The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1134: Destroy the Holy!

On the top of Cangnan Mountain, high above the sky.

Linghu cypress evolves into flowing clouds, transforming into thirty-three layers of heaven, each of which is like thousands of mountains and rivers, rolling down from the sky; in the clouds, there are winds and roars, transforming hundreds of thousands of divine weapons, the vast sky, as if He is the only ruler.

Compared with Linghu Bai's mighty power, Shen Lingtian was like a tiny ant. His blood shadow barrier was just formed and it was scattered, and all kinds of Gu insects were beheaded as soon as they appeared.

The dignified sage, the mountain master of Gu King Mountain, could only be beaten passively in front of Linghu Bai.

But the strange thing is that no matter how powerful Linghu Bai's magical powers are, it will never hurt or itch on Shen Lingtian's body. Those thousands of tentacles seem to be immortal. increase, but not decrease.

"Linghubai, don't you understand? You can't kill me at all!"

The huge meat ball buzzed: "I have the real body of the Blood Emperor, even if I fight for ten days and ten nights, it is impossible to show defeat. This is your unparalleled domain. If we fight again, the mountains and rivers will be destroyed, and you will be destroyed. Don't you feel bad? Why don't we two stop making peace, I'll go back to my Guwangshan, you go back to your Peerless City! I promise Shen Lingtian: In the next thousand years, Guwangshan and your Peerless City will be at peace, how?"

Shen Lingtian's voice came unhurriedly, and it seemed to be fearless.

However, Linghu Bai was unmoved. In addition to fighting, he glanced at the top of Cangnan Mountain and saw a red light piercing the sky and heading straight for his position.

"Good come!"

The corner of Linghu Bai's mouth showed a smile for the first time, and then with a wave of his sleeve, a crack opened in the clouds along the way, and he took the initiative to let the red light go.

Let's say that the red glow went all the way up, through the Thirty-Three Heavens, all the way unimpeded, and arrived in front of Linghu Bai in an instant.

The red glow dissipated, revealing what was inside, which was a boxy seal.

There are various strange patterns on the seal, which are not like human characters, nor wild runes, and are quite different from the spirit patterns of demons and demons.

Shen Lingtian also noticed the appearance of this thing. He looked through the clouds, and with his sainthood, he did not recognize the origin of this seal for a while.

But Linghu Bai was quite confident. At this moment, he raised his hand and patted the seal lightly, and the color of the world suddenly changed!

A beam of dark mixed with crimson light shot straight into the sky.

The vast sky seemed to be shocked by this beam of light, and all the sunlight that shone through the earth disappeared, and they left here as if they were fleeing.

The entire sky was covered with dark clouds, darker than the darkest night, like an upside-down abyss, above everyone's heads.

At the same time, there was a rumbling sound under the feet of everyone.

Wushuangcheng monks, monks from the nine major sects, and monks from the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce all changed their faces.

They had just left when a loud noise erupted from Cangnan Mountain, and the entire mountain range split apart in the middle, moving slowly to the left and right.

Everyone's faces were full of horror. The mountains stretched for thousands of miles, as if they were split into two halves by an invisible giant axe!

After the mountains moved away, the ground below was exposed, which turned out to be a bottomless black abyss!

This abyss is hundreds of miles in diameter, and it is unknown how deep below it.

"This is..........."

The cultivators present were so surprised that they were speechless when they saw this scene. Even experts like Wu Ci and Shangguan Qianye would feel cold all over the body and their blood would freeze even if they looked into the depths of the abyss. The soul was about to be inhaled, and immediately broke out in a cold sweat, and did not dare to look carefully.


There was another loud noise. Above the sky, Linghu Bai had a solemn expression on his face.

Red and black rays of light immediately shot out from the seal, and countless bloodshots twisted in the air, surrounded by black light, and the two colors continued to rotate alternately, and finally formed a barrier of a hundred meters in diameter, covering the top of Shen Lingtian's head.

At this moment, the flesh ball that Shen Lingtian transformed seemed to be aware of something wrong. Thousands of tentacles suddenly shrank inward, all of them shrunk into the flesh ball, and then the whole body expanded outward, and suddenly there was Thousands of feet in size.

Above the huge body, one after another Gu worms flew out from under the skin, some swallowed clouds, some were like sharp swords, some were covered in blood, and there were various forms.

On top of each Gu worm, there is a simple talisman, which is the sacred pattern in the "Blood Emperor Gu Sutra", which can strengthen the rank of the Gu worm, make it invulnerable, and increase its combat power by leaps and bounds.

These tens of thousands of Gu worms, carrying blood Gu sacred patterns, were densely packed in mid-air, and they flew straight to the location of Linghu Bai.

"Ten Thousand Gu Demon Cloud! It seems that Shen Lingtian is serious, he is going to fight for his life with the city owner!"

Wu Ci glanced at the fighting technique in mid-air and couldn't help crying.

The "Ten Thousand Gu Demon Cloud" is the secret method of Gu King Mountain. Before cultivating, every Gu worm must find a suitable host and grow up with it. After reaching adulthood, it will drain the host's blood and cultivation. , taken out by the person who planted the gu, and then used a secret method to transform it into his body.

This secret method is similar to the magical power of the magic way to refine the souls of ten thousand people, but the magic way extracts the essence of other people's souls, and this "Ten Thousand Gu Demon Cloud" is nourishing the Gu with the blood of ten thousand people, and the cultivation base of these monks is all Transfer to Gu worms.

Shen Lingtian raised ten thousand Gus in the form of a saint. In order to cultivate this trick, he did not know how many innocent monks he had killed. Even some well-qualified disciples on Gu King Mountain could not escape his poisonous hand.

After the completion of this secret technique, he has never revealed it to the outside world. Until today, when he met Linghu Bai, he felt a strong sense of oppression from the magic seal, so he was forced to use it, in order to stop Linghu Bai, okay. Allow yourself the opportunity to retreat.

Thousands of Gu worms rolled in, all kinds of magical powers were constantly emerging in the mid-air layer, but the flesh ball that Shen Lingtian's body transformed into was retreating sharply.

"The seal in his hand is a little weird... This is the home court of Laoer Linghu. I am alone, and it is not suitable to fight for a long time. It is better to go first!"

As Shen Lingtian thought, the six flesh wings spread out, fanned backwards wildly, the flesh ball escaped into the void, and in an instant, it had already moved a hundred miles across.

In the vast sky, the red and black barrier slowly opened, and all of Shen Lingtian's thousands of Gu worms were drawn into it in an instant.

The strange thing is that these Gu worms are obviously powerful, but after entering the barrier, there is no movement at all. They all seem to have disappeared, and they disappear in the blink of an eye.

Shen Lingtian, who was escaping, saw this scene and could not help thinking to himself:

"Impossible! My 'Ten Thousand Gu Demon Cloud' is extremely powerful, and even if we are both saints, it is impossible to easily parry. Taking ten thousand steps back, even if his enchantment is strong, at least there must be traces of struggle. Well, why did my Gu worm disappear without a sound, and there is no sign of struggle at all?"

Shen Lingtian's thoughts turned, and suddenly he seemed to have thought of something, and his huge body trembled obviously.

"That's...impossible, impossible!"

The huge meat ball monster screamed, the six meat wings flapped wildly, and the speed of escape increased a little bit.

However, the red and black enchantment seemed to stay in place, but every time the two colors turned, the enchantment instantly expanded a hundred times, and it was only a thousandth of a breath, and the enchantment had already covered the sky. It enveloped the flesh ball that Shen Lingtian had transformed into.


The huge enchantment slowly turned like a grinding disc, and the red and black colors were entangled continuously, forming a huge vortex.

And in the center of the whirlpool is the trapped Shen Lingtian!

At this time, Shen Lingtian had shrunk by a hundred times, and the flesh ball was constantly being ground, strands of blood flowed out of his body, and the cracks in his abdomen opened and closed, making an extremely painful scream.

"'s actually a seal of reincarnation!"

"Impossible, impossible, you are not the Emperor Yin Cao, how can you be in charge of the Seal of Reincarnation?"

Shen Lingtian's voice kept coming out of the vortex, but Linghu Bai was unmoved, standing awe-inspiring in mid-air, his hands kept dawdling.


Another scream came from the whirlpool, and then Shen Lingtian's voice was intermittent: "Daoist Fellow Linghu, Shen admits a mistake! Fellow Daoist Linghu, I have something to say, I quickly collected the magical power, and Shen is willing to help you. Do your best, and from now on, the entire Gu King Mountain will be your pawn, serving you in the Peerless City!"

"Hmph, why do I want your Gu King Mountain?"

In the air, Linghu Bai sneered and said lightly, "What I want is your death!"

"Linghubai!" Shen Lingtian's voice was extremely flustered, and he shouted loudly: "Do you know all about it? You are not for my Gu Wangshan, you are running for the soul......"

Just halfway through his voice, he was swept in by the red and black vortex, but he couldn't say anything after that.

Seeing this, Linghu Bai changed the tactic in his hand, and the entire Cangnan Mountain Range shook. Under the abyss, in the pitch-black chaotic space, a giant golden gate suddenly appeared.

Countless evil spirits are depicted on this giant golden gate.

Some were tall and tall, holding double hooks, and the hooks were dripping with blood, and it was unknown how many lives were arrested.

Some wore Mianqi on their heads, black robes, vermilion complexion, holding a Ming Luo umbrella, and their expressions on their faces were like a smile but not a smile.

There are also eight legs and eight arms, a face on the belly, and a body like a maggot. Each of them was extremely vicious, with evil eyes, and at the same time bursts of strange laughter made the spirits of everyone present turbulent.

"Wait to hold Yuan and keep one, don't look at it again."

Outside the Thirty-Three Heavens, Linghu Bai's voice came leisurely.

He pointed a finger, and a little blue light fell from his fingers, passed through the heavy clouds, and turned into a thousand zhang ray of light in the middle, and instantly enveloped the Wushuang City, the nine major factions, and the monks of the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce.

With the protection of this layer of cyan glow, everyone was at peace, the original splitting headache gradually disappeared, and calm was restored again.

Seeing that everyone was safe, Linghu Bai raised his hand again, but this time it was facing the seal in front of him.

A powerful breath burst out from the seal, and a little spiritual light descended hurriedly, breaking through the thirty-three layers of white clouds, falling straight to the underground abyss, to the golden giant gate under the endless abyss.


The golden giant door got this aura and began to slowly open towards both sides.

A rotten and dead aura came from behind the door. Although everyone was under the protection of the cyan glow, they sensed this aura and still shivered.

Fortunately, those with low cultivation were protected by those with high cultivation, and everyone was shrouded in Linghu Bai's magical powers, so no one was hurt.

Just as everyone was holding their breaths, a large gray hand suddenly appeared under the giant gate.

This big hand is withered and withered, with cracked fingers, and there is no trace of vitality at all. Liang Yan looked at it from a distance and couldn't help but jump in his heart. He was the body of a living dead. At a glance, he could see that this big hand was not a living being, but made up of pure death energy!

"It's terrifying! Although I am the body of a living dead, if I am contaminated with the breath of this big hand, even if it is only a little bit, it will be enough to break the balance of life and death in my body! Let me become a walking dead!"

Thinking like this, Liang Yan couldn't help but backed away more than ten miles.

However, the big hand obviously ignored their intentions, but went straight to thirty-three days away, digging into the middle of the red and black vortex, and dragged out the only half of Shen Lingtian's wreckage.

At this time, Shen Lingtian was already on the verge of dying. Seeing that he was being held by a big the huge meat ball rose and shrank, buzzing: "Linghubai, you can't kill me, if you kill me, there is no way out. You will regret it sooner or later..."

"Hmph, I have made up my mind, will I regret it in the future?"

Linghu Bai sneered and suddenly raised his hand, the flesh ball that Shen Lingtian transformed into cracked, and a **** light flew out from it, landing directly in Linghu Bai's palm.

At this time, Shen Lingtian had no strength at all, and could only watch him take away the things in his body.

Immediately afterwards, the big gray hand suddenly exerted force, dragged him from the clouds, and dragged him into the abyss, and instantly returned to the door of the golden giant gate.


With the closure of the golden giant gate, the saint of Gu King Mountain, Ten Thousand Gu Demon Venerable Shen Lingtian, was dragged into the abyss of the earth abruptly and went to the underworld, and there was no trace of breath left in the world.

"City Lord Divine Power!"

In mid-air, the sound of congratulations almost shook the sky. At this moment, both the city disciples of Peerless City and the monks of the nine major sects sincerely bowed their heads and saluted Linghu Bai.

Only Gan Long, Shen Sanchi, Liang Yan and other Miao Miao did not bow, but just waved their hands at Linghu Bai's position and greeted him.

Linghu Bai's face was calm, not distinguishing between emotions.

He killed Shen Lingtian, who was also a saint, and took out a little red light from the opponent's body. Everyone didn't know what it was. I saw the city owner of Wushuang City waved his sleeves, and the little red light rushed into the air and went to Wushuang. Fly in the direction of the city.

Peerless City, in the underground prison of Shura Palace.

A long-haired man with a naked upper body and a lower body immersed in magma suddenly raised his head, as if he felt something, his eyes passed through the prison, and looked towards the due south......

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