The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1184: catastrophe!

"so close......."

Liang Yan sighed secretly in his heart. Facing the double-team of the four, he has now turned his back on the customer. Not only did he not panic, but he seemed to be at ease.

In the series of fighting techniques just now, Liang Yan was very thoughtful. Not only did he defend against the joint attack of the four, but he also used the "Thirteen Great Swords" to drive Sun Buer's sword pills, and together they slashed towards the jade hand that was facing him.

In fact, Liang Yan has already seen some clues. Although this jade hand is the dharma of a female cultivator in white, it is closely related to her physical body. Otherwise, it is impossible for such a huge mana to flow out of the palm, and it is so deadlocked with herself. Long.

Sure enough, after the supernatural power was broken, the same wound appeared on the right hand of the female cultivator in white, and it seemed that the injury was not light.

Liang Yan's sword can be said to have been planned for a long time, and there is no sign when he makes a move.

According to his original plan, he wanted to chop off the entire arm of the white-clothed female cultivator, but he didn't expect that the other party seemed to sense something suddenly when the sword pill just moved, and he used the ice magic power in advance, causing his own The sword was stripped of most of its power, and it did not chop off the entire arm of the female cultivator in white.

"So this is the feeling of heaven and man..."

Liang Yan murmured to himself, as if he understood something, and there was a little more caution in the eyes of the female cultivator in white.

It has long been heard that after cultivating to the peak of the Tongxuan Realm, the only way to break through to the Calamity Transformation Realm can be obtained by the induction of heaven and man. The so-called induction of heaven and man is a kind of advance prediction of the changes of the heavens, that is, a prophet.

This ability does not require deduction or divination. It is completely an instinct of the monks, and it is also one of the reasons why the monks in the transmutation realm can crush the monks in the Xuantong realm.

How can you win when two people are fighting each other, every move and every style of yours is taken advantage of by the opponent?

The white-clothed female cultivator just launched the "Heaven and Human Sensing" at a critical moment, predicting the danger of being cut off in advance, and was forced to use the Frost Magical Powers in order to resist the impending crisis.

However, she couldn't completely stop Mayfly Jianwan, she could only block it for a while, and then she was still scratched on her right arm by the sword qi.

This also caused her supernatural powers to get out of control, and a large amount of cold energy swept out uncontrollably, accidentally hurting Gou Qi and the eagle nose old man who were fighting against Liang Yan.

After this round of confrontation, the only person in the field who was not injured was only Liang Yan!

By now, Liang Yan can be considered to understand the form in the field.

Among the four people who besieged her, the woman in white is a monk who can overcome a difficult situation, but her own practice is not mainly attacking, and her best is the forbidden method.

Just like just now, most of the spiritual power in his body was frozen by the woman in white. If he hadn't competed with this person for mana, Sun Buer would have died by his sword.

As for Gou Qi, this person has already entered the "Jianwan Realm" very early, and the "Yellow Dragon Sword Art" is even more powerful. With his supernatural powers, he has actually surpassed the limit of the Tongxuan Realm, which is enough to be worth the upper half. Tribulation Realm monk.

In contrast, Sun Buer and the old eagle-nosed man were much weaker.

Sun Buer seemed to have cultivated some evil sect, and was barely able to exert the strength of the peak of Tongxuan, while the eagle-nosed old man relied on a puppet of the peak of Tongxuan to join the battle group.

After analyzing the strength of the four people in the field, Liang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the female cultivator in white on the opposite side.

The female cultivator in white was also watching him quietly. Although the blood on his right arm was gushing out, there was no strange color on his face, instead, it was a little terrifyingly calm.

"The key is her!"

Liang Yan pondered in his heart. In the fight just now, the female cultivator in white was the biggest threat to him, and all of this woman's thoughts were on Sun Buer's safety. Can't kill Sun Buer.

Thinking of this, Liang Yan's heart slammed, and the sword in his hand hurriedly pinched, and the mayfly sword pill immediately turned into a green light and shot out.

The short-term tranquility was broken, the mayfly sword pill pierced the sky, the sword energy had not arrived, but the sword intent had already rushed!

The white-clothed female cultivator's eyes didn't blink, and two slender jade hands quickly formed a seal on her chest. With the movement of spiritual power, an ice flower quietly bloomed in front of her.

Endless cold air spewed out of the flower buds, forming a big, merciless hand in mid-air, grabbing the azure pill that shot out.


The green light pierced into the big hand, and countless sword energy swept across it, and was covered by countless ice crystals. The originally gloomy forest ruins turned into a white patch in an instant.

In the icy sky and snow, that little green light was frozen in mid-air, and the surrounding area of ​​100 meters was completely frozen, forming an absolutely icy field.

"good chance!"

Seeing that Liang Yan's Mayfly Jianwan was banned by the female cultivator in white, Sun Buer, Gou Qi, and the old eagle nose were all overjoyed, and they attacked Liang Yan almost at the same time.

Sun Buer controlled Zixiao Jianwan to escape into the ground, and the sword energy turned into hundreds of claws, breaking out from under Liang Yan's feet and grabbing him.

Gou Qi's sword Qi Huanglong appeared again. This time, he was pushed to the extreme. The dragon head roared and cut through the sky, rushing towards Liang Yan like a meteor.

The eagle-nosed old man was manipulating the puppet. The eagle-headed puppet with wings on its back shot out. The speed was faster than the attack of the other two. It almost reached the sky above Liang Yan in the blink of an eye, followed by two With a wave of his arm, hundreds of inch-long black air blades shot out from his palm, like a black rainstorm.

Facing the joint attack of the three, Liang Yan's face was also extremely solemn.

In normal times, these three would not be his opponents, but now the Mayfly Sword Pill has been temporarily sealed by the white-clothed female cultivator, and there are extremely sinister icy aura constantly penetrating into his meridians. Most of the spiritual power was used to resolve this icy cold, and the situation was obviously extremely critical.

"Give that puppet to me!"

Lao Jin also saw Liang Yan's situation, and without hesitation, he fanned his wings and turned into a golden streamer and shot straight to the sky.

It flew in the air, screamed, and countless golden whirlwinds appeared out of thin air, as if a sandstorm had been raised in the air, and all the black air blades that came from the lasing were involved, and a dazzling halo burst out in an instant.


After the loud noise, the grass and trees collapsed, the rocks burst, and a large piece of dust was raised.

In the aftermath of this violent spell, Jian Qi Huanglong and Zixiao Jianwan also attacked at the same time, one in the sky and the other on the ground, almost blocking all of Liang Yan's escape routes!

This time, the four besieging people have already used their full strength, in order to kill them with one blow!

Seeing the two sword pills roaring toward him, Liang Yan's right eye pupil shrank suddenly, and then the whole thing turned gray. There was no joy or sorrow in his eyes, and he calmly looked at the white-clothed female cultivator in the distance.

The white-clothed female cultivator was originally calm, but after seeing Liang Yan's right eye, her heart jumped for some reason.

"not good!"

The face of the white-clothed female cultivator changed slightly, and she didn't care about the seal on her hand, so she rose up into the air.

However, even if there was a "celestial sense", her speed was still a beat slower, because there was no trace of Liang Yan's "WuWu" right eye, and a cloud of gray gas appeared directly on the left arm of the woman in white.

This mass of ash was only a little at first, but in just one thousandth of a breath, it has already begun to spread upwards, like a wildfire catching a prairie, out of control!

"Oops, it's death!"

The white-clothed female Xiu Liu frowned slightly and her eyes were sharp. At this time, she did not hesitate at all. She raised her right palm into a knife and cut off her left arm shoulder-to-shoulder!

The **** arm rose to the sky, although the female cultivator in white escaped, but the wound was festering and black, her face became extremely haggard, and her whole body instantly aged a bit.


A crisp cracking sound came. As the female cultivator in white was seriously injured, dense cracks appeared in the ice crystals that had been frozen for hundreds of miles. The seal of ice and snow, galloping out of the frost!

It was at this time that Zixiao Jianwan and Huanglong Jianwan arrived at the same time.

The sword energy released by the former turned into demonic claws, and quite a few already grabbed Liang Yan's ankles. The demonic sword energy penetrated into the body, and a piercing pain arose from under his feet.

The latter turned into a yellow dragon with sword qi, the sword meaning condensed like a mountain, thick and without sharp edges, with monstrous strength, and slashed towards Liang Yan's head with a sword.


At the critical moment, Liang Yan shouted loudly, and hurriedly pinched the sword in his hand. The Mayfly Sword Pill sensed the master's call, and instantly crossed a hundred meters and came to him.


Liang Yan didn't even think about it, he pointed his sword together and pointed at the sword-qi Huanglong in mid-air.

The mayfly sword pill moved in response to the sound, and a little green light suddenly flourished, facing the mountain sword intent overhead, and the blue and yellow sword beams intertwined in the air, and countless sword energy rolled up and down, like a duel between the mountains and the sea. , even a small amount of sword energy that escaped, chopped the surrounding rocks into smoke!

Because the distance of this sword fight was too close, Liang Yan was also affected by the escaping sword energy, even if he used "Eight Parts of Yanyuan" at the first time to cover the golden light of "all dharmas" The whole body was still ripped apart by the sword energy, the blood was flowing from the chest, and the wounds on the arms were even more visible!

The piercing pain was imprinted in his mind, but Liang Yan didn't have time to pay attention to it.

At this moment, Sun Buer's Demon Sword Qi also penetrated into the meridians from the soles of his feet, and he wanted to pierce his internal organs all the way up!

Liang Yan snorted, his face did not change, and he used the "Buddha Clothes and Six Dusts" in "Eight Parts of Yanyuan". Suppressed those few magic swords.


Liang Yan pointed his left hand into a sword, and cut a **** mouth on his left leg. Immediately after the exercise in his body, the sword qi of the demon gate was forced out from the **** mouth.

"What kind of monster is he? How can he survive!"

Seeing that Liang Yan, under the joint attack of the four, had not actually hurt the root, but instead severely injured the female cultivator in white, Sun Buer finally couldn't help screaming.

However, Liang Yan would not give them time to breathe at all. Taking advantage of the chance that the female cultivator in white was surrounded by death, he changed the sword art in his hand. Sword Intent skyrocketed!


That small green pill slashed through the air and slashed the sword-qi Huanglong body, directly cutting the sword-qi Huanglong into two pieces!

Gou Qi practiced the earth-based swordsmanship, and the sword intent was like a mountain. The second half of Huanglong's body fell from the sky, as if a nine-layered mountain hit the ground, making a loud noise, and even the entire forbidden area began to shake.

After a while, the dragon body dissipated, and the dragon scales turned into countless sword energy, and they all fell into the ground.

As for the first half of Huanglong's body, it was shrinking rapidly, all the sword energy was restrained, and the dragon scales were also absorbed into the body, and finally turned into a small earthy yellow pill.

On the surface of the pill, there are seven long and thick cracks visible to the naked eye, which seem to be wailing.


Huanglongjianwan is Gouqi's original flying sword. At this time, Jianwan was damaged, and Gouqi was immediately attacked. He raised his head and spat out a large mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground with his buttocks.

Liang Yan struggled to get hurt himself, destroyed Gou Qi in one fell swoop, and seriously injured the female cultivator in white. At this time, he stopped fighting, the sword technique in his hand changed, and he used the mayfly sword pill to slash towards the eagle-nosed old man.

The cyan sword light pierced the sky, and instantly arrived in front of the eagle-nosed old man.

Although this person is the ancestor of Hua Jie, he has been seriously injured long ago, and his cultivation base has fallen below the Tongxuan Realm. He only relies on a black puppet with an eagle head to besiege Liang Yan.

Seeing Jian Wan's murderous aura, the eagle-nosed old man's face was as pale as paper, the bell in his hand shook violently, and the bells kept ringing, but he couldn't call back the black puppet in the distance.

Because the puppet was being bitten by Lao Jin's lion mouth, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't return to its master.


The green light crossed his neck, and the eagle-nosed old man did not have a trace of pain, the whole head rolled to the ground, there was no expression in his eyes, only a hint of despair......

"Fourth Eagle!"

When Gou Qi saw this scene, all the calm and sophisticated colors before disappeared without a shouted, trying to struggle to get up, but because the sword pill was damaged and the backlash was too heavy, Just got up and walked a few steps, and fell to the ground again.

There was no pity in Liang Yan's eyes. At this moment, his mind moved, and the Mayfly Sword Pill rolled up the sword light on the spot, like a small cyan whirlwind, instantly smashing the body and primordial spirit of the eagle-nosed old man.

When the sword light dissipates, there is no such person in the world, even in the reincarnation of heaven, there is no place for him......

At this time, Liang Yan no longer thought about leaving any living room.

Although his original plan was to tie the eagle-nosed old man and Gou Qi and take them to negotiate with the Jiugong Chamber of Commerce, but that was the case when there were only two opponents.

Now that Sun Buer and the female cultivator in white have joined the battle, he is no longer sure of winning. If he wants to show mercy, he will be cruel to himself.

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