The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1198: Kurokawa


Hearing Li Xiran's words, the black-robed old man was stunned for a moment, and then his face changed greatly.

He is also a clear-headed person, and he immediately thinks about things clearly.

"There's no Jihang at all! We......the specific locations that the twenty-three people got are different?" The black-robed old man glared at Li Xiran, his eyes full of astonishment.

"Yes, there is no Ji Hang at all. We are here today just to see who is the traitor." Liang Yan answered his question instead of Li Xiran.

"Uncle Black..."

Li Xiran's face was complicated. Looking at the black-robed old man, he seemed to have a lot of confusion, and slowly said, "You have always been a senior I respected in the Chamber of Commerce. When I was still in Nanchui, you were the one who crossed the Xuanming Sea. I went to pick me up in person, and I have been loving Xi Ran all these years, but why would you be the one who betrayed the Chamber of Commerce?!"

"Betraying the Chamber of Commerce? Hahaha!"

The old man in black robe seemed to no longer want to disguise, instead he laughed.

"Do you think I think so? I have worked for the Chamber of Commerce for many years, and I was born to death. In a mission, I was injured because I triggered the ancient prohibition, leaving a great road scar in my body, which made it difficult for me to cultivate in this life. But for so many years Come on, did I, Hei Baichuan, have a complaint?"

"Uncle Hei has contributed a lot to the Chamber of Commerce. It is true that he has worked hard, but the matter of cultivating immortals is unpredictable, and the Chamber of Commerce has always treated you well. Haven't all your requirements been met all these years?" Li Xiran frowned. .

"Yes, all the requirements I made have been met, except for one!"

Hei Baichuan's face suddenly turned gloomy.

"My own cultivation is indeed difficult to advance, but I still have a descendant in the world. His roots are good, and he has cultivated to the peak of the Juyuan Realm, but because of a secret treasure capture, his foundation was injured by the enemy. Only by using the secret method can it be restored to its original state. Obviously, there is a detailed record of this volume of secret method in the treasury of the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce, why don't you give it to me!"

"You mean 'Thousand Souls Heart Lamp'?"

Li Xiran shook his head and said with a serious face: "This technique needs to slaughter thousands of mortals at one time and collect a thousand souls with resentment before it can be performed. Because it is too hurtful, it has been banned by the president. Don't say it. It's you, even the three elders in the chamber of commerce don't have permission to view it."

"Hmph, there are only a thousand mortals, my generation of cultivators, who didn't come up on other people's bodies, why should they pretend?"

Hei Baichuan snorted coldly, and his face gradually became a little crazy.

"In the final analysis, the Scented Chamber of Commerce is still indifferent and ruthless! I, Hei Baichuan, have been born and died for the Chamber of Commerce for many years, and even cut off my own way of self-cultivation, and my position in the Chamber of Commerce is actually not as good as a secret book! Now I have finally cultivated one. A descendant of outstanding talent, but he has to watch his future be destroyed! You said, if it were you, would you be willing?"

"So, Sun Buer's Luowang Chamber of Commerce promised you that as long as you help them, they will pass on this 'Thousand Soul Heart Lamp' to you?" Liang Yan said coldly.

"That's right, the 'Thousand Souls Heart Lamp' is not a secret treasure unique to your Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce. There is also a copy in the treasury of the Luowang Chamber of Commerce! Older Shen Da used to display some of the secrets in front of me, but it was at that time. There are not a thousand resentful souls, otherwise we will succeed!"

Hei Baichuan rolled his eyes, and his tone was mad. He seemed to have seen his descendant recovering his cultivation base and having a bright future.

"Look, everyone has weaknesses, and what Sun Buer is best at is discovering others' weaknesses." Liang Yan shook his head, he knew Sun Buer's methods too well. .

After hearing this, Li Xiran's face was complicated, and a tangled color flashed in his eyes.

She slowly moved forward along the mountain road, came to Hei Baichuan, and whispered:

"Uncle Hei, you have worked hard in the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce, and you have been loving and caring for Xi Ran over the years. I don't want to see you suffer so much... As long as you sincerely repent, and collect all the information from the Chamber of Commerce. Tell us in fifty-one, Xi Ran will definitely plead with the master and the third elder for you, and I can't guarantee anything else, at least I can save your life......"

Li Xiran's words were very sincere. After hearing that, Hei Baichuan's originally crazy eyes gradually became clearer, he seemed to calm down, and there was a hint of hesitation on his face.

"Miss...are you telling the truth? Can you really spare my life?"

"Of course!" Li Xiran nodded and said: "As long as you know what you know, all the information related to the Luowang Chamber of Commerce will be told truthfully....Tell me first, in the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce , Are there any other spies?"


Hei Baichuan did not hesitate this time, and said in a low voice, "Miss, in fact, among the chambers of commerce, there are..."

His voice was getting smaller and smaller, and he walked forward as he spoke. The bright moonlight passed through the clouds and fell on this person, but he saw his face suddenly change, revealing a ferocious look.


The long stick shot, and a black light galloped out, hitting Li Xiran's forehead.

This attack was fast and ruthless, and the angle was just right, Li Xiran was caught off guard, and even though he tried his best to dodge, he was still swept in the forehead by the edge of Wu Guang.

The woman closed her eyes and swayed for a while. It seemed that her consciousness was injured, and she was a little unsteady.

Taking this opportunity, Hei Baichuan rushed forward, clasped Li Xiran's neck with one hand, and raised a wooden stick with the other hand, placing it on top of her head.

"do not come!"

At this time, Hei Baichuan showed his original shape, his face was sullen and ruthless, and the exercises in his body were running. There was a strange black light on the top of the stick, which seemed to be able to pierce Li Xiran's forehead at any time.

It turned out that he knew that Liang Yan's supernatural powers were not trivial, so he never thought of running away from the beginning. Li Xiran stepped forward to ask questions, which just gave Hei Baichuan this opportunity. As long as this woman was held hostage, Liang Yan would not dare to act rashly.

"Miss, you are still so naive!"

Hei Baichuan controlled Li Xiran and sneered beside her.

"Do you think that I, Hei Baichuan, is a dog wagging its tail and begging for pity? He sent me away with a single word? Save my life, hum, that sounds nice! Don't I know the rules of the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce?"

Hei Baichuan looked grim and said gloomily: "Even if you can persuade old man Gan Long, I will be knocked down and reduced to an ordinary deacon, what is the difference between this and death? Not only I, Hei Baichuan, will never turn over , even the immortal path of my descendants will be cut off, do you think I will be so stupid?"

Unexpectedly, after he finished these words, Li Xiran, who was under the black stick, did not have any surprises, and there was only a deep disappointment in his eyes.

"Then can you survive by holding me hostage?" Li Xiran's voice was unexpectedly calm.


Hei Baichuan was stunned for a moment, as if he couldn't recognize the girl in Taoist robe in front of him.

But the next moment, he bit again and sneered: "That's natural, after all, you are the eldest lady of the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce, with a distinguished status. And you! Liang Yan! I warn you not to move, as long as I feel When you get a wisp of sword intent, let this girl be buried with me immediately!"

"I'm not going to do it."

In the dark night, Liang Yan stood in the shadows and shrugged, but there was no trace of worry on his face.

At the same time, a long sigh came from Li Xiran's mouth:

"Uncle Hei, you are so disappointing to me..."


Hei Baichuan suddenly realized that something was wrong, but before he could react, a cyan sword light flashed across behind him and slashed towards his right hand holding the black stick.


This sword came out without warning, and the speed was extremely fast. It was only one thousandth of a breath, and a broken arm was seen flying into the sky.

The entire mountain road seemed to be quiet for a moment, and when the black stick fell to the ground and blood spurted out, Hei Baichuan's screams rang out.


With this shrill scream, Hei Baichuan subconsciously took a few steps back. He looked at the blood on the ground and the severed hand in mid-air, with an incredible look on his face.

"How is that possible! Why is there no trace of that sword just now? How many years have you been practicing... How can you have such a swordsmanship?!"

"Uncle Black..."

Li Xiran sighed softly: "Xiran is no longer the little girl you brought back from Nanchui more than a hundred years ago. Your cultivation base has been stagnant over the years, but Xiran has not been for a day. Abandoned."

"! Good, good!"

Hei Baichuan was furious and incoherent, gritted his teeth suddenly, turned into a black light, and flew out of Chiyan Mountain.

Li Xiran looked at Hei Baichuan who was far away, his face was extremely calm, and he no longer had the hesitant and tangled look before.

She pinched the magic trick in her hand, and the flying sword of life rushed into the air, turning into a green chi, showing her teeth and dancing claws, and her imposing manner was arrogant.


The sword light pierced through the night, and instantly arrived behind Hei Baichuan.

Although this person and Li Xiran are both in the late stage of Jindan, their magical powers are far less powerful. He was cut off by a sword just now, so how can he dare to fight again at this time.

He urged the escape light to keep going, and he didn't turn around to fight. He just spat out a black glow from his mouth, flew into the air, turned into a vulture, and pecked at Li Xiran's green chi sword.

This vulture was condensed by his own blood essence, and it was his last means of life-saving. When he used it at this time, he did not seek to fight Li Xiran's flying sword, but only wanted to win a chance for himself to escape from this Chiyan Mountain. Birth day!

In mid-air, the vulture and Qing Chi fought together, and the two sides fought over ten moves in an instant.

Although the vulture can't fight against Qingchi, it is very cunning. Every time he does not fight with his opponent recklessly, it is almost a touch.

The two sides were deadlocked for a while, and Hei Baichuan had already flown a hundred feet away. Seeing the other party's escape was getting farther and farther away, Li Xiran's eyes couldn't help but flash a hint of anxiety.

At this moment, Liang Yan, who was standing in the shadow of the dark night, made his move. He flicked his finger with one hand, and a wisp of sword energy flew out of the air, instantly knocking Hei Baichuan down from the air.


There was a shrill scream in the dark night, and Hei Baichuan's other arm was also cut off by Liang Yan's sword energy, and these sword energy also penetrated into his body from the wound, constantly eating away at his internal organs.


Hei Baichuan fell from the air and fell on the mountain road, making a muffled sound.

At this time, Li Xiran finally killed the black vulture, and quickly took the green chi sword and flew over with Liang Yan.

I saw that Hei Baichuan's arms had been broken, the wounds were gushing blood, and he was screaming in pain on the mountain road, rolling over and over again and again, his face was distorted to the extreme.

"Give him a good time, remember to bring Yuanshen back to review, you should be able to get some valuable information." Liang Yan glanced at Hei Baichuan on the mountain road, and said blankly.

"Yes, Master!"

Without any hesitation, Li Xiran raised his hand and played a magic trick. The Qingchi sword fell from the sky and chopped off Hei Baichuan's head.

At the same time, she raised her hand and shook again, took out a small yellow gourd from the storage ring, and put in the Primordial Spirit of Hei Baichuan.

Under the moonlight, looking at the headless body on the mountain road, a complex color flashed in Li Xiran's eyes, but it was fleeting.

"Now you know that people's hearts are sinister?" Liang Yan looked at his disciple and said softly.

"I always knew."

Li Xiran sighed and said leisurely in the dark night: "It's just that I always feel that cultivating the truth is also cultivating the mind. In the process of getting rid of the false and remaining true, if you abandon yourself, even if you coexist with heaven and earth, it will be different from a ray of wind, a sand, What's the difference between a speck of dust?"

Liang Yan was slightly taken aback when he heard these words. He seemed to have heard these words somewhere. When he thought about it carefully, he seemed to be the old man in green clothes who was leading a dog in the forbidden area of ​​Cumyun Mountain.

Suddenly, I felt that my apprentice was not as pedantic as I thought, but just had a road that I adhered to...

"Although a speck of dust is small, it is also a part of the whole cycle of heaven. If you can't change others, you can only guard yourself, see the truth in the subtleties, light up your heart lamp, and wait until the road ahead is illuminated, even a speck of dust can be Give birth to a thousand worlds!"

Liang Yan's voice sounded slowly. Unlike Li Xiran, there was no confusion or hesitation in his tone, but only firmness.

Li Xiran's delicate body trembled slightly, and turned around slowly in the dark night.

"Master is more open-minded than me, and I'm glad to be taught."

"I didn't teach you." Liang Yan shook his head and said lightly: "Although I am better than you in kendo cultivation, but on the way to explore the truth of the Dao, you and I are in no particular order."

"So, I still have a chance to catch up with Master?"

Li Xiran suddenly smiled Liang Yan showed a smile, and the mountain breeze came slowly at night, gently blowing the clothes of the two...

In the early morning of the second day, a very shocking news came out from the Scented Chamber of Commerce in Guangling City.

It turned out that the guard who had served in the Chamber of Commerce for many years and led Hei Baichuan with all his might, was actually a spy of the Chamber of Commerce!

After the incident was revealed, the man refused to surrender, and was finally beheaded by Li Xiran, the eldest lady of the chamber of commerce. Later, he learned through soul searching that Hei Baichuan still had three subordinates in the chamber of commerce.

These four were in unison, secretly passed a lot of valuable information to the Luowang Chamber of Commerce, seriously betrayed the interests of the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce, and some even murdered the monks of the Chamber of Commerce.

Needless to say, these people were all captured by the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce overnight. In the end, they were either beheaded or their cultivation bases were abolished. In general, the end was very miserable.

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