The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1211: Xuanyuanqi's purpose

"Oh? Is this your friend?"

The old Taoist smiled and looked up and down Liang Yan for a while with squinted eyes.

"Brother Lu, this is the second elder of the Jialan Chamber of Commerce, Senior Pei Xinhai Pei, with an unfathomable cultivation base, even if the Confucian generals of the twelve generals meet, they should be polite."

"I've seen Senior Pei!" Liang Yan bowed his hands cooperatively.

"Don't dare to be, don't dare to be!" Pei Xinhai waved his hands again and again and said with a smile: "The people in our chamber of commerce are very casual when it comes to names. My little friend is a guest from afar, just call me shopkeeper Pei."

"Then it's better to be respectful than to obey."

"Hahaha, as it should be! You two, please come inside!"

Pei Xinhai smiled heartily, and he couldn't see the air of a cultivator of the Tribulation Realm at all. Instead, he had an air of reckless heroism.

Liang Yan and Xuanyuan Qi followed behind him and walked into the attic. They found that the furnishings inside were very simple, with only a coffee table and a few futons. Other than that, everything was empty.

"Tsk tsk, this Pei Xinhai doesn't look like a member of the Chamber of Commerce at all, but rather an ascetic."

Liang Yan pondered in his heart and sat down on the east side of the coffee table.

The three of them took their seats, and Pei Xinhai made a cup of tea for Liang Yan and Xuanyuan Qi. After a few polite words, he asked, "Xuanyuan nephew, I heard that you have been practicing in seclusion in Xuanyuan City all these years, why are you today? Suddenly appearing in Guangling City? Could it be that he also took a fancy to this year's 'Wentai Doubao Conference'?"

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Qi put down the teacup he picked up and let out a sigh.

"Senior Pei, you don't know something. This junior came to Guangling City this time to investigate a secret matter."

His words were unclear, and there seemed to be something unspeakable. Liang Yan didn't look at him, but Pei Xinhai frowned slightly.

"Nephew, you are the fourth prince of Xuanyuan City. You can investigate this matter in person. It seems that it is definitely not a trivial matter!"


Xuanyuan Qi nodded, lowered his voice and said, "Neither of you are cultivators from Xuanyuan Yu, there are some things you don't know. In the past 100 years, many cultivators from this field have mysteriously disappeared, and behind them The sect can't find even the slightest clue."

"The monk is missing?"

Pei Xinhai frowned, and said slowly, "Isn't this unusual? People who cultivate self-cultivation often stay in retreat for decades. Some monks who go to the secret realm to find treasure are trapped inside for hundreds or even thousands of years. All!"

"Senior Pei doesn't know anything." Xuanyuan Qi shook his head and said, "These missing people have two characteristics in common, one is that their cultivation is not bad, at least they have a realm above the Golden Core Realm, and the other is that they are all The female cultivator, and her appearance is outstanding. The most important thing is that the number of missing female cultivators is quite large. There are fifty or sixty people in total, and three of them are stunning in the Profound Realm. After these three disappeared, they stayed in The natal soul card in the sect also shattered......"

"Is there such a thing?!"

Pei Xinhai glanced at Xuanyuanqi, and said slowly, "If it's one or two, it's a coincidence, but now there are so many people, it's a bit strange..."

"Not bad!" Xuanyuan Qi nodded and said, "Our Xuanyuan City also takes this matter very seriously, because among the missing female cultivators, there are also our city disciples from Xuanyuan City, so we have been secretly sending people to investigate."

"So it is." Pei Xinhai nodded, and then said with some doubts: "But even so, this matter is not worthy of the Fourth Highness to investigate in person, right?"

"Do you suspect that this has something to do with the Xuanyuan royal family?" Liang Yan, who had been silent until now, suddenly asked.


Xuanyuan Qi was stunned for a moment, then turned his gaze to Liang Yan.

"Brother Lu has such a vicious eye! Yes, I have been secretly investigating for many years, and found that when these female nuns disappeared, there were people from the Xuanyuan Army nearby, and the only people who could mobilize the Xuanyuan Army for a long time were members of the royal family. ."

Seeing that Xuanyuanqi approved Liang Yan's guess, Pei Xinhai was also a little surprised. He looked at Liang Yan next to him, and his face showed a thoughtful look.

"Then you suspect who kidnapped the female cultivator behind her back?" Liang Yan then asked.

"Although there is no definite evidence, I suspect that my second brother is behind this incident." Xuanyuan Qi said solemnly.

"Second prince?"

Liang Yan raised his eyebrows, with a look of doubt on his face: "Didn't it mean that the second prince is now in control of the government, and he wants the wind to win the wind and the rain to rain? With his cultivation base and identity, there should be no shortage of hugs. People? Why would you do such a thing?"

"Brother Lu doesn't know anything." Xuanyuan Qi shook his head and lowered his voice: "According to my secret investigation, the second brother should not only be greedy for beauty, but is cultivating an extremely evil cultivation technique, which requires a lot of learning. Cauldron!"

"Double cultivation secret method?"

"No, the ordinary double-cultivation secret method is beneficial to both practitioners, but the second brother's training method is a one-sided request. As the party of the cauldron, the jade will be destroyed after the event, and the whole life will be given to the cultivation base. The second brother made a wedding dress!"

"So it is, no wonder so many female nuns have disappeared in just a hundred years, and their cultivation is not low." Pei Xinhai touched his chin, and his face showed a hint of surprise.

Xuanyuan Qi drank a cup of tea and said slowly, "To tell the truth from the two fellow Daoists, after my second brother came to power, he was greedy for pleasure and acted in perverted ways. Most of the people in the court were dissatisfied with him. To be honest, I couldn't stand it either. What he did, so I came to investigate this matter this time, if it is true, I will report to the emperor and take back the military power of the second brother!"

"What do you mean...the second prince has arrived in Guangling City now?" Liang Yan quickly heard the hidden information in Xuanyuan Qi's words.


Xuanyuan Qi nodded and said, "I came with the second brother. There are many dragons and snakes in Guangling City, and there are many monks from outside. If the second brother really practiced that sorcery, then this is his best start. Place!"

After hearing this, Pei Xinhai sighed softly and said: "I didn't expect that Xuanyuan's nephew is the prince of Xuanyuan City, but he has a heart of chivalry. It's really rare! It's just that your second brother Xuanyuan Haoyu is in full swing now, isn't it? If this old man hits you, I am afraid that you alone will be difficult to contend with......"

"Hey.... Senior is right, I am Xuanyuan Qixian Yunye He, who wants to travel around the mountains and waters, and usually doesn't like court disputes, so I don't have a few capable men in Xuanyuan's army. The second **** will not even take me seriously! I came to investigate the second brother this time, and only brought a few cronies, and so far there has not been much progress. "

When he said this, he pondered for a while, put down the teacup in his hand, clasped his fists towards the two of them, and said sternly:

"Senior Pei, fellow Daoist Lu, one of you is both a teacher and a friend with me, and the other once shared my troubles and sorrows with me, and now there is no manpower available, so I have a ruthless request... I want to ask the two of you to help me, as long as we find out about this matter, we, Xuanyuan City, will definitely be grateful!"

His words were very sudden, and Pei Xinhai and Liang Yan were both slightly taken aback.

"Xuanyuan nephew, this is not very good. After all, our Jialan Chamber of Commerce is an external force, and we dare to intervene in the disputes in your Xuanyuan domain. If Xuanyuan City Lord knows about it..." Pei Xinhai shook his head. He shook his head, a look of concern on his face.

"Senior Pei don't need to worry, the father is a Confucian sage, and the laws of Xuanyuan City are like mountains. Even if the prince breaks the law, there will never be any appeasement! Once the second brother is found out, he will surely die. Emperor, expressing the contribution of the Jialan Chamber of Commerce in this matter, your Chamber of Commerce will be able to conduct business in our Xuanyuan Region unimpeded in the future, and will also be able to enjoy many preferential treatments!"


After hearing Xuanyuanqi's words, Pei Xinhai's expression gradually softened, and he seemed to have been persuaded by him.

"Okay! If that's the case, then Pei will agree to this matter, hoping that after the event is completed, the nephew can fulfill his promise and say a few good words for our Jialan Chamber of Commerce in front of City Lord Xuanyuan."

"Senior, don't worry, I, Xuanyuan Qi, never break my promise."

Xuanyuan Qi smiled slightly, and then looked at Liang Yan again.

"Sorry, this matter involves the dispute in Xuanyuan City. Lu is just a loose cultivator and can't help much. I can't help this matter." Liang Yan cupped his hands and said apologetically.

"Brother Lu, don't rush to refuse first."

Xuanyuan Qi waved his hand and said, "Aren't you looking for the sub-sage level Chunyang Fire? You might as well ask the shopkeeper Pei to see if their Jialan Merchant has such a thing."

"The fire of pure Yang at the sub-sage level?"

Pei Xinhai frowned and looked at Liang Yan.

Liang Yan was also moved, because Pei Xinhai didn't appear shocked, just a little embarrassed.

"Does their chamber of commerce really have what I want?"

Liang Yan pondered secretly in his heart, but he didn't look on the surface, and said lightly: "Yes, Liang is here for the pure yang fire of the sub-sage level. I wonder if your business association can have such a thing?"

"Don't hide my friend......"

After Pei Xinhai pondered for a long time, he said slowly: "There is indeed news of a fire of pure yang in our chamber of commerce, but it is very dangerous there, even the old man would not dare to break in... .But according to what I saw at the time, this group of pure Yang fire may have the power of the sub-sage level!"


Hearing this, Liang Yan was excited for a while, but it was difficult to express it at this time. After thinking about it, he said: "Since Senior Pei dare not go deep into that dangerous place, how can we conclude that this is the fire of pure Yang at the sub-sage level? ?"

Pei Xinhai was silent for a moment, then slowly said, "Since the little friend doesn't believe it, the old man will show you something."

Saying that, he stood up, waved his robe in his left hand, and the wall behind him suddenly cracked, revealing a secret passage for only one person.

"This old man's study is the Treasure Pavilion of the Jialan Chamber of Commerce. Usually no one can get close to it, but today, for the sake of His Fourth Highness, I will take you in to see it."

Pei Xinhai turned around and entered the secret passage. The rest of Xuanyuan Qi and Liang Yan looked at each other, followed without hesitation.

The three walked through the secret passage for a while, and came to a quaint stone gate. Pei Xinhai raised his hand and struck a few seals, and the stone gate opened in response.


A vast space was revealed, and I saw that it was a magnificent palace. There were many boxes floating in the palace. There were white jade, bronze, and wood.

"What a magnificent Treasure Pavilion!"

Liang Yan narrowed his eyes, feeling a little shocked in his heart.

The treasures treasured here are as numerous as stars, and judging from Baoguang, the grade of each treasure will not be low!

Although the treasure house of the gluttonous chamber of commerce has just been divided up, compared with the things in the palace in front of him, it is simply the difference between the firefly and the sun and the moon.

"The Jialan Chamber of Commerce is indeed a large chamber of commerce that can compete with the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce. It seems that they have also made a lot of preparations for this 'Wentai Doubao Conference', and the position of the top of the list is somewhat unpredictable... ..."

Just when Liang Yan was thinking about it, Pei Xinhai raised his hand and sucked a jade box in the middle of the hall.

"Little friend, if you don't believe what the old man sees, you might as well take a look at this."

As soon as he finished speaking, Pei Xinhai pushed the jade box over.

Liang Yan took it slowly, raised his hand and typed a magic formula, opened the lid of the jade box, and saw a three-foot-square stone lying inside, red all over, as if holding a flame.

"This is........."

There was a hint of surprise on Liang Yan's face, and he couldn't help digging his consciousness into the stone.


The moment his consciousness entered the stone, the whole person seemed to fall into a sea of ​​magma, the surrounding ground shook, countless magma spurted, and the blazing high temperature almost made him breathless.

"What a powerful flame!"

Liang Yan was a little terrified in his heart, to know that he was just a wisp of divine consciousness penetrating this stone, and the deity was still outside, so he could feel such a strong fire attribute spiritual power, it was incredible!


Suddenly he heard a dull sound explode above his head, Liang Yan immediately looked up, and saw countless flames roaring in the sky, as if the fire was flowing with gold, burning the whole sky with holes!

At the same time, a little spark fell from the sky. As the distance got closer and closer, Liang Yan's heart suddenly jumped wildly, his pupils shrank suddenly, as if he had foreseen great danger, he dared not take a closer look, and hurriedly put his Nian withdraws from the strange stone.

After the divine sense returned to the deity, Liang Yan breathed a sigh of relief and calmed down, only to find that his back was actually soaked in cold sweat.

"Senior What is the origin of this stone, and where did you find it?" Liang Yan asked in a deep voice.

"To be honest, I brought this strange rock back from that dangerous place. It was in a cave in a secret realm. Now you know why I concluded that there is a sub-sage level of pure yang fire in that place, right?"

"I see."

Liang Yan nodded and said, "If this strange rock was brought back from the cave, there may indeed be a sub-sage level pure yang fire in the cave. Shopkeeper Pei might as well offer a price, as long as he informs the location of the cave. Lu, everything is negotiable."

"Okay, since that's the case, the old man will say it directly."

Pei Xinhai laughed and said, "As long as the little friend promises to help nephew Xuanyuan, this strange rock will be regarded as a deposit. After the completion of the matter, the old man will tell you the location of the cave, how about it?"

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