The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1124: 6 fingers together

In the valley of Qiling Mountain, deep underground, in a dark and humid cave.

Lin Yueque was dressed in a green robe, with his hands on his back, and stood leisurely.

At this time, the cave was strangely quiet. On one side were the people who were guarding Huangfu Qi, and on the other was the acting palace lord of Bihai Palace in Peerless City. They were supposed to be both sides of the same camp, but now the atmosphere was a little subtle.

"Palace're here too? This time Cangnan Mountain's Dao-Discussion Covenant is a trap, and there are people from Guwang Mountain behind it who set up an ambush in secret. The eyes of Luo Tian's Three Kings Formation, since Palace Master Lin is here, please help me!" True Monarch Jiying said.

However, after he finished speaking, Lin Yueque didn't respond at all, didn't even look at him, and only turned his attention to Liang Yan.

"Liang Yan, Liang Yan, I really underestimated you! I didn't expect that in just a few years, you actually cultivated the first level of "Fish and Dragon Dance" to the realm of great perfection, and even I can't easily perceive it. When I got to your position, this time I almost fell for it!"

"What do you mean by this, senior?" Liang Yan narrowed his eyes and took a few steps back.

"Hehe, you're a smart guy, since you can track it down here, you must be able to guess my purpose, right?" Lin Yueque said with a smile.

"You want me to teach you the formula of "Fish and Dragon Dance"?" Liang Yan asked tentatively.

"Teach me?"

Lin Yueque snorted coldly, "That's what was originally mine, so it should be returned to me!"

After the two answered each other, True Monarch Jiying and Cang Yueming next to them were confused, but they were not stupid people, and now, they gradually realized that something was wrong.

"Palace Lin, now that the eyes are in front of you, why are you still reluctant to take action? Aren't you afraid that things will change?"

"Don't be stupid." Liang Yan didn't turn his head, just said lightly: "Not only will this Palace Master Lin not destroy the formation, but he will kill all of us who get in the way!"

As soon as he said this, True Monarch Jiying and Cang Yueming changed their faces at the same time, but before they could react, a loud noise erupted from the altar.

Several people turned their heads to look at the same time, only to see the surface of the cauldron, there were dense cracks, and a shrill mourning came from the inside, it didn't sound like a human voice, but a bug.

At the same time, the blood-colored lotus pedestal below was also completely dissipated by the rays of the sun, turning into pieces of remnant flowers and leaves, falling down into the pool water.

"The eye is about to break?"

Both True Monarch Jiying and Cang Yueming showed joy, and then looked at the big seal in the air. At this moment, a powerful momentum burst out and slammed into the cauldron.


Another loud bang came, the eye formation tool was knocked into pieces, a cloud of blue smoke came out, and a huge worm phantom could be seen faintly, but it was already riddled with holes. Completely dissipated in mid-air.

Liang Yan was also quite surprised to see that the array eyes were destroyed like this. He glanced at Lin Yueque, who was standing with his hands behind his back, and asked in surprise, "Aren't you going to stop it?"

"Hehe, you don't really think that as long as you destroy the formation here, you will be safe on Cangnan Mountain today, right?" Lin Yueque suddenly laughed.

"Oh? What do you mean?" Liang Yan frowned.

"Don't you understand?"

Lin Yueque's gloomy voice sounded slowly: "'Daluotian Three Kings Formation' is not our real killer move. No matter whether this formation can be activated or not, everyone on Cangnan Mountain today is sure to die!"


At the same time when Liang Yan and others destroyed the formation, the top of Cangnan Mountain.

Master Lian Xin persuaded everyone to stop making peace and take out the "six-finger bones" in their hands, so that they could find the heavenly receiver.

Wu Ci narrowed her eyes, pondered for a while, and said, "The cause of Feng Yulan's death was a mystery back then. She only knew that she failed to survive the calamity, but she didn't know where she died. And after her death, her remains were scattered all over the place. We have been in Wushuang City for many years, and we have only found three of them, and we lost one twenty years ago, but I didn't expect it to be in the hands of the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce and fellow Taoists!"

Master Lian Xin heard what he meant, and immediately laughed and said: "Fellow Daoist Wu Ci, don't blame me, this little monk's phalanx was also obtained by accident not long ago. At that time, he beheaded a few juniors in the territory of Tianhe City, and obtained it from their reserves. This phalanx was found in the bag. Xiao Seng knew that it was the body of fellow Daoist Feng Yulan, and also heard about the pact between the nine major factions and Cangnan Mountain in Wushuang City, so he traveled day and night to come here, hoping to resolve the two sides. The contradiction of the 'Heavenly Receiver' also reappears in the world!"

He didn't change his face, his tongue was bright and lotus, and he never mentioned his secret adjustment in Tianhe City back then. Several palace masters and sect masters who were present listened to it. Although they were a little suspicious, they could not find any flaws for a while.

Wu Ci glanced at Master Lianxin, and thought to himself: "This great monk is full of benevolence and righteousness, and he doesn't know whether what he said is true or false... That's all, today's affairs have come to an end, let's see what he will do next. How to tell."

He thought for a while, and then said: "Okay, you are the descendant of the angry monk, and Wu will believe you for the time being. It's just that there are so many monks here, who belong to different camps, even if they can put aside their previous hatred and let the 'Heavenly Receiver Box' be here. After birth, what happens after that?"

For this question, Master Lianxin had already anticipated it, and at this time he laughed and said, "The little monk has a suggestion, everyone listen."

"Since the 'six-finger bones' were assembled by the forces of the four parties, the receiver will naturally have a share that day. And as far as I know, Peerless City doesn't need the receiver, just want to find the body of fellow Daoist Qi Feng Yulan and take it All together. So no matter how the Tianji box belongs today, the six phalanges will be handed over to Wushuangcheng in the end.”

When Master Lian Xin said this, he put his hands together, smiled slightly, and continued:

"There are still two opportunities to use the 'Tianji box'. Xiao Seng and the nine major factions will each use it once and use it at the top of Cangnan Mountain. As for the smelling incense chamber of commerce, they only need the box left after use. After the next opportunity is used up, just hand the box to them.”

"In this way, the unparalleled city has all the bones, the little monk and the nine major factions each have a chance to calculate the heaven and the earth, and the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce also got the box they want, isn't it the best of all?"

As soon as he finished speaking, someone on the top of the mountain couldn't hold it in any longer, only to hear the Huhou layman angrily: "You great monk, you have such a big tone! I think you are the one who has overcome three difficulties and one disaster. With a cultivation base, and alone, how can you be qualified to share a use opportunity with our nine major factions?"

"That's right, this great monk is full of compassion, kindness, and righteousness, but he still doesn't want a heavenly receiver? He is alone, how dare he make such a request with our nine major factions?!" Jin Guangxian also exclaimed indignantly.

Although Shangguan Qianye didn't speak, and even had a faint smile on his face, he secretly gave a wink to the ghost-faced layman, Long Feiyu and others.

These people immediately understood and dispersed silently, secretly surrounding Master Lian Xin in the middle.

"Fellow Daoist Lianxin, you also heard that the heads of the nine major sects are gathered here today. Even though you are a descendant of an angry monk and have a high level of Buddhism, you can't go against the trend." Shangguan Qianye said with a smile.


Master Lian Xin naturally saw the movements of several people in his eyes, but his face did not change, and he still looked like he was smiling.

"Friend Huhou, Daoist Jinguang, you just asked Xiao Seng why he can share the receiver with the nine major factions? Hehe, this is what Xiao Seng relies on!"

As he spoke, he took out a white jade box from his sleeve and held it above his head.

Everyone looked at them at the same time, and they all saw that inside the jade box, a slender phalanx was placed, which was the "six finger bones"!

"Shangguan Chiba!"

Master Lian Xin changed his previous gentleness, and shouted loudly: "If you dare to let them take a step forward, the little monk will immediately let the ashes disappear, and no one will get the sky receiver!"

He used magical powers in his voice, which spread far and wide across the entire mountaintop, and everyone present was slightly taken aback.

"Don't be impulsive, Fellow Daoist Lianxin, everything is easy to say."

Shangguan Qianye put on a kind expression, and winked secretly, and the several chiefs who had been surrounding Master Lian Xin silently retreated.

"Friend Daoist's words are serious, everyone is here for chance. The old man thought about it carefully just now, and what Daoist friend said is not unreasonable. These six phalanges are indispensable. We gathered the remaining five, but that was in vain... Well, this old man is in charge of the rest of the sect masters. The two opportunities to use the receiver today will be split equally between fellow Taoists and our nine factions. "

Shangguan Qianye said in a succinct manner, these words were gentle, as if they were discussing softly with their best friends.

However, Master Lianxin just sneered.

"Shangguan Qianye, don't think I don't know what you're thinking! First trick me into taking out my phalanx, and after the Tianji box is born, I will attack in groups. My lotus heart is invincible with both fists and four hands, so naturally I'm not your opponent. When it’s convenient and square, it’s round if you want it, it’s not up to you to pinch it!”

When Shangguan Qianye heard this, his face gradually became gloomy, and he said coldly: "This is not possible, that is not possible, Fellow Daoist Lianxin, what are you going to do?"


Master Lian Xin laughed three times and said loudly: "Shangguan Qianye, you may have forgotten that you are not alone in the top of Cangnan Mountain, and there are people from Wushuang City!"

As soon as he said these words, the gazes of the nine heads turned to Peerless City.

Wu Ci had been watching with his hands on his back just now, and did not interrupt the conversation of several people. At this time, he could not help being a little surprised when he heard Master Lian Xin take the initiative to mention Wushuang City.

"Oh? Fellow Daoist Lianxin still remembers our Peerless City? Very good, very good, I don't know what we need to do?" Wu Ci smiled.

"Hehe, I have long heard that Peerless City is fair and honest. So I would like to ask a few daoists to bail me out. After the Tian receiver is born, I'll have to use it once before handing it over to Shangguan daoist friends. ." Master Lian Xin said unhurriedly.

"Fellow Daoist made a good plan!"

Wu Ci smiled slightly and said, "It's obvious that you want to share the opportunity of using the receiver with the nine factions. Why do you want to bring us Peerless City? Or, what reason do we have to help you?"

"Of course you have a reason to help me!"

Master Lianxin shook the jade box in his hand and said, "The Peerless City doesn't need the Heavenly Machine Box, what I want is the phalanx in my hand. After the Heavenly Machine Box comes out. You have to make sure that the little monk can get a chance to use it, so that Only the little monk will hand it over to you as he wishes. Otherwise, the divine power of King Kong will immediately destroy the ashes of this finger!"

After hearing this, Wu Ci's eyes flashed, and after a moment of silence, he slowly opened his mouth and said:

"As expected of the descendant of the angry monk, this trick is really clever. It's just that your Excellency is so scheming, but it is very different from your master's character, which makes people feel embarrassed."

Master Lian Xin naturally heard the sarcasm in his tone, but he didn't take it seriously, instead he said with a smile:

"In the past when the Buddha became enlightened, he once said: 'On the heavens and the earth, I am the only one!', this is the true self that is neither born nor destroyed, neither dirty nor pure, neither increasing nor decreasing. The little monk has a little spiritual light in his heart and can see the true self, so why bother Obsessed with means? The teacher is naturally a great supernatural power and great wisdom, but the way of a little monk is not necessarily a great way!"

"You monk, I can't say enough about you!"

Wu Ci shook his head angrily and sighed: "Well, before the city lord disappeared, he told me thousands of times, saying that Feng Yulan made great contributions to Wushuang City, no matter what the To collect the remains for him....... We have agreed to the conditions you just mentioned."

When he said these words, it showed that Peerless City would support Master Lian Xin, and the nine factions could not help but disagree.

Shangguan Chiba listened to the conversation between the two, and was secretly annoyed.

However, he thought about it, if Master Lian Xin and the others didn't come today, he would lose five games to Wushuang City, so not only would he not be able to see the Heaven Receiver, he would even lose the two chips in his hand.

Now, although Master Lianxin said that he had to get a chance to use it, he could get a chance on his own side, so this trip to Cangnan Mountain was not a waste of time.

He thought through the stakes, and nodded as if it was difficult, and said: "Well, since Daoist Wu Ci spoke, then our nine major factions will also sell the face of Wushuang City, and this matter will be dealt with according to the Daoist Lianxin said to do it."

"Amitabha, the two Daoists are willing to let go of their grievances and swordsmanship, so that the luck of the entire Peerless Domain can be preserved. This is an act of immeasurable merit!"

Master Lianxin folded his hands together and proclaimed the Buddha's name, as if he was really here to mediate grievances. After the rest of the people saw it, they all sneered in their hearts.

At this time, Gan Long glanced at the two who were fighting in the sky, and said with a smile: "Since everyone has reached an agreement, then please ask Daoist Gongye to disperse his magical powers and come down with Daoist Lu."

"It should be so."

Wu Ci nodded slightly and called: "Good disciple, Bidou is here today, come back."

Although that Gong Yehong was fighting in mid-air, he also saw what happened just now. At this time, when he heard the master's call, he pinched the tactic in his hand, extinguished the wind and thunder, and took the mustard seed space. In his sleeve, he then turned around and returned to the crowd in Peerless City.

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