The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1384: Yu Dongyang's strength

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"Hehe, although Yu has hidden his strength, why isn't your Excellency?"

Facing Liang Yan's approval, Yu Dongyang's expression remained unchanged, and the five fingers of his right hand fiddled in the air, as if he was controlling something.

Liang Yanhe Wuxin took a closer look, only to realize that the red thread that had shot out of his sleeve had now been connected to the swordsman and the boy, and the steady stream of spiritual power flowed into the puppet's body, as if manipulating two lifters. Line puppets.

"It turns out that this is the real function of the red line magic weapon!"

At this moment, Liang Yan finally understood that when Yu Dongyang shot before, he always used these red threads to tie people, but in fact, the real function of these red threads was to use the puppet technique!

"Good guy Yu Dongyang, hiding deep enough!" Liang Yan sighed in his heart.

Just as he and Yu Dongyang fought fiercely, Wuxin also used his supernatural powers. With the movement of his mind, the "Devil Blade" quickly condensed, turned into a purple magic knife, and slashed towards Yu Dongyang's back.

This knife has no reservations, and is infused with powerful magical energy, just to kill with one blow.

At the same time, the two sword pills, Zi Lei and Hei Lian, were entangled by the swordsman puppet and the boy puppet respectively, but Liang Yan's real killer move was still behind.

I saw a cyan lotus seed shoot out from the black sword lotus that was blooming at an unbelievable speed, and it was almost in front of Yu Dongyang in an instant.

This blue "lotus seed" is Liang Yan's mayfly sword pill!

The two attacked together, with astonishing power. The Mayfly Sword Pill was in front and Wuxin's Demon Blade was in the back. There were powerful murderous auras on both sides, almost blocking all of Yu Dongyang's retreats.

There is absolutely no way to avoid it, you can only wait to die!

At this moment, Yu Dongyang's left hand was pulled again, and the figure suddenly disappeared in place, replaced by a crooked old man with a white beard.

Almost at the same time, Liang Yan's mayfly sword pill and Wuxin's magic blade all stabbed into the old man's body!


Liang Yan and Wuxin were both slightly taken aback, because they found that the old man in front of him was not a living person, but also a puppet. As for the Dongyang deity, it has now disappeared.

"Where did he go?"

Wuxin secretly transmitted his voice, his face was alert, and he looked around, trying to find out where Yu Dongyang was hiding.

"Take out the magic weapon first!"

Liang Yan did not immediately go to find Yu Dongyang, but pinched a magic formula, intending to take back his mayfly sword pill.

However, when he pinched the magic formula, he found that although the puppet old man in front of him lowered his head and bowed his back, looking like he was old, but there was a strange suction in his body, like a quicksand whirlpool, pulling his own Mayfly Jianwan was locked in the body.

He was slightly startled in his heart, looked up at Wuxin on the opposite side, and found that she, like himself, was also locked in the body of the old puppet, and could not be controlled for the time being.

The weird old puppet is like a cage, specially used to lock the opponent's magic weapons and supernatural powers!

Just when Liang Yan was secretly surprised, and was about to activate the magic formula again, when he forcibly took back the Mayfly Sword Pill, he suddenly smelled a faint aroma.

"not good!"

Liang Yan, who is experienced in fighting skills, immediately reacted. The reason why Yu Dongyang used the puppet old man to lock his magic weapon was to sneak attack at close range!

In this fragrance, it must be poisonous!

Liang Yan didn't want to think about it, and hurriedly used the power to seal his meridians to prevent poisonous gas from entering his body.

But after all, he slowed down a bit, a little aroma penetrated into his body, and he felt dizzy in an instant.

There was still a murderous aura hidden in the scent of the sky, which burst out quietly at this time.

Before waiting for Wuxin to remind him, Liang Yan's "Eight Parts of Yanyuan" was launched, and he had already caught the abnormality behind him.

He pinched the magic formula in his hand, and with the last sword pill beside him, the fixed light sword slashed behind him.


The sword light broke through the air, but there was no fierce confrontation as expected. Liang Yan looked back and saw a woman in a red dress, with a graceful figure and light steps, holding a flower basket and scattering flowers from the air.

Those petals with an intoxicating fragrance fell on the fixed lightsaber, like gangrene attached to the bones, sticking to it.

As the aroma became stronger and stronger, the petals on the fixed light sword became more and more sticky. At this time, the sword light was no longer exposed, and it was completely wrapped by the petals.

At the same time, a figure suddenly flashed out of the void, it was Yu Dongyang who had disappeared before.

"Hahaha, Liang Yan, you've been tricked!"

Yu Dongyang laughed loudly and said, "Now that the four sword pills are not by your side, I want to see how your Excellency resists!"

Before he finished speaking, he had already rushed over.

The man was in the air, his hands were raised at the same time, and dozens of red threads shot out, with a sharp edge, cutting into Liang Yan's neck.

From Dongyang's point of view, this move is enough to take Liang Yan's life!

The sword cultivator, with all his magical powers above Feijian, is now trapped by his opponent's Feijian. Although it is only a short moment, it is enough to kill the opponent by himself.

Yu Dongyang's face was excited, but at this moment, he saw a crack suddenly open on Liang Yan's forehead.

A black eyeball emerged from the crack, Tong Kong turned slightly, and after a while, a black light was emitted.

"This is........"

Because the distance was too close, Yu Dongyang was already covered by this black light before he even thought about it.

The next moment, he found that his entire body's spiritual power was locked, unable to speak, unable to move, and was imprisoned in place like this!

At the same time, the golden light of Liang Yan's right hand converged, and the power of the Buddha's Vajra surged in his body, and finally turned into a boundless fist, punching him in the chest.

"not good!"

Yu Dongyang only had two eyeballs left to move. At this time, he was spinning wildly, obviously thinking about countermeasures urgently.

However, the Guanghua of the "Heavenly Ephemeral God's Eye" locked Yu Dongyang so tightly that he couldn't escape, so he could only take Liang Yan's punch on the spot!

At the critical moment, Yu Dongyang's body once again burst out with a ray of light, exactly the same as the ray of light that dispelled the unintentional demonic energy before, and instantly enveloped him in it.

Liang Yan's majestic punch penetrated into this layer of glow, and immediately felt a sense of smoothness.


Liang Yan frowned slightly, and after a closer look, he realized that the glow was made up of fireflies, and these tiny fireflies that were almost invisible were actually flying insects!

The weird flying insect took away most of Liang Yan's punch, making him feel like he had nowhere to focus.

Only less than 30% of his fist strength fell on Dongyang's body, causing him to snort and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

The next moment, Yu Dongyang turned around, broke free from the black light of the "celestial vision", and retreated several dozen meters to the rear.

To say that Liang Yan's supernatural power is powerful, but when he encounters an opponent of similar strength, he can only imprison the opponent for a moment. It's okay to use it for sneak attacks or surprise effects. If the opponent is prepared, it will be more difficult to repeat the same trick.

"This Yu Dongyang is really slippery!"

Seeing that the opponent was only slightly injured, Liang Yan cursed inwardly.

Several times, they have pushed Yu Dongyang into a desperate situation, but every time, he is dangerously resolved by him. He clearly knows that he is only one step away from killing this person, but it is just a little short, which makes Liang Yan. I was very upset.

However, although Yu Dongyang escaped, he was injured after all, and Wuxin had gone around behind him without a trace at this time, and it was obviously impossible to escape from the South Gate.

Seeing Wuxin cut off his retreat, Yu Dongyang's face also became gloomy.

"Two Daoists, do you have to push each other like this? To tell you the truth, even if you kill Yu, it will not be a good thing for you!"

"I don't understand what Brother Yu said. What does it mean that it's not a good thing for us?" Liang Yan said, pressing forward step by step.

"Liang Yan! Don't you know what a fish is dead and a net is broken?!"

Yu Dongyang suddenly raised his voice, pointed at Liang Yan and shouted, "Just go one step further, don't blame Yu and you for dying together!"

"Hmph, alarmist!"

Wuxin's cold voice came from behind Yu Dongyang: "I've seen people like you a lot. I thought that with this kind of cleverness, I could save my life, but unfortunately I always kill them every time!"

"You think I'm frightening you?"

Yu Dongyang raised his brows, suddenly took out a fist-sized fiery red ball from his sleeve, raised his right hand above his head, and shouted sharply:

"Wait a step closer, and I'll crush it immediately, and everyone will die together!"

Liang Yanhe Wuxin's eyes fell on the fiery red ball at the same time, only to see that the surface of the ball had many weird lines, and there was a raised bump on it.

The entire sphere, as if alive, swelled and shrank in Dongyang's hand, looking very strange.

"It's the heart of "Chitong Huolin"!"

The two recognized the origin of the ball almost simultaneously.

To say that this "Red Child Huolin" is a monster with extraordinary talent. If it can grow up smoothly, there is a high probability that it can break through to the realm of creation after adulthood, which is equivalent to the realm of robbery of the human race.

The cultivation base of "Chitong Huolin" is almost concentrated in the heart, which makes its heart very valuable. Some tyrannical magic weapons need an adult "Chitong Huolin" heart when refining. .

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to get its heart.

First of all, the "Red Child Fire Scales" in the human race are extremely rare, and even fewer can grow to the realm of creation.

Secondly, the adult "Chitong Huolin" has a good combat power, and if you want to defeat this monster, you need to have strong strength.

The third and most important point is that "Chitong Huolin" has a strong temperament. Once he finds that he is defeated, he will most likely choose to explode his heart. And its heart has condensed the essence of a lifetime of cultivation, and the power of self-destruction is very powerful, even a monk who has survived the second disaster in the calamity realm would not dare to resist it.

Due to these three reasons, the heart of the "Chi Tong Huolin" has always been priceless. Although some master craftsmen have offered to buy them at high prices, very few goods have flowed out of the square markets in major cultivation cities.

Unexpectedly, in this Thousand Machine Magic Tower today, the heart of a "Chi Tong Huo Lin" appeared in front of Liang Yanhe Wuxin.

"This heart is real."

Wuxin's eyes flickered, and he secretly sent a sound to Liang Yan.

"I see, it seems that Yu Dongyang is not alarmist." Liang Yan frowned, his face gloomy.

Seeing that Liang Yan and Wuxin were silent at the same time, Yu Dongyang laughed and said: "How? I didn't lie to you, right? In fact, after all, we are just fighting for chance. how?"

Hearing Yu Dongyang's words, a hint of hesitation flashed in Wuxin's eyes.

Although she is a witch who kills without blinking an eye, she also has to take into account the situation on the field. If Yu Dongyang is really in a hurry and bursts the heart of "Chitong Huolin", she and Liang Yan will be seriously injured even if they don't die.

"Why don't you let him go first?" Wuxin asked with some hesitation using the sound transmission technique.

Liang Yan was also indecisive at this time.

He and Yu Dongyang have become enemies, and they both want to kill each other. There is a great opportunity in front of them. If Yu Dongyang leaves like this, it is equivalent to returning the tiger to the mountain, leaving him an enemy hidden in the dark.

Just as he was thinking about it, a familiar voice suddenly came from outside the palace.

It's the sound of the seal being torn off!

Hearing this voice, Wuxin, Yu Dongyang, and Liang Yan's expressions changed slightly.

"How could it be so coincidental! In just this moment of effort, other geniuses have found this place?"

"It's not a coincidence..." Liang Yan shook his head and said, "Everyone is chasing clues. If we can find this place, others have the means."

Before he finished speaking, the entire palace began to shake slightly, and with a loud "bang rumbling" sound, the stone gates in the west and north directions began to slowly open to both sides.

After a while, the stone door opened, and two people walked in from the outside.

Among them, the one who came in from Ximen was a tall and thin man wearing a Confucian robe.

This person is one of the top ten talents, Luo Qing!

But the one who came in from the north gate was a short young man in Tsing Yi.

Liang Yan and Wuxin are no strangers to this man.

"Yang Jianying, it's you again!" There was a strange look on Wuxin's face.

After Yang Jianying entered the door, she also saw Liang Yan and Wuxin, smiled slightly, and was about to speak.

But when he heard Wuxin's voice, he was stunned for a moment.

"Huh? Why do you say "again"?"


"Cough, don't care about these details..."

Liang Yan coughed, thought about it, and said slowly, "I didn't expect that this place would become so lively... well, since everyone is here, why don't we talk about the treasures in the building? How to divide."

While he was talking, he looked at Luo Qing.

The five people here, Wuxin will definitely stand with him, Yang Jianying is also his ally, only Yu Dongyang and Luo Qing are left.

Regarding Luo Qing, although the strength shown before is not strong, but Liang Yan knows that Tianjiao who entered the Thousand Machines Magic Pagoda has no good stubbornness, and almost all hide their own cultivation, so they must not despise anyone.

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