The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1335: take the ship

Facing the "Tianqiu Clan" army, Liang Yan had no plans to fight at all, but directed Lao Jin to break through to the west.

Of course, Lao Jin obeyed his instructions, spread his wings, mobilized the power of the wind, and galloped westward.

At the same time, Li Xiaosong stood on Lao Jin, puffed up his cheeks, and snorted!

Five-color flames gushed out of her mouth, burning in the air, turning into a sea of ​​fire with amazing power, opening the way for Lao Jin ahead.

"Be careful, it's coming again!"

Liang Yan practiced "Eight Parts of Yanyuan", and his five senses were very sensitive and different from ordinary people. The rune light of the battleship above his head just lit up, he already knew it in advance, and hurriedly reminded him.

After Lao Jin heard this, the golden light flashed continuously, and he narrowly avoided the three beams of light shot from the top of his head.

"It's so dangerous... The destructive power of these warships is too amazing, you must not be hit by their attacks!" Liang Yan said solemnly.

Lao Jin could naturally feel the terrifying power contained in the beam of light, and at this moment he was silent and flew forward with all his attention.

And just as they broke through, the more than 20 warships above their heads also responded quickly.

These warships turned their bows, various runes lit up at the same time, and rainbow bridges cut through the sky, and finally all landed on a warship in the west.


The warship to the west seemed to gather the power of all the warships, and a fiery brilliance burst out from the bow position, and a beam of light ten times thicker than before shot out, and the speed was more than doubled.

"not good!"

The oncoming beam of light was too fast, and its power was terrifying. In just an instant, it pierced through Li Xiaosong's five-color sea of ​​fire and came to the top of everyone's heads.

At the critical moment, the golden light on Lao Jin's body flashed again and again, changing the direction of the flying in one thousandth of a breath, and at the same time, his speed exploded to the extreme.


The golden beam of light galloped past Lao Jin's body. Although it didn't hurt everyone, the terrifying force still scorched half of Lao Jin's wings.

"Old Jin!"

Liang Yan's face changed greatly, he hurriedly released his consciousness, checked Lao Jin's injury, and found that there was still a strange power left in the wound, which was constantly eating away his vitality.

"It's okay! I can still hold on, but their battle is too strong, I'm afraid it will be difficult to break through..." Lao Jin's voice sounded in the hearts of everyone.

"Fight them!"

For the warship that injured Lao Jin, Li Xiaosong showed a resentful expression, slapped his cheeks, and then spit out.

This time, she used the first natal supernatural power she learned in the realm of creation: the seal of the **** of fire.

Five tall flame giants flew out of the sky, and at the same time crashed into the warship that injured Lao Jin just now. The terrifying temperature burned the surrounding void into distortion!

At this moment, the formation of the warships in mid-air changed again.

I saw more than 20 warships quickly approaching, the runes on the bows of the ships lit up at the same time, and a vortex composed of sand and gravel appeared in the air, actually absorbing all the flame giants of Li Xiaosong.

"how so?"

Li Xiaosong's eyes showed a blank look. At this moment, she couldn't sense her magical powers at all. This was the first time he had encountered such a situation since his breakthrough.

Among the crowd, only Liang Yan was the calmest.

He knows that with his current strength, he can't help at all. Unless he uses the dragon's blood to regenerate and regain his full strength, he will not be able to confront these Tianqiu clan head-on.

But this is a bottom-line strategy, unless it is a last resort, he will never expose the dragon's blood easily.

Therefore, Liang Yan has been secretly observing the dragon boat above his head, and at this time he has come to a conclusion.

That is, these warships are not isolated, on the contrary, the runes on each ship can be merged with each other, so as to display more powerful magical powers.

How powerful are these magical powers? If you use the realm of a human cultivator as an analogy, it is equivalent to the ancestor of Huajie who has survived one disaster and three disasters.

Even the Confucian general Ling Chongxiao, one of the twelve divine generals of Xuanyuan City, would probably not be able to block the "Tianqiu Clan" army of warships with one person, not to mention that Li Xiaosong and Lao Jin had just broken through to the realm of creation. Soon, the strength of the two demons together was not as good as Ling Chongxiao alone, and naturally they were no match for the "Tianqiu Clan" army.

But these warships are not indestructible, because they can only exert their greatest power when they are combined together. The power of a single warship is actually not enough to be feared.

And to make such a huge team of warships cooperate tacitly, there must be a warship in charge of commanding!

Just when Lao Jin and Li Xiaosong joined forces to fight against the warship team, Liang Yan had been observing silently. His goal was to find the warship in charge.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, his eyes locked on the middle of the battleship team, an inconspicuous golden sand boat.

"It's that warship, that's the command ship!"

Liang Yan lowered his voice and said to Li Xiaosong and Lao Jin.

The two monsters got his reminder, and they all looked in the direction he pointed, and they found a golden warship. .

Since there are protective shields around the warship, which can isolate the detection of consciousness to a certain extent, the situation was extremely dangerous just now, so the two demons did not find it.

They didn't realize it until Liang Yan reminded them.

"It really is a command ship!"

"Take the ship!"

Without Liang Yan's orders, everyone thought of one piece.

Almost at the moment of discovering the command ship, Lao Jin fluttered his wings and flew high into the sky.

Along the way, beams of light of various colors continued to shoot from all directions, and Lao Jin flexibly avoided them. Although one of his wings was injured, the speed was still extremely fast. It only took a few breaths to fly. Below the command ship.

Li Xiaosong was already ready. At this time, he kicked his feet on the ground and jumped up from Lao Jin's back. His body instantly increased dozens of times, and he rushed towards the command ship.

Above the sky, more than 20 warships seemed to have discovered the crisis and quickly approached.

Various runes lighted up at the same time, and countless auras gathered together, forming a colorful wall in mid-air, trying to block Li Xiaosong's attack.

However, because of the hastily gathered supernatural power, the thickness of the wall was not enough, and it was scratched by Li Xiaosong's claws.


At the moment when everyone was about to board the ship, the runes around the warship lit up at the same time, and all kinds of rays of light gathered in the middle, and a huge colorful poisonous scorpion was actually condensed.

This poisonous scorpion has a physical body and is extremely powerful. As soon as it appeared, it used his two giant pincers to clamp Li Xiaosong's waist and hind legs. Although Li Xiaosong was in pain, he was not to be outdone. Instead, he bit the poisonous scorpion's tail and ripped its lower abdomen with his claws.

On one side is the great monster of the Creation Realm, and on the other side is the monster condensed by the entire "Tianqiu Clan" army.

"It can't go on like this..."

Liang Yan frowned and looked at the more than 20 warships swarming around, his face was very solemn.

He knew that his side could only get close to the command ship by making a surprise sneak attack. If he didn't succeed in capturing the ship this time, it would be difficult to get close to the command ship after the opponent stabilized his position and re-positioned his position.

"The old man fought with them!"

Lao Jin also understood that it was a critical moment, so he roared and rushed upwards.

But without Li Xiaosong's cover, the rune beams of light above his head shot one after another. In just the blink of an eye, Lao Jin was hit again, and the injury was even more serious this time.

At this time, he was less than ten meters away from the commanding ship, but Lao Jin was already seriously injured. In the rapid attack that fell like raindrops above his head, he seemed to be clumsy and could not get closer.

Liang Yan looked at the command ship in front of him and found that most of the yellow-skinned geeks on board were of the Jindan realm, and only the three leading ones looked similar to the human race cultivators in the Xuanxuan realm.

"It's still a little... As long as I can board the warship, even if I only have one-tenth of my skill left, I can wipe out these alien races!"

rice ball reading

Although the distance is only the last point, the two demons have already tried their best, and now it is difficult to make progress.

"Is there no other way but to use the dragon's blood again?"

Thinking of this, Liang Yan's face showed a gloomy and uncertain expression. Just when he was hesitating whether to activate "Dragon Blood" again, someone suddenly moved beside him.

Not Li Xiaosong nor Lao Jin, but Hongwu who followed him all the way as a guide to get here!

The short red-nosed old man ran out of Liang Yan's golden light's protection range without a sound, and charged towards the command ship overhead.

Of course, his speed is not fast. Compared with Lao Jin, it can be said to be a world of difference. After flying less than two feet away, he was hit by a rune beam, and his short body was instantly wiped out.

"Red Crow!"

Liang Yan shouted loudly.

This change was too sudden, even he didn't expect it, and when he reacted, Hongwu had already been beaten into powder. ......

Liang Yan's eyes widened, and he couldn't understand for a moment, why did he want to die?

But the next moment, his child hole shrank again.

In the mid-air, the rune beams of the warships fell like meteors, but among these meteors, there was also an inconspicuous faint glow.

This ray of light exudes a red glow, and its aura is extremely weak. If it wasn't for Liang Yan's practice of "Eight Parts of Yuanyuan", he would hardly be able to find it.

"It's Hongwu!"

Although the breath in the glow was weak, Liang Yan and Hongwu had been walking together for more than half a year. At this time, he recognized at a glance that this glow was Hongwu!

"He's not dead yet?"

Liang Yan's eyes widened, and a look of disbelief appeared on his face.

He is very clear about how strong the rune beam of the warship is. Even a great monster like Lao Jin can be injured, let alone Hongwu.

Just now, it hit him firmly, and even if this Hongwu had nine lives, he died, so why is there still a ray of breath?

Without waiting for Liang Yan to think about it, the faint rays of light were already facing the rune beams of light in the sky, galloping upwards, and approaching the warship in a short while.

The yellow-skinned monster on the warship only reacted at this time, and hurriedly manipulated the rune to shoot the beam of light at Hongwu.

But Hongwu had turned into a ray of red clouds at this time, light and elegant, easily dodging the oncoming attack, and then rushed upwards and drilled into the bottom of the warship.

With the flash of the rays of the sun, the aura of Hongwu disappeared instantly!


Just in the surprised eyes of the "Tianqiu Clan" people, the warship made a dull loud noise, and then all the runes were extinguished at the same time, and there was no longer a beam of light.

"what happened?"

Liang Yan frowned, a look of surprise on his face.

On the battleship, those yellow-skinned eccentrics were even more shocked, some screamed "Wow!", some danced, except for the three leading people, all the rest became a pot of porridge.

"They don't seem to be able to control the warship!"

Liang Yan's observation was extremely keen, and in just an instant, a very crucial piece of information was confirmed!

Although I don't know why the other party can't control the spaceship, this strange situation must be related to Hongwu.


He is not a man of indecision. He understands that this opportunity is fleeting, and immediately shouted and ordered Lao Jin to charge straight up.

Needless to say, Lao Jin endured the severe pain on his body, spread his wings vigorously, and turned into a golden light that soared upwards. Without the obstruction of the rune beam, almost in an instant, the man and the demon had already rushed to the bow of the warship.

Liang Yan's murderous aura was not concealed at all, he jumped into the battleship with one foot, and the cyan sword light unsheathed, instantly smashing the dozens of "Tianqiu Clan" people who were closest to him to pieces.

When those yellow-skinned eccentrics saw his divine might, they all shivered. Five or six hundred tribesmen were timid before they even fought, but they were actually scared back by him alone.

"Gava, Gulan!"

The three leading yellow-skinned geeks were angry, and they killed more than a dozen clansmen who had fled.

But before they could regain their strength, Liang Yan had already killed him with a sword.

When he rushed, it was like a tiger entering a flock. Wherever the blue sword light passed, the stumps and broken arms danced all over the sky. Those yellow-skinned eccentrics who were involved in the sword light, without exception, were smashed to pieces in an instant. part!


Just as Liang Yan rushed to kill, a black fog came quietly from the left rear, only about ten feet away from him, and the stench made one feel sick.

Liang Yan didn't look back at all, he waved his sleeves with his backhand, and another purple sword light was lasing out.

This sword light turned into a thunderbolt in midair, and instantly broke through the black fog!

And after the black fog was dispersed by the sword did not fall on Liang Yan, but fell on the surrounding "Tianqiu Clan" people.


A series of screams came from the surroundings, but it was the Tianqiu people who were stuck by the black mist. Their bodies were corrupted and festered in a very short period of time, and finally turned into a pool of blood.

After the Zilei Tianyin Sword broke through the black fog, the remaining momentum was unabated, and it still galloped forward.

The person who released the black mist and attacked Liang Yan just now was one of the three yellow-skinned eccentrics in the lead.

This strange man was holding a black leather gourd in his hand, and he was constantly spraying black mist, and he used his magical powers to blow the black mist towards Liang Yan's position.

It's just that he never imagined that instead of hurting his opponent, Hei Wu would kill his own people.


The strange man shouted, and his eyes flashed with anger and anger, but before he could react, he saw a purple sword light breaking through the black fog and came to him in an instant.

This time, he was really frightened, and the yellow-skinned weirdo didn't have time to think about it. He hurriedly threw the gourd that was still smoking black.

This shield is made with the techniques of the "Tianqiu Clan" people. The materials used are very precious. Only a few nobles of the "Tianqiu Clan" are qualified to carry it, and it is also the strongest means for them to save their lives!


At the same time as the shield was released, the purple sword light had already cut through the sky and fell from the sky.

The purple thunder sword qi rushes in all directions and falls on the shield without any pause, only smashing the shield in an instant!


The yellow-skinned geek was terrified, but before he could react, the purple sword light had already passed through his chest, nailing him to the deck with a sword......

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