The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1058: Burning the top of the mountain

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The Jade Ruyi that was calculated, didn't know what magic weapon it was, it clearly looked ordinary, without any momentum. But every time Tongjiao's magical magic light hits, a white mist will burst out on that Yu Ruyi, engulfing all the magic light in it, and there will be no more movement after that.

There was already a hint of impatience in Tong Jiao's eyes. She was the weakest among the four of the Tong family, so Tong Gu did not let her participate in the besieging of Cang Yueming, but instead asked her to clean up a scholar in the middle of the golden core.

Originally thought that dealing with such a cultivation base is inferior to one's own casual cultivation, he would definitely be able to catch it, but he did not expect that the other party would have such a powerful magic weapon.

While her eyes were anxious, she also had greed in her heart. At this time, she desperately urged the magic weapon, tapping her delicate fingers frequently, spilling the light from the flower basket, and venting toward the top of Ji Lai's head.

Looking at that plan again, there was no panic at this moment.

Although he only defends and does not attack, relying on that jade Ruyi, no matter how Tong Jiao makes a move, he can't break his defense, and it seems that he is still a bit more comfortable.

When Liang Yan saw this scene, he couldn't help being a little funny. To say that the skill of this calculation, except for the calculation of the organs and some sideways, his own magical powers are not very good.

However, there are too many treasures on his body. From the previous "modern ancient bronze coins", strange ding furnaces, and folding fans painted with lumberjacks, boys and anglers, to this jade Ruyi now, it can be said that this man's magic treasures are endless, and Each has its own purpose, and the quality is not bad.

It's probably not an exaggeration to just call him "Daobao Taoist".

Seeing the plan to deal with freely, Liang Yan also put out his plan to help, and while responding to Hao Dawei who was rampant like a bull, he asked via voice transmission: "Brother Ji, what are the two people who just showed up? ?"

Ji Lai was extinguishing the three divine lights emitted by Tong Jiao at this time. Hearing Liang Yan's question, he immediately replied through voice transmission:

"The monk with the appearance of a drunkard should be one of the top five casual cultivators participating in the selection and assessment this time, Mo Haoran,'Liquor in the Universe'! As for the brocade robe monk... what this person showed. The strength of supernatural powers is considered the top group among the golden core cultivators, but I have never heard of this person, and I can't think of any cultivator's characteristics that match him. It's really strange!"

"There is such a thing..."

There was also a look of surprise in Liang Yan's eyes. Jilai's ability to inquire about intelligence was first-rate, and even he didn't know the origin of this brocade robe monk. It was indeed a little unexpected.

"Brother Liang!"

At this time, the calculated voice sounded in Liang Yan's spiritual sense: "When are you going to hide? I have been helping you for so long. If you don't come up with any means, this fight will be over. ."

"What am I hiding? Isn't this fighting the enemy side by side with you?"

"Nonsense! You didn't even get Feijian out of the sheath, how long do you want to play with this Hao Dawei?" Ji Lai rolled his eyes, and said in an angry voice.

Liang Yan was speechless for a while. This plan came to know his own details, and he couldn't hide it, so he could only reply with a voice transmission: "Today's trend is over. With the help of those two people, Ping Tong and Hao's family is not Cang Yue may be left behind. In this situation, I shouldn't expose my strength anymore. Let's watch the changes first."

"All right."

After hearing Liang Yan's answer, Ji Lai couldn't help but shrugged.

Although he doesn't have any supernatural powers, if he talks about the means of saving his life, he is definitely the top existence among the Golden Core cultivators! Just staying here for three days and three nights, exhausting that Tong Jiao's spiritual power, he will not show the slightest defeat.

Liang Yan didn't want to reveal his strength, so he naturally had his considerations, so he didn't urge him after he came to listen, and continued to impose his jade wishful magic weapon, and stalemate with Tong Jiao, the monk Tong Jiao.

This battle group has now been divided into three areas. On one side, Liang Yan and Jilai played against Hao Dawei and Tong Jiao. On the other side, Mo Haoran and Jinpao monk played against Hao Lianyun and Tong Gu. As for the last battlefield, Cang Yueming alone fought against Hao Tiande, Tong Lin, and Tong Hao in the late Jindan period.

With the help of everyone, Cang Yueming no longer hesitated in his eyes at this time. His Mo Xuan sword rang out and turned into a three-foot-long sword gang, and the black sword air on it burst out like ink splashing around. .

This man's swordsmanship and swordsmanship seems to be completely unstructured, but the sword is in the air, but it is very tangled, like a bold and uninhibited scribe. Although the writing is flying and phoenix, but the beginning and the end are echoed between the beginning and the end.

"There are flaws everywhere, but there are traps everywhere!"

This is the evaluation Liang Yan gave in his heart after observing for a long time.

Cang Yueming's swordsmanship is wonderful, and he has only seen it in his life. Liang Yan was admired in his heart, but he was a little bit intolerable. If there were not many people here, he would want to go up and learn two tricks with this person.

However, there should be no chance today. This Cang Yueming sword power has been achieved, and the more he fights, the more enjoyable he is. The cultivators of the Tong and Hao families are all defeated by him.

I'm afraid it will take less than a stick of incense time, and the game will have to decide the winner.

Tong Jiao and Hao Dawei on the side obviously also noticed this, and their eyes became more anxious.

Tong Jiao, as a monk in the late Jindan period, was not arranged by Tong Gu to besiege Cang Yueming, but was sent to deal with a monk in the Jin Dan mid-term period. This meant that she was underestimated.

Holding a breath in her heart, she sacrificed her destiny as soon as she came up, intending to quickly solve the scholar, and then go back to help other monks.

But I didn't expect this inconspicuous looking scholar in white, just like a piece of brown candy, he couldn't be killed no matter how he was hit, and he couldn't get rid of no matter how he was shaken.

The more Tong Jiao fights, the more upset she gets, and her moves become a little messy, and at the same time, Hao Dawei, who is on the other side of the battlefield, is even more angry.

He took the initiative to deal with Liang Yan, in order to avenge the humiliation of the other party.

Hao Dawei is a character that must be repaid. Liang Yan asked him to face the ground in the crowd, so he would skin and tear the opponent to refine the soul, so that he could vent his hatred.

Unexpectedly, this cultivator in the middle of the golden core was also an individual, and he fought back and forth with himself, until Cang Yueming's reinforcements arrived, the two of them had not yet distinguished the victory or defeat.

Hao Da was both ashamed and resentful at this moment. If his eyes could kill people, Liang Yan would have been cut by thousands of swords.

"Wu that thief, Ben Shao fights with you!"

Suddenly, Hao Dawei widened his eyes and raised his hand to pat his Tianling Gai, only to see a cloud of purple aura emerging from the top of his head, which then turned into thousands of threads, and soon spread all over Hao Dawei's body.

At the same time, this person's breath also began to skyrocket. If it was a bull before, it has now become a mad lion!

"The magical body refining technique?"

Liang Yan's eyes flickered lightly, revealing a thoughtful expression.

Although Hao Dawei's aura skyrocketed, he felt a trace of disorder from the opponent's body. This is definitely not a serious body-building technique. It should be a certain price to stimulate his own potential, so as to achieve the purpose of increasing strength.


Hao Da's momentum at this moment has risen to the extreme, shouting in mid-air, and at the same time punching through the air with his fists, hitting Liang Yan like a meteor.

Seeing his desperate posture, Liang Yan couldn't help frowning.

"Cang Yueming's swordsmanship, I have almost watched seven or eight, and there is no need to observe it anymore. Since this person is all about looking for death, then it will be done for him."

Thinking of this, Liang Yan showed a cold look in his eyes, and suddenly raised his hand and patted Li Xiaosong on his shoulder.

Li Xiaosong immediately understood, and lightly kicked his four feet on his shoulder, and the next moment he jumped into the air.

The crowd onlookers all showed a look of surprise at this moment. You must know that Hao Dawei's punch was so aggressive, it can be said that he has used his life skills.

But the gray-clothed man still stood still, just letting out a small white beast.

This little white beast looks exactly like a civet cat, with a furry body and a very big tail. It looks very harmless to humans and animals. Where is the slightest momentum?

But the next moment, everyone was shocked and speechless.

I saw this cute little beast that is "harmless to humans and animals", with an inexplicable look of excitement in its eyes, and then opened its mouth in midair, and five groups of flames of different colors spurted out of its mouth!

The five flames are divided into five colors: blue, yellow, blue, red, and gold, and quickly merge together in mid-air, and finally turn into a colorful flame lotus.


With the formation of the colorful fire lotus, a scorching and terrifying aura immediately spread, and all the monks who were watching couldn't help but take a breath, and almost subconsciously moved a little further away from the battlefield.

Hao Dawei had flown less than a hundred feet away in front of Liang Yan at this time. He had an imposing appearance, but after seeing the flame lotus sprayed by Li Xiaosong, the expression on his face changed drastically, almost without any hesitation, he turned around and left in an instant. .

However, at this time, it is no longer what he can leave if he wants to.

With a low roar from Li Xiaosong, the colorful fire lotus shot out in an instant, turning into a colorful sea of ​​fire in mid-air, enveloping Hao Dawei in an instant.

The five-colored flames burned blazingly, burning the surrounding space a bit distorted and deformed. Hao Dawei was born in physical cultivation, and his body became Dao. He was not afraid of wind, fire, water, thunder, knives, swords, axes, and whips. The fire lotus burned, but it was screaming again and again, and the face was full of pain and distortion.

His proud and self-proclaimed "Hou Tu Divine Armor" also began to melt under the burning of this colorful fire lotus.

Seeing that none of his strongest defensive methods could resist this flame, Hao Dawei suddenly felt a sense of despair in his heart. Although his character was cruel, he was a bully and fearless master. His cruel monk would immediately obey him.

At this time, Hao Dawei, no longer the arrogant expression of a moment ago, turned to crying and pleading:

"Little ancestor, my little ancestor! Please stop your hands and take away the supernatural powers! It's me who don't know Taishan. As long as you let me go, Hao is willing to be a cow and a dog for you, but I dare not have it. Two hearts!"

In order to survive, he said so humbly, it can be said that he has already lost the face of the Hao family.

However, the little white beast in mid-air didn't mean to stop at all, but sprayed the flames more vigorously.

"Hey, haha...Burn it!"

Li Xiaosong's cheeks were bulging, and he breathed fire while roaring again and again, and his two big eyes were shining with excitement, as if an arsonist was finally released from the jail, and he could finally flex his muscles.

Hao Dawei did not expect that he begged for mercy for a long time, but in exchange for a more violent flame, the colorful fire lotus was burning, and at this time he had melted more than half of his "Houtu Divine Soldier Armor", and some of the flames even spread to it. Above his physical body, he burned this person to wailing and screaming, and he could no longer speak a complete sentence.

Seeing Hao Dawei's miserable appearance, the many monks watching on the edge of the cliff couldn't help but take a breath of cold air from the corner of their eyes.

"It was cheated by him!" Someone sighed.

"I thought he was an individual cultivator, but I didn't expect him to be a monk who defended against beasts!" The other person also said with emotion.

At this time, someone wondered: "What is that white civet cat? Why is it so fierce? In my mind, I can't think of any spirit beast that looks like this."

"I can't think of this. This spirit beast is so weird. Is there anything between the gray-robed man and Wan Beast Mountain?"


There was a lot of discussion outside the court, but Li Xiaosong in the court was extremely excited.

It had always liked to join in the fun, and the temperament to provoke trouble, but it has always been suppressed by Liang Yan. These years have been locked in a wooden house, in addition to penance or penance.

Now that Liang Yan was finally released and she was allowed to take action at will, Li Xiaosong's excitement can be imagined. It would be easy to start without burning the entire Luoying Island with a torch. How could it be accepted because of Hao Dawei's begging for mercy? hand.

Hao Dawei was also depressed. He liked torturing enemies the most in his life, but he didn't expect to encounter someone more perverted than himself today. No matter how he interceded, this seemingly harmless little beast didn't mean to stop at all, and Seeing the sparkle in its pupils, it was obviously already extremely excited.

"Hey haha! You short-legged sweet see if this lady won't cook you!"

Li Xiaosong shouted while breathing fire, the colorful fire lotus was even more fierce, almost involving Hao Dawei's whole person, and he was about to burn this person to fly ashes.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden force from behind Li Xiaosong's neck, and someone pinched his neck and lifted it back upside down.

"Hey, you...what are you doing?"

Li Xiaosong couldn't change back into a human form. At this time, he still looked like a civet cat and a small beast, his limbs kicking frantically, and his mouth yelled: "I can burn him to ashes just before the fire, how can you stop me?"

It was Liang Yan who dragged Li Xiaosong back.

His face was calm at the moment, he hugged Li Xiaosong in his arms, and said indifferently: "I can't kill, because...someone is coming."

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