the danger of fighting for this thing, he couldn't help but sweat again and again, and silently nodded.

Seeing him wake up in shock, Chu Xuanfeng's voice gradually eased, and then continued:

"The so-called'calculate heaven and earth, seek good fortune and avoid evil' is just a legend. Even if the receiver is so magical on this day, how could Feng Yulan die under the thunder in the end? From this, we can see that some Even if things are calculated by you, it’s hard to avoid them. The three of us brothers can’t fight for this illusory thing."

Du Meng heard what he said, his face was no longer tangled, he immediately arched his hands and said, "Sure enough, the big brother can see clearly, thank you for the suggestion."

"Hey, we don't have to look forward to the sky receiver, but I'm quite curious about the legendary'six-finger magic calculation', brother, can you let me see what is special about this phalanx?" Wei Jun suddenly Opened the mouth.

After hearing this, Chu Xuanfeng glanced at his second younger brother, he muttered for a while, and then laughed loudly: "What's the point? Since the second younger brother wants to see it, let's show it to you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Xuanfeng removed the iron box he was carrying and threw it towards the place where Wei Jun was.

When Wei Jun saw this, he smiled and hurriedly caught the iron box, held it in front of him and took a closer look, only to see that the lid of the box was sealed by a talisman, and there was no breath at all.

"Six-finger mathematics.........the top figure of Confucian mathematics............"

As a member of the Confucian school, Wei Jun was very excited at the moment. Without any hesitation, he tore off the seal talisman with his hand up, then opened the lid of the iron box and looked down inside. .

But the next moment, his excited face became stiff, and he stood still.

"What's wrong?"

Chu Xuanfeng and Du Meng noticed the change in his face, but due to the angle, they couldn't see the contents of the iron box. They could only ask, "Second, what is in the iron box? See Feng Yulan's. Are the remains?"

Wei Jun had been standing there for a long time. He just raised his head when he heard the two questioning, but his eyes were filled with blankness. After a long time, he murmured, "Inside the box......... .. is......... is a stone!"


Chu Xuanfeng and Du Meng were taken aback, and hurriedly controlled Escape, came behind Wei Jun, and looked into the box at the same time.

I saw a stone in the huge iron box, and the surface of the stone did not slip away, like a piece of mountain ash in a lava volcano.

In addition, the entire iron box is empty, nothing more!

"How can it be!"

The expressions of the Three Saints in Kunshan are ugly at this moment. They tried their best to set up an ambush, even at the risk of offending Wushuang City. What was finally taken back was a stone?

"Could the phalanx be hidden in this stone?" Wei Jun said suddenly.

As soon as he said this, Chu Xuanfeng and Du Meng both showed their sudden enlightenment, and one after another agreed, "The second child is really right! Let's cut this stone now and see what happens!"

Wei Jun nodded and raised his hand to pinch the technique. The double-edged blades of the son and mother flew out of his sleeves and slashed directly at the gray strange stone in the iron box.


Hearing a crisp sound, the strange stone pattern didn't move, but his son and mother's double-edged blades flew back upside down!

"How could this happen! What kind of stone is this? It is so strong!"

Wei Jun exclaimed, his eyes full of incredible expression.

At this time, Du Meng pointed his hand at the strange stone with sharp eyes, and shouted: "Big brother, second brother, look, the stone seems to be moving!"

"Huh? Really!"

Wei Jun held the iron box in his hand and was the closest among the three. At this time, under concentrating observation, he found that the strange rock was shaking slightly, but the vibration was too small, and he didn't notice it for a while.

"Could it be that my blow just now worked?"

Wei Jun was overjoyed and stretched out his head again, wanting to see clearly.

At this moment, when a sound of "Ka Ka Ka" came out, the surface of the strange rock suddenly cracked.

Before everyone could react, they saw a blue glow rushing out of the cracks in the strange rock, just lightly circling Wei Jun's neck.

The next moment, Wei Jun's head rolled down from his body..........

This change was so sudden that experts in the Profound Realm like Chu Xuanfeng and Du Meng all froze for a moment.

But in the next moment, both of them came back to their senses at the same time.

"Second brother!"

Du Meng exclaimed, and was about to move forward, but when he saw the things in the cyan glow, he slid around in the air and rushed to him again.

In his heart, he couldn't care about Wei Jun anymore, and only pinched his two-handed tactics, and sacrificed his own magic weapon "Mosha Double Ring".

After offering the magic weapon of his life, Du Meng was still worried. At the same time, he opened his mouth and spit out. From his mouth, he spit out a bronze shield with nine golden dragons engraved on it, which looked full of momentum.

.................................................. ...........................

PS: In the past, a great **** told me that the monthly ticket list is useless if it is less than the top few, so the street writer does not need to ask for a monthly ticket. Bamboo also believed this, so it has been lying flat.

It wasn't until the monthly pass passed 500 that I realized that if I didn't even ask for the monthly pass, would I still be a serious author?

I don't want to lie flat, I want to move forward, ask for a monthly pass, add more for the monthly pass!

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