The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1204: Extreme Yin fire

"Yin candle fire?"

After listening to Liang Yan's description, Gan Long frowned slightly and asked with a hint of doubt: "What kind of flame is this? Why has this old man never heard of it?"

"Even you don't know?" Liang Yan's face became more solemn, and he said solemnly: "I got this fire from a stranger, and he also told me the name of 'Yin Zhu Huo'."

"Hmm... Yin Candle Fire... This old man has practiced for more than a thousand years, and I have never heard of 'Yin Candle Fire', and I have never seen such a sinister flame, you The 'stranger' in the mouth may have ulterior motives." Gan Long shook his head and sighed.

"Uncle Gan, think of a way to save Li Xiaosong!" Li Xiran shouted anxiously: "She was my nephew from the same sect when I was in Nanchui. She was brought back by the second elder and has a deep relationship with our Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce. , no matter what!


Liang Yan also added: "As long as Li Xiaosong can be rescued, Liang will never frown despite Elder Gan's offer."

Seeing that Liang Yan and Li Xiran were so determined, Gan Long couldn't help rubbing his chin and sighed: "It's not that the old man is unwilling to help, but the flames are so strange and sinister that even the old man is helpless."

"Not even you?" Liang Yan frowned. "Smell Fragrance Chamber of Commerce is such a large chamber of commerce, isn't there any rare treasures that can suppress this flame?"

"Smell Fragrance Chamber of Commerce doesn't have everything."

Gan Long shook his head, stared at the black fire in the air, and said slowly: "According to the observation of this old man, this black flame is a fire of extreme yin, which can burn everything, whether it is a panacea or a treasure of heaven and earth, even if If you forcibly feed this monster, it will also be refined by the black fire, not only will it not save her, but it will become the nourishment of the black fire, making her soul burn faster!"

"There is such a thing!"

Liang Yan and Li Xiran were startled at the same time, they looked at each other, and both saw disappointment in each other's eyes.

If you don't save it, you can only watch Li Xiaosong burn to death. If you save it, it will not only be useless, but it will speed up the burning of the flames. No matter how you look at it, Li Xiaosong has only one dead end.

"Isn't there any way?" Li Xiran said abruptly.

"It's not completely impossible. According to this old man, there are only two paths."

"Elder Gan, please speak!" Liang Yan asked hurriedly.

"The first way is to ask the saint to take action."

"Saint..." Li Xiran looked disappointed, shook his head and sighed: "Now in the entire Xuanyuan Region, there is only one saint, Xuanyuan Potian, he is far away in Xuanyuan City, and he has no relationship with our Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce. It's not good, and this person is not a good person, and he is not a good person, how can he help us save Li Xiaosong?"

Compared with Li Xiran, Liang Yan knew some inside stories. Now, in addition to Xuanyuan Potian, there is another saint in Xuanyuan Yu who is the chairman of the Xiangxiang Chamber of Commerce.

He remained calm, thought for a while and asked, "What about the second way?"

"The second way is to find the fire of pure Yang at the sub-sage level!"

"Asian Saint? The fire of pure yang?"


Gan Long nodded and said: "You also know that there are three disasters and nine disasters for the monks in the transformation realm, each of which is more dangerous. Every three small disasters will encounter a major disaster. The last third disaster is a After the watershed, you can break through the calamity and become a saint, and those monks who have survived two disasters and nine disasters, and only need the last disaster to reach Consummation are called 'Saints'."

"As for the fire of pure yang, it is usually found in the body of Taoist and Confucian monks or monsters with extraordinary talents. The black fire on this civet cat belongs to the fire of extreme yin. The fire of the sun, the two are mutually reinforcing and mutually restrained, and they can merge with each other, not only can they recover a cat's life, but maybe they can also greatly increase their cultivation and strength!"

After listening to Gan Long's answer, Liang Yan's frown not only did not relax, but his face became even more solemn.

"The fire of pure Yang at the sub-sage level... It is impossible for us to get flames from the hands of monks or monsters of this level... …”

Liang Yan pondered in his heart, looked up at Gan Long, and suddenly asked through voice transmission: "Elder Gan, of the two methods you just mentioned, I think only the first one is feasible, since Senior Unwenxiang is here in Guangling City, I'm sure I will participate in the 'Wentai Doubao Conference'? Is there any way Elder Gan can temporarily suppress the black flame and slow down its burning speed, as long as it can last until the conference is held."


After listening to Liang Yan's voice transmission, Gan Long pondered for a moment, and finally nodded slowly: "Since Palace Master Liang said so, Gan will try it. I will use the Confucian sect's 'gold needle sealing acupoint' method to see if it can work. Delay the burning of the flame on her body, but the old man has said before. This is the first time I have encountered this kind of flame. Whether the 'gold needle sealing the acupoint' can work, the old man is not sure. You can't hold grudges against this old man!"

"Gold needle seals the hole!"

Liang Yan's face was overjoyed when he heard it. Ling Chongxiao, the Confucian **** general, used this trick to successfully resist the invasion of his own death energy. Unexpectedly, this elder Gan Longgan was also a master of Confucianism.

"Elder Gan, rest assured, even if there is an accident, we will never blame you. If you leave it alone now, Li Xiaosong will definitely die. It is better to let go of your hands and feet, and if you succeed, you will be able to make more money. In a little while, she also has a little more vitality!" Liang Yan said firmly.

Although Li Xiran on the side didn't know what Liang Yan's voice transmission said, he nodded when he heard this, and said eagerly: "Uncle Gan, don't have any concerns, Xiaosong is in danger, please Uncle Gan immediately give the needle!"


Gan Long clapped his hands, and two servants came in immediately outside the hospital.

"Go to the treasury of the Chamber of Commerce and fetch the 'Three Flowers Divine Needle' that I have treasured for many years. Today, this old man will make needles for others!"


The two servants nodded in response, turned around and walked out without saying much.

After a while, the two returned to the courtyard, and one of them presented a wooden box and said respectfully, "Third Master, the magic needle you want!"


Gan Long took the wooden box, stroked the lid lightly, then flicked his fingers, and the lid flew forward, revealing the contents inside.

There are a total of thirty-three gold needles, of which the end of the eleven needles on the left is engraved with yellow clouds, the ends of the eleven needles in the middle are engraved with white clouds, and the ends of the eleven needles on the right are engraved with red clouds, which are exactly the color of three flowers.

"This set of golden needles is the relic of Meng Xinghai, the 'Holy Hand Scholar' back then. It is worth tens of millions of spiritual stones. It is one of the few treasures treasured by the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce. Palace Master Liang, this time for you, this old man has invested his blood! "

"Elder Gan, rest assured, if it is really useful, the account of the thousands of spiritual stones will be counted on Liang's head."

When Liang Yan said this, although his heart ached, Li Xiaosong's life and death were unpredictable, and he didn't have time to think about it.

"Let's go."

Liang Yan didn't say much. He stepped forward and pulled Gan Long's sleeve, ripped the Taixu gourd from his waist, pinched the magic formula in his hand, rolled the two of them with cyan light, and flew into the gourd together.


In just an instant, Liang Yan and Gan Long disappeared at the same time, and only one gourd was left on the stone table.

Li Xiran stared blankly at the stone table, knowing that both her master and Gan Long had entered the blue gourd, and she didn't dare to leave, so she stood by the side, preparing to protect the two of them.

In the too empty gourd.

A gray cloud fell from the sky, and two people stood on the cloud, it was Liang Yan and Gan Long.

Last time, Liang Yan used his spiritual sense to incarnate into this space, but now his real body came, and he took Gan Long all the way through the clouds and mists. After just a few breaths, he came to the top of the mountain where Li Xiaosong was.

"It's there."

Liang Yan pointed his hand, Gan Long followed and looked over, only to see a small white beast lying on the top of the mountain, his whole body being burned by black fire, although his eyes were closed, his face was painful.

"This extremely yin fire is more terrifying than what this old man has seen outside!"

Gan Long's pupils shrank, and when he was near Li Xiaosong, he felt the horror of this flame even more.

"Strange, she only understands the Profound Realm. If it were an ordinary monster, if it was burned by this kind of extreme yin fire, I'm afraid it wouldn't even be able to hold on for a few breaths. Why has this civet cat persisted until now?"

"Probably...she is naturally good at controlling fire."

Liang Yan responded casually, but what he thought in his heart was that this black fire might be related to Komatsu's origin. After all, the little guy once said that this strange black fire might help her awaken her original bloodline.

It's just that it's impossible for him to tell Gan Long about this kind of thing, so he can only say haha ​​to get around the problem.

Gan Long didn't get too entangled in this matter. At this time, he and Liang Yan stopped the escape light and suspended about ten feet above the top of the mountain.

This is already a very extreme position. If you lean further down, you will be attacked by black fire. Even with the cultivation of the two, it is difficult to resist.

Gan Long looked solemnly at Li Xiaosong below, took the wooden box out of his sleeve, flicked his fingers lightly, and thirty-three golden needles flew into the air at the same time.

The third elder of the Smelling Fragrance Chamber of Commerce had nothing else to focus on at this time, his eyes fixed on the body of the civet cat, and suddenly he hit the sky with a magic formula.


Almost in the blink of an eye, the golden needle had pierced into a key point behind Li Xiaosong's neck.

After one needle went down, Ganlong's double-handed mantra kept going, and then the golden needles flew out one after another, and sometimes two needles came out at the same time, and finally they all pierced Li Xiaosong's major acupoints precisely.

"Golden needle sealing acupoints" is a esoteric tradition of the Fa-Confucian lineage. It is specially used to restrain the abnormality in the body. According to the degree of sealing acupoints, it is divided into "full sealing", "half sealing" and "sealing the veins".

Like the previous Confucian **** general Ling Chongxiao, in order to curb the spread of death qi, he used the method of "full sealing".

The magical power that Gan Long is using now also uses the "full seal" technique. Although the two have different learnings, the acupuncture technique has the same effect.

As Ganlong's golden needle continued to pierce into Li Xiaosong's body, the white civet cat's body gradually stiffened, and the originally soft body began to turn into a white jade-like statue.

"Golden needle sealing acupoints" is about doing it in one go. It was just a blink of an eye. Thirty-two of the thirty-three golden needles had already pierced into Li Xiaosong's acupoints, and only the last one remained.

Although the whole process was very short, Gan Long's forehead was already in cold sweat. Obviously, these short breaths had consumed most of his energy.

"Elder Gan, stabilize your mind."

Liang Yan reminded him gently from the back, and Gan Long nodded after listening. At this time, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he became calm. Without hesitation, he raised his hand and pointed forward, and the last golden needle was shot out.


With the penetration of this golden needle, Li Xiaosong's entire body suddenly trembled. Thirty-three golden needles sank into her body at the same time, and she completely turned into a white jade statue.

The black flame that was raging, seemed to have lost its source at this time. The arrogant momentum was suppressed, and all the flames rolled inward, as if returning to Li Xiaosong's body.

"It's done!"

Although Gan Long looked a little tired, his eyes were full of excitement.

After listening to his words, Liang Yan was refreshed, and immediately asked, "Success? Senior sealed the extreme yin fire in her body with a gold needle?"

"Haha, although it's not completely sealed, but at least it can be extended for a hundred days for her!"

Gan Long touched his chin and looked at Li Xiaosong, who had turned into a white jade statue below, and seemed very satisfied with his masterpiece.

"Hundred Days!"

Liang Yan's face was overjoyed when he heard it, knowing that it has been less than two months since the "Wentai Doubao Conference" was held.

"Liang thanked Elder Gan for Xiaosong's great favor!" Liang Yan said and bowed to Gan Long.

Seeing this, Gan Long waved his hands again and again and said with a smile, "Palace Master Liang doesn't need to be so polite, I'm ashamed to say that the old man of the 'Golden Needle Sealing Acupoints' has not been used for a hundred years, and this is the first time I have encountered such a strange situation. , I was a little worried about the failure of the acupuncture just now, but I didn't expect it to achieve the effect I expected in the end."

When he said this, he looked at Li Xiaosong below, and sighed: "It's just that this old man's 'Three Flowers Needle' can't be used Liang Yan follows him He looked around and found that those black fires seemed to have their own intelligence. At this time, they knew that they could not burn Li Xiaosong, so they entered her body and divided all the flames into thirty-three strands, and actually began to burn the inside of Li Xiaosong. Gold Needle!

Under the burning of the black fire, the three-flowered golden needles are slowly melting at a speed visible to the naked eye. I am afraid that the period of one hundred days that Gan Long said is the time when these thirty-three golden needles are burned!

"'Golden needle sealing acupoints' is not a long-term method. Palace Master Liang still has to find a saint to take action as soon as possible, or Yasheng's pure yang fire, otherwise, after a hundred days, she will still be dead." Gan Long said solemnly. .

"Liang understands."

Liang Yan nodded, raised his hand and pinched it, used the blue light to roll Gan Long, took him and himself out of the space of the Taixu Gourd, and returned to Li Xiran again.

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