The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1143: Xuanyuan Army Array

Su Muyu is a treacherous person, although his heart is moved, he refuses to show it on the surface, he just pretends to be difficult, and while drinking, he sighs: "Brother Wang, it's not that I refuse to help you, it's just this rashness. The mountain hides the dragon and the crouching tiger, Su, a foreign cultivator, rashly shoots, I am afraid he will burn himself..."

"You are afraid of birds!"

Daoist Mad Lion smiled and said, "In the entire Mangdang Mountain, including me, there are only three demon races who can cultivate into the Profound Opening Realm. One is the peacock in the south, and the other is the monkey in the east."

"These two monsters are not as good as me. I used to rely on my cultivation base to set many rules, and they are not allowed to eat people's hearts. Now I have broken through the realm and my strength has improved greatly. They are no longer mine. The opponent, I was afraid that these two monsters would hear the wind and secretly join hands to plot against our family, so I invited Brother Su to come and help!"

When he said this, he slammed the table with his hand, causing the whole cave to hum, and then said: "Brother Su, as long as you are willing to help me, you and I will jointly control the 100,000 mountains in the future. Among the seventy-two countries, There are a lot of beautiful princesses, although their cultivation is a little worse, but they are all ladies and gentlemen, know the book and reason, Su brother just enjoys it, and also tastes our mountain game!"


Hearing this, Su Muyu's eyes lit up, and he laughed: "Since the mad lion daoist said so, Su Mou will be a bit ignorant if he refuses. From now on, Su Mou will be the lion's hump. One member, if the mad lion fellow is sent, Su must do his best!"


The Daoist Mad Lion also laughed loudly, raised the wine glass in his hand, and said loudly, "You and I drink this cup together, and Mangdang Mountain will be the world of our brothers from now on!"

The two were drinking and having fun, and after a while, the mad lion Taoist clapped his hands, and immediately a little demon came up with a few plates. The bright red tender meat with blood on it seems to be still beating slightly.

The mad lion Taoist licked his lips and smiled at Su Muyu: "Brother Su, try this."

Seeing the doubts in the other's eyes, Daoist Mad Lion explained: "This is to break open the chest of a living person, gouge out the beating heart, and then take the tip of the heart, which can be said to be the tenderest and freshest part. , the taste is simply indescribable!"

When he said this, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he seemed to be reminiscing about some unparalleled delicacy, and his face was full of intoxication.

Su Muyu frowned, did not go to eat these top-notch meat, but put a few delicate women around him in his arms, and said with a smile: "Let's leave this kind of delicious food to the mad lion Taoist friend, Su has a desire for food and drink. Not very interested, it is more interesting to play with a few little ladies."


The mad lion Taoist shook his head and sighed. He opened his mouth and sucked in, then sucked all the meat in the plate into his mouth, and then chewed it, closing his eyes from time to time, looking like he was intoxicated.

At this moment, the entire cave suddenly vibrated violently.


The mad lion Taoist who was enjoying the food was furious, his eyes suddenly opened, and he shouted angrily: "What's going on outside! Who dares to disturb my eating, who is impatient?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a little demon with the head of a deer and a mouse ran in outside the entrance of the cave.

"Return...Report to the king, there is a general of the human race outside, with thousands of elite soldiers, is attacking our lion hump."

"General of the human race?"

The mad lion Taoist frowned slightly and muttered to himself: "If it is a general of the Seventy-two Kingdoms, he would never have the courage to come forward to challenge it. Could it be that the general guard of Xuanyuan has entered the mountain? No, I have to go and see! "

As he spoke, he stood up and was about to walk out, but was grabbed by Su Muyu beside him.

"Don't be in a hurry, fellow mad lion."

Su Muyu smiled lightly, and then looked at the little demon who came to report.

"Tell me, what kind of weapon did the general of the human race use, and what does it look like?"

"Yes..." The little demon who reported the letter thought for a moment, and then answered, "It's a small old man, bald, with rosacea, wearing silver armor, and holding a double hammer. Weird. We have a demon general who was hammered to death by him alive."

"It was him!"

Su Muyu laughed and said: "I recognize this person, but he is the hussar captain Tan Lili of Xuanyuan City. His cultivation is only in the late stage of Jindan. He came to Mangdang Mountain this time, and he should not come here specifically for you. , I'm afraid that I saw the monsters around me kidnap mortals, and I was furious for a while, and then I killed the lion hump."

"Hmph, how courageous! Can this old boy think my Lion Hump is his backyard? If he wants to break in, he will break into it, and if he wants to kill, he will kill? Today, I will let him go back and forth, and it is Xuanyuan City's city lord who came to ask the guilt, I If I hide in the mountains, what can he do to me?"

Having said that, the mad lion Taoist did not leave immediately, but took a sip of wine under the seat in front of the table before slowly opening his mouth and said, "Mang Yue, Dulong, Tie Niu, Huayan, Gui Lao, all of you. Eight hundred demon soldiers at each point will go to intercept, whoever captures this person alive will be considered a great contribution to our Lion Hump!"

As soon as he finished speaking, five monsters in the cave came forward to lead the order. These five monsters came from various caves after hearing about the breakthrough of the mad lion. Eager to try.

"Remember, you must save this person's life. As for those soldiers under his command, you can slaughter them at will." The mad lion Taoist urged worriedly.


The five demon generals handed over to each other, took the magic weapon, and went out of the cave.

After the five demons left, Su Muyu smiled slightly, filled a glass of wine for Daoist Mad Lion, and said cheerfully:

"Fellow Daoist Mad Lion is very good! After all, Xuanyuancheng is not something we can offend. Let these five monsters be the pawns. If Xuanyuancheng doesn't come to investigate, then naturally everything is easy to say, but if Xuanyuancheng wants to settle accounts in the autumn, it is also possible. It's really high to put everything on the heads of their five demons, to abandon the car and protect the handsome!"


The Daoist Mad Lion heard his compliments, but he didn't seem very happy. Instead, he shouted angrily: "Xuanyuan City is really abhorrent, and these **** are also bullying others! After slaughtering Xuanyuan Laoer, he will also sit in his golden palace!"

His words were sonorous and powerful, but Su Muyu's eyes jumped wildly when he heard it, and cold sweat dripped from his back.

"It's a lion in the mountain, I haven't seen anything in the world, and I dare to say the words of Miesheng! It seems that I have to be careful, so as not to be implicated by him one day...... "

He didn't pick up the other party's words, he just drank the fine wine in the glass and suppressed the panic a little, so he didn't show the panic just now.


Mangdang Mountain is a hundred thousand mountains, covered with white clouds and vast haze, but there is a group of gray clouds floating in the clouds, flying at an extremely fast speed.

There were three people standing on the gray cloud, one man and two women, it was Liang Yan, Li Xiran, and Ji Hang who came all the way.

Liang Yan caught a few little monsters on the road, and with a little trick, he asked the location of the Lion Hump. With his current speed, it took only ten days to get here.


Li Xiran stood above the gray cloud and looked down, but seeing the chaos on the mountain road, he could still hear the sound of shouting and killing.

"Strange, why did someone take a step ahead of us and fight the monster on the lion's hump?" Li Xiran asked with a doubtful tone.

Liang Yan also frowned slightly, pinched a magic formula in his hand, and secretly lowered the gray cloud and landed on the top of the lion's hump.

Several people looked at the mountainside at the same time, and saw that there were thousands of cultivators there, wearing battle armor, holding various weapons and magic weapons, and under the leadership of an old general, they were fighting with tens of thousands of monsters around.

Wearing silver armor, the old general was short and bald with rosacea. He held a large copper hammer in each hand. He stood taller than himself, but he danced like a tiger on his hand. There are more than ten monsters died violently.

Liang Yan glanced at him and saw that these human soldiers were all from the Primordial Gathering Realm, while the leading old general had a late Jindan cultivation.

To say that the strength of these people is not high, there are tens of thousands of monsters coming up from the lion hump to participate in the "Ten Thousand Demons Conference", and there are also two or three thousand monsters whose realm is above the Juyuan realm.

But at this time, the encirclement will come up, but it is not the opponent of these human soldiers at all, like a chicken and a dog, being beaten and retreating, it is a one-sided slaughter!

Liang Yan's realm is too high, and he can see the details at a glance. Although the number of these human cultivators is far less than that of the group of monsters, they cooperate with each other tacitly, advance and retreat moderately, and form an army of cultivators.

On the other hand, although the lion and hump group of monsters have an overwhelming advantage in number, they all come from different hills, each forming a formation without restraint.

The two sides fought for a while, and they went all the way from the middle of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain. Tens of thousands of monsters died and thousands of people died. The remaining ones were also scared, and many were ready to run away.

"It seems that someone has taken action, and we are no longer needed." Li Xiran said while lying on the cloud, looking down.

"Not necessarily!"

As soon as Liang Yan's voice fell, a change occurred on the mountain road.

The morale of the human cultivators was high. Seeing that the group of monsters fled, they were about to pursue the victory, but a large poisonous cloud surged in front of them.

Everyone couldn't see the scene in the green cloud, and only heard a few miserable screams, and after a while, there was no movement.


The old general waved his hand, and all the monks stopped at the same time.

Facing the strange poison cloud, no one moved forward, but no one escaped from the army formation. The cultivator standing at the front and closest to the poison cloud didn't even blink an eye.

"Behind the front three armies, the latter seven armies retreat a hundred feet!"

The old general gave another order, and the seven teams of monks standing behind began to slowly retreat, and the three teams of monks standing at the front sacrificed their own defensive magic weapons, forming a light curtain in front of them, covering the Piece of poisonous cloud blocked the outside.

Standing on the gray cloud, Liang Yan had a panoramic view of all this, and was secretly amazed in his heart.

From what he has seen and heard in the past, the cultivator seeks Taoism for his own happiness, but this cultivator in Xuanyuan City can completely obey others and form a well-trained cultivator army!

He carefully observed just now and found that no matter what the situation is, this army will not panic at all. As long as the old general gives an order, everyone will obey unconditionally. Even when retreating, they are orderly and have no flaws. .

"This is Xuanyuan City? It's interesting..."

Liang Yan, as the palace lord of the Bihai Palace in Peerless City, went to Xuanyuan City to go deep into the city somewhat alone, so he was not in a hurry to make a move at this moment.

On the mountain road, the old general stabilized the army formation and let the three hundred soldiers join forces to resist the poisonous cloud, while he flew forward and slammed the double hammer into the air. , a monster with a dragon head and a human body was beaten by him so that his body appeared.

This monster is the "Poison Dragon", one of the five monster generals under the Daoist Mad Lion's account.

He is a subterranean Yin Flood Dragon who cultivated into an elite, and is good at the art of earth escape. He was ordered by the mad lion Taoist before, and he is eager to make contributions and did not wait for the other four demon generals, all the way to earth escape. Relying on the poison cloud of his own cultivation, he wanted to hide in the dark and attack the people in Xuanyuan City. He captured Tan Lili again and took it back to get the first gong.

His wishful thinking was good, but unexpectedly, everyone in Xuanyuan City was well-trained. Although they were not shocked, they actually had a way to resist the poisonous cloud of their own cultivation.

And that Tan Lili was even more vicious. He saw through his hiding place at a glance, and a pair of copper hammers smashed it, smashing the underground Yin Jiao to the ground, and hurriedly fled for his life.

Tan Lili chased after him for a while, and he could seriously injure his opponent. He suddenly heard the call to kill Zhentian from behind. When he looked back, he saw four monsters each with eight hundred elite soldiers, attacking from four directions at the same time. The other four demons will arrive.

The four demons are a brawny man with pierced nostrils and a naked upper body; a girl with a flower arrangement on her head and long legs; an old man with a hunched back and no hair on the top of his head; Tall and thin man.

In fact, with Tan Lili's strength, he has already seized the upper hand just now. As long as he pursues and kills all the way, it will not be long before the "Poison Dragon" will be seriously injured.

But in this way, his subordinates are also headless, and can only be slaughtered by those demon soldiers and generals at will.

Faced with such a choice, Tan Lili did not hesitate at all, gave up the pursuit of the "Dulong" and returned to his army.

"Everyone obeys the order and forms the 'Hour Earth Four Elephants Array'!"


Following Tan Lili's order, a cultivator army of thousands of people responded at the same time, forming a formation of two hundred people to defend against the monster soldiers in the four directions: east, south, west, and north.

Another 200 people were in the middle to assist, holding earth-based magic weapons, constantly emitting yellow light, and a back earth barrier was born around everyone, blocking all the magical powers and magic weapons from the opposite monsters from the barrier.

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