The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1053: 0 Flower Club

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The Luoying Island is suspended in the air, and the island is full of flowers. When the monks in twos and threes are on the shuttle, watching the scenery or drinking and composing poetry, the scene is very lively.

Liang Yan observed carefully for a while, and found that the cultivation level of the people who came to the island varied. Some were already in the Golden Core Realm, and some were still in the foundation stage, but they were able to enjoy tea and talk together.

Ji Lai obviously found the curiosity in his eyes, and at this moment he explained: "This is the Hundred Flowers Fair. Regardless of the level of cultivation, it only talks about literati style. You see, some of them compose poems and some compose music, and many of them are Confucianists. The juniors all took this opportunity to ask the seniors for advice."

"I see."

Liang Yan nodded lightly. It was the first time he saw this kind of event, and he was quite curious in his heart.

The two wandered around the island for a while, and found that there are many beautiful female sisters here.

The book was originally dressed as a scholar. If it were a little more serious, it would be considered personable. A lot of Confucian sisters along the way were attracted by his temperament and came to exchange literature and ink with him.

Although Ji Lai this person is a bit cynical, but what he learned in his chest is not bad. It seems to be easy to talk about poems against these female cultivators and talk about elegance.

The young girl has a great affection for him, and it doesn't need to be said that during the period, she fretted.

It was a bitter for Liang Yan. He already had a beautiful woman in his heart, and he had no interest in these so-called Confucian fairies at all. But at this moment, he had to be by Ji Lai's side, and he seemed a little idle.

Just when he was a little bored, there was a sound of silk and bamboo wind at the end of the road ahead. Liang Yan looked up and saw a slim figure in the crowd dancing with a long sword holding a long sword.

"It seems that someone is doing sword dance. Listening to this tune, the skill of the accompaniment is not easy!" Ji Lai's eyes lit up, and he seemed to be interested.

While they were talking, the two had already arrived at the place where the crowd stopped. On a cyan boulder on the edge of the cliff, a female nun in white was holding a sword of cold light, dancing lightly with the sound of the flute.

This woman has a tall figure and a beautiful face. In addition to the snow in white clothes, her face is frosty. From a distance, she looks like a cold pool in the ice and snow, giving people a cold temperament that cannot be profaned.

"So it was her!"

After Ji Lai saw this woman, his face showed the same expression.

"Do you recognize this woman?" Liang Yan asked.

"Yes, she is one of the five major casual cultivators that I told you before,'Bingshan Snow Lotus' Mu Hanxue." Ji Lai nodded.

"Oh? With that said, she is also a monk participating in this selection test?"

"Of course, this woman's cultivation is also in the late Golden Core Realm, and her strength is definitely not weak!"

Ji looked at the woman who was watching the solo dance on the bluestone, her eyes were full of appreciation, and then she said: "This woman is really good, just like a lotus on the iceberg forever, so "Hundred Fang Pu" is not deceiving me! "

"Hundred Fang Pu?"

Liang Yan was slightly taken aback when he heard it, and secretly said, isn't this written by the unreliable old scholar I've seen before?

"Hey, Brother Liang must have never heard of it, right?"

Ji Lai winked at him and said: "This "The Book of Hundred Fangs" was written with painstaking effort by a senior expert in Wushuang City. It lists a hundred beautiful fairies from the entire Antarctic Xianzhou, and this Mu Han in front of us Xue is well-known on the list, and ranks 96th in "Hundred Fang Pu"!"

"It seems that you are very familiar with that Hundred Fong Book." Liang Yan said teasingly.

"I was fortunate to have read one or two in the past, but it's a pity that most of the fairies on the list have advanced cultivation skills, and Ji's blessings are superficial. Apart from Mu Hanxue in front of him, he has never seen anyone with his own eyes before." Ji Lai sighed with regret. Sighed.

Just as the two of them were talking, the song in front of him was over. Liang Yan turned his head and looked around, only to find that the person who played the flute was a middle-aged man with a toga and big sleeves.

This person is not tall and has a thin face. Wearing an old gray robe, he is sitting cross-legged on another bluestone on the edge of the cliff, and slowly put a long flute into the storage ring.

"Mr. Situ, how did Hanxue dance with this song?"

Mu Hanxue also stopped her sword dance at this time, standing on the bluestone and asked her hands together.

"Pian Ruo Jinghong, graceful like a dragon, when it moves like a blue sea, like an ancient pine in Cangshan, when it is urgent, like a thousand horses, and when it is slowly like a trickle... .It is extremely rare to hear that Xuejian Wu can be danced to such an extent by you." The middle-aged man slowly said.

Na Mu Hanxue's eyes lit up, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"Thanks to Mr. Situ for the praise. Actually, Hanxue came to the Hundred Flowers Fair this time just to meet her husband."

"There is a ruthless scholar, what is there to see?" The middle-aged man shook his head and laughed somewhat self-deprecatingly.

"Mister is too modest. Who doesn't know the name of Situ Kuangsheng who came to participate in the selection assessment this time? As soon as Mr. Feijian comes out, I'm afraid that no one of the candidates can stop you."

"My broken sword is not worth mentioning. If the girl has nothing else, she will leave first." Situ Kuangsheng said, standing up from the blue stone, turning around and about to leave.

"Mr. Situ wait a minute!"

Mu Hanxue hurriedly stopped the other party, then her face was solemn, and she said, "Here, Hanxue sincerely invites her husband to form a team with me to participate in the selection and assessment of Wushuang City."

As soon as she said this, Liang Yan and Ji Lai looked at each other, and the two thoughts at the same time:

"It turns out that Mu Hanxue also came to find an ally!"

At this time, at least half of the monks who were onlookers admired Mu Hanxue’s fame and came to participate in this Hundred Flowers Fair. Now I heard that the Frozen Fairy, whom I had longed for a long time, actually publicly offered others a team invitation. I feel a little tasteful in my heart.

"This person doesn't know what luck he's gone, so he asked Fairy Mu to invite him! I think he's already happy in his heart, why don't he quickly agree?" a white-clothed man whispered.

He had just spoken, and someone next to him yelled: "Don’t talk nonsense, they are the genius monks of the Situ family. With your cultivation base during the foundation-building period, if you anger others, you may be killed by a single look. !"

"I didn't say anything, just pure envy..."


As the audience was whispering, the Situ Kuangsheng on the bluestone was not moved at all. At this time, he didn't even turn his head, just spoke indifferently:

"I don't like to be noisy, so I won't team up with anyone in this assessment, just relying on the sword in my hand is enough! Girl, goodbye!"

When the voice fell to the ground, this person flicked his sleeves, and the whole person turned into a long rainbow, rushing to the outside of Luoying Island.........

All the people present did not expect that he would refuse so simply. At this time, many people were stunned, and obviously they hadn't recovered.

And that Mu Hanxue's face was even more frosty, she originally had the title of "Ice Mountain Snow Lotus", and now she was like ten thousand years of ice, making people involuntarily want to stay away from this girl.


After a long time, she heard a cold snort, and, like Baili's crazy life, turned into a long rainbow and left Luoying Island.

"Just let her go?"

Liang Yan looked at the plan next to him, and said with a smile but a smile: "Don't you want to find an ally? This fairy Mu was born so beautifully, and is now looking for someone to form a team, because of your personality you can't go up. invite?"

"Brother Liang, you are not right!" Ji Lai said with a serious face: "We are here to find allies this time, and we are not here to find the dual monks. Although Mu Hanxue is beautiful, she is in the top five. Only ranked third among the casual cultivators, and the strength is much worse than that of the South Sea Swordsman. Of course, we must find the strongest in our selection."


Liang Yan looked at the plan with some surprise, and then teased: "So you are not a person who can't walk when you see a beautiful fairy!"

"Brother Liang said and laughed!" Ji Lai also knew his usual personality. At this time, he smiled, and then said: "That Situ Kuangsheng is also a sword repairman. It is said that his strength is unpredictable, but his personality is different. Even the monks of the same clan as the Situ family are not in harmony."

"So that's seems impossible for this person to agree to someone else's request for team formation."

Liang Yan looked at the direction Situ Kuangsheng was leaving, and squinted his eyes.

He hadn't felt this person's sword cultivation level just now. If Mu Hanxue and Ji Lai hadn't said that he was a swordsman, Liang Yan would probably still not believe it.

"Interesting... this person will be clumsy, this time in the selection and assessment, you can try his methods if you have the opportunity."

As Situ Kuangsheng and Mu Hanxue left one after another, the monks watching nearby felt completely dull, and at this time they all began to retreat, and the lively cliffs became deserted in a blink of an eye.

"This Luoying Island is so big, where are we going to find Cang Yueming?" Liang Yan looked at the surrounding mountain roads and suddenly asked.

"It's very simple! Cang Yueming likes to be lively and pushy."

Ji Lai pointed his finger at the top of the mountain and said with a smile: "So we only need to go to the place with the highest terrain and the most people and wait for him to appear."

"It seems that you have already figured out the character of this person. If that's the case, let's go."

Liang Yan replied indifferently, he was no longer interested in these dances and stories along the way, he just wanted to quickly find this South China Sea swordsman, and then leave here.

The two of them followed the mountain road all the way up, and after half a stick of incense, they came to the top of the mountain. They saw hundreds of monks surrounded by three and three floors, their gazes were towards the two stone pillars in the middle, from time to time. Also exchange a few words with each other.

Liang Yan looked at it intently, and saw two natural rocks standing in the middle of the top of the mountain, more than ten feet high, as if two house beams were stuck on the ground.

The stone pillar on the left is inscribed with a line of words: "The sea reaches the boundless sky as a cliff!"

The stone pillar on the right is blank, with no writing.

Most of the onlookers were Confucian scribes. At this moment, some whispered, some closed their eyes and meditated, and some shook their heads and sang softly, all seeming to be thinking hard.

Liang Yan and Ji came here, all confused, so they asked a scribe at random.

The scribe seemed to be a little dissatisfied that his thoughts were interrupted, but after he saw Liang Yan and Jilai's cultivation level clearly, he still patiently said:

"This is the upper couplet left by True Monarch Sanhua on Luoying Island. As long as the literati and elegant scholars who come here can go up and make a right, but only the verses approved by the stone pillar will stay on it. If it is not right, the handwriting It won't show up at all."

"If someone confronts the Xia Lian, the Sanhua layman will not only invite the other party to taste tea and discuss the Tao, but will also reward him with a treasure."

"There is such a thing!" Ji Lai was slightly taken aback, and then shouted: "As far as I know, the face of the true monarch of Sanhua is extremely beautiful. The senior in Wushuang City originally wanted to include her in the "Hundred Flowers". Yes, it's a pity that she was threatened by this woman, but she didn't write her name in the end. How could this pair of people from Xialian join her to taste tea and talk with her?"

"Isn't it?" The scribe raised his eyebrows, showing a look of longing, and then said: "If I can have a drink with Senior Sanhua, even if there is no such treasure, I will be willing!"

When several people were talking, suddenly a voice in the crowd called:

"Some go too!"

Liang Yan turned his head and looked, only to see a black robe man appearing more and more, stepping in the air in mid-air, and between several vertical jumps, he came to the top of the stone pillar on the right.

This person is full of confidence, holding a thick wolf pen in his hand, and laughs:

"Everyone, this next couplet will be written by Chu!"

As soon as he finished his speech, he started writing on the stone pillar, and saw that the first character was written "Moon". The handwriting was neatly written and three points into the stone, which seemed quite accomplished in calligraphy.

Seeing that the first word he wrote hadn't disappeared, everyone couldn't help but concentrate and hold their breath.

The man in the black robe was obviously also very proud. At this moment, he turned his pen and wanted to write the second word on the stone pillar.

However, when he fell this pen, he couldn't write anymore. There seemed to be an invisible force on the surface of the stone pillar, making it impossible to hold the pen at all.

Everyone was watching at this time, but saw that the black robe man's face was pale, sweat was raining, his hand holding the pen stopped in the air and trembled, naturally guessing what had happened.

Sure enough, the black robe man was bounced off by a white light at the next moment, and the word "moon" he had written on the stone pillar disappeared without a trace, leaving no trace.

"Haha, I think this person is I didn't expect it to be just grandstanding!"

Around the stone pillar, someone immediately ridiculed him mercilessly, and someone beside him smiled and agreed with the most sarcasm.

The black-robed man also knew that he was embarrassed and lost home, how arrogant and embarrassing it would be at the beginning. At this time, he didn't even dare to look back, and hurriedly walked down the mountain.

After he left, the crowd on the top of the mountain became more cautious, and no one dared to rush up to write a poem, for fear that he would follow that person's footsteps and be ridiculed by other scribes.

These people are thinking hard in place, and they don't seem to want a flawless couplet, so they will never be on stage.

After half a cup of tea, I suddenly heard a woman's weak voice:

"I'll try it."

After listening, everyone turned their heads and looked, only to see a petite-looking woman in a green willow-colored dress coming out from the crowd, and came to the stone pillar on the right.


ps: It's a new month, ask for a monthly pass! ! !

The old rule is that every 500 monthly pass will add one chapter (4,000 words). If the 1,000 monthly pass arrives this month, an extra chapter will be added. Last month it’s 800 monthly pass. I haven’t tried 1,000 tickets yet. Brothers help me out. !

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