The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1390: Destiny Fate

After listening to Zhao Xunzhen's words, Liang Yan pondered for a moment, and then asked the question that everyone wanted to know the most:

"Since the ghost hand scholar lied to us, do you know that there is any way to break the jealousy?"

As soon as these words came out, Yang Jianying and Wuxin both looked at Zhao Xunzhen, obviously they were also very concerned about this issue.

Zhao Xunzhen pondered for a moment, then slowly said: "Actually, there is more than one way to solve the jealousy, as far as I learned in Fengdu City, the most direct way is to find someone who is in conflict with my own destiny, kill the other party, and then naturally Break the jealousy."

"A person whose destiny clashes?"

Liang Yan frowned and glanced at the witch subconsciously, only to find that there was also doubt in the other party's eyes.

"Daoist Guiji, what do you mean by this?" Liang Yan asked in confusion.

"Yeah, please tell me more about Guiji," Yang Jianying also said.

Zhao Xunzhen glanced at the crowd, his face did not change at all, and slowly said, "You should all know that there are thousands of monks in the world, and there are many people with high aptitude and good understanding, but in the end, the only one who can achieve the Dao is that one. A very small number of people. These people are the arrogance of heaven who have seized great opportunities and great luck, so they are envied by the Tao of heaven..."

"But have you ever thought that on your way forward, someone once competed with you for this great opportunity and great fortune. Although that person failed, he did not die, that is, from that moment on, his fate and your destiny Being entangled together, colliding with each other, and becoming the evil star of your destiny, only by killing this person can you truly crack the jealousy!"

After Zhao Xunzhen finished speaking, everyone present looked at each other in dismay.

It can't be described as shock anymore, it's hard to believe, because what Zhao Xunzhen said is even more bizarre than the ghost hand scholar!

"What my sister said... It's not that I don't want to believe it. It's just that what you said is unbelievable. How can there be someone with a conflicting fate, why have I never felt it?" said hesitantly.

"Hmph, when you grab someone else's chance, of course you don't feel anything, but the person who was robbed of the chance is always thinking about you." Zhao Xunzhen snorted coldly, showing no shame at all.

"But what does this have to do with Heavenly Jealousy? Isn't the so-called Heavenly Jealousy a restriction on us by the Dao of Heaven? How is it related to those former opponents?" Yang Jianying expressed her doubts.

Gui Ji glanced at him with a hint of impatience on her face, and said: "The way of heaven is vast and ruthless, to it, all of us are chess pieces on the chessboard, you think, want to control What is the best way for a disobedient pawn?"

When Yang Jianying heard this, she instantly understood, nodded and said:

"So it turns out... The best way to control a chess piece, of course, is to use other pieces on the chessboard!"

"That's right! The Tao of Heaven is elusive. It doesn't exist anywhere, but it is everywhere. If a chess piece wants to jump out of the chessboard without using Heaven's Way, it will first be suppressed by other pieces. If you can't even pass this level, then How to face the shackles of heaven?"

Zhao Xunzhen said something, and the other three fell into silence.

If they thought it was bizarre at first, but now that they think about it carefully, they feel that what Zhao Xunzhen said seems to make sense.

Most importantly, Zhao Xunzhen had no reason to deceive them.

If it is said that this woman is in the same group as the ghost hand scholar, then she can completely hide it, and she does not need to talk so much.

Unless there is some trap waiting for them in the back......

After being silent for a while, Liang Yan slowly opened his mouth and said:

"Then according to what you said, Liang has competed with people countless times for opportunities. Could it be that those opponents who failed have become evil stars in Liang's destiny? Do you need to kill them all to break through?"


Unlike Wuxin and Yang Jianying, Zhao Xunzhen seems to be very patient with Liang Yan. Whenever he asks a question, he will answer it immediately, and his voice is also very gentle.

"The great road is fighting for the front, like a hundred galloping rivers, thousands of single trees, only one can cross the river. If you lose the fight, the road to the road will be cut off, and the other side will get great benefits."


Liang Yan's eyes showed reminiscence, and the first person he thought of was Sun Buer.

Back then, it was Sun Buer who found that place, and by chance, he took away the Daojianjing and Qingdi's relics, and thus forged the foundation of the Heavenly Dao.

That is, since then, he was like a fish leaping from the dragon's gate, and he really opened the road to sword cultivation, but the other party was deprived of great opportunities and great luck. Now, his cultivation realm is far inferior to himself.

Recalling how many times he and Sun Buer met, it seemed that they were all destined. God wanted them to decide between life and death, and only one of them could survive.

"Could it be Sun Buer? Several times, he almost died in my hands, but unfortunately he always escaped. Could this person be the evil star in my destiny? If he doesn't die, I will Can't break through?"

At this moment, although Liang Yan has not fully believed in Zhao Xunzhen, he has already begun to think in this direction.

Zhao Xunzhen glanced at his face and smiled slightly: "It seems that you have found your goal...

......In the realm of self-cultivation, the stronger is stronger! Weak or dead! This is the eternal truth, you and your own destiny, only one person can walk on the road of the road, only by killing the other party can you break the bottleneck of jealousy, and there is hope to break through to the realm of calamity. "

After her speech, not only Liang Yan, but Wuxin and Yang Jianying were all lost in thought at this time. They were all reminiscing about who was the one who clashed with their own destiny on their own path of cultivation. people.

After a while, Liang Yan slowly opened his mouth and said, "Thank you Guiji Daoist friend for clarifying your doubts. Liang believes what you said, but you are a ghostly scholar after all. Why should you betray him and tell us all this?"

"Ghost Scholar?"

Zhao Xunzhen raised his brows and said angrily: "He is a villain who has two sides and three swords! When I came under his door, I thought I could cultivate the Great Dao, but I didn't expect it to be plotted by this person. He took a fancy to my special physique, Forcibly using all kinds of medicinal herbs and resources to improve my cultivation, the purpose is to make me his puppet, and I can be at his mercy!"

Speaking of this, Zhao Xunzhen took a deep breath, adjusted his emotions, and then said: "To tell you the truth, this time he summoned the top ten talents, in addition to the reincarnation fruit, the most wanted is your soul seeds. ."

"Soul seed?"

Liang Yan frowned. He had never heard such a statement before, but after thinking about it, the other party was a cultivator from Fengdu City, who was good at ghost ways. Since she said that, there must be a reason for her.

Sure enough, I heard Zhao Xunzhen explain: "We have a secret technique in Fengdu City, which can extract the cultivator's soul and refine it into a soul seed. This soul seed can use some of the cultivator's magical powers during his lifetime, but the power is slightly weaker. "

Having said that, Zhao Xunzhen raised his hand and waved, and saw three rays of light shot out and landed on the nearby rocks, and three figures appeared.

The three figures are Yu Linglong, Fang Ruhui and Xuanxuan.

The moment they saw the three, Liang Yan, Wuxin and Yang Jianying all changed their expressions.

Both are the top ten talents, and everyone is jealous of each other, especially in the face of Fang Ruhui and Xuanxuan, who are Liang Yan's mortal enemies. Suddenly appearing here, the atmosphere is inevitably a little nervous.

But the next moment, Liang Yan took a closer look and found that these three were just phantoms, not real. Although their auras were very close to their own, they were much weaker and did not look strong.

"They..." Liang Yan had an idea in his heart, but he was a little uncertain for a while.

"No doubt, they are already dead." Zhao Xunzhen directly expressed his guess.


Liang Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, Yu Linglong's strength was weak among the three great arrogances, but Fang Ruhui and Xuanxuan were not ordinary. I didn't expect these two to die in Zhao Xunzhen's hands!

"They are the soul seeds that I refined with the secret method of Fengdu City."

Zhao Xunzhen raised his hand lightly, and Yu Linglong, Fang Ruhui, and Xuan Wei simultaneously turned into a yellow ball of light, flew upward, and finally landed in her hand.

"Soul seeds can use their magical powers during their lifetime, but the power will be greatly reduced, and the soul seeds can only be stored for one month. After a month, whether they are used or not, the soul seeds will disappear."

When Guiji said this, he sighed and said: "This is a way of our ghost cultivators to defend against the enemy, but the ghost hand scholars have to use your soul seeds to refine medicine. Because the top ten talents all have great luck. People, your souls are refined into soul seeds by secret methods, which will be a great supplement for ghost cultivators."

Hearing this, everyone finally understood the plot of the ghost hand scholar.

It turned out that he regarded the entire Thousand Machines Magic Pagoda as a big pill furnace, and the top ten geniuses were the medicinal materials invested in it, and the ghost princess was the medicine refiner. Moment.

"What a ghostly scholar! He is so vicious, he set up such a dead end to plot against the top ten talents, isn't he afraid of the revenge of the seven mountains and twelve cities?" Yang Jianying said through gritted teeth.

"I'm afraid, of course I'm afraid! But what he's even more afraid of is that his cultivation will be stagnant!"

Zhao Xunzhen smiled and said: "Actually, the ghost-hand scholar is just like you, and he is trapped in his own bottleneck. Five hundred years ago, he was already a strong man who could overcome the eight difficulties in the transformation of catastrophe, and he was only one difficulty away. You can step into the realm of sub-sages. Unfortunately, he has never been able to overcome this difficulty, and he can only use the resources of Fengdu City to desperately suppress his own cultivation, trying to delay the arrival of this difficulty."

"But the sky net is extensive and sloppy without omission. Although the ghost hand scholar suppressed his cultivation with a secret method, Tiandao did not forget him. Now, he can no longer hide it, and he is about to face his ninth difficulty. This difficulty is extraordinary. , In order to have enough strength to pass through, in addition to the reincarnation of the fruit, he also needs a medicinal pill that he personally refined, and the most important material for this medicinal pill is the soul seeds of you geniuses."

"I see........."

After listening to what Zhao Xunzhen said, everyone also understood the thoughts of the ghost hand scholar.

For a guy desperate for a breakthrough, everything he does can be insane.

Offend the Seven Mountains and Twelve Cities? Ghost Hand doesn't care at all, because if he drags on, he will die in three disasters and nine disasters himself.

In contrast, even if you kill all the top ten talents and offend the entire Antarctic Xianzhou sect, as long as you can successfully break through, there is still a chance.

Everyone asked themselves whether they would make the same choice as him if they had reached the stage of a ghost-hand scholar. It is really hard to say.

"Ghost Scholar is a ruthless man. He gave you the task of killing Tianjiao, and he will definitely take precautions against you. Now that you have told us all this, will it be harmful to yourself?" Liang Yan pondered. asked.

"Thank you Brother Liang for your concern."

For the first time, Zhao Xunzhen showed a smile on his face, looking a little bright.

"Back then in Siming Mountain Palace, you were the only one who helped me. I thought you would blackmail me with the master-servant contract, but I didn't expect you to keep your promise and let me leave freely. I still remember that I chose to tell you all about it because I wanted to tell you that even if I, Zhao Xunzhen, were enemies with everyone, I would never shoot at you."

After listening to Liang Yan, he glanced at Wuxin subconsciously, but saw that the witch was smiling rather than laughing, and did not make fun of himself through sound transmission like before.

"At that time, it was really forced by the situation. I was only in the Qi period. Facing an enemy in the Foundation Establishment period, I could only find her as an ally." Liang Yan secretly said.

"You don't have to explain it to me. The most important thing now is how to deal with this little girl. It seems that she has some thoughts about you." Wuxin blinked, with a smile in her voice.

After listening to Liang Yan, he coughed lightly and said to Zhao Xunzhen, "Thank you, my friend, for remembering what happened back then. In fact, you have saved me once now. We can be regarded as two cleansers. I don't know what your plans are for your friends?"

When Zhao Xunzhen saw Liang Yan's polite, a hint of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

But the next moment, she immediately returned to normal.

"I was ordered by the ghost hand scholar to come to the Thousand Machine Magic Tower to kill Tianjiao and collect soul seeds. His minimum requirement for me is three, and now I have met this requirement. Now my plan is to leave here and go where I want to go. The ghost hand book student is back to life."

Liang Yan frowned and said, "Since you were persecuted by him, can't you help your life for him?"

"No." Zhao Xunzhen shook his head and said, "I have practiced his technique, and he can perceive it no matter where I hide. Unless I am willing to destroy my magical powers and become a crippled person, I will always be at his mercy."

After listening to Liang Yan, he sighed softly.

He does have some sympathy for Zhao Xunzhen, but this matter is beyond his ability, and he and Zhao Xunzhen are not that familiar with each other. Although the other party saved him this time, it can be regarded as repaying his kindness back then.

In addition, he did not fully believe in Zhao Xunzhen. Although he was very polite on the surface, he was still cautious in his heart.......

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