The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1094: Preparation before practice

Seeing Li Xiran's confident expression, Liang Yan couldn't help but smiled slightly: "These things are extremely rare treasures of the world, and I am not familiar with the Scenting Chamber of Commerce, so how can I bother?"

"Can you be acquainted with me?" Li Xiran smiled: "It's true that the smelling chamber of commerce in the entire Wushuang City territory will listen to my order and give me a month...Oh, No! In ten days, I will definitely help you gather these materials."

After listening to Liang Yan, he groaned for a while, and finally did not decline, and thanked him: "Then you have worked hard, Li Daoist, and Liang has written down this favor."

"Don't thank you and me." Li Xiran curled her lips and said, "If all of this requires thanks, then I am going to kneel down here and knock your head for three days and three nights to thank you for your help. Grace?"

Liang Yan saw that she was a little bit coquettish, and she was a little lost. He nodded after a long while and said, "If that's the case, then Liang Mou is welcome, unfeeling fairy milk, Jinghong Gubing, The four most scarce resources, Huoyunsha and Golden Toad Blood, are all left to you to purchase. As for the remaining materials, I will take care of them myself."

Seeing that he came down casually, Li Xiran was not half angry, but showed a hint of joy. He took the list given by Liang Yan and went out with joy.

Seeing the back of the woman in Taoist suits leaving, Liang Yan couldn't help but fell into contemplation.

Although this woman has a prominent background and talent, her life is very bumpy. Because of her father, she has been constrained by the heavenly realms since she was born.

It’s just that although she knows that her path to immortality is elusive, she has never given up on struggling, nor has she lost her heart of innocence. This is what she can do to save the people of Dawn and fight the scarlet ghosts bravely with the cultivation base of the sixth level of Qi. See one or two.

"Should she be stupid? Or is she Tiancheng?"

Liang Yan squinted his eyes, then frowned again, and said to himself:

"I really didn't expect that she was the daughter of the city lord of Baiyu City... Did the Xiong Ba group already know? They got into the examination room and tried to take Li Xiran away. Could it be that they were trying to blackmail Li Yuxian? ?"

This problem gave him a bit of a headache. If it is true, it means that having this woman with her is bound to be very dangerous, and it is impossible to say that similar things will happen in the future.

"It's nothing, these things have nothing to do with me for the time being. Let's practice in seclusion and try to improve my cultivation..." Liang Yan thought of this, sighed lightly, and turned back to the secret room. .


After seven days of retreat, Liang Yan also left his cave and flew all the way to the Wushuang City.

Wushuang City is built on the hillside, with thousands of peaks in the city, and clouds steaming with Xia Wei, like a fairyland.

The square city of Wushuang City is built on a continuous mountain range, where the glories are overflowing, the colorful flags are spreading, and each mountain peak is connected by a cloud bridge, which extends in all directions and is very lively.

Before Liang Yan got close to the mountains, he saw colorful rays of light converging from all directions, and finally all fell on the first mountain just south.

"It's really lively here..."

Liang Yan glanced in midair, and learned the appearance of other monks, and stopped at the top of the mountain.

I saw a huge boulder standing on the top of the mountain, with four characters written on it, it was "Tianbaofang City"! The surrounding monks came and went, passing by this huge boulder, and then stepped on a long cloud bridge, behind which was the bustling street of Fangshi.

There are several guards at the entrance of Yunqiao. After Liang Yan stepped forward and inquired about it, he knew that there were three rules in this city. One is that you can’t fly over the city, the second is that you can’t fight privately, and the third is that Can't ask about the origins of others.

After clarifying the rules here, Liang Yan walked across Yunqiao and came to the Fang Market.

Tianbaofang City was built on a continuous mountain range. There are many shops here, large and small chambers of commerce, private sales, and Wushuang City’s own properties. There are countless rare treasures and medicinal books at a glance.

It can be said that as long as you have spirit stones in your pocket, you can get what you want here.

"Such a city is probably only found in Twelve Cities..."

After Liang Yan sighed with emotion, he began to shuttle between many street shops, looking for the various natural treasures listed on his list.

Because Tianbaofang was too big and the things he needed were very precious, it took Liang Yan a full day to put together the items on the list.

Until the next morning, Liang Yan still stayed in Tianbaofang City, stopping on a popular street.

He held a list in his hand, compared it carefully, and said to himself: "In this way, 22 kinds of materials have been collected, plus the four kinds of materials Li Xiran promised to prepare for me. , Now only the Heart of Earth Yangyan and the'Xuewen Pill' have not yet arrived..."

The last two materials, although the Earth's Sunfire is not too scarce, but due to the difficulty of storage, they are rarely sold in the market, and they are generally obtained by the monks themselves to explore in the secret realm.

The "Xuewen Pill" is a more partial pill. Liang Yan has visited several large pill pavilions in Fang City, and received answers without exception, saying that he would never sell this pill.

"From this point of view, is it necessary to ask an alchemy master to make alchemy for me?"

In fact, most of the medicines sold in the market are leftovers from the alchemist's practice, so the price will be relatively cheaper. If you want to ask the alchemist to open the furnace for you to make alchemy, the price will naturally be different.

Thinking of this, Liang Yan couldn't help showing a trace of pain on his face.

"Tao Jian Jing" is indeed a loss-making exercise. In order to get through this last meridian, the resources listed on the list are all precious and unusual. Liang Yan has spent almost a million souls in this city for a day. stone.

Although he is now rich in financial resources, this million spiritual stones is by no means a small amount, but in order to be able to improve his strength as soon as possible, Liang Yan can only reluctantly cut his flesh.

Just as he was hesitating whether to try his luck on this street, someone behind him suddenly stopped him:

"Brother Liang!"

Liang Yan turned around and saw three people walking on the street, it was Cang Yueming, Huangfuqi and Mu Hanxue.

Cang Yueming walked in the forefront. At this time, he laughed and said, "Brother Liang, I didn't expect to meet here for many days!"

"It turned out to be Fellow Cang Dao, don't come here unharmed?" Liang Yan also said hello with a smile.

He had a good impression of Cang Yueming, especially since this person's sword strokes were very strange, which made him very interested.

"The last time I saw you in the Lingyun Palace, I wanted to retell the past, but it was too hasty at that time. All three of us were taken away by Senior Gongye, and there has been no time ever since. Speaking of which, I would like to thank you. , Fanghu Xiangu, if it weren't for you and Situ Kuangsheng to fight righteously, I'm afraid the three of us would be buried there." Cang Yueming said sincerely.

Liang Yan smiled slightly, waved his hand and said, "Brother Cang said seriously. At that time, we were all grasshoppers on a rope. To help you is to help myself. If you watch you die, I am afraid that Situ and I will live wildly. It can't be saved by Wushuang City."

"Brother Liang's words are wrong, you will save my life no matter what. In the future, if you have any assignments, you can come to Cangmou at any time, and Cangmou will never frown!" Cang Yueming patted her chest.

At this time, Mu Hanxue bit her lip, and suddenly took a step forward and bowed to Liang Yan: "I was controlled by the villain Su Mu with the'Sentiment Gu', and I was a painful killer to Girl Li, and to Young Master Liang. There are so many rude things, I also ask Mr. Liang to pass on my apologies to Li Xiran, regardless of the villain’s offenses."

This move made Liang Yan quite surprised.

You know that this woman is called "Bingshan Snow Lotus", she originally had a sense of aloofness and coldness. She pretended not to squint when she was in the Lingyun Temple, but today she was willing to bow her head and admit her mistake?

"It seems that she was above the hall that day, in front of a few seniors, she just couldn't hide her face... I met by chance today, but she took the initiative to admit her mistake."

Liang Yan murmured in his heart, the expression on his face remained unchanged, and he only spoke faintly: "Since the predecessors of Wushuang City have said that you are controlled by Gu worms, then I have nothing to doubt. As for the apology, it is still better. Go and talk to Li Xiran yourself."

After Mu Hanxue heard it, she nodded lightly, and stepped back aside without saying anything.

Liang Yan glanced at the three of them, then suddenly asked: "Why are the three of you coming together? Could it be that you are also divided into a team?"

"Haha not bad!"

Cang Yueming smiled and said, "We are all divided under the command of True Monarch Extreme Shadow. This time we come to Fang City to purchase some healing medicines to prepare for our first mission."

"What?" Liang Yan looked surprised, and asked in disbelief: "You have just joined Wushuang City not long before, so have you been assigned a task?"

"Brother Liang doesn't know something."

Huang Fuqi on the side spoke at this time: "The news of the'Six Finger Remains' is no longer a secret. Recently, many unidentified forces have flooded into the territory of Wushuang City, and many forces within the territory also act frequently. Our Yunjin Palace is responsible for collecting intelligence, which is equivalent to the eyes and ears of Wushuang City. Of course, we must take the lead in this chaotic situation. The so-called warriors and horses are not moved, intelligence is first served, and Wushuang City is a behemoth. If the eyes and ears are blocked, it will be very dangerous. "

"That's it." Liang Yan nodded thoughtfully.

"It is rumored that people with the'six-finger bones' got the celestial receiver. For such an illusory thing, I don't know how many forces are involved in it. Yunjin Palace is tightly staffed, and even newcomers like us use it." Cang Yueming He also sighed softly.

"Brother Cang don't need to sigh. As far as I know, Wushuang City has clear rewards and punishments. As long as you can successfully complete the task, you can get a lot of contribution points. Then it will be of great help to your practice." Liang Yan comforted. .

"Then I will borrow Brother Liang Jiyan."

Cang Yueming smiled first, then lowered her voice: "There is something to remind Brother Liang, the recent Wushuang domain is not at peace. If there is no task that must be assigned, Brother Liang had better not pick up those private individuals. Mission, don’t leave the city casually."

Wushuang Domain is the entire territory governed by Wushuang City, Liang Yan couldn't help frowning when he heard him say this.

"What do you mean by Brother Cang?"

"Do you still remember our assessment in Fanghu Fairy Valley? Except for a few of us, all the candidates who entered the third round were killed. There are nine disciples from the top sects in Wushuang Domain. Now the nine major sects want to participate. Wushuang City asked for an argument, but was frightened by the might of the city lord, so that he could not bear it all the time..."

When Cang Yueming said this, her face was also a little ugly.

"These top sects are investigating this matter secretly. Although they dare not come to Wushuang City to challenge the matter, they have much suspicion about the candidates who participated in this assessment but survived. Many of them were eliminated in the first and second rounds. The monks were all caught by them indiscriminately into the gate of the mountain for interrogation, and even Situ's Kuangsheng family was jointly besieged by several sects."

"There is such a thing!"

Liang Yan's face changed slightly: "These nine major sects are too domineering, right?"

"Don't you know that all the core disciples of the Nine Martial Arts are dead. This anger is suppressed by Wushuang City and cannot be vented. Naturally, they need some people to vent their anger. And they sent these elite disciples to participate this year. The assessment mostly wanted to get involved in Wushuang City and explore the falsity of the'six-finger bones'. As a result, stealing chickens didn't lead to a loss, and even compensating my lover in, I must have turned into anger."

After listening to Cang Yueming’s explanation, Liang Yan also cleared up the whole matter. He nodded and said, “Brother Cang has done a good analysis. Up."

"Haha, Brother Liang doesn't have to be so polite! By the way, I just saw Brother Liang hesitate on the street. Is there anything that I haven't bought?"

"Friends of Taoism are so insightful!" Liang Yan smiled slightly, and said two materials that he hadn't bought yet.

"Earth-center Yangyan and'Xuewen Pill'?"

Huangfu on the side thought for a while and said: "As far as I know, a batch of new goods have arrived in the city recently. Among them is the Earth's sun, which should be sold at the Duobao Pavilion in the east of Fangshi. As for this'Snow Pattern Pill' ........... Generally, there are no shops selling this kind of pill, but there is an old pill house at the end of this street. As long as you are willing to spend more spirit stones, there are many rare pill. Can help you refine it."

"Really?" Liang Yan asked with some excitement.

"Haha, don't worry, Brother Liang, there are not many other things in Yunjin Palace, just well-informed! Although we have only joined for less than ten days, we have a clear understanding of some gossip in this market." Huangfu Qi patted his chest and said. .

"So, I would like to thank a few fellow Taoists!"

After Liang Yan bid farewell to Cang Yueming and the others, according to the instructions given by Huangfuqi, he really quickly started the Earth's Heart Yang Yan, and as for the "Xuewen Pill", it was refined three days later.

At this point, all the materials were ready, Liang Yan didn't stay in the city, and directly drove the light to turn back to his own cave.

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