The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1325: Dragon 5

Outside Longevity City, a circle of invisible transparent ripples slowly spread, and a crack appeared in the ripples. Then, a figure came out of the gap in the void.

This man is tall and tall, and he is full of gods and jade. He wears a set of blue Taoist robes and wears a dragon head mask on his face.

"Strange, how come two such powerful characters suddenly appeared in Kunshan Domain..."

The man muttered to himself, his eyes full of doubts.

"The pavilion owner's whereabouts have been erratic recently, and his intentions have become more and more difficult to speculate. The powerful people who suddenly appeared here, did he calculate in advance?"

Standing on the spot and thinking for a moment, the man with the dragon head mask suddenly sighed and seemed to have figured out something, so he stopped and left.

The speed of this person is extremely fast, and he is determined to leave, and he is like a wind and a cloud. Wherever the light passes, only an afterimage can be seen.

Flying southward from Longevity City for about two hundred miles, the snowflakes became denser and denser, and an ancient attic could be vaguely seen in the wind and snow ahead, but the building was already empty and seemed very deserted.

Arriving here, the man in the midst of flying suddenly stopped escaping.

"When are you going to come with me?"

Without any sign, the man with the dragon head mask suddenly asked.

In the snow-capped, white world, there is only his lonely figure, this question seems to be asking himself.

The amazing thing is that just after the words fell, a voice actually laughed and said: "It's almost here, the scenery here is unique, and it is suitable for reunion with old friends."

At the same time as he spoke, a figure in gray slowly appeared above the attic covered with snow.

The man in the dragon head mask frowned slightly after seeing this person clearly.

This gray-clothed man, he had seen in Wanshou City just now. When Yu Dongyang and Yang Jianying fought the two ancestors of the Wan family, this man was watching the battle. At that time, he was still a little curious about this gray-clothed man, but it was inconvenient at that time. Appeared, and finally chose to escape silently.

I didn't expect that I would not provoke the other party, but the other party followed me instead.

With the lessons learned by Yu Dongyang and Yang Jianying, the man with the dragon head mask would certainly not underestimate the gray-clothed man in front of him. Just his keen insight and hidden tracking ability were definitely not something that ordinary cultivators in the Profound Opening Realm could possess. of.

"It's really strange, what day today, I can see three Tianjiao at the same time!"

The man with the dragon head mask looked at the other party, smiled slightly, and said sternly, "Your Excellency has followed me for more than fifty miles. What's the matter? You might as well say it and listen."

The man in gray is naturally Liang Yan. After discovering the whereabouts of the dragon-headed man in Longevity City, he pretended to know nothing on the surface. After leaving Longevity City, he immediately concealed his breath with the Heavenly Secret Bead, and then quietly followed the dragon. Behind the first man, he followed all the way here.

"I'm just curious."

Liang Yan glanced at the other party, hehe smiled and said, "Dignified Dragon Five, ranked fifth in the organization, why did you come to Kunshan, where spiritual energy is too expensive? Could it be that there is another conspiracy this time?"

"How do you know my code name?!"

Long Wu was shocked and looked at Liang Yan again, his eyes were extremely vigilant.

"Hehe, it's not the first time we met, and we are old friends. It's just that fellow daoist was high above, and he was just a small role at the bottom, so it's normal for fellow daoists not to remember me." Liang Yan laughed softly.

"So...we have a relationship before?"

Long Wu squinted his eyes, put his hands behind his back, and said slowly, "The organization has always been secretive, where did you know about us? Who else have you met besides me?"

"Fellow Daoist, do you intend to kill someone by asking these questions?" The expression on Liang Yan's face was half a smile.

He knows too well the monks of this organization. They are a group of poisonous insects dormant in the dark. Once they find that they are at risk of exposure, their first reaction is to kill people.

"I'm curious, why do you all have to wear a mask? What is the purpose of your activities? Who is the person behind it?" Liang Yan asked a few more questions without waiting for the other party to speak.

"Haha, you are such a shameless person! You are clearly asking the next question first. Not only did you not answer half of the question, but you also questioned the next one. How can there be such an unreasonable thing in the world."

Long Wu laughed, the blue Taoist robe rattled in the cold wind, and suddenly, without warning, a white light burst out from his sleeve and hit the direction of Liang Yan.


The white light broke through the sky, was full of power, and was extremely fast. In just a split second, it shot into the sky above the attic.


With a loud explosion, the ancient attic that was originally standing in the wind and snow, along with the surrounding snow, were blown to pieces by this white light.

However, in the ruins, Liang Yan was nowhere to be seen.

"The Qiankun Good Fortune Finger of Taoism, I have heard its name for a long time, and I finally have the chance to meet it today."

Dandan's voice sounded in the void, and it didn't sound like any emotional fluctuations.

"It seems that you have good knowledge."

Long Wu squinted his eyes, and his eyes locked in one direction again. There, the figure of the man in gray slowly appeared.

Along with the gray-clothed man, there were two sword pills, one black and one purple, floating on the left and right sides of him.

As the sound of the sword sounded, Long Wu had a vague feeling, as if they were two beasts who had been silent for many years and wanted to choose someone to devour.

"This man is not simple!"

Long Wu's intuition told him that although the man in gray in front of him had never made a move in Wanshou City before, his strength was definitely not weaker than Yang Jianying and Yu Dongyang!

However, he was not afraid at all, because he was very confident in his own strength, and the two brothers Wan Teng and Wan Fei were still quite different from him.

"It turns out that you are also a sword cultivator. In this case, Long will come to weigh your means!"

As soon as the voice fell, Long Wu flew up, and he didn't need to hide it at this time, his hands fluttered with big sleeves, his slender fingers volleyed into the air, and white beams of light burst out from his fingertips, heading towards Liang Yan's direction. shoot away.

Qiankun's good fortune refers to the fact that Daomen's true powers can be used to condense their own magical powers with the help of the power of heaven and earth.

Every white light contains the pure power of heaven and earth. As long as ordinary magical powers are illuminated by this white light, they will disappear immediately. It will be cracked, or even disintegrated.

Long Wu is very talented, and the Qiankun Good Fortune Finger has been cultivated, and it can emit seven white lights at the same time. The power is so strong that even the cultivator who has survived one disaster and three disasters would not dare to attack it!

"The power is good."

Facing Long Wu's supernatural powers, Liang Yan just nodded slightly, his face remained unchanged, and his body did not move. Two sword pellets, one black and one purple on the left and right, shot out at the same time, turning into two long rainbows of sword energy, blocking him in front of him.

brush! brush!

Two extremely fast swords!

When you get to the sky, you can only see afterimages!

The next moment, the seven white beams of light emitted by Qiankun's fortune-telling finger were chopped into countless fragments of light in the black and purple sword shadows, slowly falling from the air, and finally dissipated... .....


Long Wu's eyes widened.

He really didn't think so.

one move! Just one trick!

The other party broke his proud stunt, Qiankun Good Fortune Finger!

"You... Who are you?" Long Wu's voice trembled.

"Long Wu, tell me everything you know about the organization, maybe I can spare your life..." Liang Yan's voice sounded again, but this time it was cold and not at all. emotion.

"Hmph, if I say it, then I will definitely die!"

Before Long Wu finished his words, the light of escape suddenly lit up all over his body, and then he escaped into the distance without looking back.

"I want to go, can I go?"

Liang Yan sneered, raised his hand and patted the Taixu gourd on his waist, and a golden light flashed out, turning into a golden lion camel with wings on its back.


Liang Yanyan was concise and concise, Lao Jin understood it, spread his wings, and flew forward with Liang Yan on his back.

In the vast snow-capped mountains, two rays of light, one blue and one gold, pierced the sky. The former was fleeing, the latter was chasing.

"Fellow Daoist, are you really not giving me a way to live?"

Long Wu's voice came from a distance, but Liang Yan had no intention of answering, and still drove Lao Jin to chase after him.

"Fellow Daoist, you must also know that there are many experts in the organization. Intervening in the organization's affairs will definitely lead to the death of yourself. I advise you to stop now, and you can still save yourself a way to survive!" Long Wu continued. Persuading bitterly.

But Liang Yan remained unmoved.

Murder? Joke, this is not the first time he has gone against this organization, even if he wants to stop now, it is too late.

Thinking that Xiong Ba and Hu Shisan both died in their own hands, no matter the conspiracy of Wushuang City's selection and assessment, or the conspiracy of Cangnan Mountain to talk about Taoism, he was all involved in it.

For this organization, he should be on the must-kill blacklist, right?

The funny thing is that this Long Wu didn't know Liang Yan and tried to persuade him to repel him by coercion.

The two sides chased and fled, crossing the Snow Mountain Range, and in a blink of an eye, half a cup of tea had passed.

The distance between the two was getting closer and closer. When Long Wu looked back, he could clearly see Liang Yan's mount and the golden feathers on it.

If this continues, it won't be long before he enters the opponent's attack range.

"Fellow Daoist, you have to spare people and forgive them. If you keep chasing them like this, don't blame me for burning all the jade and stones!" Long Wu suddenly shouted loudly.

"Jade and stone are burned? Then you have to have this ability!"

Liang Yan sneered, without any intention of stopping to escape.

He and this organization hidden in the dark have already had an endless relationship. However, this organization is very secretive and cautious, and he has never been able to get any clues.

Today, I finally met Long Wu, who was alone. As long as he captures this person and searches his soul, he will definitely get useful information!

So Liang Yan is bound to win today!

Long Wu also saw his firmness and knew that it was impossible for this opponent to let him go. He immediately turned ruthless, turned around, and stretched out his palms!

I saw two Tai Chi fish, one yin and one yang, flying out of his left and right hands respectively, slowly spinning a circle in mid-air, and finally merged into one, turning into a huge Tai Chi yin and yang map.

At the same time, Long Wu bit the tip of his tongue and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the Tai Chi Yin-Yang Chart.

Boom! The yin and yang map of Tai Chi skyrocketed, traversing the air, stretching for hundreds of miles, like a huge grinding disc of the heavens, shrouding the surrounding snow-capped mountains for hundreds of miles.

"You forced me!"

Long Wuwu shouted, and suddenly stretched out his hand in the air, and saw that the avenue grinding wheel was spinning rapidly, the two forces of yin and yang revolved back and forth, and an indescribable tearing force swept towards Liang Yan, as if to ruthlessly crush him on the ground. Under this avenue!

Facing Long Wu's desperate blow, Liang Yan's face also showed a dignified expression.

This wasn't the first time he had seen this spell. Back then, when Long Wu, Gou Qi and Hu Shi fought together against San Xiaozi in the Yunxiao Treasure Hall of the Taoist, they used this spell.

It's just that at that time, Long Wu was still at the peak of Tongxuan's cultivation, but seeing you today is already a cultivation that has overcome two difficulties!

This yin and yang grinding disc in mid-air, although a circle smaller than that year, contained a mouthful of Long Wu's whose power was more than ten times greater than that of the year.

"Black Lotus Sword, go!"

Liang Yan let out a low voice, stretched out his hand, and the black lotus sword pill turned into a jet of black sword light, slashing towards the yin and yang grinding disc in mid-air.

The sword pill is still in the air, and the black lotus sword intent is already blooming layer by layer, and countless sword energy is divided and combined, like a black lotus flower, full of the breath of death.

After the black lotus sword devoured Gou Qi's lotus heart, it was infinitely close to the sword of Yinglong Zhenren back then. The sword contained the black lotus sword intent representing death, which was able to devour the supernatural powers and spells that corrupted the opponent.

At this moment, the huge yin and yang grinding disc is slowly turning in mid-air, and the powerful tearing force is enveloped in all directions, as if to smash all the creatures in this world.

However, when this huge force of yin and yang landed halfway, it was stubbornly resisted by a black sword light!

The yin and yang grinding disc was still spinning, but the black sword light had already shot up into the sky. Countless lotus flowers were blooming above the grinding disc, and the black sword energy was scattered in all directions, shattering Long Wu's spiritual power.


Realizing that the magical power that he had condensed with his original blood essence was actually blocked by the opponent's sword, Long Wu's face showed a look of horror.

But this wasn't over yet, Meng Lie's killing intent came towards him, Long Wu looked intently, and saw a purple sword light piercing the sky, passing through the battlefield of the black lotus sword and the yin and yang grinding disc, like a thunderbolt, attacking himself. cut.

Since the Zilei Tianyin Sword was infused with the power of the lightning law of "Nine Heavens God Thunder Wood", its speed was more than double that of the Black Lotus Sword, and in the blink of an eye, it was already in front of Long Wu.

Huanghuang Leiyin, combined with the violent sword intent, seems like a sword punished by the sky, it is not worth it!


The sword light fell, and Long Wu's body was cut in half by this sword......

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