The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1303: 1 sword breaks the sky

"It's you!"

Although it was the first time they met, Zhenjun Ling Xiao had once obtained Liang Yan's portrait from Nanchui, so he recognized him at a glance.

"Haha, I heard that True Monarch Ling Xiao is looking for you?"

The gray-clothed man smiled slightly and said, "It's better to hit the sun if you choose a day. Liang happened to pass by the precious land, so I won't bother True Monarch Ling Xiao, and I will come to visit in person!"

"Why did he come here? Didn't you say that he is only in the middle stage of Jindan?" True Monarch Hongyun frowned and carefully looked at the man in gray in front of him, but found that he could not see through the other's cultivation!

"What are you panicking about!"

Zhenjun Ling Xiao calmed down, his eyes narrowed slightly and said: "This kid is indeed the person I wanted back then. Eighty years ago, he was only in the early stage of Jindan. Even if there are any adventures in these eighty years, can he still Better than you and me?"

"That's true!"

True Monarch Hongyun also calmed down at this time.

Although I don't know why, Zuo Kongkong and Zhu Cui'er were both controlled, but together they were not a match for True Monarch Hongyun alone.

The remaining True Monarch Lingxiao, the realm of Tongxuan peak, will naturally be able to deal with a mere Liang Yan.

"That's right, but since this kid dares to come, there must be something else behind him, so we'd better be careful." True Monarch Hongyun said secretly.

"Ye understands."

True Monarch Ling Xiao nodded, looked at Liang Yan, and said with a smile: "Liang Yan, is it not a good time to hide in XZ? What? I don't want to hide today, and I want to come here to find a good time?"

"Today is indeed to find a good time!"

Liang Yan smiled slightly, and said: "Since the moment Liang arrived at the Antarctic Immortal Continent, he has been under the 'care' of True Monarch Ling Xiao, and this 'kindness' Liang always remembers in his heart, and today it happened to be returned. It's time."

"It's just you?" True Monarch Ling Xiao snorted coldly with a look of disdain on his face.

"I don't think you are stupid. Since you dare to show up in front of this seat, you must have something to rely on. Let's talk about how many helpers you brought and let them all show up. Even if you go together, what will Yemou do? Is there any fear?"

He said these words very arrogantly, with a sense of contempt for the heroes, but at the same time as he spoke, his right hand was hidden in his sleeve, and he smashed a jade talisman without a trace.

This move was extremely secretive, and True Monarch Ling Xiao thought that he would never be able to see it with Liang Yan's cultivation, but at the moment when he smashed the jade talisman, Liang Yan seemed to feel something, and there was a smile on his face. playful color.

"Fellow Daoist Lingxiao, you don't have to waste your time to delay. No one will come today. Because this house has been swept away inside and out, now only the two of you are left."

Liang Yandandan's voice resounded in the courtyard, and fell into the ears of True Monarch Lingxiao and True Monarch Hongyun, but it was like a thunderbolt from the blue!

You must know that there are hundreds of cultivators in Qixing City they brought, among them, there are seven True Monarch Tongxuan, except for Zuo Kongkong and other three who are out to perform tasks, there are four others who are guarding in this secret stronghold. many.

And the act of smashing the jade talisman just now was to notify the monks outside the house, so that they and himself would form a two-sided siege, so that he would not be afraid of the monks that Liang Yan secretly brought.

But now, these cultivators haven't moved at all. Is it really as the other party said, they were all solved by him without knowing it?

What's even more frightening is that the two of them are chatting and chatting here, and they haven't noticed it from beginning to end?


Silent silence!

In the quiet house, time passed bit by bit, and it took more than a dozen breaths since True Monarch Ling Xiao broke the jade talisman.

If it was the usual way, someone should have come in to listen to the order long ago.

But now, there is silence all around, and the entire courtyard in the mountain is dead, like a dead house!

At this time, True Monarch Ling Xiao and True Monarch Hongyun finally believed Liang Yan's words.

"You... Who are you? How many people have you brought?" True Monarch Ling Xiao looked at Liang Yan with a hint of fear in his eyes.

"Fellow Daoist Ling Xiao, I'm afraid we are all wrong."

Zhenjun Hongyun suddenly sighed and said slowly: "It seems that the 'Liang Yan' you wanted back then is the current master of the Bihai Palace, Liang Yan!"

True Monarch Ling Xiao is not stupid either. Hearing what he said, he instantly came to his senses.

Yeah, otherwise why would it be such a coincidence?

Four Tongxuan True Monarchs and hundreds of elite cultivators were wiped out without anyone noticing.

But at this time, the only person with such strength in the surrounding area is probably the Palace Master of Bihai Palace!

"Okay, it turned out that the hairy boy back then climbed up Gaozhi and became the palace master of Bihai Palace!" True Monarch Ling Xiao gritted his teeth, his face showing anger and unwillingness.

"Fellow Daoist Lingxiao, the arrival of the Bihai Palace army here means that our actions have been exposed. It is not advisable to stay here for a long time, and we must leave quickly!"


True Monarch Ling Xiao narrowed his eyes, and did not prepare to retreat like True Monarch Hongyun, but instead said through a voice: "Daoist Hongyun, if we retreat at this time, our operation this time will be considered a complete failure. It also exposed our purpose, which is very unfavorable for future actions. If we go back like this, how will the city owner view us?"

"But we have already exposed that the Bihai Palace army is just outside the door. Is there any way to turn the situation around?"

"Hey, fellow Daoists should know the truth of catching the thief first and catching the king!"

True Monarch Ling Xiao's eyes showed a hint of ruthlessness, and he shouted through voice transmission: "This kid is arrogant and arrogant! He dares to appear in front of you and me alone, isn't this a good opportunity from God? As long as we catch it This person, taking him as a hostage, the Bihai Palace army will not dare to act rashly. Think about it, if you and I capture the dignified Bihai Palace master alive, will the city owner still blame us for not doing things well?"

"It makes sense!"

True Monarch Hongyun squinted his eyes, pressed down the escape light that had just lit up all over his body again, and secretly said through a voice transmission: "As the so-called wealth and wealth are at risk! Since this kid dares to be so big, if the two of us are really caught by him Scared away, wouldn’t it be ridiculed if it spreads out in the future?”

"That's the truth!"

True Monarch Ling Xiao said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Hongyun, you and I have cooperated many times, and we have never missed a match before, and it is the same today. Later, you will use the 'Three Immortals Red Cloud Miasma' to block the space around him. , don't let him have the opportunity to send out a distress signal and create a heads-up environment for the two of us."

When he said this, he licked his lips, and a grim smile appeared on his face.

"Ten breaths of time! I only need ten breaths of time to capture this person alive, and let the master of the Bihai Palace know what it means to be in pain!"

"it is good!"

True Monarch Hongyun shouted loudly. This time, he did not use the technique of sound transmission, but instead shouted directly.

He used his supernatural powers in the roar, causing Zuo Kongkong and Zhu Cui'er to take a few steps backwards. closed up.

After closing the house, True Monarch Hongyun took another deep breath, then opened his mouth and spit out a talisman from his mouth.

This talisman was bright red, and as soon as it appeared, it stirred the surrounding red clouds, as if the commander in the formation was giving orders.

This is the seal of life that True Monarch Hongyun cultivated: "Xianyun Seal"! It is also the foundation of all his Taoist magical powers. Once this order is issued, it can condense the "Three Immortals and Red Cloud Miasmas", which is a very strange space sealing technique. Breaking the seal of this spell within a period of time is also an extremely difficult thing to do.

All this is a long story, but from the time Ling Xiao and Hongyun decided to do it, to the appearance of "Xianyun Yin", it only took a few breaths.

At this moment, the house was filled with "Three Immortals Red Cloud Miasma", and as the "Xianyun Yin" flickered, these red clouds began to roll inwards, and Liang Yan was trapped in the middle in an instant.

"Haha, it's done!"

Seeing that Liang Yan was not dodging or evading, Zhenjun Hongyun thought it was because of his own magical powers that he was completely confused.

"After all, this kid is young in Taoism. Although I don't understand how he broke through to the middle stage of Tongxuan in such a short period of time, his fighting skills can't keep up at all, and he just missed the best time to get out of trouble!"

"Old man, I have already set up a barrier for you. As long as I am here, even if the army of the Bihai Palace comes from outside, it will not be able to break the seal of this space in a short time. The rest is up to Daoist Ling Xiao."

Hearing the words of True Monarch Hongyun, True Monarch Lingxiao was excited, and he laughed: "This is enough! This person is just a loose cultivator from Nanchui, and he became the master of Bihai Palace by chance. I can turn the world upside down! Today I will let him see what an absolute strength gap is!"

As soon as the words fell, the figure of Ling Xiao Zhenjun had disappeared in place.

He was cultivating the "Heavenly Stone Magical World". The power of the back soil in his body was endless and continuous. At this time, just a thought, five stone statues rose from the courtyard.

In order to capture Liang Yan in the shortest possible time, Zhenjun Ling Xiao did his best as soon as he made a move!

These five stone statues are the gods of war that he condensed with the magical power of Shimen. In terms of attack power, each of them is no less than the monks in the later stage of Tongxuan. catch.

And Ye Tianling himself, in the process of rushing forward, covered his whole body with the power of the back earth, and built a back earth armor for himself. Not only the defensive power is terrifying, but the attack power has also reached his highest level. peak.

"Liang Yan, let you escape for 80 years, and since it's delivered to your door today, I will not hesitate to unblock the 'Five Divine Seals' and lose 50 years of skill, and I will also take your head in the Ten Thousand Army Cong!"

Ye Tianling was ruthless in his heart, and his face showed a ferocious look. He led the five gods of war from the back soil and rushed into the "Three Immortals and Red Cloud Miasmas" in an instant.

Entering the interior of Hongyun, I saw the man in gray standing with his arms and hands behind him, his eyes looking around casually, and he didn't seem to be flustered at all.

The more determined the other party was, the more annoyed Ye Tianling felt in his heart.

In his subconscious, Liang Yan is like a bug. In the past, you could crush him at will, and even hide from XZ under your pursuit. But suddenly one day, you find that this bug is no longer afraid of you. Not only is it not afraid, but it also takes the initiative to come to you and show off its might in front of you.

In Ye Tianling's heart, this is simply a great humiliation!

"Liang Yan, what if you become the master of the Bihai Palace? In front of me, you are always a bug!"

No one was around at this time, Ye Tianling didn't have to hide himself, he laughed wildly, the spiritual power in his body was running, and the five gods of war from the back land together with him punched and hit Liang Yan's head.

"It seems that Daoist Ling Xiao is very confident?"

In the red cloud, Liang Yan smiled slightly, pinched a sword tactic with one hand, and a green light flew out from the Taixu gourd around his waist, and stroked lightly into the air.


A crack opened in the void, and countless sword energies rushed out. The statue of Houtu, which was at the forefront, was slashed by these sword energies, and immediately shattered into pieces, turning into bits of dust floating in the air.

The speed of this sword is too fast!

Ye Tianling didn't even respond!

He still kept his forward-forward posture, but his eyes suddenly became a little confused, because his "five gods" were loose in his body, and one-fifth of the power of the back soil that he had cultivated for thousands of years suddenly disappeared at this moment.


Ye Tianling murmured, but before he could react, there were explosions one after another.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Liang Yan only made one strike, but there were four explosions in a row.

After the explosion, the remaining four gods of war were destroyed, and the "five gods" also disintegrated in Ye Tianling's body.

At this time, Ye Tianling had just come to his senses. Although he was still galloping forward, his eyes were full of horror!

"you you!"

It was as if he had seen the most terrifying Ye Tianling couldn't even utter a word. After two words "you" in a row, he stopped his escape abruptly, then turned around and walked out of the red cloud. fly away.

How arrogant when he came, and how embarrassed he was when he ran away!

Although Liang Yan only made one strike, this strike broke his Daoist foundation. Ye Tianling had been on the battlefield for a long time, so how could he not see that the opponent's strength had already crushed him?

Faced with the horror of life and death, Ye Tianling didn't care about his dignity anymore.

As he flew away, he cried out in mourning:

"Fellow Daoist Hongyun, quickly unlock the spell and let me out!"

"Hongyun! You immortal old man! I tell you to quickly untie these damned barriers and let me out!"


On the periphery of the Three Immortals Red Cloud Miasma, True Monarch Red Cloud was holding his hands behind his back at this time, and the old **** was on the ground guarding the door.

This magical power can block the space and isolate the consciousness, and even he himself does not know what is going on inside.

However, True Monarch Hongyun has great confidence in Ye Tianling. After all, the other party is a cultivator at the peak of Tongxuan, and his methods are clever. If he shoots and captures a cultivator in the middle of Tongxuan, wouldn't that be the case?

All I have to do is to guard the red cloud and prevent the monks from the Bihai Palace from coming in to make trouble.

From the time Ye Tianling entered the barrier to the present, only three breaths had passed, and there were still seven breaths left before the ten-breath covenant made by him!

"Hey, Fellow Daoist Ye, you can rest assured! The old man has faith in his words, saying that ten breaths are ten breaths! Even if the king of heaven is here today, I can't open my 'Three Immortals Red Cloud Miasmas' in advance!"

While talking to himself, True Monarch Hongyun looked at the rolling red clouds in the courtyard. He seemed to be very satisfied with the barrier he set up, and a smile appeared on his face......

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