The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1362: Pause

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The breath in the ancient ring was only fleeting, it came suddenly, and it disappeared strangely. If Liang Yan had not kept an eye on it, it would have been difficult to detect it.

His well-planned sword was about to succeed, but was blocked by the breath of the ancient ring, and he couldn't help but secretly shouted "Unfortunately"!

However, Liang Yan is not an indecisive person. He missed a shot, and his mind changed, and he made a decision in an instant.

I saw a slight hook with the left hand, and the two swords of Zi Lei and Dingguang all flew back upside down, and then the right fist smashed into the air.

In this punch, Liang Yan used the supernatural power of "criminalization of three thousand", and he did not hold back at all. The power of Buddha's King Kong was mighty and magnificent, as if two magnificent golden mountains collided with Lin Fanhe at the same time. Xuanxuan.

That Lin Fan was almost killed by Liang Yan with a sword just now, but fortunately, Gu Jie saved his life.

He walked back from the gate of hell, and now he was in a state of panic. When he saw Liang Yan's killing move again, he couldn't help but be startled. He didn't dare to accept it, and hurriedly stepped back.

This retreat was a hundred zhang away, and it was not until he avoided Liang Yan's fist shadow that he calmed down a little.

Xuanxuan was not frightened at all, but he was farther away from Liang Yan. Seeing Lin Fan's panicked appearance, he was also a little suspicious.

After thinking for a moment, Xuan Xuan did not choose to take the initiative to attack, but stood on the spot, running Xuan Gong, and also hit a palm from the air.

A huge golden palm print flew out, collided with Liang Yan's fist shadow, and a loud noise erupted!


Above the mountain road, golden light radiated in all directions, and a powerful force swept the entire hillside, even Xuan Xuan had to take a few steps back.

At this moment, the surroundings were full of dust and smoke. Due to the restricted consciousness, Xuan Xuan squinted his eyes and his face was extremely vigilant.

He took a few steps back, the spiritual power in his body was running to the extreme, and he made a posture of waiting.

However, there was still no movement in the smoke. After waiting for a few breaths, Xuanxuan suddenly woke up and shouted:

"not good!"

As soon as the words fell, he rushed into the smoke, shot with both palms, the wind blew, and instantly scattered the surrounding smoke.

I saw the dust fell to the ground, the smoke dissipated, and an empty mountain road appeared. Where is the shadow of Liang Yan?

"Damn, let him run away!"

Xuan Xuan roared loudly, and there was a deep unwilling look in his eyes.

But the next moment, he suddenly remembered something, turned his eyes, and looked at another Tianjiao in the distance.

At this time, Lin Fan was standing there dumbfounded, with a strange expression on his face.

What Xuan Hao didn't know was that in Lin Fan's consciousness, there was an old man's voice that was yelling at him.


"Lin Fan, Lin Fan, you really can't support the wall!"

"I have already blocked his sword for you just now, why didn't you take advantage of the momentum to chase and kill, instead you had to run away? Don't you know that this opportunity is rare in a thousand years?"

The voices in the black ancient ring kept ringing in Lin Fan's consciousness, scolding the young genius to the point of blood.

Lin Fan's face turned blue and red, and he was extremely angry.

What's even more irritating is that he still doesn't dare to do anything to this old man. He can achieve today's achievements all thanks to Jie Lao's help along the way.

The ancient ring in his hand is his greatest support. If he does not have the old ring, it is a question whether he can get out of this dangerous Thousand Machine Magic Pagoda!

Therefore, even if Jie Lao scolded him very badly, Lin Fan didn't dare to refute it, and could only endure it silently.

It's just that he didn't expect that even Xuanxuan began to accuse himself:

"Lin Fan, I think you are also a peerless genius. You are not weak. You were by the side of that surnamed Liang just now. He missed a hit with his sword. You could have taken advantage of the situation to fight back.

Lin Fan was scolded by Jie Lao, and he was already in a very unhappy mood. When he heard Xuanxuan's questioning, he immediately sneered: "Xuanxuan, what qualifications do you have to make irresponsible remarks, didn't you just protect yourself by Mingzhe? That surname is Liang. You didn't put the sword on your neck, why didn't you take advantage of the situation to chase after you? Could it be that your Xuanxuan is afraid of Liang Yan, and your legs are weakened?"


Xuanxuan has a hot temper, and he and Lin Fan have had a festival. Just now, it was because of Liang Yan's existence that they joined forces. Once Liang Yan left, this fragile alliance has become too dangerous.

"Lin Fan, I don't think you're very skilled, and your tone is not small! The sword surnamed Liang didn't kill you just now. It seems that you want me to give you a ride?"

"It's up to you? Humph! You can try it!" Lin Fan smiled coldly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

The two refused to give in to each other and looked at each other across the air, and the atmosphere in the field became tense again.

At this moment, the black ancient ring on Lin Fan's right hand shook again.


Lin Fan's expression changed, and a strange look appeared in his eyes.

But the next moment, he still took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, and tried his best to say to Xuanxuan in a calm tone: "Xuanxuan, put the grievances and grievances between the two of us aside for the time being. I see you and that surname. Liang's has a grudge, and it just so happens that I am too, why don't we kill this person first and get rid of our common enemy?"

After listening to Lin Fan's suggestion, Xuan Xuan's anger gradually subsided.

The Thousand Machines Magic Pagoda is full of dangers, and the top ten arrogances have their own ghosts. There are no eternal friends and enemies here, only eternal interests.

Xuanxuan was born in a loose cultivator and has experienced hardships, so of course he understands this truth.

He just thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

"Okay, you and I are just arguing, you can't be beaten to death, but the surname is different, this person is too hateful, I must smash his body into ten thousand pieces!"

Of course, he wouldn't tell Lin Fan where Liang Yan was "abominable", because he was still thinking about the heritage treasure Liang Yan got in the cave, which was the chance he got by kowtowing a hundred times, no matter what, he had to get it from him Grab it back!

"But... we can agree in advance that if we find this person and kill him together, his storage ring will belong to me!" Xuan Xuan said with narrowed eyes.

This request can be described as very domineering. Although both of them seem to want revenge on the surface, killing people and grabbing treasures is their ultimate goal.

Xuanxuan was bound to win the heritage treasure Liang Yan got in the cave. If Lin Fan didn't agree, after the two of them joined forces to kill Liang Yan, he would immediately turn his face and attack Lin Fan.

Unexpectedly, Lin Fan thought about it, and actually nodded his head in agreement:

"Okay, that fellow's storage ring belongs to you, but his body and sword-raising gourd are mine!"

Even Xuanxuan didn't expect that he would agree so bluntly. He was stunned for a moment, and wondered in his heart: "It's understandable to raise a sword gourd, but what does this fellow want his body to do?"

At this moment, Xuanxuan suddenly became suspicious. Did Lin Fan know some inside story that he didn't know? Could it be that there is still some treasure in the body of that surnamed Liang?

However, the words had already been spoken, and Xuan Xuan was not ready to go back at this time.

Although he didn't know what was so strange about Liang Yan's body, at least his storage ring belonged to him, and the chance in the cave was back in his hands, so he didn't kowtow the hundred times in vain.

Thinking of this, Xuan Xuan nodded and said, "According to what Daoist Lin said, after killing Liang Yan, his storage ring belongs to me, and the body and sword-raising gourd belong to you!"

"it is good!"

Lin Fan chuckled, and the two had reached an alliance.


Xuanxuan thought for a while, frowned slightly, and then continued: "This person has already escaped, and there is a limit of spiritual consciousness in the Thousand Machine Magic Pagoda, especially this third floor, your spiritual consciousness cannot spread beyond a hundred meters, How can I find him?"

After hearing Xuanxuan's words, Lin Fan smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, fellow Daoist, I have a way to find this person!"


Xuanxuan raised his brows and became interested, and hurriedly urged: "What magical powers do you have, fellow Daoist Lin Fan, hurry up and use it, let me open my eyes!"

"Fellow Daoist, please see!"

Lin Fan lightly tapped his left hand, and in the palm of his right hand, there was an extra black worm like an earthworm.

"This is the 'Tianming Mother Insect', and I once planted a daughter insect in Liang Yan's body. Although he later found out and got rid of my daughter insect, after the death of the daughter insect, the breath will not It will dissipate immediately, and it will last for at least three days. Within these three days, I can find his position with the 'Tianming Mother Insect' in my hand!"

After listening to Lin Fan's introduction, a gleam of light flashed in Xuan Xuan's eyes.

"Fellow Daoist is really a good way... It seems that you wanted to get rid of Liang Yan for a long time!"

While speaking, Xuan Xuan also silently took a few steps back and secretly opened a considerable distance from Lin Fan.

Although the two said they were joining forces, they were enemies rather than friends, especially after seeing Lin Fan's insidiousness, Xuan Xuan became even more wary of him.

"Have it!"

At this moment, Lin Fan's eyes lit up, and the "Tianming Mother Insect" in his palm had stretched his body straight, like a pointer pointing to the depths of the forest.

"Haha, my 'Tianming Mother Insect' has found Liang Yan's position, he can't run far, let's catch up quickly!"


As for chasing Liang Yan, Xuan Xuan did not hesitate at all.

The two hit it off and set off almost at the same time, chasing in the direction indicated by the "Tianming Mother Insect"......

At the same time as the two of them set off, in the depths of the forest, a figure in gray clothes was running fast.

This person is Liang Yan who just missed a hit and fled far away.

He was a very sober person. Although he almost killed Lin Fan at the time, he knew that such an opportunity would never happen again.

Lin Fan is one of the top ten talents, and his magical powers are not under him. If it weren't for the secret hand left in his body in advance, coupled with the unexpected sneak attack, the fixed light sword would not be able to get close to him at all.

If he missed a hit, Lin Fan immediately became alert. Not only did he suppress the restraint in his body, but he also distanced himself from him.

Under such circumstances, it was impossible to kill Lin Fan again. On the contrary, what Liang Yan was about to face was the combined efforts of Xuan Wei and Lin Fan.

These two people are different from Yu Dongyang and Yu Linglong. Liang Yan is one to two, and it is impossible to win. Even if he uses "Dragon Immortal", he can only guarantee that he will not die, and it is difficult to kill the opponent.

And in that case, the secret of the blood essence of the "undead dragon" in his body will be revealed.

Therefore, after missing a hit, Liang Yan made a decisive decision and made a decision to retreat.

On the surface, he was preparing to attack, but in fact he was already planning a retreat. After hitting a powerful punch with the "criminal three thousand" phase, he immediately escaped far away under the cover of the aftermath of the fighting.

At this moment, an incense stick had passed since Liang Yan left the cave entrance.

During this incense stick, he didn't stop for a moment, and was always running fast.

Because he knew that Lin Fan and Xuanxuan would definitely come after him.

Although the two of them also had some quarrels, they obviously preferred the latter rather than chasing and killing themselves.

There is no need to say more about Xuanxuan, the opportunity that he had obtained by kowtowing a hundred times was taken away by himself, and of course he hated himself to the core.

As for Lin Fan, Liang Yan also had some doubts about this person.

I don't know why, this person has been targeting himself from the very beginning. When the "Flying Fish Fifteen Continents" first met, he was already thinking about ghosts. Later, when he entered the first floor of the Thousand Machines Magic Pagoda, he came to him directly. Trouble.

If it wasn't for Liang Yan's luck, he quickly got the key and entered the second floor, I'm afraid the two of them would have a big battle on the first floor.

"Strange, have I seen him somewhere before?"

Liang Yan was thinking fast while running.

But no matter how hard he racked his brains, he couldn't think of Lin Fan's I don't know where he came from, I just need to know that he is my enemy. . "

Liang Yan secretly sighed.

The first batch of Tianjiao who entered the "Palace of the Mountain", there were only three people in total, including himself. Now they have offended two people at the same time, and they have been chased and killed by these two people. The situation can be said to be dangerous.

He thought about it for a long time and finally came up with two solutions

The first way is to try to hide and delay.

Now it has been a day and a half since he entered the "Palace of the Mountain", and in another half a day, the second batch of Tianjiao will enter this layer one after another, and the situation will become very chaotic by then, maybe he can find an ally , and join forces with himself to fight against Lin Fan and Xuanxuan.

As for the second method, it was to lead Lin Fan and Xuanxuan to the "Shenjun Wuya".

According to the description of layman Yunhua, the strength of this gatekeeper puppet should be unusual. Although it was only built at the level of a catastrophe, but now that so many years have passed, maybe a method has been found to improve its strength.

Moreover, this 'Wuya Divine Sovereign' wanted to use live monks for experiments, and it was very likely that he would attack the three of them indiscriminately. When the scene was chaotic, it was impossible for Lin Fan and Xuanxuan to join forces to attack him.

Either way, at the end of the day, it's about creating chaos and breaking the current imbalance.

Liang Yan squinted his eyes and thought for a while, then secretly said:

"The second method depends too much on luck, and I don't know where the 'Boundless God Monarch' is....... Or the first method is reliable, try to avoid it during this time, as long as After a long time, I will have a chance to fish in troubled waters after other Tianjiao arrive one after another."

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