The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1113: Peach Foil Sword Illustration

Although the tone of this voice is weak, it reveals a sense of majesty. The owner of the voice is no stranger to Liang Yan, who is the current acting palace owner of Bihai Palace: Lin Yueque!

"Huh? How could Palace Master Lin send me a message?"

Liang Yan's face showed a hint of doubt. You must know that the opponent is the lord of the first palace of Wushuang City. The cultivation base has reached the transformation stage, and he is just an ordinary city disciple. The cultivation base is only in the middle of Jin Dan. .

Regardless of the cultivation level and status of the two sides, it is extremely difficult to see each other. If there is any intersection, it can only be in the main hall of Bihai Palace.

"Lian Yuedong? I remember this seems to be Lin Yueque's cave mansion. He is not calling me in the main hall of Bihai Palace, but he wants me to go to his cave mansion. What's the matter?"

Liang Yan was puzzled, thought about it for a while, but was still to no avail.

However, this was the order of the acting palace owner of Bihai Palace. As a member of Bihai Palace, he did not dare not follow. Although he was a little unhappy when he was interrupted in the middle of his training, Liang Yan could only interrupt the retreat and leave the cave and head towards Lian. Flew in the direction of Moon Cave.

Lianyue Cave is said to be a cave, but it is actually a huge palace built on the mountainside, surrounded by colorful clouds. There are hundreds of court ladies and Taoists shuttled between the pavilions and corridors. It seems that they should be Lin Yueque's servants.

Liang Yan came to the gate of the palace. In addition to the monks on duty, there was also a thin book boy wearing a Confucian robe waiting here.

Seeing Liang Yan's arrival, he immediately bowed his hands and said: "Daoyou Liang came really in time. Under Wangtong, by the order of his family teacher, I will lead the Taoists here."

Liang Yan knew that this person was Lin Yueque’s apprentice, so he didn’t dare to neglect at the moment, and hurriedly replied: “Palace Master Lin personally passed the order to me, so how can Liang dare to neglect? The first time I received the order, I rushed over from my own cave..."

When he said this, he paused for a while, and then pretended to ask casually: "Ashamed, Liang has not been in Bihai Palace for a long time. He has only seen Palace Master Lin once in three years, but didn't know the Palace Master this time. What's the matter with me?"

"Well...I don't know too much." Wang Tong smiled and said, "Zai Xia is only ordered by his master to welcome Daoyou Liang. As for I am afraid that Daoyou Liang will have to ask himself what the teacher has ordered."

"That's it.........not to mention, then please ask Wang Daoyou to lead the way, and then go in and see Palace Master Lin." Liang Yan smiled slightly.

"Say it!"

Wang Tong nodded, then turned and took Liang Yan to the depths of the palace.

The two went around and spent half a cup of tea in a courtyard. Here, flowers are in full bloom, birds and flowers are fragrant, and a handsome man with a height of seven feet and a sword eyebrow is sitting in front of a stone table.

Liang Yan knew that this person was Lin Yueque, the acting lord of Bihai Palace, and hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

"Don't be polite."

Lin Yueque smiled slightly and waved to Wang Tong again: "You go down first."


Wang Tong replied respectfully, and walked back from the courtyard to the outside of the palace. In the huge courtyard, only Lin Yueque and Liang Yan were left.

"sit down."

Lin Yueque pointed to the empty seat in front of the stone table, motioned Liang Yan to sit down, and then made him a pot of spiritual tea, looking like a hospitable scholar, without the slightest shelf of the palace owner.

"You are Liang Yan. I heard Song Ru talk about you before, Daxia Kingdom's mission, you completed it very well." Lin Yueque spoke lightly while drinking tea.

Liang Yan didn't know what he was referring to, and tentatively asked: "But I heard that the two heroes of Yu and Mo were robbed and killed on the way back. Now Huangquan Palace and Chixiao Academy have counted this incident in our Wushuang City. On his head?"

"Haha, let's do it!" Lin Yueque waved her hand and said, "My opinion is different from that of Junior Sister Ning Xia. Now that Wushuang Domain is in chaos, how can we stand up if we don't kill? The seven ghosts of Huangquan died well, and there will be Nine Martial Arts in the future. I don’t dare to invade our mineral veins anymore. As for the feathers and mosquitoes, they can only be regarded as unlucky. You are not to blame for this matter."

"However, the situation in Wushuang Domain is now complex. If the conflict between the Nine Martial Arts and our Wushuang City is further intensified, I am afraid that it will give other forces a chance..." Liang Yan said with discretion. Out of my own opinion.

Lin Yueque smiled slightly and didn't seem to care much.

"The Nine Martial Arts? It's just a group of clowns, even if the city lord is not there, it is not our Wushuang City opponent. Don't worry about this, the lord of our five palaces will arrange it."

When he said this, he suddenly changed his words, and then continued: "I heard that in the battle of Qiyun Cave, other forces finally intervened. Were you and Situ Kuangsheng teamed up to defeat the powerful enemy in the Tongxuan Realm?"

Liang Yan's expression remained unchanged after hearing this, but his heart was slightly startled, and he thought to himself: "It seems that Song Ru still told part of my affairs... The palace owner should know some details about me."

However, he was also prepared in his heart. Although Song Ru had a good relationship with him, he was from Wushuang City after all. If Lin Yueque and Ning Xia were to ask questions, they would definitely not be able to be tight-lipped.

Fortunately, his battle with the demon man was outside the magic circle, and no one saw him except Situ Kuangsheng. Even Song Ru was just speculation.

"Yes, I was lucky enough to escape from the Qiyun Cave, and I met an enemy from the early stage of the Profound Profound Realm outside. If Situ Kuangsheng hadn't helped me withdraw from the enemy, I wouldn't be able to escape." Liang Yan replied calmly. road.

"Hehe, I heard from Song Ru that Xiaoyou is actually a swordsman, and I am afraid that he is very strong and it is hard to find an opponent below the Tongxuan realm. I am a little curious, before joining Wushuang City, which expert was Xiaoyou? Learn the Tao under the sect?" Lin Yueque had an interesting expression, and seemed to be very interested in Liang Yan's sect.

After Liang Yan heard it, his expression remained unchanged, and he only said indifferently: "Senior Lin has said that, Wushuang City masters have come out in large numbers, and this strength is only acceptable at this point. Liang has no school, although he has practiced in Nanchui before. Swordsmanship, unfortunately, without proper techniques, it has been difficult to make progress. It was not until entering the Bihai Palace Tibetan Scripture Pavilion and obtaining the magical power of "Canghai Star Sword".

"Canghai Star Divine Sword?"

Lin Yueque frowned and murmured to herself: "This technique is indeed the inheritance of my Bihai Palace. It is said that it was created by a deputy palace master back then, but it is a pity that this person has never received an apprentice in his entire life. , And no descendants, this "Canghai Star Sword" was finally collected by him in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, saying that it was a destined person reserved for future generations."

When he said this, he glanced at Liang Yan, smiled slightly, and continued: "In the following thousands of years, there were very few Bihai Palace monks who could practice this sword art. I didn't expect Liang Xiaoyou to have this opportunity. Really gratifying!"

"It turned out to be created by the predecessors of Bihai Palace!"

Liang Yan showed an expression of admiration, and said respectfully: "This technique is indeed wonderful. The younger generations are only rough skins now, and they work hard every day without embellishment. I only hope that one day they will be able to master it and not shame the elders of Bihai Palace."

"Rough fur? I'm afraid it's more than that!" Lin Yueque said with a smile but not a smile, and then said: "Speaking of which, I can learn a little bit of swordsmanship, why don't we two learn from each other?"

As soon as he said this, even if he was as calm as Liang Yan, his face changed slightly.

"Palace Master Lin joked? You are a senior of the Transformation Tribulation Realm. With my current cultivation level, I am afraid that you can't even handle a single move. How can you talk about it?"

Lin Yueque waved her hand and said: "Xiaoyou Liang's words are wrong. Although my realm is much higher than yours, my main practice is not a sword technique. The time spent practicing in kendo is actually about the same as that of Xiaoyou. And this time It’s not that I acted personally."


Liang Yan was confused, and couldn't help asking: "Then what is the method of learning according to what the predecessors said?"

Lin Yueque smiled and said: "I have recently gotten a picture of a sword formation, and I can understand the mystery day and night. Unfortunately, I haven't been practicing swords for a long time, and my kendo skills are commonplace, so I can't understand the mystery. I just want to invite a true swordsman genius to enter this picture for me to try swords."

"Sword figure?"

Liang Yan's spirits lifted up when he heard it, and he secretly moved a little.

He was obsessed with sword practice, and he was naturally a little curious about the sword formation in Lin Yueque's hand, and wanted to see what mystery was inside. However, taking the initiative to enter other people's formations means unknown and dangerous. According to Liang Yan's character, he is never allowed to put himself in such a situation.

Lin Yueque obviously saw the hesitation in his eyes, and he smiled at this moment: "What? Xiaoyou Liang is still worried that this seat will harm you? Don't worry, I won't want you to help in vain, as long as my little friend Promise to help me try the sword, and I will give you a piece of Zixia Ganoderma."

"Zixia Ganoderma!"

With a move in Liang Yan's heart, the previous hesitation gradually disappeared.

He had been in Wushuang City for a few years, and he had also consulted Song Ru several times. He knew that if the Golden Core monk wanted to enter the profound realm, he had to break the entrance in his body, and Zixia Ganoderma was one of several types that could assist the monk in breaking the entrance. One of the spiritual things.

For monks in the Golden Core Realm, Zixia Ganoderma is indeed a spiritual thing that can be encountered but not sought.

Liang Yan hesitated at first, mainly worrying about his own safety, but he thought about it the other way around, Lin Yueque's strength was too much higher than himself, and if he really wanted to disadvantage him, there was no need to use any swordsmanship.

Moreover, as a member of Bihai Palace, he was considered Lin Yueque's subordinate, and the opponent really had no reason to harm him.

After weighing the pros and cons, Liang Yan gradually let go of his guard, and said: "Since the Lin Palace Master has his life, the younger generation should obey it, but they don't know what kind of sword map it is. It deserves the Lin Palace Master's attention."

Lin Yueque laughed after hearing it, stretched out a hand to take out a pair of ancient scrolls from his sleeve, and slowly unfolded it in front of Liang Yan.

I saw the mountains and flowing water, the clouds steaming and xiawei in the scroll, the forest at the end of the mountain, the peach blossoms in the forest, the sword intent flying around, it was dizzying.

"This is the Peach Flower Sword Picture! The little friend who enters this picture, only needs to last for a stick of incense, and when this seat understands the change of the sword picture, the little friend can get out of the battle."

Lin Yueque smiled slightly and raised his hand to the ancient scroll. A five-color glow suddenly appeared in the picture and stopped in front of Liang Yan.

Liang Yan knew that this was Jiantu's divine light. Now that he had agreed to the other party, he didn't hesitate at this moment and walked straight into the glow.

When this step was taken, the sky was spinning, and the five-color glow swept Liang Yan, and instantly returned to the sword map.

The next moment, Liang Yan stepped on his feet and found that he was already at the top of the mountain, surrounded by peach blossoms, and it was indeed the peach forest drawn in the sword picture.

"So strong sword intent!"

Liang Yan was not attracted by the beauty in front of him, but keenly observed the murderous intent and sword aura hidden in the peach blossoms.

He stood quietly in the same place for a while, and suddenly heard someone sing aloud to the west of Taolin, the song said:

"Thousands of years in the cave are mysterious, and the peach blossom outside the door should be sentimental, go up to the sky and enter the clouds in your leisure, and then see the Changsheng Temple!"

The singing sounded far and near, out of the treetops in the forest, and saw an old man, wearing a lun towel and a romantic white robe, walking slowly towards him with a peach blossom as a sword.

Although the pace of this person is slow, but his stature is surprisingly fast, just between a few ups and downs, he arrives in front of Liang Yan.

The peach blossom in his hand was in full bloom, and the infinite sword intent pierced from the bud. Liang Yan had never seen such a bizarre thing, and he did not dare to neglect at the moment. Black lotus sword.

A black light cut through the In the void, black lotus was born. Between the lotus flowers in full bloom, countless sword qi rushed out, and the peach blossom sword qi in the old man's hand rushed into each other, and finally returned to nothingness.

The two took apart a few tricks, which was inextricably difficult to distinguish. Suddenly, they heard someone composing a song south of Taolin. The song said:

"A pot of wine in the flower room, talking about the road to cultivation, a dream in the world, how many times will the coolness of autumn sigh?"

As the singing continued, a brawny man with bare **** walked out of the forest. This man was wearing a black robe with loose hair, folded a peach branch as a sword, and stabbed Liang Yan.

Liang Yan hadn't expected that in this "Peach Blossom Sword Formation", there were actually two cultivators' illusions, and I don't know if it was a coincidence, the sword intent of the two men was actually comparable to his own.

Facing the peach-stick sword aura of the brawny man in Dao-robed robe, Liang Yan had no choice but to pinch a sword tactic and sacrificed the Purple Thunder Heavenly Sound Sword in Taixu Gourd.

He alone controlled the two flying swords, facing the enemy left and right, and with the blessing of "Fish and Dragon Dance", he fought with the old man in white clothes and the brawny man in Taoist robes.

"Counting the time, there is almost half a stick of time, as long as you hold on for a while, you're done!"

Liang Yan thought to himself while calculating the time in his heart.

However, just when he thought the situation had stabilized, singing came from the east of Taolin. This time it was a woman, her voice was like a nightingale's first cry, she turned to listen softly, and sang in the song:

"Peach blossoms are faintly scented, who swings and whispers in a smile? An inch of lovesickness, there is no place for arrangement in the world!"

After singing a song, the person walked out of the forest, but she was a beautiful woman with a gentle face in a green palace dress.

She was not close, just standing on the top of the tree, her jade hand plucked the leaves into a sword, flicked forward, dozens of sword leaves galloped out, and went straight to Liang Yan's door... .........

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