The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1401: Howon-dong

"how so.........."

After listening to Yang Jianying's words, Wuxin's face became a little pale, and a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes......

Although she was alone, she was not alone.

As the royal family left by the Yu clan, she shouldered too many hopes from her clan.

Those enslaved Yu clan, those relatives who died tragically, those loyal subordinates who tried their best to let her escape......

For these people, Wuxin is their only light!

It can be said that Wuxin's life not only belongs to herself, but also belongs to the entire Yu Clan. The reason why she sneaked into the Terran Continent is to retrieve the lost holy artifact, cultivate a strong self, and then go back to rescue her clan.

If the road to the road is damaged, it will not only cut off his own future, but also the hope of the clan.

At this moment, I was heartless.

In the past, the scenes of getting along with Liang Yan came to mind again.

The absurdity when we first met, the perseverance when we first entered hell, and the support and mutual support in the back.  …

In fact, the love between the two has long been entangled. Even if there is no explicit statement, Wuxin has already regarded Liang Yan as a part of his life.

At this moment, Liang Yan's road is damaged, and Wuxin is also faced with a difficult choice.

If he saves him, he will inevitably sacrifice his own essence, and even affect his future cultivation;

This puts Wuxin into a dilemma!

On one side is the future of the person you love, and on the other side is the mission you shoulder.

"Isn't there any other way...?"

Wuxin lowered her head, the blue silk scattered, covering her beautiful face, only the voice came faintly.

"Please forgive Yang's inability..."

Yang Jianying sighed and said: "The injury of the Great Dao is no trivial matter. Although Brother Liang was enlightened, the power of that shocking sword far exceeded his cultivation. The only way I can think of is the 'Xuanyuan Secret Art' secretly passed down by our Yang family, and this can't guarantee success, only 70% at most."

"70%....Is there only a 70% chance..."

At this moment, Wuxin was lying on Liang Yan's chest, her long hair falling down, covering her face, so she couldn't see her expression clearly.

Her plain hand gently stroked Liang Yan's cheek, as if trying her best to remember his face.

At this time, Yang Jianying did not say anything.

The secret art of "Xuanyuan Jue" is not so much a way of healing the wounds of the Dao as it is a secret method of sacrificing oneself to save others, sacrificing oneself to achieve the Dao of others.

Yang Jianying asked themselves, if they switched positions with Wuxin, they would never choose to sacrifice their own path to achieve the other.

The same is true of the human race, not to mention Wuxin or the demon race?

Therefore, Yang Jianying did not hold any hope, even if he had no intention of turning around and leaving now, he would not have any surprises.

However, the truth is always unexpected.

Wuxin not only did not leave, but instead hugged the unconscious Liang Yan even tighter, as if he was afraid that he would lose him in the next moment.

After a long time, Wuxin slowly stood up......

The blue silk spread out, and Yang Jianying saw Wuxin's face again.

Her eyes were clear and ethereal, like a deep pool on top of a snow-capped mountain, so pure that there was no trace of impurities. Her cheeks were slightly flushed, like an innocent girl, but there was a hint of shame.

Yang Jianying suddenly felt a little dazed, and there was an unreal feeling in her mind.

He was clearly facing a witch who charmed all beings, but at this moment, he seemed to have seen the purest jade in the world.

"I've figured it out..." Wuxin's red lips parted lightly, her voice soft but extremely firm: "I want to save Liang Yan, please teach the secret method of 'Xuanyuan Secret'!"

"You....really sure?"

Yang Jianying couldn't believe his ears. He couldn't imagine that a demon woman would sacrifice herself for a human companion.

After Wuxin listened, a smile appeared on his face, and replied in the calmest voice:

"I have no regrets and no regrets in making this choice."


Quiet, unbelievably quiet.

After a while, Yang Jianying's voice sounded again:

" know, once you use the 'Xuanyuan Jue' double cultivation, part of his Dao injury will be transferred to your body, although it will not be as tragic as he is now, but it is enough to affect Your future practice!"

"I know."

Wuxin nodded, his voice surprisingly calm: "Just now, fellow Daoist has made it very clear, Wuxin knows the consequences, and is willing to undertake all of this... Although I still have my own mission, but Without Liang Yan, I am afraid that I would have died a long time ago. Where would there be the current Holy Son of Tianmo Mountain? And just now I thought about it for a long time and found that he has surpassed everything I have ever known. If he goes to the end, then all this will be meaningless!"

After listening to Wuxin's answer, Yang Jianying was silent again.

But this time, after only a moment of silence, Yang Jianying sighed and laughed, "I didn't expect that! Demons also have women who are very affectionate, and today I understand what a senior in the family said. ........... Haha! It's worth living to have a confidant in life, and whether she is a human or a devil? Tsk tsk, Yang is a little envious of Brother Liang!"

After listening to Wuxin, he smiled slightly and said: "Although I am a demon, I have no ill will towards the human race. I just want to go back and save the people. Thank you for not hating us because of my identity. You saved Liang Yan's life today. Wuxin will always remember your kindness."

"So your name is Wuxin...I'm afraid this isn't your real name, right?"

Yang Jianying smiled and shook her head: "Forget it, I don't bother to know, since you have already made a decision, you have to find a suitable place to use the 'Xuan Yuan Jue', otherwise the longer you delay, the more you will treat Brother Liang. unfavorable!"

"Suitable place?"

Wuxin's pretty face blushed slightly, thinking of how "Xuan Yuan Jue" works, a hint of shyness appeared in his eyes.

But she has always dared to love and hate, and since she has decided to save Liang Yan, she does not hesitate at this time, she stretches out her hand and takes off a petal-shaped jade pendant from her waist, and whispers, "This is my space magic weapon, right here. Please treat Liang Yan inside, please tell me the formula of 'Xuan Yuan Jue'."

Before she finished speaking, she reached out to support Liang Yan, but was stopped by Yang Jianying.

"Hey, what are you thinking? The 'suitable place' I am talking about is not a space magic weapon, but a place full of fire energy."

"A place with abundant fire energy?" Wuxin was stunned.

"'Xuan Yuan Jue' is a kind of secret healing technique. Double cultivation is only a means of auxiliary healing. The whole process must be carried out in a place with abundant fire attribute spiritual power, so as to maximize the effect of 'Xuan Yuan Jue' and heal Brother Liang The injury of the Great Dao in the body." Yang Jianying said with a serious face.

"I see........."

Wuxin nodded, then frowned again and said, "This is the fifth floor of the Thousand Machines Magic Pagoda. Where can I find a place full of fire energy?"

Yang Jianying thought for a while and said, "Didn't we bypass a lot of dangerous places along the way? According to my perception, there is just one place where there is a lot of fire energy, but that place is also very dangerous. It could be very dangerous for the two of us to go."

"There is no way out of danger, I must save Liang Yan!"

Wuxin's eyes were very firm, looking at Yang Jianying and said: "Brother Yang can do this for us, I am very grateful. If you don't want to go, just tell me the formula of 'Xuanyuan Jue', Wuxin I must be grateful for your kindness."


Seeing Wuxin's firm eyes, Yang Jianying sighed and said, "Forget it, anyway, I want to repay Brother Liang's great kindness, so I will **** you there. As for the formula of 'Xuanyuan Jue', I will teach you now. "

Having said that, Yang Jianying took out a blank bamboo slip from the storage ring, entered it with consciousness, quickly recorded the formula of "Xuanyuan Jue", and handed it over to Wuxin.

"Thank you!"

Wuxin reached out to take the bamboo slip and gave Yang Jianying a salute.

Yang Jianying hurriedly waved her hand, indicating that Wuxin didn't need to be too polite, and at the same time took out an octagonal compass from her arms and punched a few magic tricks into it.

"This is our Yang family's magic weapon, the 'star compass', which specializes in tracking the power of the five elements. I have switched the pointer on it to the 'fire needle', which will search for the most powerful fire-attribute spiritual power nearby."

After Wuxin listened, he glanced at it and found that the entire compass had turned red, and the pointer was also blazing, pointing to the southeast at this time.

"It's really a rare treasure! Daoyou Yang will lead the way." Wuxin said, putting Liang Yan's hand on his shoulder and gently supporting him up.

"Let's go."

Without any hesitation, Yang Jianying took out the white scale sword pill and walked in front with great vigilance, paving the way for Liang Yanhe Wuxin behind him......


Everyone set off again, groping in the dark.

Although they encountered several dangerous organs along the way, but fortunately their power was not strong, they were finally successfully cracked by Wuxin and Yang Jianying.

After about half a stick of incense, under the instructions of the "star compass", the three came to a fiery red cave.

Although they haven't entered yet, the fire energy from the inside of the cave is extremely abundant. Even if the three of them don't practice fire attribute exercises, they can clearly feel the powerful fire energy inside.

"It really is a place full of fire energy!"

A hint of joy flashed in Wuxin's eyes, and he asked Yang Jianying beside him, "Fellow Daoist Yang, how is this place? But the best place to use the 'Xuanyuan Art'?"

Yang Jianying stared at the pointer on the star compass, pondered for a moment, and frowned: "The power of fire essence here is indeed abundant, but there seems to be some violent power in it, and the power of fire spirit is not pure, I am worried that there will be accidents. ."

"There's no is in the Thousand Machines Magic Tower after all. It's very rare to have such a place full of fire energy, and I can't ask for more." Wuxin shook his head. He supported Liang Yan and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

"indeed so."

Yang Jianying sighed, put the star compass in his sleeve, and also came to the outside of the cave.

I saw a stone tablet erected at the entrance of the cave, and three big characters were written on the top of the stone tablet, which were:

"Huoyuan Cave!"

"Huoyuan Cave, it should be the name of this place, but I don't know why there is such a place on the fifth floor of the Thousand Machines Magic Pagoda..."

Wuxin frowned, carefully checked the inscription, and found that under the three big characters "Huoyuan Cave", there were also densely engraved small words.

These words are very ancient, and they seem to be from the Confucian scriptures of the ancient times.

Fortunately, Yang Jianying, as the arrogance of the Yang family in Baiyu City, has a profound background, and she has a deep understanding of the past and the present. After checking it carefully, she translated all the information on the stone tablet.

It turns out that the owner of this Huoyuan Cave is named "Honorable Huoyuan", and this person is also an outlier. You must know that Tianji Pavilion is an ancient sect, with an orthodox Confucian sect. Almost all the disciples in the sect practice Confucian exercises, but he is not good at it. , and also prefer the five elements of magic, especially the fire magic.

This person does not know anything about the number of tricks, Qimen Dunjia, etc., but is obsessed with the cultivation of flame magic, which is also unique in Tianji Pavilion. In the end, he really entered the Dao with fire, successfully entered the realm of sub-sages, and later named himself "Honorable Master of Fire Yuan".

He can be regarded as a ghost, but he is lonely in the Tianji Pavilion. There are only a few disciples under the sect. Later, he died in catastrophe one after another, leaving only him "Honorable Master Huoyuan".

"Honorable Huo Yuan" was not able to be sanctified in the end, but he was arrogant and arrogant. He did not accept any more disciples in his later years. Before his death, he left his inheritance on the fifth floor of the Thousand Machines Magic Pagoda, which is The "Huoyuan Cave" in front of him.

According to this person, among the disciples of the later generations of Tianji Pavilion, only those who have reached the fifth floor and have passed all the tests in the cave are qualified to obtain his inheritance......

"It turns out that this is the inheritance place of the elders of Tianji Pavilion, no wonder there is such a powerful fire attribute spiritual power." Wuxin sighed with emotion.

Now that she has figured out the origin of this place, she feels a lot more stable in her heart.

Wuxin had no idea at all about the so-called inheritance in the cave. The reason why she came here was to heal Liang Yan with the help of the rich fire energy here.

That is to say, as long as she doesn't break through the restrictions in the cave, there will be no danger.

"The two of This place is relatively safe, and Yang will be sent here..." Yang Jianying said slowly: "I have to go and search nearby, after all, now There is no Lingtian Dagger's artifact to guide us, we have to re-investigate a road, it is best to bypass the 'God Illuminating Wall' and reach the Tianshu District."

"Okay, then there is brother Lao Yang."

Wuxin knew that Yang Jianying was just trying to find an excuse to avoid her, so she didn't hold back.

"I hope Brother Liang can be blessed and survive this calamity smoothly...I hope that the Son of God will not be left with the injury of the Great Dao."

At this time, Yang Jianying no longer regarded Wuxin as a demon, but stood in the position of friends and blessed the two of them. After that, she said nothing, turned and walked into the depths of darkness.

Watching his back gradually disappear, his unintentional gaze fell on Liang Yan again.

Without hesitation, the witch supported Liang Yan and slowly walked into the "Huoyuan Cave".......


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