The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1174: Xuanyuan Lingwei's request

At the west end of Guangling City, next to the quiet street, there is a very wide house.

There are no high walls and red tiles here, only a small stream surrounded by it, and the stream has many branches, all of which flow into the depths of the yard.

There was a thick fog in the depths of the yard, and I didn't know what the formation was, but it was able to isolate the exploration of the cultivator of the Xuantong realm.

In the eyes of ordinary monks, this house is extremely mysterious, and they have no idea who its owner is. And only a very small number of Xuanyuan City cultivators know that this is the property of the sixth princess, Xuanyuan Lingwei, and will only move here when receiving distinguished guests or discussing secret matters.

At this moment, outside the gate of the house, a tall man in a cloak came.

The two monks at the door seemed to have been waiting for his arrival. After meeting, they didn't speak. They just bowed and bowed before turning around and taking him to the inner courtyard.

After passing through several corridors and small bridges, the tall man came to a quaint pavilion.

The two who had led the way before retreated wisely.

In the quiet pavilion, there are only two people left, one is a tall man who arrived as promised, and the other is a well-dressed woman in palace dress.

"Young Master Liang, you are in a hurry. I was about to send someone to invite you, but I didn't expect you to come here first." The woman in the pavilion smiled.

Inside the tall man's cloak, there was a chuckle, and then a palm tore off the cloak, revealing the appearance inside, it was Liang Yan!

"Liang came uninvited today, there is something he wants to ask His Highness for help."

When Liang Yan said this, he paused for a while, and then continued: "But before this, I was a little curious. Is there something wrong with you sending someone to invite me?"

"Sit down and talk."

Xuanyuan Lingwei stretched out her hand and pointed with a dignified, somewhat casual look. After listening to Liang Yan, he nodded and sat down according to the words.

"Remember what I told you about the Rakshasa Demon Bull last time?"

"Are you already fully prepared?" Liang Yan was slightly surprised.

"Yes, the trip to Cumyun Mountain is approaching. I was about to send someone to invite Mr. Liang, but I didn't expect to receive your letter in advance, so I asked Mr. Liang to meet here."

Xuanyuan Lingwei smiled slightly, and continued: "Can you tell me now, the purpose of your trip?"

"I want to ask you to help me investigate a person." Liang Yan said solemnly.


"The commander of the 'Sky Fire Camp', Ningyangxia!"

Hearing this name, Xuanyuan Lingwei's expression didn't change much, she just looked at Liang Yan and asked in a flat tone, "Why do you want to investigate him?"

"This will not bother His Highness."

Liang Yan shook his head, as if he didn't want to say more.

"His Royal Highness just needs to help me find out why he purchased the two medicinal materials 'Ghost Talking Flower' and 'Red Snake Fruit' in Guangling City in large quantities, and then gave these medicinal materials to whom."

Xuanyuan Lingwei pondered for a moment after hearing this, and said lightly: "The commander of the Tianhuo Camp, that is directly under the jurisdiction of Tianwei Divine General, you are not small, you dare to check his head."

Liang Yan's expression didn't change, he just smiled.

"If this matter is not difficult, then I won't bother Your Highness. I wonder if Your Highness can help with this?"

"It's not impossible to help you investigate..."

Xuanyuan Lingwei said with a smile: "It's just that you have to go to Cumyun Mountain with me first, and help me catch the Rakshasa Demon Bull. As long as this goes well, I will call on Xuanyuan's army and help you investigate Ningyang with all my strength. Xia's movement."

After listening to Liang Yan, he frowned.

"The trip to Cumulus Mountain, when does Your Highness plan to leave?"

"Tomorrow morning."

"Okay!" Liang Yan nodded this time without any hesitation on his face.

"Since Your Highness has said it for this sake, then Liang will not hesitate to go to Cumulus Mountain with you first. I hope that after catching the Rakshasa Demon Bull, His Highness can fulfill his promise and help me to investigate this matter with all my strength. ."

The reason why he answered so succinctly also had his own considerations.

I overheard outside the Taoist temple that day. The old man Gouqi and Yingbi once mentioned "city lord" and "informer". Judging from the cultivation realm of these two people, this "city lord" must be one of the city lords of the Seven Mountains and Twelve Cities. One, and definitely not the city lord of Xuanyuan City.

They were obviously in a hurry to go back and report someone, but instead of continuing their journey, they detoured to Xuanyuanyu and came to Guangling City, and the answer was about to come out.

"With the injury of the eagle-nosed old man, it is impossible to support the return to the city at present!"

That's why they came to the place where the "Wentai Doubao Conference" was held, that is, they saw the gathering of chambers of commerce here, and wanted to purchase as many life-sustaining medicinal materials as possible on the road.

Judging from what was observed outside the Taoist temple that day, the injuries of the eagle-nosed old man had gone deep into his bones, and the number of these 'Ghost Talking Flowers' and 'Red Snake Fruits' sold by the Smelling Incense Chamber of Commerce was still not enough.

If nothing else, Ningyangxia will buy these two medicinal materials at other chambers of commerce in the past few days.

In other words, I still have a few days left.

It's just that in the past few days, it's impossible to check it out by yourself and the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce. Only by placing hope on the sixth princess, Xuanyuan Lingwei, and using her contacts in the army to help with the investigation, can there be such a possibility.

Liang Yan's mind just moved slightly, and he immediately understood the whole thing, so facing Xuanyuan Lingwei's request, he agreed without hesitation.

After hearing this, Xuanyuan Lingwei showed a hint of joy on her face, nodded and said, "Young Master Liang, don't worry, everyone in Xuanyuan City knows that I, Xuanyuan Lingwei, will never break my word, as long as you help me get the Rakshasa Demon Bull. I will definitely help you investigate Ningyangxia clearly."


There was also a hint of satisfaction on Liang Yan's face.

In fact, he was also a little curious about why Xuanyuan Lingwei wanted to get the Rakshasa Demon Bull.

Although this woman hides well, Liang Yan's "Eight Parts of Yanyuan" is really wonderful, and you can still see some details of the other party.

He was almost certain that Xuanyuan Lingwei did not cultivate the Thunder-type Dao Law. If so, why did he care so much about a Thunder-type monster?

However, Liang Yan wouldn't ask this question out of the mouth. After all, Xuanyuan Lingwei didn't ask about her own purpose. It was just a transaction between them.

The two of them reached a consensus and seemed to be in a good mood. They each had a drink in the pavilion, and then heard Xuanyuan Lingwei speak again:

"Actually, Cumulus Mountain is not an unowned land. There is a sect on the mountain called 'Luofeng Temple'. These days, I have been sending people to contact the temple host, sending a lot of treasures, and after many negotiations, I finally With his approval, we are allowed to enter the forbidden area of ​​Cumyun Mountain and capture the Rakshasa Demon Bull hidden in it."

"Luofeng Temple?"

There was a hint of surprise in Liang Yan's eyes.

You must know that there are very few Buddhist sects in Xianzhou, Antarctica. There is only one famous "Luo Tianshan". Except for Luo Tianshan, there are no major Buddhist sects at all. What is the origin of this small Luofeng Temple, Xuanyuan Lingwei has to be many times. Negotiate, and dare to go up the mountain only after obtaining permission?

"It seems that this Luofeng Temple is not a small sect." Liang Yan showed a thoughtful look.

"You are wrong." Xuanyuan Lingwei smiled slightly.

"Actually, the host of Luofeng Temple is just a monk in the early stage of Tongxuan, and his magical powers are average. Moreover, Luofeng Temple is not an ancient sect. The temple itself is not worth my Xuanyuanling. Wei is so respectful."

"Oh? Could it be that there is another secret in the middle?" Liang Yan asked with doubts.

"There are some twists and turns in this matter. The first host of Luofeng Temple was named Master Xuanqing, who was just a wandering monk in the Jindan realm. Back then, he took a fancy to the treasure land of Mount Cumulon and wanted to open a business here. The Zong Li faction did not expect that there are people living in this mountain.”

Xuanyuan Lingwei said slowly at this time:

"The person who lives in the mountain is also a monk, and he has a weird temper and high mana. Master Xuanqing knows that the strength of the two is too different, and he is about to leave, but he did not expect that person to actually agree with him to start a sect on the mountain, and Commitment to never interfere."

"Since that day, the sect of 'Luofeng Temple' was founded on Mount Cumulon, and the eccentric monks did not interfere. On the contrary, they promised to teach magical powers every 30 years."

"At that time, Master Xuanqing had an apprentice next to him, and the two of them studied Buddhism from strange monks one after another. Unfortunately, Xuanqing's deadline was approaching, and his qualifications were not enough, so they failed to break through the entrance, and finally sat on the Cumulus Mountain."

"But the apprentice he accepted was extremely wise, and after receiving the guidance of a strange monk, he cultivated a thousand miles in a day, and finally broke through the entrance, and he passed the secret. On the way of cultivation, he has surpassed the founder of the school, Master Xuanqing."

"Today's Luofeng Temple is full of incense, and there are 800 disciples, and the master of the temple is the disciple of Master Xuanqing back then, and the law is 'Jingru'. But Luofeng Temple has an iron law, that is, Cumulus Clouds. No one can approach the forbidden area at the back of the mountain, because it belongs to the purification place of the eccentric monks."

After listening to Xuanyuan Lingwei's description, Liang Yan pondered for a moment,

"There is still this past... So, isn't the Cumyun Mountain divided into two sections, the front mountain belongs to the Feng Temple, and the back mountain belongs only to the strange monk?"

When Liang Yan said this, he paused for a while, and then continued: "If I guess correctly, is the Rakshasa Demon Bull you are looking for in the back mountain of Cumulus Mountain?"


Xuanyuan Lingwei nodded and said, "According to my tracking over the years, the strength of that Rakshasa Demon Bull should have reached the peak of Tongxuan. It sneaked into Cumulus Mountain a few years ago and hid in the back mountain."

"Then the monks in the back mountain should have a high level of cultivation, right? Otherwise, why would you spend so much time negotiating with the people of Luofeng Temple?" Liang Yan asked again.

"indeed so."

Xuanyuan Lingwei said with a serious face:

"Although this eccentric monk has been living in seclusion in the Cumulus Mountain, it is inferred from some events in the past that this person is likely to have entered the realm of calamity, and the reason why he hid in the Cumulus Mountain may be to respond to the calamity. . . ......For a strong person of this level, even I have to give due respect, and can't rashly trespass."


Liang Yan nodded, and after hearing Xuanyuan Lingwei say so much, he understood a little.

This trip to Cumulus Mountain is definitely not as simple as dealing with the Rakshasa Demon Bull. At the critical moment, I am afraid that I will also act as her bodyguard.

Xuanyuan Lingwei is a careful and thoughtful person. He was hunted down by the Confucian generals that night, and he had to play a few trump cards. , should also infer a bit of his own strength.

In her mind, I am afraid she has already regarded herself as the first person under the commander of God.

Knowing that there may be a monk in the calamity realm sitting on the Cumulus Mountain, Xuanyuan Lingwei also has to find a helper for herself. If the negotiation fails, at least she can retreat safely.

"Why don't you dispatch the gods to help?" Liang Yan was silent for a while, then suddenly asked.

"Liang Gongzi thinks it too simply. Although I am the princess, the twelve gods are the most important weapons of the country. I usually only listen to the father and emperor. You have to be respectful to them, and dispatch wherever you can say dispatch."

When Xuanyuan Lingwei said this, a helpless smile appeared on her face, and she said slowly: "Among the twelve divine generals, only divine general Wu An is willing to give me a little face, but he is not in Guangling City now. , and the government is controlled by the second brother, if I recklessly transfer Wu An Shenjing, I am afraid that the second brother will be suspicious."

"I see."

Liang Yan nodded, his heart clear.

Although Xuanyuan Lingwei has many subordinates, the master who can provoke the main beam is not around, so she will find an "outsider" like herself to help.

"Apart from me, does Your Highness have any other helpers?"

"There is also Sun Qianli. Among the family chambers of commerce he took over, there is also a master of Tribulation Realm. At that time, we will rely on the cooperation of the two!" Xuanyuan Lingwei said with a smile.

Hearing that there is also a helper in the Tribulation Realm, Liang Yan is also relieved.

Although he thinks that his current strength has far exceeded the Tongxuan Realm, but after all, he has not fought a cultivator in the Tribulation Realm to life and death, and he is not sure to what extent his strength has reached.

According to Liang Yan's estimation, should be able to fight against the monk who has overcome the tribulation realm. As for whether he can beat the monk who has overcome the second difficulty, it is hard to say.

And this kind of fight must be when he has all his cards, and at that point, either you die or I die, this is obviously not what Liang Yan wants to happen.

Hearing that there was another cultivator in the Tribulation Realm, Liang Yan was of course happy, and when that person came forward, he only needed to help in secret, and that would be enough.

"Okay, this matter is settled like this. Early tomorrow morning, Liang will definitely come to the appointment." Liang Yan has no problem now, stood up and cupped his hands.

"Then Ling Wei would like to thank Young Master Liang. Tomorrow morning, see you at Shilipo outside the city!"

Xuanyuan Lingwei got up and paid a salute, then clapped her hands, and immediately someone walked out of the thick fog and sent Liang Yan out of the Zuixianxiang Pavilion......

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