The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1163: View in the secret

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"Being followed?"

The eagle-nosed old man said in surprise: "Your nose is so smart, who else can follow you?"

"I can't tell you, the other party is not weak, and is extremely good at concealment. If I hadn't been very careful and sniffed out clues on the road, I'm afraid they would have succeeded..." The hunchback man's face said solemnly.

"Is there such a thing? It shouldn't be... We have been very careful. It stands to reason that no one knows our whereabouts."

The eagle-nosed old man pondered for a moment, and then continued: "This is the end of the matter, we can't run for nothing, no matter what, we must get the holy energy of the mountains and rivers. As long as my skill recovers, I can take you back to see the city lord, when the time comes There is no need to hide from XZ."


The hunchbacked man sneered: "Isn't it because of you that I'm where I am now? If you didn't force me into the water, how could I have been hunted down?"

"What's the point of talking about this now." The eagle-nosed old man said impatiently: "You have to think about it, as long as we tell the city lord his secret, it will be a great achievement. , isn't it much better than being subservient now?"

"Haha, after all that, these are just your side words!"

After listening to the other party's words, the hunchback man not only was not persuaded, but shouted angrily: "You said that he rebelled against the city lord, but where is the evidence, he has never told me! And the sword art you mentioned, Originally, I should have given it to me when you escaped from Ascension, but you have delayed it again and again, and now only half of it has been passed on to me, how can I trust you?"

The hunchback man became more and more excited as he spoke. By the end, his voice had been raised several points. Liang Yan had been eavesdropping outside the door. Based on the few words of the two, it seemed that they were avoiding someone's pursuit, and the situation of being chased and killed. It was all caused by the eagle-nosed old man in the house.


The eagle-nosed old man sneered and said lightly, "If I pass all the sword tricks to you, will you care about the life of this old man? Don't worry, fellow Daoist, as long as we can go back alive, we promised you the benefits before. I will never break my word!"

After hearing this, the hunchbacked man had a gloomy expression on his face. He was silent in the Taoist temple for a long time, but finally restrained his emotions and said slowly: "Okay, I will trust you again, what should we do next?"

"Of course it is to continue to track down the clues of the holy spirit of mountains and rivers."

The eagle-nosed old man replied without hesitation: "Before you went to participate in the dark city in the north of the city, I secretly contacted an old friend and asked him to help find out the news of the holy spirit of the mountains and rivers?"


The hunchbacked man raised his brows and asked almost immediately, "What is the identity of this old friend you said, is he reliable?"

"Don't worry." The eagle-nosed old man smiled and said, "Although this person has a pompous personality, he is a man of gratitude and repayment. He does not know my identity and origin, but he has received my favor back then, and this time it is To repay."

Hearing his words, the hunchbacked man nodded slightly, then narrowed his eyes and said: "Even if this person is reliable, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find out the clues of the holy spirit of mountains and rivers. As far as I know, not only we are looking for this thing, but also There are major chambers of commerce who are also secretly investigating, and even they don't have any features, how can you be a good friend?"

"Hehe, the holy qi of mountains and rivers is one of the seven innate qi of good fortune, and it is reasonable for the major chambers of commerce to be moved. But they can't find it, and it doesn't mean that my people can't find it." The eagle nose old man hehe laughed.


The hunchback man seemed to think of something, and there was a hint of surprise on his face.

The eagle-nosed old man was still smiling, and then he said with a smile: "You forgot whose territory is here? Although Guangling City is mixed with dragons and snakes, it is still in the Xuanyuan Region in the final analysis. That friend of mine is a general in the Xuanyuan Army. Now that he has a high position and authority, he is much stronger than the major chambers of commerce here."

"It turned out to be someone from Xuanyuan City!"

The hunchback man had a happy expression on his face, nodded and said, "Yes, Xuanyuan Potian has a very strict control, and Xuanyuan's army must have a lot of eyeliners in Guangling City. If they go out, they will indeed be stronger than the major chambers of commerce in the city."

When he said this, he seemed to remember something, lowered his voice again, and said softly: "By the way, I found a person in the dark market today, he..."

The voice behind them became lower and lower, and finally changed to the technique of sound transmission. No matter how mysterious Liang Yan's "Eight Parts of Yuanyuan" and "Soul Separation Secret Technique" were, they could not be heard clearly.

Just when Liang Yan was curious and wanted to know what he said next, the two people who were transmitting the sound suddenly stopped!

I saw the hunchback man turn around abruptly, first his nose twitched twice, then a gleam of light shot out of his eyes, and he looked towards the courtyard gate.


The hunchbacked man let out a low voice, raised his hand and threw out a yellow aura, and called straight out of the hospital.

Liang Yan was taken aback and cried out in his heart:

"Impossible, how did he find out!"

Under the shock of his mind, Liang Yan took a step back subconsciously, put his hand on the Taixu gourd on his waist, and was about to sacrifice his flying sword to defend against the enemy.

But the next moment, he stopped again.

"Huh? No!"

Liang Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he quickly realized that the aura didn't hit him, but rushed to the other side of the courtyard gate.


With a muffled sound, the yellow streamer exploded in the dark night, and then a figure appeared from the shadows, waving his hand and smiling: "Come on, come on, fellow Taoist Tiemu, it's me!"

"Ling Chongxiao?"

In the Taoist temple, the voice of the eagle-nosed old man came out.

"Haha, it's down!"

The man walked slowly from the shadows, revealing his appearance. He was seven feet tall, with a jade tree facing the wind, and a folding fan with scattered flowers in his hand shook lightly, looking gentle and elegant.

"Ling Mou was on a whim and made a joke at night, and I hope fellow Taoist Tiemu don't blame him!" The elegant man laughed.

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"What is Daoyou Ling talking about! Who doesn't know your reputation as a Confucian general in the entire Xuanyuan Region?" The eagle-nosed old man laughed in the Taoist temple: "Since Daoyou Ling is here, is there something that I asked you to investigate? "


Ling Chongxiao nodded, shook the folding fan gently with one hand, put the other hand behind him, and walked leisurely into the courtyard.

When Liang Yan saw this, his heart froze, and he took a few steps back into the distance.

"This person is not simple. He was hiding nearby, but I didn't even notice him!" Liang Yan thought to himself.

You must know that he has made great progress in his cultivation now, and he has learned the true meaning of "Eight Parts of Yanyuan" from Master Lianxin. It is impossible for monks below the calamity realm to hide from his eyes and ears.

Although Liang Yan just paid most of his attention to eavesdropping on the conversation between the two Taoist temples, the fact that this person was able to walk so close without being discovered indicates that he has probably reached the realm of cultivation. Transform into a robbery!

It is also fortunate that Liang Yan has the Heavenly Secret Pearl in his body. Although he did not find the other party at such a close distance just now, the other party also did not find him!

Ling Chongxiao had already passed through the courtyard at this time and walked straight into the Taoist temple.

His eyes swept across the room, and finally fell on the hunchbacked man, showing a very interested expression: "Although this little friend has not yet entered the realm of induction, this nose is very sensitive. Hey, Ling Mou has only just arrived, but he was sniffed out."

The induction of heaven and man is a sign of the cultivator of the transmutation realm.

After cultivating to the peak of Tongxuan Realm, there is no so-called bottleneck, but to find their own sense of heaven and man.

Once there is a sense of heaven and man, you can spy on the way of heaven, so you can vaguely sense when your catastrophe will come.

In other words, if you want to experience the three disasters and nine calamities, you must first have a sense of heaven and man.

The cultivators in the Profound Profound Realm have three thousand years of lifespan. Some cultivators have been trapped at the peak of the Profound Profound Realm for a thousand years, and they have never been able to find their own sense of heaven and man, so they cannot enter the Tribulation Realm.

Only a very small number of monks can find the sense of heaven and man, thus ushering in their first difficulty.

And among the very few cultivators, only less than 20% of the cultivators were able to survive their first difficulty, thus entering the realm of calamity.

Liang Yan had already seen through the cultivation of the hunchback man, and it was the realm of the peak of Tongxuan.

And Ling Chongxiao called the hunchbacked man a "junior", and said that the other party had not yet obtained the sense of heaven and man, indicating that his own cultivation realm was indeed the realm of catastrophe transformation.


The hunchbacked man chuckled lightly in the Taoist temple, stepped back to the corner, and said lightly, "Junior doesn't have any great abilities. It's just that this nose is still useful, which makes senior laugh."

Ling Chongxiao smiled slightly, with a noncommittal look on his face, and looked at the eagle-nosed old man on the futon again.

"Fellow Daoist Tiemu, there are already clues about what you want me to help check."


The eagle-nosed old man squinted his eyes and said with a smile, "As expected of one of the twelve divine generals of Xuanyuan City, his hands and eyes can reach the sky! Daoist friends, please tell me, who is in the hands of the holy spirit of the mountains and rivers?"

"Don't worry, fellow Taoist Tiemu, and listen to me slowly."

Ling Chongxiao said unhurriedly: "In the past few days, I have called some ears and eyes of Guangling City, and after a long investigation in secret, I found that this person with the sacred energy of mountains and rivers seems to be deliberately hiding his whereabouts and does not want to be discovered. At the same time, several people who claimed to have the 'Sacred Spirit of Mountains and Rivers' appeared in Guangling City, collecting the spiritual power of those who came to trade under the guise of trading..."

When he said this, the hunchbacked man on the side suddenly interrupted:

"Yes! I also encountered this today. There was a person in the dark market who used stones to collect the spiritual power of everyone. He said that only the person who made the stone shine can be qualified to trade with him. I felt a little strange at the time. , so I didn't go forward to inject spiritual power, I went straight out of the dark market, and I didn't expect to be followed after that."

"Hehe, this thing is indeed a bit strange."

Ling Chongxiao said with a smile: "I secretly sent people to investigate, and found that these monks who claimed to have the holy spirit of mountains and rivers were all instructed, and the person behind the scenes was most likely the one who really possessed the holy spirit of mountains and rivers. Since I couldn't find the right master, I took the time to investigate these monks who secretly collected spiritual power, and found that they all came from the same chamber of commerce..."


The eagle-nosed old man was obviously interested and asked, "Which chamber of commerce monks are they?"

"Jiugong Chamber of Commerce!" Ling Chongxiao said lightly.

"Jiugong Chamber of Commerce?"

The hunchbacked man on the side frowned slightly and said: "According to my investigation in the past few days, this Jiugong Chamber of Commerce is a dark horse that was suddenly killed, and the background is very mysterious... It is said that they are among the Chamber of Commerce. There are also experts in the robbery realm, and they have very strong financial resources, and they have the capital to compete with the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce, Jialan Chamber of Commerce, Qingyun Chamber of Commerce, and Luowang Chamber of Commerce."

"Exactly." Ling Chongxiao nodded and said, "The Nine Palaces Chamber of Commerce is very mysterious, even I can't find out their details, and they have never set foot in Xuanyuan before, they should be doing business elsewhere. This 'Wentai Doubao Conference' seems to have appeared out of nowhere......"

The conversation between the three naturally reached Liang Yan's ears without a word.

The reason why he traveled thousands of miles and came to Xuanyuan Yu alone was for the holy spirit of mountains and rivers. He did not expect to investigate in + Guangling City for many days, and finally got clues in this remote Taoist temple.

"Jiugong Chamber of Commerce...I have heard about it before." Liang Yan thought to himself: "This 'Confucian General' is one of the twelve generals in Xuanyuan Army, and his status is Not low, the information he investigated should be reliable, maybe this Jiugong Chamber of Commerce really has something to do with the holy spirit of mountains and rivers......"

While thinking about it, Ling Chongxiao in the Taoist temple suddenly frowned and looked at the big tree in the courtyard.

"Fellow Daoist Tiemu, did this old locust tree in your yard have such a faint deadness before?"

As soon as he said this, whether it was the eagle-nosed old man in the Taoist temple, the hunchbacked man, or the Liang Yan outside the Taoist temple, all of their faces It's bad! "

Liang Yan reacted instantly. He absorbed the death energy in the coffin in the unscented secret room not long ago, causing the life and death energy in the body to lose balance.

Although he is now highly cultivated and can suppress this death energy, the excess death energy can easily escape.

The one who entered the yard now is just a wisp of his own soul, and his control over death aura is not as good as his body. Although there is no breath under the cover of the Heavenly Secret Bead, the death aura in the soul has leaked out unknowingly. .

Of the three people in the Taoist temple, the hunchbacked man had insufficient cultivation, and the eagle-nosed old man was seriously injured. Only this "Confucian general" had an unfathomable cultivation and keenly discovered the strangeness on the locust tree.

Liang Yan was a little jealous of him, not only because of the other party's cultivation, but also because of his status as a divine general.


This was Liang Yan's first reaction.

At this time, he didn't have to hide anymore. As soon as his mind moved, the soul of the courtyard flew out, merged with his own deity, and then flew away together with the light.

"Hmph, I use locust as a 'ghost'. It's not that the locust tree is different, but someone is here to make a ghost!" The eagle-nosed old man sneered and looked at the hunchbacked man in the corner.

"I'll go after it!"

The hunchback man spoke expressionlessly, and was about to chase out of the Taoist temple, but was stopped by Ling Chongxiao beside him.

"This person is not simple. With all due respect, Xiaoyou may not be his opponent."

The "Confucian God General" of Xuanyuan City had a calm tone and a gentle face. He closed the fan in his hand, turned around and clasped his fist at the eagle-nosed old man and said with a smile:

"Fellow Daoist Tiemu, if Ling will do the last thing for you today, the previous kindness will be wiped out, and from now on...we will not owe each other!"

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