The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1387: no light


A huge sound, accompanied by the majestic power of the back earth, descended from the sky and severely suppressed Liang Yan's four sword pills.

Through the flying sword, Liang Yan can feel a powerful force, as if it is invincible, and it can suppress all magical powers in this world!

"This is not an ordinary spell. Although Luo Qing has a strange identity, his current cultivation realm is only the peak of Tongxuan. Why can he use such a powerful method?!"

While Liang Yan was horrified, he also felt incomprehensible.

I remember that when I met Situ Ren in Xuanyuan City, I was almost certain that the other party was a cultivator in the Tribulation Realm. If the Luo Qing in front of me was Situ Ren, how did he enter the Thousand Machines Magic Pagoda?

The only explanation is that the other party has special means to completely suppress the aura in his body and hide the detection of the Thousand Machines Magic Tower.

But since this is the case, no matter how high Luo Qing's previous cultivation level is, as long as he is still in the Thousand Machines Magic Pagoda, he is only a monk at the peak of Tongxuan. Treasure Devouring Essence Flame" is a magical power that can only be displayed by cultivators in the robbery realm?

Liang Yan's thoughts turned, and he faintly felt that the source of these contradictions seemed to point to the simple and mysterious scroll beside Luo Qing!

I met this person twice, and there was this ancient book beside him.

Moreover, all the magical powers he used just now were motivated by this ancient book, especially his "celestial vision". If you read it right, the portrait on the page is clearly himself!

"Could this book.... be able to steal other people's magical powers?"

Such a strange thought suddenly popped up in his heart, and Liang Yan couldn't help feeling chills all over his body.

This kind of thing is simply incredible!

You must know that any person's magical powers are cultivated through years of hard work. All sects, regardless of their strength, regard their own sect's secret skills as a secret that is not passed down, even some sects that are not in the mainstream are the same. .

Unless Li Yuxian, the lord of Baiyu City, has a unique talent, has a hundred minds, and cultivates all methods with the body of the Dao Foundation of Myriad Tribulations, it is possible to become proficient in all methods.

But that also takes time, not overnight.

Li Yuxian was just cultivating magic powers hundreds of times faster than others, instead of using them on the spot at a glance!

In particular, the higher the realm, the more difficult it is to imitate.

If Liang Yan remembered correctly, he did use the "Heavenly Elephant Divine Eye" once in the Jiugong Chamber of Commerce in Xuanyuan City last time.

Just once, is this magical power stolen by the other party?

Liang Yan felt incredible in his heart, but for a while, he couldn't think of any reason to explain the wonder in front of him.

However, Luo Qing obviously wouldn't give him too much time to think about it. "Moving Mountains and Filling Seas" was activated, and the power of the back soil continued to suppress, finally bending Liang Yan's four sword lights.

"The power of this spell is too powerful..."

Liang Yan's face was pale, and his forehead was sweating.

"Moving Mountains and Reclaiming Seas" is the unique skill of Wuzhuang Mountain Wood God Castle, even if he urges the power of Jiuzhuan Jindan and Jianying at the same time, it is somewhat unstoppable.

However, the power of his sword pill is not weak, and under the suppression of the opponent's powerful force, he has not shown defeat for the time being.

The two sides stalemate for a while, Luo Qing stabilized the situation, reversed the unfavorable situation of being attacked by Liang Yan, and gradually gained the upper hand in the battle between the two.

The ancient book in front of him flipped gently, and the white light bloomed, covering the whole body, forcing out the dead energy in the body little by little.

Liang Yan knew that once the death energy in his body was completely forced out, what awaited him was a stormy attack!

"Never let him force his death out!"

Liang Yan's mind moved, and a white light flew out of the Taixu gourd, rushed into the air, and turned into a yellow sand golem with three heads and six arms.

This golem is the "Stainless Golem" transformed by Hongwu. He received Liang Yan's order, and as soon as he appeared, he went straight into the air. go.

As the distance got closer, the three giant mouths of the Innocent Golem opened at the same time, and the yellow sand whirlpool appeared in the air, and began to continuously extract the power of the back soil in the phantom of the mountains.

The "Stainless Golem" was derived from the ancestors of Yellowstone. It was an earth magic weapon, and its strongest magical power was to absorb and dissolve the enemy's magical power.

At this moment, the power of the back soil in "Mounting Mountains and Reclaiming the Sea" was madly absorbed by the Golem, but in the blink of an eye, 30% of the power had already been resolved.

But don't underestimate the power of this 30%, the competition between masters is often a thin line!

With the help of the "Innocent Golem", Liang Yan's four sword lights raised their heads again and rushed upwards, quickly breaking the balance between the two sides.

Mayfly Jianwan rushed at the forefront, pierced the mountain above his head with a single sword, and went straight to Luo Qing.

Behind it, the three swords of Hei Lian, Zi Lei, and Ding Guang also pierced through the mountains one after another.

Facing the full encirclement and suppression of the four sword pills, Luo Qing's face changed slightly.

He was sneak attacked by Liang Yan first, and he still had a small half of his death energy that was not expelled. Originally, he planned to suppress his opponent with powerful magical powers, and after he had completely exorcised his death energy, he would use thunder to kill his opponent and seize it. treasure!

But he didn't expect that Liang Yan had other means, the golem puppet in mid-air.

The puppet is obviously extraordinary, and can actually absorb and resolve his own "Mountain Reclamation Technique", allowing the opponent to regain the advantage in this treasure hunt.

"Liang Yan, ah Liang Yan, I've been impressed by seeing you twice!"

Luo Qing's eyes were solemn, and she muttered to herself.

The next moment, his slender fingers stretched out to the ancient book in front of him, as if he wanted to turn the pages again.

But at this moment, a magic light came up from the bottom and quickly approached behind him.


Luo Qing frowned slightly, her consciousness swept back, and she saw that it was a scorching purple magic sword, the blade was murderous, and it was already less than ten feet behind her!

At the critical moment, Wuxin also saw the opportunity!

When Luo Qing's attention was attracted by Liang Yan, she ran the Zihua Magic Sutra, mobilized all the demonic energy in her body, and used the supernatural power of "Demon Blade".

This knife is full of magic and powerful. When Luo Qing discovered it, it was already behind him. If he didn't dodge immediately, he would definitely be cut in the middle!

Luo Qing didn't have time to push the ancient book in front of her, but in desperation, she could only turn around in place, white light wrapped her body, and disappeared without a trace the next moment.

brush! brush! brush!

With the sound of breaking the air, Liang Yan's sword pill, the unintentional demon blade, shot from different directions, but in the end, they all fell into the air!

But Liang Yan had expected this for a long time. Seeing that Luo Qing escaped, he did not chase after him. Instead, he flashed and came to the vicinity of the Frost Bing Jade Box again.

This time, there was no obstacle in front of him.

Liang Yan reached out and grabbed it, and easily grabbed the Frost Jade Box in his hand.

After getting the treasure, he didn't even bother to check it, and lightly tapped one foot in the air, sliding backwards like a geese.


When the treasure was in hand, Liang Yan did not hesitate at all, and directly sent a retreat message to Yang Jianying and Wuxin.

The reason why he was so decisive was because he was very jealous of Luo Qing.

Being able to grab the treasure box was not because Liang Yan or Wuxin were stronger than Luo Qing, but because the two cooperated tacitly and caught the other by surprise.

If he really wants to fight for life and death, Liang Yan has no confidence in his heart.

Yang Jianying and Wuxin naturally understood this, and they were also very jealous of Luo Qing.

Wuxin's sneak attack was unsuccessful, and when he heard Liang Yan's call again, he immediately accepted the magical power, reached out and patted the spirit beast bag at his waist, and called in a low voice:

"Cheng Huang, come out!"

With a flash of yellow light on the mouth of the spirit beast bag, a nine-tailed fox with yellow fur flew out.

Liang Yan fell from the sky, just right on the back of "Cheng Huang", stretched out his hand, and wrapped Wuxin's waist from behind, "Cheng Huang" immediately understood, and spread his hooves toward the palace. The door flew away.

As for Yang Jianying, he had always stood by Dongyang's side before, the purpose was to guard this person and prevent him from acting rashly.

The moment he saw Liang Yan get the treasure box, he didn't need to remind him at all. With a pinch of the magic trick in his hand, he used the magical power of "unity of body and sword", the speed skyrocketed, and he approached the gate of the palace in an instant.

The originally fierce battle for treasure boxes has now come to an end.

Liang Yan's party not only repelled Luo Qing, shocked Yu Dongyang, but also obtained the much-anticipated Frost Jade Box. At this time, he didn't want to fight anymore, and the three of them retreated outside the palace at the same time.

However, just as they approached the gate of the palace, a low voice suddenly came from behind:

"This seat doesn't seem to say, you can go!"

This voice was very calm, and it didn't sound like the slightest emotion, but for some reason, Liang Yan, Wuxin, and Yang Jianying were all heartbroken, and felt a great crisis almost at the same time.

They looked back at the same time, and saw that in the middle of the Ice Palace, the void split open, and a slender figure walked out of it.

This person has long eyebrows and a body like a jade tree. Although he is a man, his appearance is very feminine, but his lips are slightly pale, and he looks a little sick.

"Sure enough, it's him, Situ Ren!"

This person is a boy and a girl, very unusual. Liang Yan saw it once at the Jiugong Chamber of Commerce and was very impressed, so he recognized it at a glance.

"You know this person?" Wuxin was slightly surprised.

Liang Yan nodded, and before he could speak, Situ Ren in the palace waved his hand and flipped the black ancient book in front of him.

The pages of the book were unfolded, and a black-robed cultivator was drawn on it, with his left hand clasped, his right hand sealed, and there was a large black light behind him, which looked strange and unpredictable.

Situ Ren didn't speak. He pressed one hand on the page of the ancient book, and raised the other hand quickly, grasping with five fingers, and his palm facing the direction where everyone fled.

The next moment, a black light curtain spread out from his sleeve, like a tidal wave.

These black lights seem to be able to devour everything. Wherever they pass, everything becomes dark and dull, and the speed is extremely fast, and the entire palace has been surrounded in a blink of an eye.

Liang Yan, Wuxin, and Yang Jianying had already retreated to the gate of the palace at this time. They were only one step away from escaping, but they were stopped by this strange black tide.

At the same time, Yu Dongyang also had a depressed look on his face.

During this treasure hunt, Yang Jianying looked at him to death, and he had no chance to compete at all.

Take the Frozen Jade Box.

Even if he didn't get the treasure, who would have thought that at the last moment, Luo Qing actually came with an indiscriminate attack and blocked him in the Kuroshio.


Yu Dongyang's heart was extremely depressed, but he had to fight hard, urging the four puppets, "Swordsman", "Magic Boy", "Ying Lao" and "Flower Girl", to block in front of him at the same time, trying to stop him. Weird black tide.

However, he obviously underestimated Luo Qing's means.

The Kuroshio surged, as if a ruthless hand from the abyss swallowed all the four puppets of Toyo.

Yu Dongyang's ten fingers twitched slightly, but he found that his puppet didn't respond at all, and all the magic powers he used before disappeared.

"how so?"

Yu Dongyang's expression instantly became extremely frightened. These four puppets have always been his biggest support, but at this moment, there is no feedback at all.

His ten fingers twitched slightly, and his left and right hands tugged backwards. The red thread wrapped around his fingertips exited from the black tide, and they were all broken!

At the other end of the red line, the four puppets are also missing!

"My... puppet!"

Yu Dongyang was frightened and angry, and was attacked by the magic weapon of his life, and he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

He retreated again and again, and at the same time, he hurriedly grasped the magic tricks with both hands, and protected his whole body with a red body protection aura, trying to escape in the direction of the palace gate.

However, he was a lot slower after all.

In the next moment, the Kuroshio surged in and engulfed Toyo's body into the endless darkness.

Liang Yan and the others only heard half the screams. Soon, Yu Dongyang seemed to be strangled by someone's throat. The sound behind him could no longer come out, the breath quickly dissipated, and the last bit of red light disappeared completely in the darkness. ............

"What kind of magic is this?"

Liang Yan was extremely With Yu Dongyang's lessons learned, he did not dare to use the magic weapon, but condensed a few sword qi in his fingertips and hit the Kuroshio at the gate of the palace.

At the same time, Yang Jianying and Wuxin also made their own tricks and used their supernatural powers. They also did not use magic weapons, but used the supernatural powers condensed by their own spiritual power to open the way.

Blue and white sword energy, as well as the purple magic knife, attacked the gate of the palace at the same time, trying to clear the black tide around them and open the way for everyone.

However, when their magical powers fell in the black tide, the brilliance quickly dimmed, and the blue, white, and purple rays of light finally turned into chaotic black light and became part of the black tide...

After confiscating everyone's magical powers, the black tide is still rolling violently, like a bottomless abyss, like a huge mouth of blood, which can devour the sun, moon, stars, and magical powers.

No matter what color of brilliance, as long as it reaches the tide, there is only one color.

That is endless black!

Seeing this scene, Yang Jianying suddenly remembered something and muttered to herself:

"This is... This is the lightless scripture of Eternal Night City!"

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