The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1172: Transactions of the 9th House Chamber of Commerce

"Catch fish?"

Liang Yan glanced at the sick man in front of him, and did not agree immediately, but pondered for a while, then slowly said, "What kind of fish are you trying to catch?"

"Of course it's a very cunning fish." The sick man laughed. "And this fish has a very smart nose, like an old dog. Once it smells anything wrong, it will immediately run away."

"What is his cultivation realm?" Liang Yan frowned.

"The peak of the Profound Profound Realm."

When the sick man said this, he said lightly: "Okay, think about it first and then ask. If you decide to help me catch this big fish, I will naturally tell you everything about him. But if you don't want to get involved in this For the sake of Gui Jiu's sake, as long as you don't leak this matter, I won't make it difficult for you."

After listening to his words, Liang Yan stood there and pondered for a moment.

This person acts ruthlessly, and his methods are extreme. Obviously, he is not a good person to get along with. To make a deal with him is to make a deal with a tiger.

But he and Gui Jiu really seem to be old acquaintances, and he can take advantage of this. After all, the holy energy of mountains and rivers is in the other's hands, and if he wants to condense Jianying, this is the only chance at present.

"Okay, I promise you! But you have to tell me, who are you?"

For his answer, the sick man seemed to have expected it long ago. At this time, he smiled slightly: "I am the president of the Nine Palaces Chamber of Commerce. As for the name, it is just a code name, you don't need to be serious... .Since you have promised to help me, then return the 'Nine Gate Order' to me."

Looking at the expression on the other party's face, Liang Yan suddenly had an epiphany. The reason why this person let him go so generously was because he saw his desire for the holy energy of mountains and rivers. will reveal his secrets.

"for you!"

Liang Yan did not hesitate, raised his hand and waved, and sent the "Nine Gate Order" to the other side.

The sick man stretched out his hand to take the bluestone token, and rubbed it in his palm for a long time before he sighed softly, put the token in his sleeve, and took out a picture scroll from the storage ring.

"The 'fish' I want you to catch is him."

As soon as the sick man's voice fell, the picture scroll slowly unfolded. It depicted an old man in sackcloth and linen, with his back hunched and his face densely wrinkled, looking very old.

"What is he!"

Liang Yan just glanced at it and immediately recognized the person in the painting.

This rickety old man was actually an old acquaintance of him when he was in Nanchui, Daoist Dog!

At this moment, many conjectures popped up in his mind, and he took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed his inner surprise, so that he did not show a strange expression when the other party opened the scroll.

"This is the person you're looking for? What is his origin, and what are the forces behind him?" Liang Yan's thoughts turned, but the surface was calm, and he asked lightly.

At that time, he had several contacts with Daoist Dog, and although he had only one confrontation, he was deeply impressed by this person.

And the most important thing is that this person, like Xiong Ba, Hu Shisan and others, also belongs to that mysterious organization. If I remember correctly, the code name should be "Dog Seven".

From Nanchui to Xianzhou, Antarctica, Liang Yan has made enemies with this mysterious organization many times. Fortunately, the process of capturing the remains of the Qing Emperor and forging the foundation of the Heavenly Dao Foundation was in the "Shangjing Yuantu" of the Taoist seekers. Completed.

At that time, Long Wu, Gou Qi, and Hu Shi did not see his appearance. Otherwise, Liang Yan would be endlessly hunted down by this organization after all these years.

Now that he has killed Xiong Ba and Hu Shisan, he is also very vigilant about this organization in his heart, and he wants to find out the origin of the other party, but he has never made any progress.

This organization is not only secretive, but also very cautious. They played an indispensable role in Shen Lingtian's plan, but they quietly retreated after the failure of Cangnan Mountain's action. Even if Liang Yan, as the master of Bihai Palace, had searched the entire Wushuang Domain, he could not find any clues.

Liang Yan regarded this mysterious organization as his great enemy. When he saw Gou Qi's portrait today, he knew what the sick man in front of him might know, and immediately asked quietly.

"Why are you asking this?" The sick man frowned, his eyes seemed a little unhappy.

"If I don't know the origin of this person and the forces behind him, how can I rashly take action, what if I stab a hornet's nest?" Liang Yan's expression remained unchanged, and he said lightly.

"You don't have to worry about this. This person has no background or backing. He is purely a lonely ghost. Even if you kill him with one sword, no one will trouble you."

Hearing the sick man's answer, Liang Yan sneered in his heart and thought to himself, "I believe you have a ghost, this dog Qi is obviously a member of that mysterious organization, how could he become a lonely ghost in your mouth? ?"

But he didn't show it on the surface, he just pretended to be embarrassed and said: "Is there no other clues about this person? If there is only one portrait, it is tantamount to looking for a needle in a haystack, because this person may also Change of appearance, it is no longer what it looks like in the portrait."

The sick man laughed and said: "There are clues, of course, this person is a sword cultivator, and like you, he has already cultivated into a sword pill, but he does not have a baby sword in his body, and his strength should not be as good as yours."

"Besides this, there should be an eagle-nosed old man by his side. The old man was originally a cultivator in the Tribulation Realm, but now he is injured and has no strength to connect to the Profound Realm."

"Jian Xiu, Tongxuan Peak, Eagle-nosed Old Man......"

After listening to the description of the sick man, Liang Yan muttered to himself in his heart, and the two images in his memory matched more and more.

"So it is, so it is! This makes sense!"

Liang Yan thought to himself: "It seems that the young man I saw in the North City Taoist Temple is Gou Qi! No wonder that when I was in the dark market that day, the black lotus sword in my body suddenly felt a sense, Gou Qi and Yinglong seniors must be Is there any connection, otherwise he would not have found Yinglong's tomb back then. And the reason why the black lotus sword vibrated must also be sensed by the old deceased!"

Seeing that he was silent for a long time, the sick man couldn't help but ask, "What? Have you ever met the two people I mentioned?"

Liang Yan came back to his senses, shook his head, and directly denied:


After hearing this, the sick man looked at him suspiciously, and then smiled: "No matter what happened before, as long as you help me catch these two people, or bring their heads, I will take the holy spirit of mountains and rivers with both hands. Serve it!"

"Okay, it's a deal!"

Liang Yan agreed without thinking.

The sick man seemed to be a little surprised, but he nodded, and then reassured:

"You have to be very careful. Although this person does not have the prototype of Jianwan, his 'Mountain-moving Sword' is powerful, and the 'Yellow Dragon Sword Art' he cultivates is also very powerful. And the helper beside him, although he was seriously injured , but after all, he used to be a cultivator in the Tribulation Realm, and maybe he still has a powerful hole card, so he must make a decision before moving!"

"Mountain-moving sword, Yellow Dragon Sword Art... It seems that this person is practicing the swordsmanship of the earth attribute, right?"

Liang Yan sneered: "No wonder you set up this game to lure the monks who have cultivated spiritual power similar to the "Yellow Dragon Sword Art" to this point. After all, one's own practice can be hidden, but the spiritual power in the body cannot be changed. . . ...... It's just that Your Excellency kills so indiscriminately, are you not afraid of being found out in the future and affecting the reputation of your Jiugong Chamber of Commerce?"

In the face of his sarcasm, the sick man didn't care, instead he laughed and said: "Those who achieve great things are not careful, you have your way, and I have mine, even if you have any dissatisfaction with my code of conduct, It won't affect the deal, will it?"

This time, facing the sick man's question, Liang Yan did not answer him.

After being silent for a while, Liang Yan turned and left, took Li Xiran to sit on Lao Jin's back, and then tapped lightly, and the lion camel led the two away from the Jiugong Chamber of Commerce's mansion.

"I hope you keep your promise."

This was the last sentence Liang Yan left before he left. It was cold and without a trace of emotion......

In the courtyard, the sick man was leaning under the tree, looking at his retreating back, a pale palm stuck out, but opened the quaint scroll in front of him.

As the breeze blew, the ancient book turned page by page, and finally was lightly tapped by pale and slender fingers and stopped on one of the pages.

If someone was standing next to him at this time, they would be able to see the contents of the book on that page.

It is a portrait of a man in gray clothes. The facial features cannot be clearly seen in the portrait, but the vertical eye that is split on the forehead is very clear, and the pupil of the vertical eye also emits a black light, which appears on the white paper. Very eye-catching.

The most important thing is that this portrait looks like the ink is still dry, and it seems to have just been printed soon. . . . .


Besides, Liang Yan took Li Xiran out of the Jiugong Chamber of Commerce. He was very thoughtful along the way, and he didn't go anywhere else, and turned directly to the compound of the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce.

After going through this turmoil, Liang Yan also figured out one thing, that is, the water in Guangling City is too deep, far from being as calm as it seems on the surface.

Although Xuanyuan Potian claimed that he would not intervene in the "Xuanyuan Doubao Conference", he could agree to use Xuanyuanyu as the venue for the Doubao Conference, which was worth scrutinizing in itself.

As for Xuanyuan City's Second Prince and Sixth Princess, all of the royal bloodlines were involved in the Guangling City's treasure battle. Under the open and secret battles, I don't know how many unsightly activities.

However, in this delicate situation, there are "others" like the Jiugong Chamber of Commerce, who are obviously here to participate in the Baobao Conference, but secretly seem to have other purposes.

"The undercurrent is surging..."

Liang Yan sighed in his heart, but did not think further.

The most important thing now is to get the holy energy of mountains and rivers. As long as this thing is in hand, you don't have to worry about these messy things. The "Wentai Doubao Conference" has nothing to do with you, just leave Xuanyuan Yu!

And to get the holy spirit of mountains and rivers, you must first find Gouqi!

So now finding the whereabouts of Gou Qi has become the most important thing for him.

After Liang Yan returned to the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce, he checked Ji Hang first, and after confirming that the woman was safe, he took Li Xiaosong back to the wooden house and left Li Xiran behind.

The Jiugong Chamber of Commerce and his party were full of dangers. Although Li Xiran didn't say anything, Liang Yan also knew that she was a little tired, so she simply left the woman in the Chamber of Commerce to take care of Ji Hang.

As for himself, he spent half a day meditating in the guest room, and after recovering almost the lost spiritual power, he left the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce and headed north of the city.

The cause of the whole thing was that the Jiugong Chamber of Commerce set up a bureau and wanted to kill Gouqi.

It's a pity that this old dog's nose is too smart, and he is suspicious. Even if he is extremely eager for the holy spirit of mountains and rivers, he has not fallen into the other's trap.

However, that night, he made a mistake and let Liang Yan follow this person to the Taoist Temple in the north of the city.

It's a pity that Liang Yan didn't know at the time that the person he was following was Gou Qi. It was not until today that he was awakened by the chairman of the Jiugong Chamber of Commerce, and the identity of the other party was confirmed.

Based on Liang Yan's understanding of the old dog, this person acted extremely cautiously. Since he found out that he was being followed that night, he would never stay in the Taoist temple again.

Although he knew that he would not gain anything from this trip, he decided to go over and check to see if the two would leave any clues because of their haste.

With the previous experience, Liang Yan also used the "Tianjizhu" and "Yuanmu Dao" spells when he went out this time, turned into a handsome scholar who had just reached the weak crown, and went all the way north along the street.

In less than two hours, Liang Yan came to the Taoist temple that night.

Sure enough, as he expected, the building has been empty for a long time, and there is not even a trace of it left.

Liang Yan didn't give up, turned the whole Taoist temple inside and out again, and finally returned to the middle of the courtyard, sighing helplessly.

"The old dog is still the same old dog..."

There was no accident, the entire Taoist temple, everything that could be taken away was taken away, and the traces left by the two were also erased, leaving no clues at all.

"Where will they go? Since this mountain and river holy energy is so important to the two of them, did they just give up?"

"Or...they saw through the tricks of the Jiugong Chamber of Commerce and knew that they had fallen into someone else's trap?"

Liang Yan stood under the old locust tree where he used the soul-splitting technique, and while he was thinking, he suddenly frowned slightly, and looked under the old locust tree.


Liang Yan raised his hand and shot a sword energy, directly piercing the ground below.


A slight muffled sound came, and this small piece of land was split open by his sword energy, revealing the scene below, which was actually a deep secret road!

In the deep darkness, a faint scent wafted faintly.

Liang Yan's heart moved, and he jumped down.

After walking through a not too long secret passage, Liang Yan entered a dark room. The space here is not large, only five feet square, and in the middle is an old brass pill furnace, and there are some black residues in it.

"This is where they make alchemy!"

Liang Yan suddenly woke up.

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