The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1299: show up

"That is........"

"A civet cat?"


In mid-air, looking at the snow-white little beast roaming freely in the sea of ​​​​fire below, whether it is a human or a demon, there is a strange look on his face.

"It has the breath of our demon clan, and it is the same kind." The Aries King said in a deep voice.

"Although it has the breath of the same family, I always feel that it is a bit different from us. What is this little guy?" The wheel-turning king frowned slightly.

"Don't care what it is, the important thing now is, where did Liang Yan go?!" King Daxian shouted in his shrill voice.

"Maybe this civet cat knows something. If you catch it and ask, the truth will be revealed." King Hundu said, with a cold look in his eyes.

The nine demon kings talked a lot, but they didn't notice the expressions on the faces of Wei Changfeng, Liu Yongtai, and True Lord Agni.

Looking at the white beast in the sea of ​​​​fire, the three people's faces were full of horror. After looking at each other, they all took a step back.

The Ten Directions Skyfire Formation is not an ordinary formation!

Those monsters don't understand the formation method, but the three human monks know it all too well. In order to deal with the legendary master of the Bihai Palace, they have exhausted the resources of the Anti-Monster Alliance and formed the ten great fire powers of this formation. It is extremely strong, and the monks below the Tribulation Realm are almost unstoppable.

But the little white beast in the shape of a civet cat in front of him was swimming freely in the sea of ​​​​fire, and there was no sign of any strangeness, which was enough to show that it was terrifying.

"What kind of monster is this.... The Ten Directions Skyfire Array can't even hurt a single hair of it?" Liu Yongtai secretly said.

"I don't know this seat, but it looks like I'm still enjoying it?" True Monarch Raging Fire also said through voice transmission.

"It's not right, it's not right!"

Wei Changfeng's eyes were full of surprise, and when he looked around, he suddenly felt a chill down his spine.

"There is a problem! There may be a trap here! I will take a step first, and leave everyone!"

Abandoning these words, Wei Changfeng suddenly lit up his body, and regardless of Liu Yongtai and True Monarch Raging Fire beside him, he turned and flew into the night in the distance.

However, just when he just flew out of the distance of about a hundred meters, in the dark night, a powerful space force suddenly spread out, and his escape light was forcibly imprisoned in the air!

Then, a voice sounded in the night:

"Leader Wei, why do you have to leave in such a hurry? Since you are here, you should have a good time."

Hearing this voice, Wei Changfeng was stunned for a moment, and then exclaimed:

"Liang Yan!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a circle of transparent ripples spread out under the night sky, followed by a few figures walking out of the void.

The first person, tall and grey in a long robe, was Liang Yan, the master of the Bihai Palace.

Behind him, a lot of people stood side by side. In addition to the named disciple Bai Qingruo, there were also the head of Yuchan Cave, Zhou Rui, who had already "betrayed", Xiong Jie, the Sect Master of the Tianzong Sect, and You Boshe, the Sect Master of the Fengshen Sect who went to hunt them down. , Chisongguan Guanzhu Songhezi.

"How shouldn't..."

This time, it was Wei Changfeng's turn to be surprised and even a little incoherent.

"We should all be trapped in a maze by you, right?"

Zhou Rui, the head of Yuchan Cave, took his words and said with a smile: "I thought I was going to suffer this time, but I didn't expect your every move to be seen through. People were rescued."

Having said this, her goosebumps face burst into a strange smile, her eyes swept over Bai Qingruo, and she looked quite appreciative.

Xiong Jie, who entrusted Tianzong, looked angry and shouted loudly: "Wei Changfeng! I have been investigating the inside of the Anti-Monster Alliance for many years, but I didn't expect that the biggest spy is actually the leader of the alliance! You are a human race, but colluding with the demon race, it's damned. !"

Beside Xiong Jie, Fengshenzong You Boshe also glared angrily and shouted: "Wei Changfeng, you despicable person, you have killed so many righteous people of my human race, it is not a pity to die!"

"Hmph, what are you talking about with him, you're just a self-righteous person who is just sitting on the well and watching the sky, actually trying to compete with Palace Master Liang for strengths and weaknesses. It's like hitting a stone with an egg. It's ridiculous!" Chisongguan Songhezi sneered.


Wei Changfeng's face was ashen, but before he could speak, four more figures appeared quietly in the east, south, west, and north directions of the canyon.

After the four of them appeared, without much to say, each took out a command flag, poured the spiritual power into it, and waved it lightly in the air, and immediately a layer of purple rays of light emerged, connecting with each other. The entire canyon is covered in it.

"It's you!"

Wei Changfeng saw who was coming, and couldn't help screaming. It turned out that these four were Situ Kuangsheng, Cang Yueming, Song Ru, and Yu Xiangwan!

At this time, he understood everything. It turned out that Liang Yan had already seen through everything, and he was pretending to be confused from beginning to end, just to show himself.

"you you you!"

Three "you" in a row, Wei Changfeng pointed at Liang Yan, but didn't know what to say.

He has always boasted of being wise, but now he realizes that this is shooting himself in the foot.

"Hehe, Alliance Leader Wei seems to have miscalculated. You don't really think that Liang will believe that list and roadmap?"

In the darkness of night, Liang Yan showed a smile that was not a smile.

Just kidding, how could something as important as the list be stolen by a few cultivators from the Primordial Gathering Realm?

And that piece of information, it didn't appear early, didn't appear late, and it happened to appear on the route of your army?

Taking 10,000 steps back, even if it was a coincidence, this information was stolen by a few monks in the Primordial Gathering Realm, but for such an important thing, how could the Yaozu send a few young men with only the strength of the Primordial Gathering Realm? Demons come to hunt them down?

To put it bluntly, Tie Tu, Hua Yao, Venerable Vulture, and those little demons who were wiped out were all just abandoned sons of the demon clan, and the purpose was to get this information into their own hands.

As for why they knew their marching routes.

This question is very simple. Since the demon clan has traitors, there may also be eyeliners along the way.

The army of Bihai Palace set off from Wushuang City and rushed to the southwest border. They did not hide their breath along the way. Perhaps they were discovered by some eyeliners and passed on to the border monsters by special means.

So this time the demon army came out in full force, not to deal with the anti-demon alliance, but to deal with themselves.

As for the list, it is naturally true and false. After all, the lies are all seven points true and three points false. Most of the monks on the list are indeed traitors, but once the high-level Anti-Monster League is involved, they must have done something.

The names of Zhou Rui and Xiong Jie appeared on it, obviously to mislead themselves, so as to hide Wei Changfeng, the biggest spy.

There is also a road map for the march, which is also to mislead himself. The splitting attack of the four demon kings is just a cover. The purpose is to let him dispatch the available people around him, so that he will become a loner, and it is convenient for Wei Changfeng and the demon clan to do it.

From the moment Liang Yan arrived at the Anti-Monster League, he had thoroughly analyzed the ins and outs of the whole thing, but he did not know who the spy of the Anti-Monster League was, and all this was just his guess, and there was no such thing as Conclusive evidence, simply came a smooth sailing.

He kept calm and dispatched Situ Kuangsheng, Cang Yueming, Song Ru, and Yu Xiangwan as the traitor had hoped. The traitor let down his guard and showed his feet.

And in order to prevent Cang Yueming and the others from leaking the news, Liang Yan even hid it from them, didn't say anything about his plan, just gave each of them a tip.

When Cang Yueming, Situ Kuangsheng and the others left the Anti-Monster Alliance and opened the bag, only then did they understand Liang Yan's true arrangement......

This night, "Baizhangyuan" is doomed to not be peaceful.

"What a good Palace Master Liang, so you know everything, but you pretend to be deaf and dumb in front of me!"

Wei Changfeng narrowed his eyes, and secretly leaned in the direction of the nine demon kings.

"Hehe, Alliance Leader Wei is like an old fox. If Liang doesn't do this, how will you show your fox's tail? How can you catch the nine demon kings in one go?" Liang Yan stood with his hands behind his back in mid-air, with a faint expression on his face. smile.

"Huh! Your tone is not small!"

Wei Changfeng sneered and said, "What if you see through my plan? You only have nine True Monarchs of Tongxuan by your side, and there are nine demon kings on my side. It's still unclear who will be killed on both sides. The Lord seems to have ordered us!"

At the same time as he spoke, he had already retreated to the vicinity of the demon clan together with Liu Yongtai and Raging Fire Master.

"Nine Demon Kings?"

Liang Yan raised his eyebrows, laughed and said, "What kind of **** are they! Do chickens and tiles like dogs deserve to be called Demon Kings? Hmph, I don't even have to take action against these beasts, just a stick of incense effort. , let them fly into ashes and annihilate!"



"The mere human race, don't be mad!"

When the nine demon kings heard this, they were all furious. Among them, the Aries king shouted: "Wu that little thief, don't think you are the master of the Bihai Palace. Supernatural powers are even better!"

King Hundu shouted: "The human monks who have died in my hands over the years, there are no one thousand or eight hundred. I have never seen you so crazy. I will twist your head off today for a drink!"

"Don't rob me!"

King Juli smiled and said: "This kid doesn't know how high the sky is, and he dares to underestimate the magical powers of our demon clan. Today I will let him open his eyes!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he stepped out one step, holding a giant spirit battle axe, and rushed in the direction of Liang Yan.

"These monster clans are really stupid. They will take the initiative to take the initiative after a little provocation. It's just right, let them make the first battle and try the methods of Palace Master Liang for me. Loud, at this time, instead of stepping forward, he secretly took a few steps back.

At this moment, in the sea of ​​​​fire below, a stormy sea suddenly turned up.


The huge wave of flames rose into the sky like a tidal wave, and the little white beast that was roaming comfortably at the bottom of the sea of ​​​​fire has now rushed into the air.

This little beast is naturally Li Xiaosong.

Since Liang Yan saw through Wei Changfeng's conspiracy, he would not enter the battle. He let Li Xiaosong pretend to be himself, and the deity hid in the nearby void, and taught the latter how to perform through telepathy with Li Xiaosong.

After all the nine demon kings appeared, he let Li Xiaosong show his true body.


As the white civet cat flew into the air, its appearance was also constantly changing, flame clouds appeared on its forehead, golden lines appeared on its body, and its pupils became black and white, which looked very strange.

"court death!"

King Juli was flying halfway at this time, and suddenly saw a white civet cat blocking the way, the size of which was not even the size of the soles of his own feet.

He gained the Tao from an idol and cultivated the power of a thousand elephants. His foot was like a mountain pressing the top, and the nearby void was distorted by stepping on it.

However, Li Xiaosong did not panic in the slightest. Instead, his face was excited. He did not dodge or evade. He stood up straight in the air and threw a punch upwards.

This little fist has no imposing manner, not even any spiritual power fluctuations.

But when King Juli's big feet fell, he let out a scream like a pig.


King Juli cried out in pain, all the monsters looked at them intently, and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

I saw that little fist, and stabbed Juli King's big feet in the opposite The head of the white civet cat was exposed from the feet, and there was blood on his face. At this time, he was grinning. It was kind of terrifying.

"How is that possible?!" The Aries King cried out when he saw the scene in front of him.

Not only him, but all the other demon kings also showed horror.

You must know that King Juli is an idol, with extraordinary talent, and he has never practiced any magical powers for thousands of years, only focusing on polishing his own body.

His physical strength can be regarded as the top among the nine demon kings, but now he was pierced by a small civet cat?

This is not over yet, the shock of the nine demon kings is still behind.

I saw the white civet cat covering his nose with his hand, and his face showed dissatisfaction.

"How many years have you not washed your feet? Why does it smell so bad! Miss I won't play with you anymore!"

As soon as the words fell, the white civet cat rose into the sky, and its two small claws stretched forward and touched the forehead of Juli King.

"What are you going to do?"

King Juli's voice trembled a little, no matter how much, he waved his hand and slapped it on his forehead.

However, before his palm fell, he saw that the white civet cat suddenly exerted force, and its two claws pierced Juli King's forehead and ripped it to the left and right.


A loud tearing sound came, and in mid-air, the huge giant giant was grabbed on the forehead by a white civet cat that was countless times smaller than him, and was torn in half!


Under the night, it is extremely quiet!

All the demon kings, as well as Wei Changfeng, Liu Yongtai and others, were too shocked to speak at this time.

Who would have thought that the dignified demon king would have his forehead open in public and torn in half because his feet were so stinky?

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