The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1318: Wanjia

The teleportation circle of Linglong Palace was activated, and the huge power of space enveloped Liang Yan.

A dazzling white light filled the surroundings, followed by space changes, and the stars shifted. During the period, it seemed to pass through the endless void, and it seemed to cross the countless star seas.

I don't know how long it took, just when Liang Yan felt dizzy, the surrounding scenery suddenly stopped changing, a crack appeared in the void ahead, and Liang Yan fell from the crack.

The dizziness gradually dissipated as the soles of the feet stepped on.

Liang Yan calmed down, looked around, and saw that he was in a dark and damp cave with a huge teleportation circle under his feet.

This teleportation circle is different from the one in Linglong Palace. It is covered with dust and looks very worn. Obviously, no one has taken care of it for a long time.

"From the three southern cities of Xianzhou, Antarctica, to Mount Kunwu in the extreme west, the distance of this transmission is too far..."

Liang Yan sighed in his heart, then shook his head, expelling the last trace of discomfort in his mind.

He walked down from the teleportation formation, looked around, and found that although there were some defensive restrictions in this cave, most of them were dilapidated and could not stop anyone at all.

"It seems that the monks in Kunwu City have abandoned this teleportation circle... eh?"

Liang Yan was carefully observing the surroundings of the cave, suddenly frowned, and looked at the entrance of the cave.

Outside the cave, the sound of breaking through the air whistled, and after a while, three rays of light descended from the sky and landed near the entrance of the cave at the same time.

"Which fellow Daoist is visiting?"

Before anyone came in, a hearty voice came in first.

Liang Yan squinted his eyes, but did not answer, but fixed his eyes on the position of the hole.

Not long after, the three figures walked into the cave at the same time.

When the first person was wearing a soap robe, he had a childish face, and his cultivation had reached the middle stage of Tongxuan. And there were two people behind him, one was a brawny man with disheveled hair, and the other was a beautiful woman in green clothes. The two of them were slightly inferior in cultivation, but both were in the early stage of Tongxuan.

"Who are you?"

Liang Yan stood with his hands behind his back, glanced at the three of them, and said Dandan.

He did not answer the previous question, but asked directly. Unexpectedly, the three of them were not angry at all, but more polite.

The white-haired old man said with a smile: "In Xia Wanhai, behind me are my clansmen Wanjinglong and Wanlinger. I don't know what you call your friends. Why do you want to use the teleportation array to enter our Kunshan region?"

"Wan Hai?"

Liang Yan raised his brows, and he suddenly remembered that Ning Xia had reminded herself before departure that Kunshan Domain was not as lined with sects as Wushuang Domain, and had many forces. In the entire Kunshan region, except for Kunwu City, there are only the four major cultivation families.

These four major families are Bai, Tong, Kong, and Wan, and they each guard a border of Kunshan Region, which is regarded as the direct force of Kunwu City.

The three people in front of them are all surnamed Wan, and their cultivation bases are not low. Could it be that they are the Wan family of the four major families?

Thinking of this, Liang Yan put away his indifference and said with a laugh: "It turned out to be a cultivator of Wanjia. He was in Liangzhidao, and he came from Wushuang City. Although he has lived in the south for a long time, he has also heard of Wanjia's name, and he has admired it for a long time!"

When he first came to Kunshan, he didn't want to cause trouble. This Wan family was obviously a self-cultivation force like local snakes. Liang Yan would not easily offend him unless it was a last resort.

"Liang Zhidao......"

The three of the Wan family looked at each other and saw a dazed look in each other's eyes.

In the end, Wan Hai took a step forward and smiled at Liang Yan: "Kunshan Domain and Wushuang Domain are far apart, and it takes a huge amount of resources to open the teleportation array once. As far as I know, the entire Wushuang City is eligible to use this teleportation array. Yes, apart from the city lord Linghu Bai, there are only five palace lords, do you know which palace lord your friend is?"

Liang Yan didn't expect him to say this, he was stunned for a moment, then he laughed and said: "Fellow Daoist Wan is joking, Liang is only the master of the Xuanxuan realm, how can he be the master of the first palace? This time it is for our Bihai Palace. According to the order of the palace master, come to the area west of Kunshan to find a kind of spiritual object, because the time is tight and the distance is long, so I made an exception to help me open the teleportation circle."

"I see!"

The three of the Wan family nodded at the same time, with expressions of deep agreement. Obviously, they all felt that Liang Yan's cultivation was definitely not the master of the first palace. The reason why he asked that just now was just a test.

Regarding Liang Yan's answer, although it is impossible to tell the truth from the fake, it is at least reasonable and can't pick out any thorns.

"It turned out to be the envoy of the Palace Master of Bihai Palace, disrespectful and disrespectful!"

Wan Hai bowed to Liang Yan, and his tone became more polite.

"Mr. Daoist Wan is very polite." Liang Yan smiled and waved his hand: "Liang is here on order this time, and the task is urgent. May I ask which direction of the Broken Void Mountain is here?"

Although he had read the map before he came, the map was the distribution map of the entire Antarctic Immortal Continent. As for the destination of his trip, Broken Void Mountain, he just marked an approximate location on the map. After all, it involves the same seven mountains. It is impossible to leak the detailed map of Kunwu City of the Twelve Cities.

"Shattered Void Mountain? It's already in ruins, what are you doing there, fellow Daoist?" Wan Hai asked in surprise.

"Hehe, Liang is just acting on orders, I can't say more, I hope fellow Daoists understand." Liang Yan snorted, but did not answer his question.

Wan Hai also seemed to be aware of the inappropriateness, and quickly apologized: "Fellow Daoist Liang, forgive me, Wan is just curious for a while, and doesn't mean to offend."

When he said this, he paused for a while, and then continued: "Smashed Void Mountain is not in the Kunshan area, starting from here, we have to go straight west, and the road is very long... Fellow Daoist came from a long way, Why don't you come to our Wanjia for a while, our Wanjia owner is hospitable and will treat you with wine..."

"Friend Wan."

Liang Yan shook his head and interrupted him directly.

"I appreciate the kindness of Patriarch Wan, but Liang's task is urgent this time, and he really doesn't have time to stay, so he won't talk about it in the house."

After listening to Wan Hai, he smiled slightly and said, "Fellow Daoist Liang, you don't know, the Kunshan region has been in turmoil recently, and our Wan Patriarch has ordered martial law. If you start from here and head west, the Wanjia search team you will encounter along the way may not be enough. Ten, if you don't have the customs clearance documents of Wan Patriarch in your hand, I'm afraid you won't be able to pass this many hurdles."

"Is there such a thing?"

Liang Yan frowned, a look of contemplation on his face.

To be honest, the so-called numerous hurdles along the way could not resist Liang Yan at all. With his supernatural powers, he could pass all the way hard.

But in this way, it is inevitable to start killing people, and at that time, the ten thousand families of the four major families will be completely offended.

I have traveled all the way here to find a way to solve the "jealousy", not to cause trouble. The Shattered Void Mountain is near the Kunshan Domain. If the method of cracking the "Ten's Jealousy" has anything to do with the Kunshan Domain, wouldn't it be shooting itself in the foot?

There is still more than half a year before the time agreed by the ghost hand scholar. It only takes a few days to meet the owner of the Wanjia family. As long as you get the customs clearance token, you can go all the way without hindrance.

After weighing the pros and cons in his head, Liang Yan smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Since the Wan family is so hospitable, then Liang will be disrespectful."

"Haha, our Wanjia Patriarch must be very happy to see a young and handsome young fellow like Liang Daoyou."

Wan Hai smiled happily and stepped aside.

"Fellow Daoist Liang, please."

"Friend Wan, please!"

The two greeted each other politely and walked out of the cave side by side.

Out of the cave, a cold air blows!

Liang Yan looked up and saw that it was a world of ice and snow, surrounded by silver clothes, and the snow was flying in the air!

A penetrating cold air spread from the pores into the body. Although Liang Yan's cultivation base would not suffer any damage, it still made him feel a little cool.

"It is rumored that Kunwu City is located at the top of Kunshan, and Kunshan is located in the extreme west of the mainland. It is covered by ice and snow all year round. When I see it today, it really lives up to its reputation!"

Liang Yan glanced at the surrounding scenery and couldn't help but praise.

After hearing this, Wan Hai gave a wry smile, shook his head and said, "What's so strange about this scenery? It can't be compared to your southern cave, and I think back then....... "

Seeing him sigh, Liang Yan also knew it in his heart.

Regarding the history of Kunshan Region, Liang Yan had already learned a lot from Ning Xia before he set off.

Tens of thousands of years ago, there were no Seven Mountains and Twelve Cities at that time. Kunwu Mountain was the ancestral court of cultivation in the entire Antarctic Immortal Continent, and was known as the Kunwu Holy Land.

The Dao Fruit Festival, held every thousand years, was held on Mount Kunwu. At that time, it attracted thousands of sects to come to the court, and the style was extraordinary!

It is a pity that the good times did not last long. With the evolution of history, the vicissitudes of life, and Kunwu Mountain eventually declined. After that, the saints of Xianzhou in Antarctica appeared frequently, and the heroes rose together, and gradually evolved into the current situation.

The treasures on Kunwu Mountain have long been divided up by everyone, and even the cultivation forces on the mountain have been wiped out. Only the descendants of the four major families, Bai, Tong, Kong, and Wan, are still lingering in the mountains.

If the situation continues like this, it will be a matter of time before the four major families are kicked out of Kunwu Mountain, but a handyman servant of the Bai family is extremely talented and has strong luck. Achieve the status of a sage, that is, Xiao Kunlun later.

Xiao Kunlun was born to the concubine of the Bai family and a handyman. Although his status was low, he was not bullied in the Bai family.

On the contrary, when the Patriarch of the Bai family saw his talent, he spared no effort in cultivating him, not only taking him as an adopted son, but also pouring the resources of the Bai family on him.

Later, Xiao Kunlun lived up to expectations and achieved the status of a saint, and the Bai family also became the head of the four major families at the same time.

However, the saint is ruthless. After Xiao Kunlun was sanctified, even if he was the head of the Bai family, he would no longer dare to call himself his adoptive father.

Under the leadership of Xiao Kunlun, Kunwu City gradually regained its prestige. After seeing how powerful he was, no one dared to come to the Kunshan Region to plunder. It was just that the Kunshan Region was looted too much at the beginning, and many spiritual veins were destroyed. The spiritual energy here is expensive, the weather is cold and the ground is freezing, and the style of the past will never be restored.

This is also the reason why, in the huge Kunshan region, there are only four major cultivating families, but not a single sect power.

Knowing this history, Liang Yan also had some understanding of Wan Hai's sigh.

"Fellow Daoist Wan, although the Kunshan area is barren, as far as I know, City Lord Xiao built Kunwu City on the top of Kunshan, opened up space with great magical powers, and transplanted spiritual veins. The monks of your four major families can also cultivate. Wouldn't it be difficult?"

"Oh, fellow Daoist doesn't know anything."

Wan Hai sighed and said: "City Lord Xiao has a weird temper. Although Kunwu City was built on the top of Kunshan, it is not as prosperous as your Peerless City. He only allows his disciples and their relatives and friends to live in it, and the rest of the monks live in it. , Even people from our four major families are not allowed to enter without permission!"

"Is there such a thing?"

After Liang Yan heard this, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

He had heard from Ning Xia before that Xiao Kunlun was very withdrawn, but he didn't expect to be so withdrawn that no one except his apprentice was seen.

"Fellow Daoist Wan, in fact, I still have a question in my heart...Three hundred years ago, you City Lord Xiao and our City Lord Linghu had a war, but your two cities did not turn against each other because of this. Why is this?" Liang Yan asked thoughtfully.

After hearing this, Wan Hai shook his head and said, "What is the reason for the battle between the two city lords, even our four major families don't know. But after that battle, the city lord Xiao once sent a letter, telling us not to fight with Wushuang City. As an enemy, the relationship between the two cities has not changed because of this.”

"I see......."

Liang Yan nodded, not asking too much about this issue, but chatting with Wan Hai instead.

Through testing all the way, Liang Yan learned that the four major families of Bai, Tong, Kong, and Wan each guarded one side.

Not long ago, the cave where the teleportation formation was located released a white light into the sky. Wan Hai, Wan Jinglong, and Wan Linger were the people responsible for guarding the cave. When they saw the vision in mid-air, they immediately rushed to the vicinity of the cave. Only then did I meet Liang Yan who was sent from

And Liang Yan wants to leave Kunshan from the west, and he will be interrogated by Wanjia along the way.

Originally, this kind of investigation was not severe, but not long ago, there was a civil strife in the Kunshan region, and the Tong family and the Kong family had rebelled one after another. All suspicious people.

It is precisely for this reason that Liang Yan needs a customs clearance document from the head of the Wan family to avoid conflicts with the interrogation monks along the way.

A few people were chatting while flying away, and in less than half a cup of tea, they saw a towering city appearing in the wind and snow ahead.

Liang Yan looked up and saw that the city wall was over a hundred meters high, and the whole body was purplish red.

There is a plaque hanging above the city wall with three big characters:

"Longevity City"!

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