The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1109: Battle of the Dark Clouds

"Hehe, I think the Daoist was eager to make his contribution just now, and he was going to hand it over. I didn't expect that a junior in the middle of the golden core, you would have been unable to fight for a long time. It seems that the Daoist is a bit misleading." On the top of the Confucian statue. , The upright man smiled unhurriedly.

After the seductive female cultivator heard it, she coldly snorted: "This kid's methods are not ordinary. Although it is only the cultivation base of the middle Jindan, he has such a domineering sword intent. In my opinion, there must be a lot of him in him. Secret, fellow Daoist shot quickly. After this person is captured, we will add five pieces of the treasures on his body, and we will each get half of them!"

In fact, she was also secretly surprised at this moment. The tall and straight man was right just now. The reason why she took the first shot was to win the credit.

But who would have thought that Liang Yan was not a soft persimmon. The two fought dozens of moves, and the other's sword moves changed endlessly, especially when the three sword gangs worked together, they actually suppressed themselves in turn. In desperation, she had to ask the tall man for help.

Liang Yan hadn't used all his strength, at this moment, while fighting, he watched coldly.

"This group of people does not seem to be of one mind, but it looks like a team formed temporarily because of some kind of benefit... Although the magic weapon of this female cultivator is powerful, she is probably not as good as her own strength. The cultivators of the same rank in Wushuang City, let alone the top masters like Xiong Ba, at best they are a little better than Hu Shi 13..."

Liang Yan's strength is now greatly improved, even the Xiong Ba of the year is not his opponent, and his vision is naturally much higher.

It's just that he is still faintly afraid, the upright man who has never taken a shot always gives him a strange feeling.

Therefore, up to now, Liang Yan has not exerted all his strength. Although he is fighting against the seductive woman, most of his attention has been on the upright man above the statue's head.

"Hey, since it's a fairy invited, then I will show my ugliness!"

The tall and tall man gave a weird laugh, and suddenly jumped off the top of the Confucian scholar statue. The palm of his right hand was shot in the air, and a huge black palm print fell from the sky and hit the top of Liang Yan's head.

This palm is like a muffled thunder in mid-air, with great momentum and devilish energy billowing! In terms of strength alone, it must be above the nine golden apertures of the seductive female cultivator.

Liang Yan's pupils shrank, and without hesitation he drove a ray of light back and flew back, obviously not intending to harden it.

"Want to run?"

The seductive female cultivator sneered again and again. She had been suppressed by a monk who had lowered her realm just now. She had been holding her stomach for a long time. At this time, seeing Liang Yancong counseled, her eyes immediately showed excitement.

With a pinch of the magic trick in her hand, the figure of this woman disappeared in place.

At the next moment, the charming female cultivator appeared directly behind Liang Yan, and the nine golden circles around her were full of coldness, and she rushed towards Liang Yan's only way back.

At this moment, Liang Yan had the palm print of the devilish energy in front of him, and the magic weapon of golden light in the back.

His appearance was seen by the seductive female cultivator, and his eyes became more excited, as if he had seen Liang Yan's tragic death, he couldn't help but smile and said:

"What a handsome younger junior, don't worry, after you die, this seat will find out the secrets in your body one by one, and then you will be able to do your best to live forever for this seat. It will not be in vain. It's a hit in this world!"

In the eyes of the charming female cultivator, Liang Yan was jointly hit by two cultivators in the Profound Realm, and there was no possibility of surviving. At this time, they had already begun to figure out how to search for the secrets of the other party after their death.

However, just as she laughed, Liang Yan, who seemed to be driven to a dead end in front of her, suddenly turned around. There was no wave in her eyes, and she was a little weirdly calm.

I didn't see how he cast the spell, just a thought, a green glow flew out of the gourd around his waist, turning his head in the air, and heading straight towards him.

"Huh? No!"

The seductive female cultivator was shocked. She is also a well-informed and experienced person. Although there is no aura in the blue glow, she felt it almost instantly and hurriedly presented a khaki treasure. A large cloud of sunlight was emitted above the head, and he was firmly protected in it.

At the same time, she pinched the magic technique again, urging her nine golden circles to cover Liang Yan's flying sword, and wanted to cooperate with the tall and straight man to restrain it.

However, the three closest golden apertures were swept by the cyan glow, and immediately issued a series of crisp sounds, the golden light all over the sky suddenly dissipated, and countless fragments were scattered from the mid-air.

"My'Wishful Universe Circle'!"

The seductive girl shook her whole body and her tone was full of horror. It was only then that she could see clearly that the thing in the azure glow was a sharp pill!

"Sword Maru"

She took a deep breath, and ignored the remaining six "Wishful Universe Circles". She hurriedly stood up and went to the ground with the earth-yellow small tripod above her head, intending to escape the battlefield first.

However, although her escape speed is fast, how can she be faster than Kenmaru?

Liang Yan's sword has been planning for a long time, and it is impossible to let her go. The Hunyuan Jindan in his body has already been mobilized to the extreme, and the mayfly sword pill left a series of afterimages in the air. , Has chased behind her.


There was a loud noise coming from the sky, and the female cultivator was so scared that she could not help but look back and saw that her proud magic weapon had been split by a sword, but among the sky fragments, she could not find the little one. The trail of Aomaru.


The woman shook her heart, she was about to spread her consciousness, looking for the other's sword pill, but she suddenly felt a chill on her neck.

"At this............"

Her eyes were staring wide, and when she woke up from a dream, her head rolled down from her neck..........

Dou Li couldn't hide her face anymore. She was a beautiful and beautiful woman for two decades. If it weren't for the horror and wide eyes at this time, she should be regarded as a beauty who is all over the country.

Liang Yan killed the cultivator in the middle stage of the Tongxuan Realm with a single sword, but there was no complacency on his face, but rather calm and terrifying.

He didn't care about receiving the other party's storage bag at this time. While the person was flying in the air, the sword art in his hand was constantly changing.

brush! brush! brush!

Three sword gangs guarded behind him at the same time, countless sword auras rushed out, blocking the man's black palm print.


In the middle of the air, the tall man snorted coldly, as if he didn't care about his companion's death at all.

He put his hands together and pinched a weird magic trick, only to see a huge demonic energy rising from behind his head and turning into an endless black cloud, covering the remains of Liang Yan and the female cultivator. .

Although Liang Yan had been on guard, it took too much effort to kill the female cultivator in the middle stage of the Profound Realm, and the opponent's supernatural powers were too fast. Only in the blink of an eye, he was enveloped by this black cloud. In it.

The black magic cloud like an abyss surrounds it, and everything in the outside world is imperceptible. As far as the eyes can reach, there is only rolling magic energy.

With a solemn expression on Liang Yan's face, he took the three sword gangs and the mayfly sword pill back to his side, while protecting himself, he secretly released his divine consciousness to survey the surroundings.

At this moment, I heard a big laugh from the dark clouds:

"You trash, since you are dead, you can't waste it!"

Liang Yan moved in his heart and looked over his head. In the depths of the billowing magic cloud, he saw a burly man with magic patterns all over his body, holding the two remnants of the seductive female Xiu, chewing with big mouths. .

"Tsk tusk... Baiyunyu Wen family, it is said that they are practicing the true method of the earth, this fleshy quality is indeed a bit rough. However, the realm of cultivation is here, so I can barely enter it... ......."

The brawny man chewed and shook his head, not looking very satisfied with the delicious meal.

"You are a true demons!"

Liang Yan's pupils shrank slightly, and an expression of "Sure enough" appeared on his face.

In fact, as early as when the demonic energy broke out in the cave, he felt a trace of real demonic energy hidden in it, but the amount was too small, and Liang Yan was not sure at that time.

The reason why he was jealous of this masked man was also because of the spirit of the real demon!

By now, Liang Yan no longer had any doubts, the cultivator in the middle stage of the Profound Profound Realm before him was actually a real demon!

"This is the hinterland of the human race. If you dare to show up here, are you not afraid of being attacked by a group?" Liang Yan asked with squinting eyes.

"Hey, what you said is really ridiculous, won't anyone know who I am if I kill you?" The demon man sneered.

After Liang Yan listened to it, his expression remained calm, but he released his divine consciousness in secret, only to realize that it was impossible to detect the situation outside the magic cloud. Obviously, the monks outside the magic cloud could not know what was happening inside.

"What a barrier, it seems that your Excellency is planning to catch turtles in the urn?"

Liang Yan's face was calm, and he said faintly: "In that case, can you let me be a ghost before I die, who sent you here?"

"Why do you still know so much when you die?" The demon man waved his hand impatiently, and then said, "Don't worry, you can't enter the cycle of reincarnation if you die in the hands of this seat!"

As soon as his voice fell, the person had disappeared in place.

At the same time, the surrounding magic clouds began to spin quickly. The Situ Kuangsheng and the pudgy man who were fighting outside could only see a black spinning top with a radius of hundreds of meters in mid-air, but could not see anything inside. condition.

Although Liang Yan wanted to use words to confuse the other party, but

I also know that the possibility of success is very small, and my own attention has long been placed on the other party's spiritual flow.

When he noticed that the demon man's breath began to fluctuate, he became alert for the first time, and the moment the demon man disappeared, his three sword gangs had already pierced in three different directions.

brush! brush! brush!

With three breaking sounds, ripples appeared in the void, but there was no more movement.


Liang Yan's pupils shrank, his expression extremely solemn.

At this moment, his divine consciousness has completely dispersed, but in this weird black cloud, all his perceptions are restricted, even if he has already turned the "Eight Elementary Generation" to the extreme, he can't find his opponent. Hiding place.

Suddenly, his right ear moved slightly, and a warning sign appeared in his heart.


As soon as this thought came up, Liang Yan fleeed towards the left front almost without even thinking about it, and at the same time with a backhand, he cut it towards his right rear.


The cyan glow swept past, seeming to collide with a certain sharp weapon, unexpectedly, it did not cut it off!

Liang Yan hurriedly turned around and looked around, only to see a majestic man standing proudly in the sky, holding a Fangtian painted halberd and swinging upwards, unexpectedly knocking his sword pill into the air!

"What is that magic weapon?"

Liang Yan was a little surprised, knowing that his Mayfly Sword Pill was tempered a thousand times, and he had been tempered a hundred times with the "sword seizing method" before it took shape. The magic weapons used by the monks in the ordinary Tongxuan realm could not stop the light blow of this sword pill, but this demon man could use Fang Tian's painted halberd to resist his sword pill, which is really incredible.

At this moment, the man on the opposite side has been completely demonized, and the magic patterns all over his body emit a purple brilliance, and his aura is surging. Although his realm has not changed, he is much stronger than the Xiong Ba of the year.

"Hey, I've heard the rumors of human sword repair for a long time, but unfortunately, most of them are dead. Today, I finally bumped into a sword pill realm, and there is only the cultivation base of the golden core middle stage. What a pity, what a pity!"

It's a pity that the demon man made two repeated Fang Tian's painted halberd flicked forward, and he actually forced the mayfly sword pill back.

This is the first time Liang Yan has eaten upright since he cultivated the sword pill. He did not dare to be negligent. While performing his escape in mid-air, he changed his sword art and manipulated his three swords and mayfly sword pill to attack his opponent again. .

The mayfly sword pill cut through the sky and took the lead, attacking the demon man from the front, while the purple, silver, and black sword gangs surrounded the surroundings, waiting for the opponent to reveal the flaws.

The demon man sneered when he saw it, and did not use any magical powers. He only relied on a Fangtian painted halberd in his hand to dance imperviously in the air, and even if the sword energy galloped all around him, he couldn't hurt him at all.

The two fought dozens of moves, and suddenly they heard a violent shout from the demon man, and the figure flashed again and again in mid-air, as if the space moved, and it actually crossed a hundred feet in an instant!

His movements were extremely fast, and at this time he had already picked up the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand, and slashed at Liang Yan's forehead with a halberd.

Although Liang Yan's body was tempered by Buddhism, he would not be so arrogant that he could use his body to resist this halberd. Seeing his opponent rushed forward, he hurriedly flew back, and at the same time held the sword in his hand. The trick changed.

The mayfly sword pill disappeared in midair in an instant, then appeared directly behind the head of the demon man, and slashed towards him with a sword.

This sword is silent, without the slightest breath. It is exactly the move in Liang Yan's own swordsmanship "Thirteen Swords of Daya", "Xin Sheng"!

Perceiving the sword aura suddenly appearing behind him, the demon man's face also changed slightly. He had no choice but to let Liang Yan go, and waved Fang Tian's painted halberd to block the sword pill behind him.

Liang Yan got a chance to breathe, his sword moves changed again, "Xisheng" changed to "listening to the tide", Mayfly Sword Pill changed the soundlessness before, the sky full of sword aura surging out like a tide, and every sword is in harmony with the rhythm. Avenue!

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