The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1406: Enemy of the Road

【Blue Gourd Sword Immortal】【】

The flaming bell that suddenly appeared was ten feet high. Various primitive inscriptions were engraved on the bell with flames. The powerful aura radiated out, like an indestructible shield, shrouding the "Sacred Fire Pill" in it.


Liang Yan's Zilei Tianyin Sword, the unintentional "Demon Blade", slashed above the ancient flame of flames, and a loud noise broke out.

The sword energy and demonic energy continued to wash over the fire bell, but the surface of the fire clock shone with a strange light, and the powerful flame force condensed into an absolute defense, which even Liang Yan's sword pill and the unintentional demon blade could not break through.

Inside the ancient flame bell, the group of firelight rushing out of Lin Fan's body gradually merged with the "Sacred Fire Pill", and the countless primitive inscriptions jumped, as if welcoming a brand new existence.

In just a moment, the "Gantian Holy Fire Pill" has disappeared, replaced by a group of elongated flames.

This group of firelight evolved rapidly, and finally turned into a "human" shape.

Looking at the changes in the ancient flame bell, Liang Yan and Wuxin's faces were not good-looking.

It's not that they don't want to stop it, but the ancient flame bell's defensive ability is too strong to break through in a short period of time, and during this time, the "Gantian Holy Fire Pill" has been refined by the mysterious existence in the flame, or it has become a ' it's part.

"Who are you?"

Wuxin's eyes passed through the ancient flame bell, and looked directly at the existence in the firelight, as if trying to see through the reality of "it".

However, she didn't know that at this moment, Liang Yan's heart was extremely surprised.

Because just now, he actually obtained a touch of heaven and man!

Since reaching the peak of Tongxuan, Liang Yan has been trapped in this bottleneck for decades, and he has never felt this way!

And this fleeting sense of heaven and man foreshadowed the danger of death to him!

"Will the existence in the fire bell bring me death..."

There is no one else here, and the only variable is within that ancient flame bell.

Unlike Wuxin, Liang Yan's nerves were tense to the extreme, because he sensed a hint of deja vu from the ancient bell.

"Hehe...I didn't expect that, after more than two hundred years, we will meet again here..."

An old voice came from the ancient flame bell, and then all the firelight converged inward, revealing a clear-looking old man.

This man was scrawny, with a high crown and a high hat, and a small rag bag tied with a hemp rope around his waist. His eyes were closed, and he seemed to be blind.

"It's you!"

The moment he saw the old man appear, Liang Yan understood everything.

No wonder I always felt a sense of deja vu, no wonder Lin Fan and I didn't know each other, but they were biting at him like a maggot attached to a bone.

It turned out to be because of this person, a person who changed Liang Yan's life and destiny.

Fire Yan Wang, Yan Blind!

It was this man who fought for treasures with his junior brother He Muqing in Huaiyuan Town, causing all the people in the town to die, even Liang Xuan, who was regarded by Liang Yan as his father.

Although Yan Blind did not kill directly, he was the one behind the whole thing, and after He Muqing's death, even if there were still fish that slipped through the net in Huaiyuan Town, Yan Blind would still kill people.

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【Blue Gourd Sword Immortal】【】

This can be seen from his later shot against Liang Yan.

He Muqing was dead, and Liang Yan transferred all his hatred to Yan Blind. Although with the improvement of his cultivation over the years, he was no longer obsessed with revenge, but this matter has always been hidden in the deepest part of his heart.

Until today, I met Yan Xiazi again. In the dark, Liang Yan suddenly had a feeling that maybe the person who had a dispute with himself was not Sun Buer......

"Hey, it seems that you still remember the old man."

Yan Blind has reshaped his body at this moment, no longer a chaotic firelight, his face shows satisfaction, and there is undisguised greed in his eyes looking at Liang Yan.

"I really didn't expect that the Maotou boy I met in a remote place back then has become a generation of geniuses! Tsk tsk, as expected, the world is unpredictable, and the secrets are unpredictable!"

After listening to Liang Yan, his face was gloomy and uncertain, and his eyes were fixed on Yan Xiazi. After a long while, he suddenly snorted:

"I didn't expect that the King Huo Yan, who was all-powerful in the past, turned out to be a lonely ghost when we met again. He had to live in someone else's soul ring to survive."

Hearing his ridicule, Yan Blind not only was not angry, but laughed: "Still alive? Is that right? But I have rebuilt my body now, and I would like to thank you for getting rid of Lin Fan for me, otherwise I want to get it from him. The Gantian Sacred Fire Pills will inevitably require some calculations."

"Lin Fan helped you, but you plotted against him in return. It really is your Yan Blind's style!" Liang Yan sneered.

"What's this? It's all about winning and losing!"

Yan Blind didn't care at all, and smiled: "This kid is of mediocre aptitude. If it wasn't for my help, I'm afraid he would have been eliminated in the family infighting. I instructed him to practice and helped him live for more than a hundred years. It's time to feed it back to me, hahaha!"

He had been suppressed in the black ancient ring for many years, and he had been flattering Lin Fan. Now that he had gained power, he could imagine the joy in his heart, and he actually laughed out loud in front of Liang Yanhe Wuxin.

Listening to Yan Blind's insolent laughter, Liang Yan was calm on the surface, but his heart was already overturned.

His four sword pills seemed to sense the master's state of mind, and each made a sword cry, like a hungry beast trying to drink the blood of his enemies!

Although Wuxin didn't know Yan Blind, she and Liang Yan were in the same mind and could sense his mood.

"Does this person...have a grudge against you?" Wuxin secretly said.

Liang Yan didn't answer, but his eyes were fixed on Yan Xiazi, and the killing intent exuded from his body was enough to explain everything!

"Haha, after all, he's a hairy boy. Although he got some opportunities, he still can't hold his breath."

"Gene Era"

After Yan Blind laughed, he looked at Liang Yan again, with an unfathomable look on his face, as if everything here was under his control.

"I'll give you a chance now. If you obediently hand over the Tianji Pearl, I can consider letting you go, otherwise this is your burial place!" Yan Blind said with narrowed eyes.

"Heavenly Secret Pearl?"

Wuxin heard the name for the first time, and looked at Liang Yan, but saw his calm face, and immediately understood that this treasure might be related to Liang Yan's avenues, so he never mentioned it to himself.

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【Blue Gourd Sword Immortal】【】

In the face of Yan Blind's threat, Liang Yan's expression remained unchanged, and he said coldly: "Okay, you want my Tianji Pearl, but what I want is your life! Let's see today, who can get it? Do what you want!"

As soon as the words fell, Liang Yan had already made the first move!

Zilei Jianwan turned into a thundering sword light and slashed towards Yan Blind again.

However, Yan Blind was not in a hurry, raised his hand and patted lightly in front of him, and the ancient flame of the bell instantly brightened, blocking Liang Yan's Zilei Jianwan from three feet away.

"It's useless, the Fire God Bell is one of the eight secret skills of my Huo Lingfeng. With just your sword energy, you can't break my defense at all!" Yan Xiazi took a good time in the fire clock, and he didn't seem to be afraid of Liang at all. verbal attack.

Huo Lingfeng, Liang Yan had heard of this name.

It is said that Mount Wuzhuang is an orthodox sect of Taoism, and uses five elements of magic to enter the Tao. According to the different cultivation spells, the sect is divided into five forces, namely Jinjiagu, Qingmuya, Narcissus Ridge, Huolingfeng and Tushen Castle.

That is to say, the blind man in front of him is one of the twelve cities of the Seven Mountains, a monk of Mount Wuzhuang!

Judging from the breath on his body, this person only has the realm of Tongxuan Peak, but like Luo Qing, his original realm is far more than that, but after reshaping his body, he did not restore his realm to the peak level, so It was not suppressed by the Thousand Machines Magic Tower.

Although the realm is the same, Yan Blind's methods are by no means comparable to Lin Fan!

"Vulcan Bell? An indestructible defense?" Liang Yan suddenly sneered, pinching the sword in his hand, a black light spread out from the ground, and actually penetrated into the interior of the Vulcan Bell.

This black light contains the aura of destruction and death. As soon as it appeared, it turned into a black sword lotus, and the infinite sword energy flew in all directions in the bell, making the fire bell sound like a sound!

"Good boy, the means are not bad!"

Looking at Jian Wan who suddenly appeared in the bell, Yan Blind's face showed a hint of surprise.

It turned out that the Purple Thunder Sword Pill was just a sheep attack, the purpose was to attract his attention, and then use the characteristics of this Black Lotus Sword Pill to invade the Fire Bell.

Facing Jian Wan in the bell, Yan Blind didn't panic at all, he waved his left sleeve, and a flaming lotus flower flew out of his sleeve and landed on the black sword lotus. The terrifying temperature actually made the sword lotus burn.

"This is........."

Liang Yan's eyes narrowed slightly.

Lin Fan had also used this spell in front of him. Obviously, he learned it from Yan Xiazi, but the fire lotus used by Lin Fan was not powerful enough, and was quickly pierced by Liang Yan's sword qi.

But Yan Xiazi's fire lotus is different. The power of flame contained in it is much stronger than Lin Fan's. Not only can the sword qi be unable to be cracked, but even the flying sword that Liang Yan has been cultivating for many years shows a sign of melting.

The same move, used by different people, has very different power!

Liang Yan was a little shocked in his heart, and felt the terrifying temperature from the black lotus sword.

"Since you're here, why rush to leave?"

Yan Blind laughed twice, pinched the magic trick in his hand, the flaming lotus flower was divided into two, and the two were divided into four, surrounded by the black lotus sword pill in the middle, it seemed that he planned to completely melt this magic weapon!

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【Blue Gourd Sword Immortal】【】

At this moment, a lingering and sad piano sound suddenly sounded around.

If the sound of the piano seems to be absent, it makes people toss and turn repeatedly, and it is difficult to calm the heart. Although the Vulcan Bell can defend against various magical powers, it cannot defend against the sound of magic.

Yan Blind was originally concentrating on controlling the fire lotus, when he suddenly heard the sound of the piano, he was upset for a while, and there was a momentary daze in his mind.

Although it was only a brief moment of confusion, in the battle of masters, it was enough to change a lot.

The Vulcan Bell was originally maintained by Yan Xiazi's spiritual power, but now because of the disturbance of the piano sound, there is also a problem with the spiritual power in his body, and the light of the Vulcan clock is instantly dimmed.

At this time, a cyan sword light galloped forward, with a powerful sword intent, it slashed at Vulcan Zhong with a sword!


The originally indestructible Vulcan Bell was completely shattered in this sword light and turned into countless fragments.

These fragments fell on the ground, were blown by the wind, and turned into a mass of flames, sweeping like a sea of ​​fire, shrouding the entire secret room.


Yan Blind obviously didn't expect his "Vulcan Bell" to be cracked like this, but before he could think about it, the cyan sword light rolled again. It was only a moment's effort, and the sword energy was already close to his neck.

In the face of Liang Yan's hurricane-like attack, Yan Blind's expression changed slightly.

He didn't care about refining the black lotus sword, and lightly tapped his toes on the ground, the whole person fluttered and retreated, and at the same time, he flicked his sleeves, and the flaming lotus that had suppressed the black lotus sword rose into the sky, facing the oncoming mayfly sword. pill.

The two sides fought again, but when the fire was soaring into the sky, the sword qi was in full swing!

In the mighty momentum, there are countless subtle changes, and only the two people who are fighting can appreciate the mystery.

The two of them each used their supernatural powers and fought over a hundred moves. Although Yan Xiazi's supernatural powers were not weaker than Liang Yan's, strange magical sounds surrounded him all the time, constantly interfering with his spiritual sense, resulting in his inability to exert his strength. , but was suppressed by Liang Yan's sword light.


Yan Blind swept his eyes and fell behind Liang Yan.

I saw a woman in a black dress sitting cross-legged with a guqin in front of her, her slender fingers folded and twisted slowly, and the gurgling sound of the violin came out from Her violin sound fell in Liang Yan's ears. , not only did not interfere at all, but also helped him get rid of distracting thoughts, making the power of the move to a higher level.

But in the ears of Yan Blind, it was like a nine secluded demonic sound, which made him upset and shaken, and he made three mistakes in ten moves, and he almost fell into danger several times!

"The little girl of Tianmo Mountain is bad for me! Hey, no.... When she killed Lin Fan just now, she seemed to have revealed a hint of true demonic energy. Could she be a demon?"

Yan Xianzi's face was a little gloomy. He thought that his strength was far superior to Liang Yan, and Liang Yan was injured, so he planned to kill him with the power of thunder, and the remaining saint of Tianmo Mountain would not be able to turn any waves. .

But he didn't expect the two to cooperate tacitly, and the Vulcan Bell, which he was proud of, could not even hold a cup of tea, and they were jointly defeated!

Now Liang Yan entrusts the four sword pills to fight more and more bravely, while Wuxin plays a magic sound behind him, suppressing Yan Xiazi, and at the same time enhancing Liang Yan's combat effectiveness.

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【Blue Gourd Sword Immortal】【】

"No! The magic powers of this dog and man are not weak. Although it is not as good as the old man to fight alone, the cooperation between them is too tacit, and I am afraid that it is difficult to fight against me alone..."

Yan Blind's heart fluttered, but he immediately thought of the Tianji Pearl, the treasure that made him miss him.

"Heavenly Secret Pearl... I missed it two hundred years ago, and I must get it back today!"

Thinking of this, Yan Blind's face suddenly turned gloomy again.

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