The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1085: War Bear 8

The woman in red originally controlled more than 20 candidates, but at this moment, almost all of them fell to the ground. Some of them are completely exasperated, and some of them are not far from death even though they are still half hanging.

   The power of the three punches and kicks just now is too great, it is not something that the monks of the Golden Core Realm can contend! And the realm of this monk who suddenly appeared was definitely above the Tongxuan realm!

   Liangyan ran the Golden Core of Hunyuan, secretly using the magical power of King Kong to dissolve this huge force, and at the same time, pretending to be injured, stepped back more than a dozen steps, and finally leaned against a big tree.

   He calmed down the spirit power running around in his body, pretending to be in a coma, and then quietly released his spiritual knowledge and looked at the person in front of him.

   I saw the man who appeared suddenly had a length of nine feet, was born with a sturdy back, a big waist, and a bear head mask on his face. The corners of his mouth were turned out with fangs, and he looked very hideous.

   His tone is extremely cold, even in the face of his accomplices, there is no friendship at all.

   "Huh? How many hard characters are there in this batch of bugs?"

   The man known as "Xiong Ba" glanced around, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

  According to his original plan, he would be fine if he didn't make a move. Once he made a move, everyone in the field had to be killed.

   But at this moment, some people didn't fall down immediately.

   Among them, Mo Haoran leaned back on a boulder, panting heavily. Although his body was bruised and bruised, he had not lost consciousness for the time being.

The situation of the scholarship is better than him. Although his nose is swollen and embarrassed, it does not hurt the foundation, because a colorful jade Ruyi is floating on top of his head at this moment. Although the color on it has dimmed a lot, it is still reluctant. Save him.

   Not far from him, although Li Xiran's face was pale, she was the least injured, because a pure white jade-like brilliance flew out of her eyebrows and bounced off the strength of Xiong Ba's fist.

As for the two peerless sword repairmen Cang Yueming and Situ Kuangsheng, although their supernatural powers are superb in the Golden Core Realm, they cannot resist Xiong Ba's attack from a great realm. , Although he didn't die immediately, all of them passed out.

   "Hey, I was actually gone!"

   Liang Yan looked at the three people who were still conscious, and couldn't help being a little surprised secretly.

   It was not surprising that he was able to withstand Xiong Bayi's attack, because Shen Sanchi was a man who would never let his apprentice die in confusion. He would definitely leave a little backhand on him.

   But Li Xiran was able to take the punch calmly, without even a slight injury, which surprised him a bit.

   "Wonderful, wonderful, I seem to know something!"

   At this time, Xiong Ba's eyes rolled, and suddenly he burst into laughter.

   He turned his head and glanced at the Fox Shisan on the treetop. The other party immediately understood, stretched out his hand to take out a blood-red orb from his sleeve, and punched a magic trick into the bead.

   The orb immediately exploded, and a blood-red light shot out, directly hitting Li Xiran's body.


   With a weird loud noise, the orb in the hands of Fox Shisan seemed to be stimulated. The brilliance in the pearl flickered, and it vibrated!

   "It really is her!"

   After seeing the vision issued by Baozhu, Hu Shisan and Xiong Ba glanced at each other, and both saw a hint of joy in each other's eyes.

   "Haha, in this way, the mission is successfully completed."

   The bear laughed loudly. The three of them actually received two tasks during this trip. The first one was naturally to kill all the candidates in the mountain, and the second one was to find the target person and take the other person away!

"It's really nowhere to find a place to break through the iron shoes. It takes no effort to get it. His grandma's bear, this time the mission is too secret, almost thought it could not be completed!" Xiong Ba felt happy and couldn't help but talk. More.

   Fox Thirteen was cleverly smiling, looking back and forth on Li Xiran's body, then nodded and said: "Sister looks like a real water spirit. Don't be afraid. Come here to my sister, my sister loves you."

   Li Xiran paled after hearing this, her lips were tight, and she stepped back without saying a word.

   "Tsk, good sister, stop struggling. It doesn't matter if you fall into the hands of sister, but if you are not obedient, you will fall into the hands of that rough person, but it will hurt a bit."

   Fox Thirteen had a soft tone, as if the big sister next door was comforting the injured little sister. The two eyes under the fox head mask blinked and each shot a red brilliance.

   Li Xiran's gaze swept over and intersected her four eyes, and her mind was blank for an instant. She nodded in a dumbfounded manner, and walked towards Hu Shisan.


   Fox Thirteen sneered, and the corners of his mouth showed a bit of sarcasm, but the red light in his eyes did not fade, but became more blazing.

  One step, two steps, three steps...

   Li Xiran took a dozen steps in a row, but suddenly a white jade-like brilliance appeared on the center of her eyebrows, curled around her, and her eyes suddenly regained some consciousness.


  The Hu Shisan who was opposite her gave a scream, blindfolded his eyes with his hands, and took a dozen steps back and forth, before stabilizing his figure.

   "This chick is weird!" Fox Shisan screamed.

   "Hmph, I told you not to fix these flowers. When I break her hamstrings, I just leave a breath and go back to hand in the task."

   Xiong Ba gave a disdainful sneer, and then he flew up, punching forward with his right hand, and a wave of violent violence surged out, almost completely locking up all of Li Xiran's retreat.


   Xiong's eight punches fell, but instead of hitting Li Xiran, he hit the top of a white jade statue.

   That jade looks like a white-clothed man with a gentle and gentle face, but his eyes are very sharp. With a whisk in his hand and a sword behind him, he looks like a handsome Taoist ancestor with abundance.

   Although Xiong Ba's fist strength is terrifying, the white jade brilliance exuded by this jade statue is not giving way, and it actually blocked him in the air.

   "There is actually such a treasure to protect you! But do you think I can do nothing about you with a magic weapon?"

   Under the white light, Xiong Ba's mask is particularly hideous.

   As the cold voice came from behind the mask, his whole body exploded with a strong aura, his fist no longer focused on one point, tearing violent force swept from all directions, as if to divide Li Xiran into five horses.

After all, Li Xiran’s white jade statue is just a magic weapon and does not have his own consciousness. Although this magic weapon is powerful, Li Xiran’s own cultivation is not enough to be able to move freely. At this moment, facing the vast sea of ​​boxing strength, he does not know how to resist it for a while. NS.

   However, when Xiong Ba gritted his teeth and wanted to punch Li Xiran with a punch, his back felt cold for no reason.

"not good!"

   He has been slaughtered for a long time, and has honed his physical body all the year round. He is very confident in his ability to perceive danger. At this moment, without even thinking about it, he flashed in mid-air, worthy of passing the three swords behind him.

   The bear jumped eighth in the air, and was also taken aback. It seemed that he did not expect that under the three punches and kicks he had just hit, there would be someone who could make a sneak attack in this event!

   The Fanghu Fairy Valley was unable to fly in the air. He could only turn his head in the air, and finally landed on the top of a big tree.

   "There are masters!"

   The bear screamed and looked forward with alert, only to see that the three sword gangs missed a hit, turned around in midair, and finally all landed beside a man in gray.

   The gray-clothed man was calm, or in other words, concealed. Although he was only in the middle of Jin Dan, it gave him an extraordinary feeling.

   "This person is so insidious. I just pretended to be kicked stunned by me. This will make another sneak attack. If it weren't for the old bear, I would react quickly, I'm afraid I will suffer a little loss."

   Xiong Ba thought of this, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he did not move again, but asked with a vigilant expression: "Where is the sacred fellow Daoist, why do you want to get involved in this examination room?"

   He is known as a "dao friend", and he naturally recognized the identity of the man in gray. He felt that he was the same as himself, using some secret method to hide the realm of cultivation, and mixed with the candidates of the golden core realm.

   "Hehe, the road is heading towards the sky, let's go aside!"

   Liang Yan carried his hands on his back and sneered: "I don't want to know what plots you have, but please don't control me."

   "Okay, then please ask fellow Daoists to find the little girl behind you. We will not be guilty of the river water, and we will never make friends with Daoists." Xiong Ba said solemnly.

   "I'm afraid this won't work." Liang Yan shook his head and smiled: "Liang has a few rare friends in this life, but it's not easy to watch her die in front of me."

   After hearing Liang Yan's words, Xiong Ba's eyes gradually turned cold, and he gritted his teeth and said angrily:

   "Your Excellency takes yourself too seriously, right? The sword repairer of the Tongxuan Realm, I haven't killed it!"

   "In that case, we only have to see the real chapter under our hands."

   Liang Yan stroked the body of the sword lightly and flicked his fingers. The Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword pierced the sky, like a rolling thunder, mixed with infinite sword intent, and beheaded at Xiong Ba.

He has now cultivated the Hunyuan Immortal Golden Pill, and the spiritual power in his body has been transformed into the wishfulness. The power of the Taoist Sword Classic and the Wuxiang Sword Classic has doubled, even if it is just a sword without fancy. It has far surpassed the likes of Cang Yueming and Situ Kuangsheng.

   This sword sword is condensed, and the sword spirit is awe-inspiring. Although Xiong Ba uttered wild words and disdain, he did not relax in the face of this sword.

   He shook his fists and punched 18 punches in the air. Each punch had supernatural power. Countless waves of air surged in midair, like a tidal wave overwhelming each other.

boom! boom! boom!

There was a series of loud noises, and the Zi Lei Tianyin sword slammed in front of Xiong Ba. You come and I go with you. The thunder light and the fist are rushing, the sword aura and the divine power collide, seemingly fierce, but both of them know it in their hearts. These are just initial temptations.

   Liang Yan also secretly marveled in his heart. This person is born with supernatural power. If he simply competes with the flesh, even if he has cultivated the Buddhist body refining scriptures like "Ba Bu Yan Yuan", he is definitely not his opponent.

   But fortunately, what I am best at is not hand-to-hand combat with bare hands.

   After Liang Yan tried a few tricks, his eyes narrowed slightly, the right hand sword art hidden in his sleeve changed, and Xiong Ba's head immediately appeared as a water ripple.

   This ripple just appeared, a sword light pierced out of the void without warning, and the target pointed directly at the back of Xiong Ba's head.


   The bear showed a look of surprise on his eight faces, and turned to the back of his body, there were two "bangs" punches. Two domineering forces, one from the left and the other, stopped the silver sword light from mid-air.

   "What a quick response!"

   Liang Yan saw that he was blocking his sneak attack, his heart moved slightly, and the black lotus sword rushed into the air from behind, turning into black lotus flowers and spinning continuously.

   Since he realized the true meaning of "The Wuxiang Sword Classic", the more flying swords, the stronger his magical powers.

At this time, the three sword gangs cooperated together, and I saw countless black lotus sword qi flying around, trapping the figure of Xiong Ba in it, while the two swords of Zi Lei and Dingguang were both positive and strange, one attacking from the side, one attacking from the side. , Three swords in one, the power has far surpassed ordinary sword repair.

   Xiong Ba was trapped in the middle by these three flying swords, even if his supernatural power was amazing and his body was hard, he couldn't rush out for a while.

The two sides fought in the forest until they could do everything. Suddenly they heard Xiong Bayi's long roar, and said angrily: "What a thief, I wanted to let you live, but you don't know what is good or bad. You have been entangled in endlessly. This seat is going to kill!"

   When he said this, he suddenly raised his hand and slapped the door. A black air emerged from the heavenly spirit cover, circled around him a few times, and finally turned into hundreds of weird runes, which were directly printed on his skin.


   Xiong Ba roared A giant bear magic body was actually condensed above his head, whose power has skyrocketed several times compared with the previous one. With each breath, there is a terrifying force spreading out.

   Feeling the strong aura of his opponent, Liang Yan's pupils shrank, and the sword in his hand rushed, the three sword gangs were divided into three directions, slashing to the key of Xiong Ba from different angles.

However, Xiong Ba stopped avoiding at this time. He just shook his body, and the giant bear above his head turned around. Two bear paws grabbed the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword and the Lightning Sword, followed by the bear’s mouth. , And bit the oncoming Black Lotus Sword.

Liang Yan's three flying swords are all natal flying swords, and they are all connected to his mind. At this time, they were strangled by brute force. A tyrannical aura passed from the flying sword to his heart, and his eyes immediately turned red. .

The three flying swords rattled violently, trembling, and they obviously wanted to get out of trouble, but that Xiong Ba laughed and said, "I thought your flying sword was so sharp, it turned out to be nothing more than that. Stop it, don't even want to take it back in this life!"

   He laughed for a while, and his tone became harsh again.

   "It is said that the sword repair has no flying sword, but the tiger has no minions. Boy, come on!"

   Before the eight tones of the bear fell, the man had already jumped into the air. With his arm stretched, the giant bear behind him unexpectedly grew three heads and six arms. Except for the bear head that bit the flying sword, the other two were roaring again and again.


   On the originally quiet mountain path, at the same time, four huge shadows of fists fell from mid-air, like four mountain peaks, shrouding everyone present...

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