The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1284: People from Yuzhu Mountain

"Sister Yun, has this Palace Master Liang ever had any achievements?" the pretty woman asked excitedly.

Yun Suyi thought for a while, then shook her head and said: "The origin of this person is a bit bizarre, it seems to be from a small island in Nanchui, and he has not had any famous achievements before. The only thing he knows is that he is on the 'Extremely Heavenly Daoji'. , Sixty years ago, I was only a cultivator in the Golden Core Realm, and then I advanced to the profound understanding overnight, and I don't know what my strength is now."

"A third-rank supreme foundation? No wonder! Which sect was so unlucky that his luck was stolen by him?" the pretty woman asked in surprise.

After Yun Suyi heard this, a hint of embarrassment appeared on her face.

Sixty years ago, their nine major factions attacked Wushuang City while Linghu Bai was away. Unexpectedly, everything was in Linghu Bai's game. Finally, the city owner returned, Xuanguang Villa was removed from the name, and their eight major factions also lost. Part of luck, as punishment.

The luck of the eight top sects was stolen by a little-known cultivator of the Jindan period, which was a great shame.

Although due to Linghu Bai's divine power, the sect masters of the eight major factions did not dare to take any revenge, but this matter is a shame after all, and no one wants to mention it for 60 years.

At this moment, Yun Suyi couldn't say that this kid just stole my family's luck and jumped from the Golden Core Realm to the Tong Xuan Realm.

She could only smile awkwardly, and changed the subject: "I heard that this Palace Master Liang left Wushuang Domain ten years ago, and I don't know where he went. Now that he is back, I am afraid that his strength has improved. Maybe not under you."

"It would be great if that was the case!"

The pretty woman giggled and said: "Long'er is going down the mountain this time, and he can't find anything interesting. I didn't expect to meet such a strange person in this unparalleled domain! Alas, I'm afraid he is not as powerful as his sister said. , then you will be defeated in a few moves, and you will not be happy at all!"

"Don't worry, this person should be able to defeat Ning Xuanqing. Of course, if he really wants to compare with his sister, he will definitely be incomparable! It's just rare to meet a peer who can be compared, I believe he can Let my sister have some fun." Yun Suyi said with a smile.

"Since the elder sister said so, then let Long'er send this person away for you!"

The pretty woman smiled and didn't say much. The wind was blowing under her feet. She walked out of the gazebo in a blink of an eye, and then disappeared into the green woods.

"Sect Master, she..."

The middle-aged Taoist nun looked at the retreating back of the pretty woman, opened her mouth, and hesitated.

"It's okay, I know what you're thinking."

Yun Suyi said lightly: "We robbed the family's resources, and it is indeed a bit dishonorable. If this matter spreads to Wushuang City, it will inevitably be held accountable. So it is inconvenient for us to come forward on this matter. Nizi shot. Think about it, the dignified Bihai Palace's Palace Master was defeated by a fellow monk of Yuzhu Mountain, and he was too embarrassed to tell this matter, and what we did can also be concealed at that time."

After listening to the middle-aged Taoist nun, she suddenly realized the color.

"It turns out that it is no wonder that she has to be provoked. As a result, this Palace Master Liang is afraid that he will suffer a 'dumb loss'. The sect master is really good at calculating!"

"Hmph, what Palace Master Liang! He's just a stinky young boy. When he gets a chance, he thinks he's right, gets carried away, and wants to control our Su Xinzhai's head! I just teach him a lesson today, so that he can be called this" Palace Master Liang' knows his weight, so he will stay in Wushuang City honestly in the future, and don't come out and be embarrassed again!"

Having said that, with a flick of his sleeve, a beam of rays of light came out, rolled up the middle-aged Taoist nun and himself, and disappeared in an instant. . . .

At this moment, outside the Red Leaf Valley Taniguchi.

A gray-clothed man was floating in the air.

With his right hand, he bound dozens of female cultivators with magic power. Among them, the five people in the front had cultivation bases in the Profound Realm, and the first one turned out to be the senior sister of Su Xinzhai, Ning Xuanqing.

These female cultivators, regardless of their level of cultivation, were sealed by him with their meridians, tied together with ropes condensed with mana, and hung down from the air.

No one can stand to be hanged at the door of their own sect like this, let alone these arrogant Taoist nuns, who are all blushing at this time, ashamed and angry, and can't wait to find a hole to burrow in by themselves.

But the man in gray had a calm expression, and he didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with what he did.

Behind him, Li Xiran looked at the Taoist nun who was hanging in the air. Although he couldn't bear it, he didn't say anything more.

Not long ago, these Taoist nuns did not spare even the newborn babies when the Zhu family was murdered.

In fact, Li Xiran also knew that with Liang Yan's character, if it wasn't for the special status of these Taoist nuns, they needed to be taken back to convict Wushuangcheng. I'm afraid they would have killed them with a single sword, so they wouldn't bother to bother.

At this time, Liang Yan did not pay attention to the captured Taoist nuns, but looked at the scenery of Hongye Valley with great interest.

"Is this the mountain gate of Su Xinzhai... Hongye Valley, this valley is a bit strange. If I guess correctly, there must be a wonderful formation in the valley, which can prevent the valley from being affected. The influence of the rotation of the four seasons can be said to be unique." Liang Yan laughed softly.

After listening to Cang Yueming next to him, he shook his head and said, "It's not a formation, but a treasure named 'Heart Washing Jade'. This treasure is the founder of Su Xinzhai's ancestor, Bing Xin Jade Girl. 'Leaving it is said to allow people to wash away the lead and see the true heart. It is a treasure for self-cultivation and self-cultivation. The reason why the valley is like spring in all seasons is also influenced by this treasure."

"So that's the case, it seems that the founder of Su Xinzhai was an expert." Liang Yan nodded.

"Alas, times have changed, and many things will change..."

When Cang Yueming said this, he sighed and said, "Most of the first few Sect Masters of Su Xinzhai are gentle in temperament and indifferent to the world. The disciples in the sect also uphold their original aspirations, save the world and punish the treacherous, and their reputation belongs to the peerless domain. First-class. But the current suzerain Yun Suyi is a person who is unwilling to be lonely. She has a wide range of friends and is quite ambitious. It is said that she has many allies not only within the Wushuang domain, but also outside the domain. "


Liang Yan raised his eyebrows and said lightly: "It seems that this Yun Suyi is also a long-sleeved person who is good at dancing. She has made friends with various forces. I'm afraid she is unwilling to the status quo. We need to pay more attention in the future."

"What Palace Master Liang said is very..." Cang Yueming nodded.

The two were talking, when a blue glow suddenly appeared in the valley, and they left the gate of the valley in an instant.

The Su Xinzhai disciples who were guarding the entrance of the valley did not stop him when they saw it. Instead, they all retreated into the sect, leaving a large space outside the valley.

The light dissipated, revealing a woman with fair complexion and delicate facial features. Although she wasn't tall, she was exquisite and graceful, especially the heroic spirit between her eyebrows, which added to her already worldly appearance. style.

Liang Yan and Cang Yueming were both slightly taken aback when they saw the person coming.

"Who is this person? It turns out that Yun Suyi looks like this? No, she is the realm of Tongxuan peak, hasn't Yun Suyi already survived all disasters and three disasters in the transformation realm? Since she is not Yun Suyi , why are you running in front of me?"

A series of questions popped up in Liang Yan's heart, but before he could even open his mouth, the pretty woman on the opposite side's gaze had already fallen on him, and he asked first:

"Are you the Palace Master of Bihai Palace?"

Liang Yan frowned slightly, looked at the other party for a moment, and finally nodded: "Yes, I am the master of Bihai Palace, who are you?"

"I am a disciple of Yuzhu Mountain, Yu Xiaolong!"

The pretty woman pointed back at herself with her thumb, then pointed at Liang Yan with her index finger, and said loudly, "I heard that you are very good at fighting? I don't believe Yu Xiaolong, why don't we fight?"

"Fight me?"

Liang Yan's brows furrowed even deeper.

He is a little speechless now, and has no idea where the thing in front of him came from.

He clearly came to trouble Su Xinzhai, why did Yun Suyi not see it, but ran out of a monk from Yuzhu Mountain? Moreover, the cultivator of Yuzhu Mountain would have a fight with him as soon as they met?

"Yuzhu Mountain... This is the Wushuang Domain, and I don't know you, why should I fight you?"

Liang Yan's character was originally calm. Although he said that this trip was for trouble, he suddenly encountered an unrelated person, who was also a monk from the Seven Mountains and Twelve Cities, which had to make him become cautious.

"Why are you a mother-in-law, a fight is a fight, do you still need a reason?" Yu Xiaolong seemed a little disgusted, glanced at him, and suddenly exclaimed: "Well, the reason is that I don't like your clothes, and the gray is my age. Ji, and your escape light is also gray, I don't like it, and I want to fight with you, now the head office?"

Liang Yan really did not expect that this woman would be such a rogue, and he couldn't help but feel a little anger in his heart, and said coldly: "Your Excellency, is it clear that you want to pick something up? Liang came here today, just want to trouble Yun Suyi, you As a cultivator of Yuzhu Mountain, I still want to respect myself, don't get involved in the disputes of our peerless domain, otherwise Liang Mou has no eyes under his sword, so he can live or die!"

"Yes, yes, this is the momentum!"

Seeing him getting angry, Yu Xiaolong was not angry but happy, clapped his hands and smiled and said: "Well, let's make a bet. As the master of the Bihai Palace, if you can make thirty moves in my hands, I, Yu Xiaolong, will admit it. From now on, as long as you are here, I will never step into the Peerless Domain!"

Having said that, he rolled his eyes and continued, "But if you lose, you must treat me respectfully and call me 'Master' when you meet in the future! How about that?"

"You want to bet too?"

Liang Yan squinted his eyes and looked at the pretty woman in front of him with a thoughtful look on his face.

He has a feeling that this woman is by no means simple!

Unlike Ning Xuanqing and his class, although this Jade Xiaolong is also at the peak of Tong Xuan, her aura fluctuations are somewhat similar to the few cultivators she encountered.

The Tribulation Realm cultivator has a "human sense", so the aura fluctuations are very different from ordinary cultivators. Although the girl in front of her only has the cultivation of the Profound Realm on the surface, her real strength is probably far beyond this realm.


A smile appeared on the corner of Liang Yan's mouth, looked at Yu Xiaolong, and said slowly, "Okay, then let's make an appointment with thirty moves, see who can win between you and me?"

Seeing his promise, Yu Xiaolong couldn't help but look happy, and hurriedly shouted: "Hey, this is what you promised yourself, the dignified master of the Bihai Palace, you can't go back on your word and break your word!"

"Don't worry, the bet has been made, and there is no reason to regret it." Liang Yan said lightly.


Yu Xiaolong laughed, looked around, pointed his hand to a bamboo forest in the distance, and said:

"This is the gate of other people. It's hard to use it. Let's go there to fight, and we won't need to compensate for anything damaged."

Liang Yan didn't expect this woman's mind to be so delicate, it seems that she often causes trouble outside, and she has a lot of experience in this area.

"Okay, as you say."

Before he finished speaking, Yu Xiaolong turned into a cyan light and went deep into the bamboo forest.

Liang Yan turned around and told Cang Yueming a few words, so that he could always pay attention to the movement of Suxinzhai Mountain Gate, and then he also turned into a gray light and chased behind Yu Xiaolong into the bamboo forest.


Deep in the green bamboo forest, two figures stood opposite each other.

Yu Xiaolong smiled brightly, and suddenly raised his hand a little, the bamboo forest was in a turmoil, countless bamboo leaves rustled, and the noisy rhythm came from all directions, causing Liang Yan to be in a trance.

In an instant, Liang Yan felt as if he was in the battlefield of thousands of troops, drums beating around, flags fluttering, and shouting to kill the sky!

"The way of rhythm?"

The surrounding scenery changed, but Liang Yan was not flustered. He calmed down and tried to use "Eight Parts of Yanyuan" to close his ear consciousness.

However, what surprised him was that even if his ear consciousness was closed, the sound of the battle of the battlefield could still be transmitted into his divine consciousness, as if it sounded directly in his mind.

"Hee hee, it seems that Palace Master Liang has never played against a cultivator who is proficient in the way of the five syllables."

At this time, Yu Xiaolong could no longer be seen, only her voice came from all directions, as if she was right in front of her, but seemed to be separated by clouds.

"The way of the five sounds is not the ordinary sounds of the world, but the rhythm of the Dao! All things have spirits and are born to the Dao, the Dao is invisible, the spring breeze turns rain, and the sound of the rain is the way of the five sounds!"

These remarks are mysterious and, but listening to Liang Yan's ears has a different feeling.

It is not like Yu Xiaolong said that he has never been exposed to the Tao of the Five Sounds before, but he has participated in the research of Yuzhu Mountain's esoteric practice "Pure Heart Triple Dance Fetal Immortal".

It's just that this exercise method is too profound and profound, and Liang Yan has never learned the basic method, so he knows nothing about the way of rhythm.

Fortunately, he didn't practice the rhythm technique, but transformed some of the magic tricks in it into sword tricks, thus creating the "Thirteen Daya Swords" suitable for him.

The "Thirteen Swords of Daya" is a wonderful move, which is a sword technique created by Liang Yan himself, but due to his lack of understanding of the way of rhythm, many of these moves are not perfect.

Listening to Yu Xiaolong's five-tone Tao at this time, Liang Yan's heart gradually rose.

"So that's how it turns out... The evolution of the five-tone is infinitely mysterious. There are three thousand avenues, and the same goal is achieved by different paths.


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