The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1064: The third ally, sure!

Li Xiran's lips opened and closed, the magic tricks revolved, and the spiritual power in the body was surging. It was only a moment of effort that a whirlwind of black and white surged around her.

These two whirlwinds are positive and negative, like the opposites of the sky and the earth, exuding completely different auras.

hold head high!

Suddenly heard a dragon roar resounding in all directions, I saw the black whirlwind crashed to pieces, and then a dark ghost dragon flew out from it.

This evil dragon was so powerful that as soon as it appeared, a fierce might swept all around.

The ice cage that originally trapped Li Xiran was swayed by the tail of the evil dragon, and it was instantly shattered, with no power anymore.

After Li Xiran got out of trouble, her face remained unchanged, and she flipped a long sword in her right hand, and then pinched Dao Jue in her left hand.


There was another roar, and the white whirlwind beside her was also shattered. Then there was a flash of brilliance inside, and a white tiger with more than ten feet high and powerful eyes jumped out.

At this moment, under the dark night, there was a black dragon entrenched in the air, and a white tiger roared. This black and white, the dragon stalked the tiger, and the brilliance of the divine might, made Mu Hanxue's face in the distance greatly changed.

"This little Nizi is just a cultivator in the middle of the Golden Core, how can he use such a powerful method?"

Although Mu Hanxue was surprised in her heart, her skills were not slow. The cold wind whistled in the air, and the seven sharp swords condensed from cold ice spirit still pierced Li Xiran's heart.


Li Xiran gave a low cry, pointed a long sword in his hand, and the Nether Dragon and Taiqing Xuanhu beside him rushed out at the same time, facing the seven sharp swords shot by Shang Mu Hanxue.

The two men's supernatural powers fought head-on, and saw the dragon head of the Nether Dragon flicked, spraying a large cloud of black cloud from its mouth, and sucked in three of the sharp swords in an instant, and no trace of it was seen anymore.

The Taiqing Xuanhu was more direct. With a roar, he rushed straight into the sword formation composed of ice swords. Two tiger claws flew up and down, unexpectedly grabbing the remaining four swords one by one. .


Mu Hanxue exclaimed. She really didn't expect that it would only take a few breaths, and her magical powers would be destroyed by the other party!

You must know that although these ice swords are not real flying swords and have no sword energy protection, they are also formed by her own ice aura. If ordinary monks get close, they will be frozen by their meridians and eventually be The sword pierced the heart and died.

But the woman in the Taoist robe in front of her has a weird dragon and tiger body, not only is she not afraid of her own cold aura, but she also destroys all the seven sharp swords she has condensed with her own power!

"What kind of technique is this?" Mu Hanxue's eyes were filled with panic for the first time.


"Dragon and Tiger Fighting Heavenly Power!" Ji Lai exclaimed in the shadow of the dense forest.

"Do you recognize this technique?" Liang Yan was observing the battle in mid-air just now, when he suddenly heard Ji Lai exclaiming, he couldn't help asking from the side.

"Not bad." Ji Lai nodded and said, "This is an authentic profound technique, but few people have heard of it. I also heard the master mention it before. According to him, it was created by the city lord of Baiyu. Not sure whether it is true..........."

"White Jade City?"

Liang Yan frowned. In his impression, isn't Li Xiran a member of the Smelling Chamber of Commerce, how could he have something to do with Bai Yucheng?

"Whether it was created by the city lord of Baiyu City, this technique is indeed very powerful. You can see that her ability to overwhelm Mu Hanxue in the later stage of the Golden Core without the help of any magic weapon, is enough to explain this. How powerful is the exercise?" Ji Lai said sincerely while watching the fighting in midair.

"It's really amazing." Liang Yan suddenly thought of the past, and said amusedly: "It's just that she can use this magical power once in ten days, and she has to rest for ten days after using it!"

"There is such a thing!" Ji Lai was surprised at first, and then smiled again: "You are talking about that year, at that time she did not have enough cultivation level, and this happened. Now this woman has advanced to the golden core. You may not have to wait another ten days every time you cast a spell."

"Yes... when I met this woman, she was only in the Qi refining period, and the condensed dragon and tiger art phases at that time had no substance, but were transformed from a black air and white mist. Now this dragon and tiger vision is enough to match the magic weapon of the magic weapon, even if it is in the late stage of the battle against the gold core, it is not empty, I don't know how long it takes for her to use this magical power."

"No matter what, there is a magical power like this at the bottom of the box, it is enough to turn the crisis into peace. If the monk in the dark cloud does not make a move, Mu Hanxue will undoubtedly lose tonight." Ji took a look at the two in the fight. , His eyes said affirmatively.

The two were silent for a while in the shadow of the dense forest. Suddenly Liang Yan asked:

"Brother Ji, what do you think of this woman?"

"Huh? You mean..."

Ji Lai reacted in an instant, and then his eyes fell on a token on Li Xiran's waist. Although only the exposed corner could be seen, they could be sure that it was the candidate's token for the selection assessment.

"This woman is also one of the candidates this time!"


Liang Yan nodded and smiled slightly: "Brother Ji, our third ally, didn't this come to the door by himself?"

" can be..." Ji Lai thought for a while, then slowly said, "Although this woman only has the cultivation base of the middle Jindan, she The strength of the supernatural powers that burst out with all strength can suppress Mu Hanxue in the late Jindan stage. The three of us form a team. Although we are all in the Jindan mid-stage, the strength is far beyond the surface. Maybe it can make others take it lightly and achieve a surprising victory. Effect!"

"Brother Ji wants to be transparent, so he agrees?" Liang Yan smiled.

"Of course I agree, but I have to ask her personal opinion." Ji Lai said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, I will persuade this woman, but I will have to trouble Brother Ji to help. After all, I don't want to kill people here..."

The two people in the dense forest had a great conversation, and the fighting in mid-air had become more and more intense.

I saw the evil dragon and the Taiqing Xuanhu one left and one right, surrounding Mu Hanxue, no matter how powerful her cold aura was, she still couldn't beat the two magical images condensed by spiritual power.

Although Mu Hanxue's cultivation was a small level higher than the opponent's level, she was completely suppressed by Li Xiran at this time, and could only keep on parrying the opponent's offense, without the power to fight back at all.

She had been forced to retreat at this moment, and she had no choice but to sacrifice the magic weapon "Bing Ying Tian Dew Bottle" used to save her life.

This treasure bottle shed countless streams of light in the air, turning it into a ribbon of ice crystals, entwining the Nether Dragon and the Taiqing Xuanhu, trying to block the attack of the two Faxiangs.

However, Li Xiran just pinched the two-handed technique, and the black dragon and white tiger immediately roared, tearing most of the ice crystal ribbon to pieces, and then rushed toward Mu Hanxue indefinitely.


Seeing these two Faxiangs rushing in front of her, Mu Hanxue's expression changed drastically, she couldn't take much care of it anymore, and shouted, "My enemy, don't you come out to help?"

As soon as she finished her words, someone in the forest laughed and said, "My dear, don't worry, I have already taken action!"

With the sound of this sound, a large number of black clouds suddenly appeared around Li Xiran. These black clouds came extremely strange, without any warning, as if they appeared out of thin air.

Li Xiran focused all of his attention on manipulating the dragon and tiger's art, and attacked Mu Hanxue, but he didn't expect that he would unknowingly follow the way of others.

Nowadays, a large black cloud suddenly appeared at such a close distance, and Li Xiran's eyes couldn't help flashing a trace of panic.

She didn't have time to recall her dragon and tiger dignity, she only slashed the long sword in her hand, and cut out a moon white sword energy forward, trying to intercept the black clouds.

However, those black clouds flew into the air, but suddenly broke apart towards the surroundings, turning into countless star-like black spots, densely packed, covering the sky and the earth.

Although Li Xiran's sword aura is fierce and domineering, it can only concentrate its power in one place. The sky is scattered and the black spots are scattered, and her sword aura is only chopped off a little, and most of the rest are unscathed. Still rushing towards where she is.

At such a close position, Li Xiran finally saw the dark spots, which were black worms the size of fingernails, with three pairs of tiny wings on their backs.

"It's a fifth-grade spirit gu, Black Demon Insect!"

Li Xiran exclaimed in her heart, and her pupils shrank suddenly.

This black demon insect is ranked fifth among the Gu Dao. It is said that only the monks at the peak of the Golden Core or the Profound Realm can be used as an emissary. It contains extremely strong demonic energy, and its skin is thick and thick, and it is not afraid of ordinary swords and magic weapons. Once it hits the monk, it will frantically extract the blood of the opponent and transform it into the nourishment of its own devil energy.

At this time, Li Xiran was extremely shocked, because the long knife in his hand could not force these Gu worms back. If the dragon and tiger magic elements were not released to chase Mu Hanxue, they could use the power of the two magic elements to interact with these Gu worms. Worm around.

But now the dragon and tiger's dignity has been entangled by Mu Hanxue, even if it is too late to recall it now, if the body protection aura is broken by these black demon insects in front of him, then he will really die today!

"Hahaha, bitch! What if you have this dragon and tiger power, you are not going to die here in the end."

Although Mu Hanxue's face was suppressed by the dragon and tiger's face at this time, her face was pale, but after seeing Li Xiran's situation, she laughed loudly.

"Hey, she called toasting and not eating fine wine. She thought that she had something to do with her, but it turned out to be nothing more than that! Hand over the things obediently, and I can keep you alive!"

The figure in the dense forest smiled gloomily, he was hidden in the dark clouds from beginning to end, and he didn't even think about showing up.

To say that this person is also extremely cunning, he will be here tomorrow morning, but has been forbearing in the dark, the purpose is to see what Li Xiran's hole cards are.

After her dragon and tiger skills were used to deal with Mu Hanxue, this talent made a sneak attack, leaving Li Xiran too late to defend, so that he could kill the opponent with one move.

Obviously, this person didn't care about Mu Hanxue's life or death at all in order to ensure that he regained the treasure in Li Xiran's hands.


The man in the shadow sneered, and large swarms of black demon insects swarmed up on Li Xiran's body.

However, at this moment, a colorful glow suddenly appeared around Li Xiran, and the sound of chanting faintly came out of the glow, and countless simple and simple characters flashed and jumped nearby.


The man in the dark cloud, Mu Hanxue in the distance, and even Li Xiran himself showed a hint of surprise.

The colorful rays of light became more and more prosperous, and the next moment, a white beam of light suddenly rose into the sky, covering Li Xiran's whole body in it.


The man in the black cloud seemed to have awakened to something, and squeezed the tactics in his hand, and the black demon insect in mid-air rushed towards the white beam of light like crazy.

However, they had just flew in front of them, and the white beam of light had slowly dissipated. When I looked again at this time, I found that the position where Li Xiran was just now was empty, where is there a half figure?

"Void shifting?!"

The man in the dark cloud roared, his tone full of unwillingness!


After half a cup of tea, a gap suddenly opened in the sky above the Tianxing Academy, and a colorful glow rushed out of it.

This glow came quietly, and didn't alarm many people at all. After it rushed out, the space crack closed quickly, as if it had never appeared before.

The next moment, Xia Guang fell on the ground, and three figures appeared inside, namely a man in gray, a scholar in white robe, and a young woman in dragon and tiger robes.

After experiencing this space shift, the woman wearing the dragon tiger robes seemed to be a little dizzy. She shook the spot before reacting and hurriedly turned around and pointed at the other two people:

"Thank you for the two daoists for taking pictures...Huh? Why are you?!"

Halfway through the conversation, she looked up to see the appearance of one of them, she couldn't help but was taken aback, with a surprised expression on her face.

"You... Are you Liang Yan?"

"Haha, that's right, it's Liang Mou! Don't Li Daoyou come here unharmed?"

Liang Yan laughed, and then continued: "Thanks to Li Daoyou's reminder last time in Los Angeles, Liang escaped a catastrophe. I didn't expect to see each other a hundred years later!"


Li Xiran sighed, and said with some emotion: "Cultivation has no years, time is a flick of your the past few years after you left Los Angeles, I left Nanchui under the leadership of my senior. I have been practicing in Xianzhou, Antarctica. When I left, I heard that Li Xiaosong had worshipped Yungangzong with you, but I didn’t know how she was now?"

"Is she..." Liang Yan smiled slightly without saying much, just raised his hand and patted the wooden house on his waist.

In the next moment, a white light flashed out and plunged directly into Li Xiran's arms.

"Little Master!"

I saw a snow-white little beast lying in Li Xiran's arms frantically, making this girl laugh so Komatsu, it's really you! "

After Li Xiran was surprised, his eyes showed a doting look again.

She hugged the white civet cat in her arms, stretched out her hand to straighten out the hair on its back, and then looked at Liang Yan, and asked very suspiciously: "Why are you also in Xianzhou, Antarctica, how can Komatsu live? In the wooden house around your waist?"

"Don't worry about so much." Liang Yan waved his hand and said: "I have a question to ask you first."

"Well, you can ask."

"Would you like to form a team with us to participate in this selection assessment?"

"Huh?" Li Xiran was taken aback for a while, glanced at Liang Yanhe and Jilai not far away, and asked, "Are you also candidates for this assessment?"

"Not bad." Liang Yan and Ji Lai nodded at the same time.

"Okay! I promise!" Li Xiran agreed without hesitation.

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