The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1169: Entry map

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Although Liang Yan was sitting in the farthest corner, he did not rush forward to ask for the holy spirit of the mountains and rivers, but kept watching from the sidelines, so he could see the situation in the entire hall clearly.

Just as Feng Changqing's voice fell and the expression on his face changed, he immediately reacted.

"not good!"

Liang Yan was startled, raised his hand and pinched a magic formula, grabbed one of Li Xiran's arms, and rushed out of the hall in a flash of light.

The rest of the monks in the hall were slightly taken aback, and many looked at Liang Yan with suspicious eyes, apparently not understanding why he rushed out in such a hurry.

However, it was just a breath of time, and they all knew it.

I saw Feng Changqing, who was at the door of the main hall, suddenly took a step back, and then waved his hand, all the doors of the hall were closed at the same time, and he himself stayed outside the hall.


Although the gray escaping light transformed by Liang Yan was extremely fast, it still failed to rush out of the hall just before the door was closed. Instead, it slammed into the scarlet door and was bounced back.

The gray light dissipated, revealing the figures of the two of them, Liang Yan's face was gloomy, he protected Li Xiran behind him, and returned to the crowd again.

"What's going on? Why is the Jiugong Chamber of Commerce so rude?!" Among the monks, a monk dressed in gold and silver and dressed as a rich boy exclaimed.

This person's name is Dai Xiaonian, who is near Guangling City, the son of the sect master of Xingyuan Sect. Although he has not been cultivating for a long time, because of his father's full training, his realm has soared to the early stage of Jindan.

It's just that although his realm is high, his foundation is not stable, and his strength is not as good as that of Su Yan of the Su family in Tianhe City.

He has the lowest strength and the worst knowledge among the people. Seeing the sudden changes in the hall, he didn't know that disaster was imminent, and he became angry there.

The other monks present changed their faces at the same time.

One of the one-eyed old men was the most anxious, and he didn't talk much at this time. As soon as he lifted his hand, a ferocious ghost head flew out from the back of his head and rushed towards the gate of the palace.

This ghost head, green face and fangs, with a strong ghost, opened its mouth and sprayed in front of the gate, and sprayed a gray-white frost on the gate.

The person who shot it was the Sect Master of Youquan Sect, Luo Wancheng.

There is a "Xuanming Frost Ghost" locked in his body, which is an extremely sinister ghost. The cold frost gas that spews out can corrode magic weapons and divine weapons.

However, at this moment, these frost qi seem to have no effect.

Under the attack of the "Xuanming Frost Ghost", the vermilion hall door not only did not move at all, but instead lit up three red lights, which shot out like a shooting star, and instantly pierced this hideous ghost's head!


Luo Wancheng vomited blood and fell to the ground.

He never imagined that the evil ghost of his own destiny had just been released, and he was inexplicably killed without even holding on to a single breath!

Seeing this, the other cultivators present took a deep breath!

You must know that Luo Wancheng is not a simple role. He cultivated to the late stage of Jindan as a loose cultivator, and then established a sect in Xuanyuanyu. If his strength is compared with that of Dai Xiaonian, it will be a world of difference.

But even such a character could not break the ban in the hall in front of him, and instead was killed by the magical power on the door, his own evil ghost, which shows how bad the current situation is.

At this moment, even Dai Xiaonian noticed something was wrong, and a look of panic appeared on his face.

"Everyone, it seems that we were put together by the Jiugong Chamber of Commerce!"

In the hall, Wen Biyun's face was gloomy, and he spoke slowly.

"The Jiugong Chamber of Commerce is deceiving people too much. This is Guangling City. If Feng Changqing dares to act like this, isn't he afraid that our sect forces will come to retaliate?" In the crowd, a middle-aged man exclaimed with a look of resentment.

"Haha! I'm afraid this little friend hasn't figured out the current situation."

This time, it was Luo Haotian, the president of Wanbao Chamber of Commerce.

He just sneered: "Since they dare to act like this, I'm afraid they never thought of letting us go back alive. Let me ask you all, after you got the clues of the holy spirit of mountains and rivers from Fatty Wang, did you tell others about this matter? ?"

As soon as Luo Haotian said this, everyone present changed their faces.

In the dark market that day, Fatty Wang tested everyone's spiritual power with stones, and then called them to a secret place alone, and revealed to them the news of the holy spirit of mountains and rivers in the Jiugong Chamber of Commerce.

The holy energy of mountains and rivers is very precious, and this thing happens to be closely related to the exercises they practice. Everyone came to Guangling City to find opportunities when they encountered an insurmountable bottleneck in their cultivation.

So this bottle of the holy spirit of mountains and rivers is so tempting to everyone that after they get the news, they are doing everything possible to hide it. Friends of the chamber of commerce refused to tell.

That is to say, their trip today is absolutely secret, and even their close friends do not know that they have come to the Jiugong Chamber of Commerce. Even if these people were beheaded here, it would be difficult for the sects and chambers of commerce behind them to find out who was behind the scenes.

And now there is still less than half a year before the "Wentai Doubao Conference". When the conference is over, the Jiugong Chamber of Commerce will naturally fly away and leave Xuanyuanyu. At that time, even if there are any flaws left, it will not be able to avenge everyone.

Liang Yan's mind was active. Although he had only a brief contact with the "Fatty Wang" in the dark market that day, he thought about it carefully and guessed the ins and outs of the whole thing.

"What a ruthless Jiugong Chamber of Commerce! In ancient times, two peaches killed three scholars, but today this Jiugong Chamber of Commerce uses a bottle of 'Mountains and Rivers Holy Spirit' to trap so many people here!"

He thought to himself, but his expression remained the same.

Now there is still a big question, that is, the people here come from various forces and are not familiar with each other. What is the purpose of the Jiugong Chamber of Commerce, and why do they go to great lengths to calculate these people?

"Could it be the exercises and spiritual power they practiced?" Liang Yan thought, and instantly made a judgment.

In this case, there are two possibilities.

One is that the Jiugong Chamber of Commerce is looking for someone, and that person is cultivating this kind of soil cultivation technique, but the other party has hidden himself, so the Jiugong Chamber of Commerce can only use this method to force this person to show up.

Another possibility is that they need a large number of cultivators who have practiced earth-based exercises to achieve some purpose for them.

No matter what the possibility is, the Jiugong Chamber of Commerce will kill people!

After all, things have already been done for this sake. If they are let back, there is no need to participate in the "Wentai Doubao Conference".

At this moment, the rest of the cultivators present also realized that something was wrong, and they all gathered together, and one of them shouted loudly: "Friends of the Daoists, Jiugong Merchant will lock us here, there must be some kind of formation or prohibition. We don't need to keep our hands, we will work together to break this hall first, and then we will choose a direction to break through, everyone's life and death!"

"It's a matter of life and death! Then break this turtle shell first!"

Luo Haotian laughed loudly, raised his hand and slapped it with the palm of his hand, and saw a khaki cloud quickly condensed in mid-air, and finally turned into a star-piercing spear, stabbing straight at the top of the hall.

Seeing this, the other cultivators present also chanted spells, some sacrificed their natal magic weapon, and some used the supernatural power at the bottom of the press box, and they all shot in the direction pointed by Luo Haotian's spear!

Seeing this, Li Xiran also pinched a sword trick. The Qingchi sword was unsheathed and was about to be vacated, but was stopped by Liang Yan beside him.


Before she could react, she was already pulled by Liang Yan's arm, and she stepped back several dozen meters away, leaving the crowd far away.

"Master, why don't we take action together?"

Li Xiran obviously hadn't reacted yet, and asked through voice transmission with a puzzled face.

However, she always listened to Liang Yan's words, even though she had some doubts in her heart, she did not resist at all, and let Liang Yan pull her away.


At the moment when Liang Yan and Li Xiran were far away from the crowd, everyone's magical powers also hit the top of the hall. A muffled sound like rolling thunder came from overhead, and a roaring overcast wind suddenly blew around.

Those magical powers and magical treasures hit the top of the hall, and they did not break the roof as expected, but were swallowed by a black gas that was as black as ink.

"How can it be?!"

The expressions of everyone present changed, but before they could react, the black energy surged wildly, and after absorbing everyone's attacks, they spit out their magical powers and magic weapons!

In an instant, magical weapons, magic weapons, spells, and all kinds of brilliance lit up in the hall.

The strangest thing is that those magical powers appeared again, and their power was even better than before!


A series of screams came, and three or four people died in the hall in an instant. They were all those who attacked the roof with magical powers. I'm afraid I never dreamed that they would eventually die under their own magical powers.

The remaining ones, except Wen Biyun and Luo Haotian, were all monks who only attacked the roof with magic weapons.

Although the magic weapon of these people was also controlled by the black cloud and attacked themselves in turn, the power of the magic weapon itself did not change in any way, and finally saved a life because of it.

Seeing this scene from a distance, Li Xiran couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"Fortunately, Master pulled me out, otherwise with my current defensive spells, I'm afraid it would be difficult to stop my 'Green Chi Sword'!"

She has been practicing swordsmanship for 50 years, but she doesn't pay much attention to other magical powers and spells. Now her biggest reliance is the Qingchi sword in her hand.

Thinking of this, Li Xiran looked at Liang Yan next to him with grateful eyes, but saw that the other party's face was extremely serious. At this time, there was a faint golden light all over his body, and even the golden light flowed in his eyes, as if he was watching the main hall. every detail in.

At this moment, the black air above the hall suddenly spread, and instantly enveloped the entire hall, leaving everyone in darkness.

The monks present released their spiritual senses, but found that the surroundings were chaotic, and they could not see anything at all, except for the thunderous loud noise above their heads and the roaring yin wind around them.

After a while, just as everyone was trembling with fear, a sword light suddenly flashed in the darkness. It was a long sword of purple thunder, like the rolling thunder, tearing a crack in the darkness of the hall.


The dark space was split from it, revealing the outside scene, but it was no longer in the hall!

At this moment, the only remaining ten monks are in a barren desert, and around them, there are nine sky-high mountains surrounding them, besieging them in the middle.

Nine Mountains, Black Qi, Yin Wind!

That was all they could see and nothing else.

There was no time to think about who was the one who ripped apart the dark space just now. Because at this moment, everyone was shocked by the sight in front of them.

"Oops, we're in someone else's formation!" Wen Biyun was the first to react.

"The Jiugong Chamber of Commerce deceives people too much, they are going to kill them all without leaving any survivors!" An old Confucian angrily scolded.

"Then fight them!"


In this situation, everyone also understands that the other party cannot let them go, and only by desperately fighting can they survive.


A female cultivator in a palace dress was holding a magic trick, and a khaki glow rose from her body, condensing a stone puppet in the sky, and punched the nearest mountain.

At the same time, the rest of the people also showed their magical powers. With the lessons learned just now, they did not hold back at all this time. Some people used magic weapons to protect everyone, and some used magical powers to attack the mountain. At this time of life and death, the monks present showed an amazing tacit understanding.

It was probably because they were all practicing earth-based exercises. At this time, there was a subtle feeling between their respective magical powers. A khaki-yellow glow connected everyone's spells together and protected them in the middle.

When these monks saw this, their confidence was greatly increased, and they each used their strongest natal supernatural powers to hit the nine nearby mountains!


As if sensing the provocation of everyone, the nine peaks shook at the same time.

Among them, on the four peaks closest to the crowd, a black light emerged from each, and they circled in and galloped in four different directions.

One of them went to the south, but went to Wen Biyun, another went to the west, but went to Luo Haotian, and another went to the east, but it went straight to Liang Yan!

Among the four black lights, only the last one was aimed at everyone.


The black light fell, and it was just a breath of effort, and it broke everyone's magical powers!

The earthy yellow glow condensed by these more than ten cultivators, although it looks very solid, is immediately shattered by this black light, like paper!

Next, the more than ten Jindan cultivators present, whether they are the president of the chamber of commerce, the disciple of the sect, or the hero of the aristocratic family, are no different at this moment.

They were swept away by the black light, and they all turned into a lump of flesh. Not only did their bodies collapse, but even their primordial spirits could not escape......

Thanks: I love the 5000 points reward for burning yuba!

Thanks: Pei Shunqing's 1500 points reward!

Thanks: 4500 points reward for the black big orange!

Thanks: 1500 points for stealing 1500 coins for half a day of leisure!

Thanks: 5000 points reward for Crazy Green Bamboo Fengyun Sword!

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