The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1131: Chaos space

Let's say that Liang Yan was in the valley of Qiling Mountain, and was enveloped by a white light, and then disappeared without a trace.

True Monarch Jiying, Cang Yueming and others watched him disappear, but they didn't know what happened. They released their spiritual senses almost at the same time, and searched the cave of Qiling Mountain, but they could not find any trace of Liang Yan.

What they didn't know was that at this moment, Liang Yan was no longer in Qiling Mountain.

At the moment when the white light appeared, Liang Yan felt a powerful force of space tore through the void, dragging himself into the crack of space like a big hand.

What followed was a whirlwind.

I don't know how long it took, but when Liang Yan's consciousness returned, he found himself in a chaotic space.

As far as the eye can see, there is a huge stone tablet, standing in the center of the vast chaos.

"What is that...and, why am I here?"

Now Liang Yan already knew that Ye Mubai was Linghu Bai, and 80% of the reason why he came to this strange place was because of Linghu Bai.

It's just that Liang Yan is still at a loss as to why the other party planned to teleport himself here, and what the purpose is.

He stayed in place, secretly released his spiritual sense to inquire about the surroundings, but found that it was a chaotic place, except for the chaotic aura that filled the surrounding space, there was nothing else.

"It seems that if you want to find out what's going on here, you have to take a look at the stone tablet in the middle."

Liang Yan was determined to pay attention, released the mayfly sword pill and three sword gangs to protect himself around him, while secretly guarding against possible accidents, he walked towards the middle of the chaotic space.

As they got closer, Liang Yan could also see the stone tablet clearly, and saw that there were densely depicted ancient runes on it. None of these runes were known to him. Thousands of years of time have come from the ancient and barbaric era.

"These runes...seem to be related to the way of heaven..."

Liang Yan stared at the runes on the stone tablet. Although he didn't know it, he was deeply attracted by just one glance. He actually had a feeling that as long as he followed the traces in these runes, he could find the way of heaven. law!

Just as his consciousness was gradually immersed in it, and his eyes were almost obsessed and crazy, something above his dantian vibrated slightly, awakening Liang Yan from his meditation.


Liang Yan was stunned for a moment, but after taking a photo of his consciousness, he found that the thing that caused the abnormal movement just now was actually the Heavenly Mystery Pearl that had not responded for many years!

At this time, the Heavenly Mystery Bead was beating up and down very regularly, and the four spheres surrounding it also began to slowly rotate.

Liang Yan didn't know what was going on. Although Tianjizhu had followed him for many years, it had only been activated twice so far. It was Li Xiaosong, who was possessed by the old gold, in the Yunxiao Palace.

Except for these two times, no matter how Liang Yan urged, the Tianji Pearl never moved.

"What's going on today, why is the Tianjizhu a little restless in this mysterious space?"

Liang Yan was puzzled, and after thinking for a moment, he did not deliberately suppress the restlessness of the Tianji Pearl, but walked around the stone tablet in front of him again.

At this moment, he discovered that the primitive runes on the stele actually began to move slowly, and some of the runes were still changing during the movement.

This feeling is as if he just read a false scripture, and now for some reason, the stone tablet actually began to reveal the real content for himself.

"Could it be that this stele has any connection with the Heavenly Secret Pearl?!"

Liang Yan's heart moved, and there was a hint of joy on his face.

But before he could study it carefully, there was a sudden change in the field!

I saw that in the vast chaos, two red glows appeared from nowhere. At this time, they cut through the sky and came to the sky above the stone monument in just an instant.

The goals of these two red lights are very clear. After coming here, regardless of Liang Yan standing next to him, they flew directly to the stone tablet, as if to take this thing as his own.

brush! brush!

As the sound of breaking the sky sounded, the two red lights turned into strings of ten feet long, tied to the stele of the stone stele, and then began to pull towards the top of the chaotic space.

Seeing that the stele was about to be taken away by these two red lights, Liang Yan's face changed slightly, and the Heavenly Secret Bead in his body seemed to sense the crisis, and the speed of rotation was getting faster and faster, and suddenly a white light shot out from his dantian. Hit the stone tablet directly!

At this moment, in the chaotic space, there is such a scene:

A huge stone tablet engraved with runes was pulled at the top by two red strings, trying to pull it out of the space; the bottom was entangled by a white light, trying to pull it down from mid-air.

The white light and the red rope do not give in to each other, and the stone tablet sometimes rises a few inches in the air, and sometimes sinks a few inches down, as if in a tug-of-war, as if it was an evenly matched situation!

Liang Yan was extremely surprised when he saw this scene.

It's not that he has never seen Tianjizhu take action. The devil he met in Yixing Pavilion before, and Lao Jin he saw in Yunxiao Palace are all people with unfathomable cultivation, but in front of Tianjizhu, he even resisted in the slightest. There was no strength, so he was taken in.

Now, what is the origin of these two red ropes? They have been able to compete with the Heavenly Mystery Pearl for so long, and there is no sign of defeat in the slightest!

Just as Liang Yan's thoughts were turning, a change occurred in mid-air!

The two red ropes also seemed to have discovered the existence of Liang Yan. Knowing that this person was present, he would not be able to take the stone tablet with him no matter what, so he twisted gently in mid-air, and actually gave birth to two scarlet tentacles, which went straight to where Liang Yan was. call from the location.


Liang Yan's complexion changed greatly, and the exercises in his body were working at full force.

However, when his flying sword touched the tentacle, it was easily bounced away!

The chilling sword energy condensed around Jianwan was also swallowed up by the strange power on the tentacles, as if it fell into a bottomless abyss, and it dissipated in an instant.

This is the first time Liang Yan has encountered such a strange thing, and his heart is shocked to the extreme.

At this time, I looked at it again, and I found that there were dense ancient seal runes on the scarlet tentacles. It seems that all the magical powers in the world, as long as they encounter the runes on the tentacles, they will immediately disappear, and they will not have any effect!

At this time, Liang Yan finally realized that the origin of these scarlet tentacles is probably too great, and it is not something that he can deal with now.


There was only one word in his heart, and as soon as he pinched the magic formula in his hand, he would fly away.

However, the two tentacles didn't seem to want to let him go. In just this moment, they had already wrapped around Liang Yan's feet, and then climbed up like a python, trying to wrap his whole body in.

Liang Yan was bound by these two tentacles, only to feel a powerful oppressive force coming from all directions, the meridians in the body were blocked, and even the exercises could not work well.

At the moment of crisis, he could only desperately urge the Tianji Pearl, hoping that this mysterious thing could save his life. But Jizhu ignored him that day, and only focused on emitting a white light, trying to drag the stone tablet down from the air.

"This **** is unreliable at critical moments!"

Liang Yan scolded secretly in his heart, but in desperation, he could only sink a little bit of true spirit in his divine sense into the vortex of demonic energy, intending to unseal the power of the demon to see if he could get out of this dead end. .

However, before he could unlock the magic seal, something moved on his body.

When the two scarlet tentacles climbed up to his chest, the "Bone Asura Seal" left by the old monk in yellow suddenly swelled and shrank. After a while, a huge suction force appeared, as if to **** the two tentacles into Liang Yan's chest. .

This change, even Liang Yan did not expect!

The two scarlet tentacles also seemed to sense the danger, and did not dare to continue to entangle, let go of Liang Yan, and retreated sharply.

However, the fine blood lines on Liang Yan's chest spread like a spider web, and a gray-white rotten aura emerged from his body, chasing the two tentacles and spreading upwards.

"What are these gray air? It looks like death air, but there is a distinct difference!"

Liang Yan's pupils shrank slightly. As the body of a living dead, he is naturally all too familiar with the aura of death.

It's just that the strangeness of these gray gas is above the "death gas" in his body. Liang Yan has a feeling that even if he is the body of a living dead, he must not be contaminated with even a little bit of this gray gas.

"Such a terrifying thing was hidden in my chest before... Fortunately, it has been peaceful."

Liang Yan suddenly felt fear in his heart. At this moment, he can fully confirm that these fine blood lines are definitely not the "Bone Asura Seal" that Linghu Bai said!

Just when he was thinking about it, the two tentacles had already shrunk back, but the gray gas spreading from his chest did not intend to let the other party go, and kept chasing after him.

The two tentacles looked very scared, and did not dare to stay in this space. They rolled up the two red ropes in the air and flew high into the sky together.

The "Tianji Pearl" in Liang Yan's body saw this opportunity, and Bai Guang suddenly became prosperous, and instantly snatched the stone tablet back from Hong Sheng's hand.


The huge stone tablet was pulled by the white light, cut through the sky, and became smaller and smaller on the way. In the end, it was only the size of a thumb cap, and it drilled directly into Liang Yan's dantian.

Liang Yan took a photo of his consciousness and saw that the stone tablet entered his body, and it merged with the Heavenly Mystery Bead. The Tianji Pearl, which was originally the size of a golden core, instantly expanded a bit, and a colorful ray of light filled the air, and there was a faint sound of fairy music.

"What is the origin of the stone tablet? It has the same origin as the Tianji Pearl!"

Liang Yan saw everything in his body, and at this time, he clearly felt that the power of the Tianjizhu was a little stronger than before, but he didn't know how to control it...

Just when he was secretly shocked, the machine beads suddenly turned that day, and huge information poured out from the beads, and finally was directly printed in his consciousness.

Liang Yan didn't dare to neglect, so he just meditated on the spot and began to digest the sea of ​​information obtained in his consciousness.

At the same time, the entire chaotic space began to gradually collapse due to the loss of the stone tablet.


Just as Liang Yan was meditating and meditating, there were two light sounds of "patta!" and "patta!" from the space above his head, followed by a crack in the chaotic void, and there was sunlight shining through the gap!

The two scarlet tentacles that robbed the stele hurriedly ran out of the crack, but the gray gas that emerged from Liang Yan's chest was still in hot pursuit, and finally followed the tentacles and drilled out of the crack.


Although Liang Yan was meditating, he could still vaguely hear a scream from outside the crack.

It's just that Liang Yan doesn't have time to take care of him now, because the information pouring out from the Tianji Pearl is actually a scripture. The scripture not only introduces some of the origins of the Tianji Pearl, but also teaches him how to control this magic weapon!

"It's actually a secret treasure from the beginning..."

Liang Yan closed his eyes and muttered to himself.

Through the first half of the scriptures, he learned that this celestial bead was a "primordial secret treasure", but what exactly was a "primordial secret treasure" was not explained in detail in the scriptures.

However, it is mentioned in the scriptures that the current Heavenly Mystery Bead is not complete. If you want to fully stimulate all its divine power, you must light up the four "Heavenly Dao Lanterns" around it.

The way to light up the four "Heavenly Dao Lanterns" is to find "demon", "devil", "ghost", and "immortal" that meet the requirements, and seal these four kinds of creatures into it.

"The first three are better to is just the last kind of 'immortal', what does it mean? "

Liang Yan sighed inwardly after reading the first half of the scriptures.

So far, the only "celestial lantern" he has successfully lit up is probably only "demon". As for that "devil", it is sometimes bright and sometimes dark, and it is never under his control.

Liang Yan had a vague feeling that only one day when he figured out the origin of the devil in his body and let him surrender himself willingly, would this "magic" lamp be lit.

But just lighting a "demon" lamp can also get unimaginable benefits.

Liang Yan meditated in the chaotic space, and revolved Zhou Tian according to the inscription passed on the stone tablet. Immediately, a tyrannical and pure power surged out of the Heavenly Mystery Bead, wandering in the meridians of his body, for his The Book of Changes cuts the marrow, and constantly improves the power of the physical body.

Liang Yan only felt that his whole body was in unbearable pain, and his muscles, bones and flesh seemed to be destroyed by a tyrannical force.

But after the pain, there will be a cool feeling spread all over the body immediately, the body that has just been destroyed will be restored in an instant, and the reconstructed body will be stronger than before.

In this cycle, Liang Yan didn't know how many times he was destroyed and how many times he was reborn. Until the end, that power gradually dissipated, and everything was calm again.

At this time, Liang Yan was sitting cross-legged in the chaotic space, his eyes slightly closed.

Although he didn't move, he had an aura like mountains and mountains, as if he could split mountains and rivers with his hands and step on heaven and earth.

At this moment, the quiet chaotic space suddenly became turbulent!

Immediately afterwards, nine different colors of brilliance broke through the void, broke in from outside the chaotic space, and wrapped around him almost at the same time......

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