The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1046: Cause and effect

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After listening to Song Ru's reminder, Fang Liren and the unheard layman also frowned slightly, but after a while, Fang Liren still said in a voice transmission:

"Senior Song, this Brother Liang is actually a rare piece of jade. When we first saw him, he was only a cultivation base of the Ju Yuan realm. Now it's only a short period of more than seventy years. He has already Entering the middle stage of the Golden Core. It can be seen that this person is talented and has a promising future. Although his current strength is a little weaker, it is hard to say in the future."

"Oh? In just seventy years, you have entered the middle of the golden core?"

Song Ru raised his eyebrows and looked very surprised. After he pondered for a moment, the voice transmission replied: "Since he has such a talent, then I go to Bihai Palace to talk to the Master to intercede. However, he has to agree to this matter..."

"Of course."

Fang Liren nodded lightly, and suddenly stepped forward and smiled at Liang Yan with a fist: "Brother Liang, I haven't seen you for many years. I didn't expect you to have advanced to the golden core. This speed of cultivation really makes Fang ashamed."

"It's just a fluke!"

Liang Yan smiled slightly. Although the three people on the opposite side hadn't spoken just now, the discerning people could see that they were communicating in secret. Now Fang Liren praised himself as soon as he spoke, and there must be something to say.

He didn't worry, he just looked at each other with a smile and waited for his next words.

"Farewell that day, both of us thought that Brother Liang had suffered an accident, and we were really sad for a long time. I didn't expect Brother Liang to escape from the Nine Nether Yellow Spring.

When Fang Liren said this, his conversation suddenly changed, and then he continued: "I remember Brother Liang is a monk on the small island of Nanchui. What are your plans for coming to Xianzhou, Antarctica this time?"

"Where is there any plan? There is a frog at the bottom of Liang's well, but he tried to spy on the avenue. Then he came to the Antarctic Xianzhou not far away and wondered if he could find his chance." Liang Yan said haha.

Fang Liren's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he immediately smiled: "So, it seems that Brother Liang hasn't joined any school yet, right?"


"Hahaha, it's so good!" Fang Liren smiled and said, "Brother Liang, you and I are also suffering together. Let's not talk secretly. I want to recommend you to Wushuang City. I don't know what Brother Liang wants? "

"Join Wushuang City?"

After listening to Fang Liren's words, although Liang Yan seemed calm on the surface, he was already happy.

In fact, after he came out of the strange rock, he didn't leave on the spot. Instead, he killed the "Kunshan Three Sages", the Boy of Bliss, and the Poison Lady all in order to get close to the three of Wushuang City.

You must know that half a year ago, in the Tianjin Pagoda of Yuanyang in Tianhe City, the mysterious old monk in yellow not only gave Liang Yan a good fortune, but also planted a seed of anxiety in him!

This seed was left on his chest, the dense blood pattern like a spider web.

In the past six months, in addition to absorbing spiritual energy to break through the realm, Liang Yan spent the rest of the time looking at this thing in his body.

But what disappointed him was that no matter how he looked inwardly, he couldn't find anything unusual in his body. If it weren't for the cobweb-like blood streaks so dazzling, he would almost think that the yellow-clothed old monk had left nothing in his body at all.

The more unknown things are, the easier it is to cause fear and suspicion.

Liang Yan is faintly disturbed now.

Although it is said that the old monk in yellow clothes has the grace to protect himself, this matter is too weird. The other party did not say a word from beginning to end, and finally planted this thing in his body, which made Liang Yan a little bit Can't figure out the true intention of the other party.

So after he knew Fang Liren, Song Ru and others, he immediately had some thoughts in his heart, he wanted to get close to these three people, and then entered Wushuang City through their relationship.

After all, the name of the Seven Mountains and Twelve Cities is really too big. There are many capable people and strangers in the city, and there are various classics for sale. Maybe you have the opportunity to figure out what is in your body.

But Liang Yan still didn't expect that the other party would directly invite him to join Wushuang City, which is really a surprise!

Wushuang City is one of the twelve cities in the Seven Mountains. If he can join this force, it will be of great help to his future cultivation and to explore the origins of the things left by the yellow-clothed old monk.

Liang Yan only thought about it for a while, and immediately nodded and said, "Although Liang hasn't been in Xianzhou, Antarctica for a long time, he has also heard of Wushuangcheng's name for a long time. Don't dare to hope. It would be great if two elder brothers could recommend to the city!"


Fang Liren listened to Liang Yan's reply and immediately smiled: "Brother Liang is really refreshing. In fact, it is not only us, but Senior Song will strongly recommend you. I believe that in the near future, we will be colleagues in Wushuang City!"

Liang Yan smiled slightly after hearing this, and arched his hands towards Fang Liren and Song Ru: "Liang has thanked Fang Daoyou and Song Senior here!"

"Xiaoyou Liang is polite!"

Song Ru didn’t have the air of a cultivator in the Profound Realm. At this time, he reminded him softly: “Wu Shuang City is very strict in recruiting city students. The three of me are just a recommendation. If you want to really join Wushuang City, you must You have to pass numerous assessments, and whether you can be selected in the end depends on you."

What Song Ru thought was, let Liang Yan go to the city assessment first, sharpen his temperament, and take a look at it by the way.

If this child is indeed a craftable material, then he will be asked for the master in Bihai Palace to come forward, and even if Liang Yan fails the assessment in the end, he will be admitted to the city by exception.

Of course, this kind of thing will never be directly said to Liang Yan.

After Liang Yan heard this, his face did not change at all, but he nodded and said: "Wu Shuang City is one of the top nineteen powers of cultivation in Xianzhou, Antarctica. Of course it is not easy to enter the city. Liang must do his best. Strive to pass the assessment of your city, so as not to shame the two fellow daoists and seniors."

"Haha, Brother Liang don't need to be nervous, just do your best!"

Fang Liren smiled, turned his head to look at Song Ru beside him, and whispered: "Senior Song, now that the'six-finger remains' have been lost, what should we do?"

"Go back to Wushuang City first." Song Ru lightly sighed, "It's just that I'm not good at learning and tracking skills, but I called the "Kunshan Three Sages" and the Boy of Bliss to run away!"

"It was our poor strength that dragged down Senior Song. It is a pity that we spent ten years and finally failed to bring the remains of Senior back to Wushuang City!" Fang Liren's face also showed regret.

At this moment, the unheard layman who had been silent all the time suddenly spoke:

"Don't you think it is weird? Since we returned to the territory of Wushuang City, we have been chased and killed along the way. Although these people are all for the black market auction of the Luowang Chamber of Commerce, how do they know our whereabouts? "

As soon as he said this, everyone present fell into a brief silence.

After a while, I heard Song Ru's voice bitterly and said, "It must be Li Yuanji that thief!"

"We recovered the remains of the predecessors in Tianhe City, only eight people in total knew. Among them, the impersonating'Ma Qingde' and Ji Fan were dead; Le Feiyang took the initiative to expose the conspiracy, not like someone who would reveal our whereabouts. ; And Senior Lianxin is a descendant of the angry monk, so naturally he will not do such nasty things. After thinking about it, only Li Yuanji and his men can use such conspiracy and tricks, he himself can't get it' The remains of the six fingers', but I don't want us to be better!"

After listening to Song Ru's analysis, Ignorance Lay and Fang Liren both nodded slightly, seeming to agree with this statement.

Among the four people present at this time, only one disagreed.

That person is Liang Yan!

Why did the whereabouts of Song Ru and others leak out? He couldn't be more clear. The initiator of everything was actually the last deceased Song Ru encountered in Tianhe City!

On that day, he was sent out of the Yuanyang Tianjin Pagoda by the old monk in yellow clothes using a secret method, and finally fell into the iron box of Song Ru and his party by accident, although he was sealed in a stone at that time Can't come out, but can clearly perceive everything around.

At that time, the entire Tianhe City was upset by the yellow-robed old monk. Song Ru thought he had recovered the "six-finger bones", and hurried to the "Shuijing Pavilion", ready to take the teleportation array to leave this place of right and wrong. .

At that time, she met one of her deceased, Lin Qinghui.

The woman took the initiative to talk with her, and finally even took her a shortcut, so that Song Ru could successfully sit on the teleportation circle back to Wushuang City.

This matter seems to be nothing, but only Liang Yan knows that the sister named "Lin Qinghui" quietly made some tricks on the iron box while Song Ru was not paying attention.

Because Liang Yan was in the iron box at that time, he saw this scene really!

After Song Ru returned to the border of Wushuang City, he was chased and killed not long after. Although he was talking about some ordinary casual cultivators, his whereabouts along the way were always known, so that he was chased and killed. Waves after waves of ambushing people gradually made them tired of coping.

Bystander Qing Liang Yan knew that these monks who tried to **** the "six-finger remains" were attracted by the marks left by Lin Qinghui on the iron box.

The mark left by this woman in the iron box was very secret. If Liang Yan hadn't witnessed everything in the iron box, he wouldn't even notice it, let alone Song Ru and the others who fought fiercely all the way.

Liang Yan saw the cause and effect of the whole thing clearly, but he couldn't say it right now.

Because in that way, I had to explain why I appeared in the iron box and how the "six-finger bones" inside disappeared. A lot of trouble was out of thin air!

Therefore, this black pot is destined to be carried by Li Yuanji.

"Forget it, let's not investigate how this matter was leaked. The most urgent matter is to rush back to Wushuang City and report the matter to Master to see if her elderly can rush to the territory of the'Kunshan Three Sages' before leaving Wushuang City. , Find their whereabouts!" Song Ru finally took a deep breath.

After listening to the unheard layman and Fang Liren, they both nodded gently and said, "I must follow the instructions of the seniors!"

Liang Yan naturally didn't have any opinion. He was still anxious to go to Wushuang City with these three people, so the few people didn't stop at any point, and they drove away in place and flew towards Liangyue City.

Liangyue City is under the jurisdiction of Wushuang City, and it is not far from them. It only took a few days for everyone to come to the front of a city where monks gathered.

They had just landed at the gate of the city, when six escape lights flew out of the city, but in a short while, they arrived in front of Liang Yan and the others.

When the light dissipated, revealing the figures inside, only three men and three women were seen, all of whom had cultivation levels above the early stage of the Golden Core Realm.

Liang Yan's gaze scanned everyone one by one, and finally fell on the person in the middle.

This person is a young girl of cardamom age, born Zhong Ling delicate, but there is a silly silly smile on her face, she looks like her mind is not normal.

The strangest thing is that among all the people present, this person has the highest cultivation level, and he has reached the stage of the late Tongxuan realm!

"Is this person really stupid or fake?"

Liang Yan murmured in his heart, eyes full of suspicion. After all, who can cultivate to the Profound Realm, who has not experienced all kinds of hardships, how can a demented person do it?

When he was suspicious, Song Ru beside him took a step forward and bowed to the demented girl.

"Song Ru met Sister Ye!"

"Sister Song, you are here!" The demented girl chuckled, with a naive look on her face, and then said: "Master asked me to pick you up, but I don't know where you are from, so I have been squatting in Liangyue City. , So you won’t miss it. Sister Song, do you think I’m doing this right?"

She said this in a silly voice, but everyone present didn't feel anything wrong. Only Liang Yan showed a weird look and secretly said in her heart: "Looking at this person's appearance, why doesn't it seem to be pretending to be stupid? Is it because I am There are really fools enlightened in this world?"


Someone behind the girl coughed, but it was a middle-aged Taoist priest who arched his hands at Song Ru at this moment:

"Senior Song, this matter is actually my idea. Because I don't know the route of Senior Song's trip, I can only choose to stay here, so as not to miss Senior Song."

After Song Ru heard this, she smiled bitterly: "You are doing the right thing, it's just that Song is not good at learning. This task will take ten years. You don't want to lose your success at the last moment and let the culprits give the remains of the six-finger seniors. Take it away!"

As soon as Song Ru said this, the faces of the five people who went out of the city to greet all changed. Only the demented girl shook her head and said, "Sister Song has a lot of talent! This time it must be the enemy's cunning. , If I run into it next time, I will definitely squash all these guys down!"

After hearing this girl's words, Song Ru couldn't help but smile, but immediately said with a solemn expression:

"This time I am dereliction of duty. After I return to the city, I should plead guilty to Master. However, the most urgent task is to rush the matter to the'Supervisor Tiansi' of Wushuang City. They stopped!"

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