The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1101: Kido phantom

Not long after the purple-robed man finished his explanation, there were two rays of light galloping from the southern horizon, and two rays of light from the east, from far to near, arrived in front of everyone in a while.

Wang Shuluo was taken aback. He thought that his barracks were inexhaustible, but he didn't expect so many people to come in, but he still didn't know it at all.

He took his eyes and saw that there were two men coming from the south, one of whom was in a gray robe, standing tall and straight; the other was a white-faced scholar with an elegant temperament.

But from the east are two women, one of them is a middle-aged beautiful woman, wearing a palace costume, with a calm atmosphere; the other is a young girl wearing a dragon and tiger robes, carrying a sheathed long sword , Looks quite a bit British.

"Everyone is here, it seems that things have been done." The purple-robed man chuckled.

"Not bad!" The girl in Taoist suit nodded, and pushed out a person from behind like a trick. This person was tall, wearing a battle helmet, and looked extraordinary.

It's just that his whole body was tightly **** with chains, and he was kneeling on the ground at this time, already a prisoner under the stairs.

"Public loser!"

Wang Shuluo recognized this person at a glance, because the opponent was his opponent, the commander-in-chief of the three armies of the Great Wei Kingdom!

"When you get here, don't you actually recruit? Say! Who instructed you to attack Daxia Kingdom?" The Taoist woman behind her shouted sharply.

"I said, I said!"

The public loser seemed terrified, and hurriedly shouted: "It's all the imperial envoys of the Huangquan Palace who are persecuting us, otherwise how can we dare to let the army commander drive in? Now we don't have much military power in our country. If there are other countries taking advantage of it, we will The country will also be subjugated. If this kind of thankless thing is not for others to put the knife on the neck, who would do it?"

"Huangquan Palace?" Wang Shuluo was stunned for a moment, then smiled sadly: "It turns out that the person behind the scenes is Huangquan Palace, one of the nine major sects. There is a reason why a force of this level of cultivation will intervene in the secular government. ?"

As soon as his words fell, the last man in gray also stretched out his hand and patted the blue gourd around his waist. With the light flashing, three figures fell on the ground.

The three of them were all **** by special ropes. At this time, they looked flustered, looking left and right, looking scornful.

"I looked around and found only these three cultivators were secretly stalking, so I grabbed them all." The gray-clothed man slowly said.

Among the three arrested, there was a tall and thin young man with a sallow complexion. At this time, he screamed inwardly:

"You are... who are you? How dare you be so rude? You know that we are the disciples of the old ghost of Huangquan Palace. I advise you not to be nosy. , Let me wait quickly, otherwise the teacher will find it, and you will not be able to escape!"

"Old ghost with long eyebrows? One of the seven ghosts of Huangquan?" The beautiful woman in the palace costume smiled and said, "As far as I know, your master is only the late Jindan stage. Even if he comes in person, he dare not be so mad in front of me. ."

The tall and thin man saw that she had no fear, and then he knew that he had met a ruthless person. He was immediately frustrated, and he didn't dare to say the slightest threat anymore, he just kowtowed his head and begged for mercy.

When Wang Shuluo saw that the people in Huangquan Palace had been captured, he couldn't help being surprised, and asked quickly: "Wang has a clumsy eye, dare to ask a few people who are sacred, is it also the people of the nine major sects?"

"Nine major sects?" The purple-robed man sneered and said lightly: "We are from Wushuang City!"

"Unparalleled City!"

Wang Shuluo's expression changed, and he hurriedly knelt on the ground, and bowed his head in salute to several people: "Wang Shuluo has seen some sacred celestial beings. I don't know if it is the celestial being of Wushuang City. There were so many rude things before, so please go to Xianhaihan! "

"General Wang doesn't have to pay this great gift! You are the pillar of the humerus of the Great Xia Kingdom. You have been rigorously governing the army over the years, and the people of Yu Liming have not committed any crimes. Fang also admires it very much in his heart!"

The purple-robed man laughed, stretched out his hand to lift Wang Shuluo from the ground, and then introduced him to his companions.

After his introduction, Wang Shuluo knew that the two people in front of him were Fang Liren and Buwen Lay, while the other four were Song Ru, Li Xiran, Liang Yan and Ji Lai.

Judging from the attitudes of these six people, the person headed should be Song Ru.

"General Wang, you were ordered to mine the spirit mine for my Wushuang City. Why didn't you respond at all in the last year?"

Fang Liren spoke slowly, although his tone was light, but with a sense of majesty, Wang Shuluo was sweating coldly.

"The gods don't know anything."

Wang Shuluo sighed, did not dare to conceal the slightest, and truthfully told the truth about what happened here.

It turned out that just a year ago, the neighboring country, Wei Wei, suddenly committed a crime. Originally, the two countries were similar in strength. They fought each other for nearly half a year without distinction, but this time there were more "strange men and strangers" in the opposing army. Obviously, they are not ordinary people who can turn rivers and seas and set fire to forests.

Most of the soldiers in the army controlled by the Great Xia Kingdom are equivalent to martial artists on the eighth or ninth level.

Wang Shuluo knows this is extraordinary. You must know that there are unwritten rules in Xianzhou, Antarctica. The cultivation sect cannot arbitrarily interfere with secular power struggles. The army can only recruit some casual practitioners, but the number of casual practitioners is impossible. With so many, there must be someone behind to help and buy a large number of loose repairs to join the Wei army.

He reported the matter to the court, which quickly responded and decided to send a messenger to Wushuang City for help.

However, they sent twelve messengers in a row, and they all went without reply in the end. Wang Shuluo guessed that these messengers should have been robbed and killed by someone halfway, and the news would never reach Wushuang City. Later, after many inquiries, it was found that the entire Wushuang domain had been raging because of the "six-finger remains" matter, and Wushuang City was too busy to take care of it.

Xia Guo fell into isolation. The emperor at that time decided to take charge of the battle, and the members of the royal family were all monks with cultivation bases. They rushed to the battlefield and decided to fight Wei Guo desperately.

With the participation of members of the royal family, Xia Guojun's heart was lifted, and the battle between the two countries turned from one side to a close rival, and the war was seen for a year.

However, not long ago, a group of mysterious people suddenly came and took the Emperor Xia abducted. They also used a weird demon method to trap the entire vanguard of the Iron Lion Army in a mountain. No one has escaped so far.

The people here left a letter, asking them to bow their heads to the Great Wei State. Starting today, they will also hand over all the mined spirit stones to the Great Wei State, otherwise they will be prepared to give it to the Emperor Xia and the 3,000 vanguards. Collect the corpse.

Wang Shuluo was in a dilemma. From his personal point of view, he would rather die on the battlefield than surrender to other countries. But now the lord of a country has been taken into captivity, and his three thousand brothers have also been trapped by people with demon methods. Even if he seeks death with all his heart, he can't watch these people sacrifice in vain.

"It's so pitiful, I finally waited for the fairy envoy of Wushuang City to come!"

The old Wang Shuluo burst into tears and shouted: "We, the monarch of Great Xia, are benevolent and virtuous, and the people in the country live and work in peace and contentment. We also make donations to Wushuang City every year and never dare to slack in the slightest. Unexpectedly, we are now in such a situation. The fairy envoy is going to be the master of our Great Xia Country."

Fang Liren knew what he was talking about was the truth, so he patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don’t worry, General Wang, I’m here to help you Xia Guo on this trip. Do you know where those mysterious people are? Go and rescue the monarch of your country."

"This..." Wang Shuluo's face showed a trace of embarrassment, and he said after a long time: "This group of people has a very high level of cultivation, and the trail is erratic. , But they couldn't find their location."

Fang Liren was not too surprised by this. Hearing this, he turned his gaze and looked at the several people who had been arrested.

"I advise you, if you know something, say it as soon as possible, otherwise we will find something tricky in our soul search, and you will be better off than life!" Fang Liren said in a harsh tone.

Puff! Puff!

Whether it was the general of the Great Wei State, or the three monks who were arrested, they all knelt to the ground at this moment, kowtow together.

"Senior, spare your life! I'm just a casual cultivator, and I barely practiced to the Juyuan realm. Knowing that there is no hope for the immortal path in this life, I became a part of an official in the secular realm. How do I know the many calculations behind this? Following the order, I'm afraid that even the monarch of Wei State doesn't know where those mysterious people are now?" Gong Shumao said tremblingly.

"Senior forgive me! We don't know. We are just the bottom three among the eighteen disciples under the seat of Master Changmei. We are only responsible for stalking during this trip, and we don't know anything about anything else."

These people rushed to express their stance, for fear that if they were not careful, they would be killed by the purple-robed monk in front of them.

Fang Liren frowned and looked at his companion.

"These people don't seem to be able to lie. They really don't have much contact with their cultivation level. Moreover, we have promised Senior Ning, it is not good to kill here." Ji Lai said.

"Isn't the clue broken? Although I was only ordered to regain the mineral veins, it is impossible for Daxia Kingdom to die without saving, let alone Xia Kingdom is destroyed, who will mine the spirit mine for us?" Fang Liren also said. To everyone.

"There is a way."

Liang Yan, who had been silent before, suddenly spoke at this moment: "Didn’t General Wang say that there are three thousand pioneers trapped in the mountains? As far as I know, a large formation that can trap three thousand martial artists in the refining period. It's not simple. Unless the person who arranges the formation has a cultivation level above the Tongxuan realm, there must be a special monk present to preside over the formation and maintain the operation of the formation."

The few people present were not stupid, and immediately reacted upon hearing this.

Fang Liren's eyes lit up and he blurted out: "You mean...Let’s crack this big formation first, capture the monk who presided over this big formation, and then force the monarch to be Where is the detention?"

"Not bad!" Liang Yan nodded.

"It's a wonderful plan!"

Fang Liren laughed and turned to look at Wang Shuluo who was aside.

"Where are your own three thousand vanguards trapped? You should have known it?"

"Know! Know!"

Wang Shuluo nodded repeatedly. He had always loved soldiers like a child. At this time, he heard that the other party was going to save his subordinates, his face was already full of smiles.

"My three thousand vanguard troops are all trapped on the northern black water ridge, not far from our army camp. Some envoys, please come with me."

After he finished speaking, he immediately ordered his left and right men to prepare for carriages, invited Liang Yan and others into the chariot, and ordered eight hundred elite soldiers, all the way to the north.

After only half an hour, everyone came to the outside of Heishuiling.

Liang Yan and others walked out of the car and stopped to watch outside the ridge. They saw a hollow valley between the rolling mountains, full of dead branches and rotten leaves, which looked lifeless.

A thick gray fog obscured the entire valley, making it difficult to see the scene inside.

"On the day when the monarch was taken into captivity, I immediately dispatched three thousand vanguards to investigate. When passing by here, a heavy fog suddenly formed, trapping my vanguard in this black water ridge. Now a month has passed. No one can get out of it yet." Wang Shuluo sighed beside him.

"It's the ghostly spring magic array!"

Ji Lai stared at Heishuiling for a while, his eyes flashed, and he spoke lightly.

"Do you recognize this formation?" Song Ru looked a little surprised.

"Ghost illusion, the master has been involved. This quiet spring illusion varies from person to person. Since the trapped is three thousand soldiers, the illusion born should be the endless battlefield of Shura. In the past month, The three thousand vanguards of General Wang Lao are afraid that they are all fighting life and death with the indispensable After a month of fierce fighting, my three thousand vanguards are still not alive or exhausting?"

Wang Shuluo's expression changed drastically. Although most of these soldiers had martial arts cultivation skills of the eighth or ninth level of Qi refining, they still hadn't built a foundation. They were still mortal wombs. Now that one month has passed, I am afraid that some people can no longer hold on to it.

"Several gods, please take action to save my soldiers. They are just mundane people. There are old mothers, wives and children in the family. It's fine if they die on the battlefield, but they all die in a fantasy formation. Too bad, Wang Shuluo, I have no face, and I will go back to see the fathers and villagers."

He is a native monk of the Great Xia Kingdom, commanding the three armies for a hundred years, and has deep feelings for his soldiers and the country, and he can't help asking for each other at this time.

"Don't worry, general, you can see the magical array of Youquan, wait for me to break it!"

Ji Lai gave a chuckle, raised his hand and waved his sleeve, thirty-six Tiangang copper coins flew up in the air, each occupying a position above Heishuiling, echoing each other, as if a star-fighting formation between the heavens and the sky below. The dense fog was suppressed in it.

"Gods don't raise them internally, they act as evil spirits outside, the five poisonous airs, the human body, the ghosts of nine ugliness, they must retreat quickly!"

Ji Lai shouted, and slapped a magic formula in his hand. The thirty-six Tiangang copper coins on Heishuiling shook slightly, and they all fell at the same time, dispersing all the thick gray mist below, and finally turned into a cloud of blue smoke and disappeared. not see.

The gray fog dissipated, revealing the scene inside, only to see an army of thousands of people slashing in the dead wood.

Some people were cut apart by their teammates, some were hung from dead branches by ropes, and others were seriously injured. Although they fell in a pool of blood, they still stabbed into the sky with a spear in their hands... ....

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