The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1060: Find teammates again

After Zhang Shaoyun left, all the people watching on the cliff knew that there was no show to watch, and they all went down the mountain and left.

The fighting technique just now can be described as extraordinary. Those monks with insufficient realm just watched the excitement, while several monks in the Golden Core realm began to figure out secretly, verifying the magical powers of the people on the top of the mountain just now with their own Taoism, which is actually quite quite There are some gains............

The original lively Luoying Island has disappeared in a blink of an eye.

On the top of the mountain at this time, there were only five people: Liang Yan, Ji Lai, Cang Yueming, Mo Haoran, and Huangfuqi.

Liang Yan looked at the direction of Zhang Shaoyun's departure, and had made up his mind, even if he joined Wushuang City in the future, he would never have any contact with this woman.

You know that today is just the first time I met, and I was almost taken to the 20,000 Lingshi by this female pit!

Just when Liang Yan felt a little uncomfortable, Huangfuqi, who had just "bleeded", walked over with a smile and arched his hands towards the two of them: "Under Huangfuqi, I don't know how the two Taoist friends are called?"

"Liang Yan."

"Come on."

"It turned out to be Daoist Liang and Daoist Ji. I am lucky enough to meet!" Huangfu smiled, and then asked: "The two magical powers are not weak, but they don't know which school they come from, and where they are. A senior disciple under your seat?"

"Master Shen Sanchi." Ji said, pointed at Liang Yan, and then said: "As for this...he is a casual cultivator."

When Na Huangfuqi heard the words "Shen Sanchi", a light flashed in his eyes, and he laughed:

"It turns out to be'fake idiot, not idiot' Shen Sanchi! Senior Shen has a great name. Although Xiao Ke has lived in a remote place for a long time, he also knows that Senior Shen is a Confucian expert, especially good at deducing arithmetic. I am afraid that he has been studying arithmetic for nearly a hundred years. No one can do it. It's a worthwhile trip to have the honor of seeing Senior Shen's descendants today!"

His remarks were really praised. Although Jilai was not a vain person, it was somewhat useful to hear others praise his teacher.

"The Taoist friend Huangfu praised him, his teacher has a deep learning experience, but Ji is so ignorant, and he didn't even get the true story of my master, so how dare he still be embarrassed."

Despite what Ji Lai said, there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. Liang Yan saw his appearance and knew that Huang Fuqi had already said it to his heart.

"Hahaha, brother Ji is too modest, so the so-called tiger father has no dogs, and the famous teacher produces high apprentices. Senior Shen is famous, where will his apprentice go?"

When Huang Fuqi said this, his gaze shifted, and he fell on Liang Yan again.

"Unexpectedly, Fellow Daoist Liang is just like me, and he was born in casual cultivator......... These casual cultivators are not easy to cultivate. Only you know the hardships. If you can work together in Wushuang City in the future, we must Get close."

After listening to Liang Yan, he raised his head and said haha: "The Daoist Huangfu said well, but the prerequisite is to pass this selection and assessment. I heard that there will be many experts in this assessment, so that you can do nothing at this point. Maybe it will be eliminated in two or three strokes."

"Brother Liang said and laughed!" Huang Fuqi waved his hand and said, "I believe that fellow Taoists are physically strong and energetic. This time selection and assessment will surely show up!"

When Liang Yan heard this, he couldn't help but smile, and said nothing more.

"This Huangfuqi is not easy!"

This is the thought in his mind.

Although Huangfuqi paid 20,000 spiritual stones for himself just now, Liang Yan was a bit alert to this person.

This person looks peaceful and upright, not only does not lose the style of a modest gentleman, but also has a hint of boldness and righteousness, and he speaks everything.

When he boasted, he praised his master first, and when he talked to himself, he said that he was also a casual cultivator and gained empathy. In the blink of an eye, the relationship between the two of them has been brought closer to him. This method alone is not enough. Vulgar.

Liang Yan is no longer the hairy boy who entered the Yixing Pavilion at the beginning of the year.

At this time, watching Huangfuqi's good intentions, he just smiled politely and didn't talk too much.

Na Huangfu chatted for a while, his gaze fell on Liang Yan's shoulder again, looking at Li Xiaosong who had turned into a small white beast, and asked curiously: "Brother Liang, don't blame it for talking too much, this civet cat is really peculiar. , I have also studied some spirit beasts in the territory of Wushuang City. Why have I never heard of this breed?"

After Liang Yan heard this, he smiled noncommittal and said, "This is just a spirit beast that I saved in the secret realm. It is not a rare species. If fellow Taoist Huangfu is interested, don't go to the secret realm with me next time. Check it out?"

Huang Fuqi was stunned for a while, and then he immediately reacted, arching his hands in embarrassment: "Daoyou Liang, forgive me. I was also curious for a while. I didn't think much about it, so I opened my mouth and asked. It's indeed overstepped. Please don't go. Go inside."

His remarks are naturally apologizing. You must know that for the monks of Yu Beast Liu, asking others about the magical powers and origins of spirit beasts is a big taboo. This is tantamount to spying on the cards in other people's hands!

If you encounter a violent temper, I am afraid that if you say something is inconsistent, you will have to fight.

Liang Yan naturally wouldn't turn his face on the spot, but as a "monster imperial monk", he naturally had to act. Hearing Huangfuqi's words to apologize, he dropped the donkey and waved his hand with a smile:

"I believe Daoist Huangfu is outspoken. Just now you paid me a fine of 20,000 spiritual stones. I still don't know how to thank you or blame you?"

"Haha, you don't have to say thank you, Daoist Liang, there are only 20,000 spiritual stones. It is a blessing for me Huangfu Qi to make friends like Daoyou Liang and Daoist Ji. This spirit stone has not been wronged at all!"

Huangfu smiled, patted his chest as he spoke, looking proud and dry.

At this time, Cang Yueming and Mo Haoran also walked over. The Confucian swordsman gave a deep salute to Liang Yan and Ji Lai, and said:

"Thank you for your help from the two brothers. At that time, the enemy was few and we were few, but the two were able to step forward regardless of their own safety. The chivalrous heart alone made Cang admire! If you have any difficulties in the future, you can always come and find them. As long as he can help, Cang will never refuse!"

His words were extremely sincere, Liang Yan smiled slightly, and before he could answer, Ji Lai rushed to speak: "Brother Cang, in fact, when I don't use it, I now have a big thing I want to ask Brother Cang for help."

"Oh? What's the matter? Brother Ji, please tell me!" Cang Yueming said slowly.

"Brother Liang and I have signed up to participate in the selection and assessment of Wushuang City Apprentices. Now we are still one team ally. We have always admired Brother Cang's name. We happened to meet here today. How about teaming up together?"


Cang Yueming frowned slightly, her face a little awkward.

After he pondered for a while, he said apologetically: "Brother Ji, what you said is just a trivial matter. Originally, with the help of the two brothers today, Cang had no reason to refuse. It's just that I was earlier. , I have already agreed to the team invitations of Taoist Huangfu and Taoist Mo. The so-called gentleman is more important than Taishan, but there is no way to agree to the two team invitations.............. ."


Ji Lai opened his mouth, a little surprised and speechless.

He didn't expect that he racked his brains, spent so much time inquiring about the news, and participated in another big battle today, but was finally caught by others!

"Sorry, sorry!"

At this time, Huangfuqi said with an apologetic expression: "Zai Xia and Dao Friends Cang and Dao Mo had already met six months ago, and had shared sorrows. At that time, they made an agreement to participate in the selection of Wushuang City together. Assessment."


Cang Yueming nodded and said: "When I was wandering, I encountered Tong Lingzhong slaughter the village and sacrificed treasures with mortal spirits and blood, and beheaded this person in anger."

"Later, I offended Tong's family because of this incident and was besieged by a large number of masters sent by Tong's family. It happened that two Taoists passed by and helped me stand out from the siege. This saved me a life. And the reason why we wanted to join Wushuang Cheng is also afraid that Tong’s family will retaliate more vigorously, so he gave up his unfettered days of casual cultivation and came to Wushuang City to seek refuge."

When Cang Yueming said this, she couldn't help but sighed slightly. He is a casual person. He likes to travel around the world while practicing, but he always likes to fight against injustices. Over the years, he has offended many forces.

Because he is a casual cultivator with no roots and no pings, those forces who want revenge have no scruples at all. If he hadn't been for his superb swordsmanship and supernatural powers, I am afraid he would have been killed for a long time.

But this kind of happy life came to an end after he offended the Tong and Hao families. Now if you don't want to leave your hometown, you can only join Wushuang City and become a Wushuang City apprentice, so you won't be afraid of the threats from Tong and Hao.

"The two dao friends forgive their sins. When I met Mo Haoran and Huangfuqi, I had already set up an alliance to participate in the assessment. There is really no way to agree to the requests of the two dao friends. It's better than Ji brother. Let's change the request. As long as Cang can do what he can and does not violate morality, he will definitely go through fire and water, and will not hesitate!"


Ji Lai opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something more, but was stopped by Liang Yan's hand.

"It's okay!"

Liang Yan smiled and said: "Since it was two Taoist friends who invited each other, it is understandable that Brother Cang kept his promise. Moreover, Wushuang City recruited more than three city apprentices. Although we belong to two teams, we may also be at the same time. When we enter the city, we will be happy again."

"Hahaha, Brother Liang said it right!" Huangfu nodded strangely and said: "We have made a friend this time. If we meet in the assessment in the future, we don't have to embarrass each other and lock our goal in something else. On the team, maybe they can pass the level together."

"Friend Huangfu's words are extremely true!"

Liang Yan made a haha, and then rushed to the three of them and said, "I am fortunate enough to meet three masters in the next. It's a blessing in my life. I will leave it today and see you again in the examination room!"


Cang Yueming, Huangfuqi, and Mo Haoran also clasped their fists to give a bow at the same time.

Next, Liang Yan took the sullen plan in his heart, walked down the mountain road, and quickly left Luoying Island under the control of Escape.

The two returned to the Tianxing Academy, and just entered their attic courtyard, Ji Lai shouted: "Liang Yan, why didn't you let me fight for it again? You have seen Cang Yueming's strength, as long as you have In the team, it is almost impossible for this person to pass the selection assessment."

After Liang Yan heard this, he smiled and shook his head and said, "I think Cang Yueming makes a promise. He is definitely not a person who will go back. No matter how good you prepare, this person will not be able to abandon his previous promise. ."

After Ji came to listen, he seemed to understand what Liang Yan said was true, and there was a trace of annoyance in his eyes.

"Come on, I've been busy during this period of time! It's okay for you to retreat in that attic every day, and don't care about finding allies. I only run away! Now Cang Yueming's line is in the dark, even that. Mo Haoran, who ranked second in the top five loose repairs, was also accepted by others. Our chances of passing the assessment this time are slim..."

"Mo Haoran? Is that the monk who looked like a drunkard just now?" Liang Yan recalled, while pondering: "This person's strength is indeed good. Although it is much worse than Cang Yueming, it is better than Tonggu and Hao Lianyun. The descendants of this kind of cultivation family are actually a bit more powerful!"

"Yes! Speaking of Mo Haoran, he is also a strange person!"

Ji Lai remembered the secrets he had inquired, and couldn't help but say: "It is said that he was just a poor scholar in the world in his early years, because he was dissatisfied with the corruption of the court. He was dreaming in his yard, but suddenly a person came in in the dream, not only gave him a set of luck techniques, but also pointed him to a certain cave to find a secret store. Then Mo Haoran got this. After practicing the exercises, I took the treasures from the caves, and since then, the carp has turned over, and has actually practiced all the way to the late Jindan stage!"

"There is such a thing?"

Liang Yan's face was surprised, and he said in a little amazement: "Sure enough, there are no wonders in the world, and there are people who teach the Fa in dreams. This is also a great opportunity for Mo Haoran. I have heard of it for the first time in a dream!"

"Isn't it!" Ji Lai sighed, "As for Mo Haoran's strength, he should also be ranked in the top five in this selection assessment. I didn't expect Cang Yueming and Mo Haoran to be in the same team. Huangfuqi’s kid is really I'm afraid I can pass the test even lying down! As for our brothers, this time, we can hang on........... "

Liang Yan was frustrated when he said that, he couldn't help but smiled slightly: "Why brother Ji is so depressed, can't we just find an ally with the strength of the two of us to pass?"

"With the strength of the two of us?"

Ji Lai glanced at his mouth and said: "You monster can barely deal with a monk in the late Golden Core...As for me, self-preservation is fine, and some small methods are also good, which can help you. , But it is absolutely impossible to defeat those powerful Jindan late stages alone. If our last ally is too weak, then this test will definitely fail."

When he said this, he groaned for a moment, and then he said: "This is the end of the matter. Since the top two of the five major casual cultivators have been poached, then we have to find the third one to try!"

"Oh? Who is this third-ranked?" Liang Yanqi said.

"'Bingshan Snow Lotus' Mu Hanxue!"


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