The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1291: someone breaks through

"That's true."

Facing Liang Yan's question, Ning Xia nodded and gave a positive answer.

"This is strange, border riots? Who dares to cause trouble in the vicinity of Wushuangyu?" Liang Yan looked puzzled.

"It's some monsters and aliens"

As Ning Xia spoke, she brought Liang Yan to the desk, spread out the map of Wushuangyu, and pointed out a few places on it.

"This, this, and this are the places where the riots are the most violent. It is said that there are several big demons from the Profound Realm leading the way, burning, killing and looting small sects and noble families on the border, and even killing the human cultivators in our territory. captured and used as slaves."

"There is such a thing!"

Liang Yan was also surprised.

You must know that this is the human race continent. Even if there are some monster races, they would not dare to do anything that would hurt the world. Such a big fanfare of burning, killing and looting was completely unheard of before.

"This place is in broad daylight on the Human Race Continent, and the world is bright. Why are those Monster Races so rampant?" Liang Yan asked his own question.

After listening to Ning Xia, she shook her head and said, "Palace Master Liang doesn't know anything, although the Antarctic Immortal Continent is within the sphere of influence of the human race, it does not mean that every corner of this continent will be taken care of, and wherever there is light, There are shadows, and these monsters are located in the cracks of the shadows."


Liang Yan raised his eyebrows. He was very thoughtful and quickly understood what the other party meant.

"You mean, these monsters are not located in the territory of the Seven Mountains and Twelve Cities, but in the crevice between the two territories?"


When Ning Xia saw him, she couldn't help but nodded, and continued, "Although the three regions of Wushuang, Tianhe, and Seven Stars are adjacent to each other, the boundary is not a line but a gray area with some buffers. Although these gray areas are poor in resources, due to the avoidance of suspicion by the three parties, they have instead become places for some monsters to avoid disasters."

Liang Yan understood what she meant. In these gray areas, Wushuang, Tianhe, and Seven Stars did not want to send cultivators to enter. Otherwise, they might be misunderstood by the other two parties, thinking that they were going to provoke a war.

With the three parties avoiding suspicion, no one cares about these gray areas. Some monsters who have committed crimes will be safe as long as they escape into this area.

"Then they make such a fuss, will we ignore it in Wushuangcheng?" Liang Yan frowned.

"According to our previous strategy, we encouraged some wandering loose cultivators to go to the gray area to suppress the demon clan. This method has been very effective before, and the demon clan did not dare to be too rampant under the suppression of these loose cultivators. The two sides have always been at peace. nothing."

When Ning Xia said this, she sighed softly: "But recently, for some unknown reason, the power of the demon clan has greatly increased, and the scattered cultivators are no longer able to resist. The demon clan invaded the territory of our peerless domain and slaughtered those small sects and families. , in the long run, the luck of the entire Wushuang Domain will be affected."

"I see."

Liang Yan nodded, pondered for a while, and said slowly: "Fellow Daoist Ning, we, the master of Bihai Palace, specialize in attacking matters. Since the other party violates the border, whether it is a human or a demon, we must send someone to suppress it! "

"What the palace lord said is true, and Ning Xia also thinks so."

Ning Xia sighed and said, "It's just that I sent several True Monarch Tongxuan to go there, but they couldn't suppress the rebellion of the demon clan. They seem to have a few big demons at the same time, and their strength is not bad, but I Bihai However, the manpower in the palace is not enough."

After listening to Liang Yan, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: "If that's the case, then I will take charge of the expedition this time. I want to see if the lives of these big demons are so hard!"


Ning Xia glanced at him in surprise, and hurriedly shook her head: "You are the master of the first palace, how can you go with this kind of thing? Well, since you are back, sit in the Bihai Palace for me and let me go to the border. Kill these rebellious monsters with thunder."

"Hehe, fellow Daoist Ning, don't argue with me about this matter, I have my own considerations."

Liang Yan waved his hand and interrupted Ning Xia with a smile.

"Bihai Palace is a powerful weapon of Peerless City, and its role is to shock the Quartet. If the strength of the Palace Master is not recognized, then the barbarians of the Quartet will not have a heart of awe. They will retreat after hearing my name, so that no one will dare to underestimate the Bihai Palace."

"This." After listening to Liang Yan's words, Ning Xia's face showed hesitation.

"That's right, but you are the lord of the first palace after all. If something goes wrong, how can I explain it to City Lord Linghu?" Ning Xia expressed her concerns.

"Don't worry, Liang is not a mindless and reckless man. When he arrives at the frontier battlefield, he will naturally have his own judgment. And you are familiar with the affairs of Bihai Palace. I can't handle most of them. It's messed up." Liang Yan persuaded with a smile.


After thinking about it, Ning Xia felt that what Liang Yan said was very reasonable. The man in gray before him was no longer the junior in the Golden Core Realm when he first joined Wushuang City.

To deal with several big demons in the Profound Opening Realm, with his methods, I believe there will be no danger.

"That's fine, but you have to be careful during this trip. Matters involving borders are never as simple as they appear on the surface." Ning Xia warned with some worry.

After listening to Liang Yan, he nodded and replied, "Fellow Daoist, don't worry, Liang is only here to suppress the rebellion. If he finds something tricky, he will definitely think twice."

"Okay, since this is the case, then I will arrange this matter for the palace master. However, the demon clan has been in rebellion for a long time, so there is no need to rush this moment. Palace master Liang has just returned to Peerless City, so it is better to cultivate for half a month. , or give me enough time to prepare the army."

"It's hard work, fellow Daoist Ning. By the way, I think the terrain here is a bit strange."

Liang Yan pointed to the map on the desk, and asked a few questions in his mind. These questions were related to the expedition against the demon clan. After Ning Xia heard it, she explained everything to him in detail.

The two discussed the details of the conquest of the demon clan in the study. It wasn't until midnight that all the details were finalized, and Liang Yan didn't bother anymore. He said goodbye to Ning Xia and left her room.

After that, Liang Yan returned to his residence and began to consolidate his cultivation.

When he returned from Xuanyuan Region, he not only cultivated supernatural powers such as Sword Infant and Tianlong Immortal Body, but his own cultivation has also grown. Now he is at the peak of Tongxuan, and he is only one step away from advancing to the Tribulation Realm.

It stands to reason that the cultivation base contained in the blood of the sage is enough for him to break through to the realm of robbery, but now the "sensation of heaven and man" has been delayed, and the arrival of the first difficulty is still far away.

"Where is the problem?"

Liang Yan was puzzled, but at this time he had no choice but to continue to consolidate his own cultivation, looking forward to the arrival of the "sensation of heaven and man".

"After this expedition, I will retreat in Bihai Palace to see if I can wait for my first difficulty."

Thinking of this, Liang Yan sighed softly, stabilized his mind, and sat up in seclusion in the room.

Ten days had passed since his retreat. During this period, Cang Yueming, Li Xiran, Bai Qingruo and others had all come to visit, but it was a pity that Liang Yan was a little upset and did not meet a few people.

On the evening of the tenth day, Liang Yan, who was in meditation, suddenly felt something, opened his eyes suddenly, and looked towards the north.


His eyes passed through the house, over the mountains, and finally landed in a valley in the mountains of Bihai Palace.

"Someone is breaking through?"

It stands to reason that if someone wants to break through this kind of thing, it can't alarm Liang Yan, but the vision he perceives is not a breakthrough in cultivation, but swordsmanship!

Liang Yan squinted his eyes, suddenly raised his hand and pinched a magic formula, and the figure in the room disappeared instantly.

The next moment, he appeared in the darkness, his whole body turned into a gray escaping light, galloped towards the north, and it didn't take long for him to come to the sky above a remote valley.

"If I remember correctly, this is called Wangyou Valley, right?"

Liang Yan remembered that this valley, although there was plenty of spiritual energy, but because of the poor geographical location, there were no monks living in Bihai Palace, so it was temporarily abandoned.

"I didn't expect that someone would choose to break through here"

Liang Yan pondered for a moment, pressed the escape light, quietly landed on the mountain outside the valley, and looked down.

In the valley, a mass of moon-white silver ashes gathered but did not disperse, twisted and tossed in mid-air, and countless sword qi shot out from the silver ashes, exuding a biting killing intent.

Liang Yan's attainment in kendo is extremely deep, and at this time, he just glanced at it and understood that the monks in this valley have reached the critical moment of condensing sword pills!

Feijian transformation into pills is an extremely dangerous process. A little carelessness will result in the destruction of the sword!

There were three reasons why Liang Yan was able to condense the sword pills successfully back then: first, he obtained the supreme secret technique of sword cultivation, the Daojianjing; Qingyu Sword Sect did his best to help him attain enlightenment at the last and most crucial moment.

These three aids are indispensable!

Today, the people in this valley have neither the help of fellow swordsmen, nor the swordsmanship of Xie Jianxian back then.

But even so, he still chose to break through here, and wanted to forcibly cultivate into a sword pill by himself.

"Difficult, difficult, difficult!"

Liang Yan looked at the constantly changing Yinhui in midair, shook his head slightly, and spat out three words "difficult" in a row.

He could see that the people in the valley should have underestimated the danger of the condensed sword pills. If this goes on, they will definitely be backlashed by their own sword intent. Even if they are lucky enough to save their lives, the flying sword of their own destiny will be damaged.

Sure enough, not long after Liang Yan arrived here, Yinhui in the valley suddenly twitched like crazy, and the huge sword energy spread out, seemingly out of control, and began to wreak havoc in the valley.

brush! brush! brush!

Countless silver sword energy was like a shooting star in the sky, piercing the tranquil valley full of holes, and the sword energy full of killing energy shot straight into the sky, exuding an icy chill.

At the same time, deep in the valley, there was a low scream.


The screams were quickly swallowed up by the violent sword qi. These out-of-control sword qi condensed together to form a sword qi storm full of killing intent, with a radius of 100 zhang, rising from the bottom of the valley and rushing straight into the sky. go.


The violent sword qi swept the entire valley, smashing everything to pieces!

At this moment, Liang Yan moved.

His feet lightly turned into a ray of light, which instantly appeared over the valley.

A huge sword intent emanated from his body, followed by a slap in the air, hitting the sword energy storm that had just risen in the valley!


A loud bang came, and the sword qi storm, which was originally aggressive and murderous, was pressed into the air by Liang Yan with a light palm, and could no longer spread out.

"Concentrate on one, hide the sword in the heart, mix all the pulses thoroughly, and the Tianzhu will not fall!"

Liang Yan's voice echoed in the valley, and the breakthrough person in the valley seemed to have realized something. After a moment of silence, the out of control sword qi suddenly gathered inward, and the violent killing intent gradually subsided.

"Du Sanhua, condense the true meaning, the divine fire burns the golden body, the whale swallows the blue abyss, the red dragon stirs the divine water, and all diseases turn into dust"

Sections of oral formulas were spit out from Liang Yan's mouth, but instead of shouting, they were sent directly to the consciousness of the man below by means of sound transmission.

His realm is extremely high, and he could see the clue at a glance just now.

This person in Gu Zhong's kendo cultivation base is not weak, and there are two main reasons for the error when condensing the sword pill.

One is that this person's cultivation technique is flawed. Of course, this is also a problem that occurs with most After all, the technique of sword cultivation has been lost. Or a low-grade sword technique.

The second is that this person has an eccentric personality and does not take the usual path. He actually wanted to condense the sword with killing intent, which caused him to be attacked by his own sword qi.

"You are too impatient, now start holding Yuan Shouyi, this seat will help you become enlightened!"

After teaching the heart method, Liang Yan's voice resounded in the valley again.

The man in the valley seemed to understand what Liang Yan meant. Although he could not answer for the time being, the sword energy in the air bent downward at the same time, as if he was bowing his head to Liang Yan.

The next moment, these sword qi roared away and re-entered into the silver light.

Liang Yan came from the wind, waved his right sleeve, and a cyan sword qi galloped out, just like the Qing Yu Jianzong helped him to become enlightened, he punched the sword qi into the group of silver brilliance.

The difference is that back then, the entire Qingyu Sword Sect, including the sect master, had a total of more than 3,000 people, and together they couldn't compare to the sword energy of Liang Yan now!

Yinhui in mid-air got the help of his sword qi, and quickly stabilized, and the man in the valley listened to the mental formula he taught, and completely sobered up from the state of going crazy.

The next moment, the silver light above the valley gathered inwards, getting smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a silver pill, spinning up and down in mid-air.

"Soul Soul Killing Intent Sword!"

As the sword pill took shape, a figure in the valley flew high into the sky and came to Liang Yan. It was his old acquaintance, Situ Kuangsheng!

ps: Are there any fellow Taoists who would like to make a cameo role in this book? Daoist friends who want to make a cameo role can find Zhuzi's top post in the book review area of ​​the starting point pp, and leave your name in it. If it is accepted, Zhuzi will write the role of the Daoist friend in the book.

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