The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1495: pass the sword

The moment the silver needle pierced the acupuncture point, both Wuxin and Li Xiaosong were slightly shocked, and the next moment, the golden aura flowed out along the silver needle, and it reached Shennonghu in an instant!

Shennonghu was prepared early, and drew a Tai Chi arc with his right hand on the spot, and the divine power of Vajra rushed in, and was beaten by Shennonghu, and most of the power was dissolved in an instant.

The remaining small part of Vajra's divine power fell within the arc of Taiji, like a candle in the dark night, flickering and extinguishing in the underground space.

Shennong Hu tapped lightly with one hand, and a khaki-yellow jar appeared in the midair, and the mouth of the jar opened, absorbing the last bit of Vajra divine power into it.

"It's done."

Shennong Hu took back the jar, sealed it with a talisman, and threw it back into his storage ring.

Looking at Wuxin and Li Xiaosong in the distance, their pale faces had become much ruddy. They were lured by Shennong Hufa Jue, flew slowly from above the Lingquan, and finally landed in front of Liang Yan.

"Cough cough."

The two people who were in a coma coughed. Although blood was on their faces, they still looked very weak.

Li Xiaosong was slightly injured and was the first to open his eyes.

"Stinky monk...don't run away if you have the ability, and eat your aunt again!"

The first thing Li Xiaosong did when he woke up was dancing and shouting.

Seeing this, Liang Yan felt a little funny, it seemed that this little girl had shown her might in her dream, and she had already killed Master Lian Xin to the core.

"Okay, okay, don't be so excited, Lian Xin has already been beaten away by you, and we are safe now." Liang Yan touched Li Xiaosong's head, and the latter glanced at him, feeling exhausted in his heart, and then rolled his eyes. Closed, and fell into a coma again.

Liang Yan was not worried this time, because he knew that the remaining vajra divine power in Li Xiaosong's body had been completely eliminated, but the injury was too severe before, and the damage to the meridians caused insufficient energy and blood, and his body was still very weak.

In addition, after waking up and seeing himself beside her, Li Xiaosong's tense heartstrings were completely relaxed, that's why he passed out again.

Not long after Li Xiaosong passed out, Wuxin's eyelashes moved slightly, and after a while, he slowly opened his eyes.

"Liang Yan..."

The first thing Wuxin did after waking up was to look for Liang Yan's figure. She didn't feel at ease until her eyes focused on Liang Yan's face.

"I'm here, don't worry, we're safe." Liang Yan hugged Wu Xin, and patted her lightly behind her.


Wuxin was still very weak, and her voice was very soft. She leaned her head on Liang Yan's shoulder, and after a while, she slowly asked, "Did you get injured in the battle with Lian Xin? Where are we now?"

"Lian Xin and I didn't fight to the end. The evil spirit of reincarnation in the sea of ​​bitterness in the western region erupted, and we each escaped. As for this might not believe it, but we have already arrived in Juntian City."

"Jiantian City?"

There was a hint of surprise in Wuxin's eyes, and his eyes left Liang Yan for the first time, only then did he realize that he was in a cold and dark space, and behind Liang Yan, there was actually a middle-aged man standing.

"Who is this........"

"Old man Shennonghu, the lord of Shennong Mountain, and also the lord of Juntian City that you outside talk about."...

"So it's City Master Juntian, nice to meet you." Wu Xin said softly.

"Fellow Taoist has just woken up. Although the vajra divine power in his body has been cleared, his body is still very weak. It is best to cultivate quietly." Shen Nonghu glanced at Wuxin, and then turned his gaze to Liang Yan: "Fellow Daoist Liang, the yin and cold place here It's too angry to stay for a long time, why don't we take them out first?"


Liang Yan nodded, put Wuxin on his back, picked up the sleeping Li Xiaosong, and flew out of the crack in the ground following Shennong's retinue.

Half a quarter of an hour later, several people returned to the house in the valley.

Liang Yan placed Wuxin and Li Xiaosong on a wooden bed in the cottage, then turned around and thanked Shennonghu sincerely: "Thank you, Shanzhu, Shennonghu

Shi's medical skills are really amazing! If it wasn't for the Mountain Lord to take action, even if they could be rescued, it would probably affect the foundation. "

"You Liang Daoyou are too polite." Shennong Hu waved his hand first, and then reminded: "Although the cold air of the underground Yin River has expelled the vajra divine power in their bodies, the two of them have damaged their meridians after all, and the blood in their bodies has lost too much , I have to take some supplementary pills these few days to slowly recuperate."

"Well, Liang understands."

Liang Yan nodded. There are many panaceas in his storage ring, so there is no need to bother Shennong Hu, as he has enough resources himself.

"The old man has completed the task, so I won't bother you here anymore. As for what we discussed earlier..."

"Master, don't worry, Liang will not forget the previous promise. After three days, you let Qingqing come to the valley, and I will teach her the real way of swordsmanship."


Shen Nong Hu laughed, reached out and patted Liang Yan's shoulder, looking very happy.

"Fellow Daoist is also a cheerful person, very much to my liking, since that's the case, I won't get in the way here, goodbye!"

"Mountain Lord, go slowly."


After Liang Yan sent Shennong Hu away, he turned and returned to his thatched hut.

At this moment, Li Xiaosong was still in a coma, but Wuxin sat cross-legged, eyes slightly closed, silently doing exercises to repair the damaged meridians.

Liang Yan took out some healing elixirs from the storage ring and gave them to Wu Xin and Li Xiaosong respectively.

"How do you feel?" Liang Yan asked with concern.

"It's much better....... Vajra's divine power has been completely removed, and the remaining injuries are only a matter of time." Although Wu Xin's voice was still very soft, her expression was better than before.

"That's good, Shennong's medical skills are really good."

"Shen Nong?" Wuxin glanced at Liang Yan, and asked softly, "I've been wondering since just now, how did we come to Juntian City? Then who is Shen Nong?"

Liang Yan smiled slightly after hearing this, and sat down next to Wu Xin.

"It's a long story. When I fought with Lian Xin that day, the evil energy of the sea of ​​bitterness erupted, so we had to end the fight. Just when I was about to lose my hold, I accidentally discovered a trace of space fluctuations. Looking at this spatial fluctuation, I saw a colorful vortex that continuously devoured the spiritual energy......"

Next, Liang Yan told Wu Xin exactly how he entered the Langhuan Continent and what happened after entering the Langhuan Continent. ....

"So many things happened after I fell into a coma!" Hearing Liang Yan's words, Wu Xin was slightly surprised. "I've heard of Juntian City's name a long time ago, but this city is too mysterious, and no one knows its unique location... I never thought that one day, I would step into this city."

"I didn't think of it before." Liang Yan smiled and said, "Fortunately, the monks here are not high-level, and they didn't encounter any danger when they fell into the realm. Coupled with the five-color soil and Shennong's medical skills, we can achieve our wish Restore your cultivation."


Wuxin nodded slowly, closed her eyes again, and continued to meditate on the spot.

Liang Yan knew that she wanted to restore her strength as soon as possible, so she didn't bother her, and just stood aside to protect her.

In the next three days, under the effect of Liang Yan's elixir, Wuxin's injuries gradually improved, and her vitality and blood also recovered, and she no longer looked sick.

Li Xiaosong's injuries were lighter than hers, and he had already turned back into the form of a civet cat, and went to the Taixu Gourd to recuperate.

On the morning of the fourth day, Qingqing arrived in the valley on time.

This little girl was even more cheerful than before, apparently she had learned from Shen Nong Hu that Liang Yan would teach her real swordsmanship.

"Brother Liang, I have already learned the sword skills you taught me last time. What new tricks do you have today?"

[In other words, reading aloud and listening to books is currently the best, so change the source and install the latest version. 】

"follow me."

Liang Yan smiled and took Qingqing to an open space in the valley.

He didn't practice swordsmanship directly, but raised his hand and patted the Taixu gourd on his waist, releasing Gu Xingyun from the gourd.

Gu Xingyun was seriously injured before, and Liang Yan has recuperated for him in the past few days. Although he suffered a little during the process, he has recovered as before.

"I have met Master!" Gu Xingyun bowed to Liang Yan.

"Xingyun, after this incident, do you have any insight?"

"My disciple is stupid, please show me, Master."

Liang Yan glanced at him and sighed softly: "I know you have a chivalrous heart, but you have to do everything according to your ability. During the battle at Yunzhong Mountain, what did you do after you jumped from the top of the mountain? The Bone Rat Spirit's supernatural powers have been knocked out, if you hadn't acted for the teacher, wouldn't you be dead already?"


Recalling the scene that day, Gu Xingyun's face showed embarrassment, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Okay, I don't want you to change your mind, I just remind you to see clearly the scope of your ability, the so-called 'keep the green hills, don't be afraid of no firewood, as long as people are there, there is hope, and people die. nothing left."

After hearing this, Gu Xingyun thought silently for a long time on the spot, finally took a deep breath, kowtowed to Liang Yan and said:

"Thank you, Master, for your advice! From now on, disciples will think twice before acting."


Liang Yan nodded slightly.

He is actually very optimistic about Gu Xingyun's qualifications, but this person was born in the Langhuan Continent, and has never experienced intrigue or **** storms from the outside world. Even if he can inherit his own swordsmanship, it will be very easy to hit a wall in the future.

So Liang Yan took this opportunity to give Gu Xingyun a good beating, and let him understand the truth of doing according to his ability. ....

"Okay, starting today, I will teach the two of you the sword art."

As Liang Yan spoke, he picked a leaf in the distance and held it between his fingertips.

"Answer me a question first, do you two know what is the way of the sword?"

"I know, I know!" Qingqing took the lead in answering, and shouted: "The way of swordsmanship is 'swoosh, swish, swish, swish, swish, go, so fast that you can't see clearly, and so handsome that you explode!"

After hearing this, Liang Yan ignored her, and his eyes fell on Gu Xingyun.

"You tell me."

"Return to Master..." Gu Xingyun looked serious, and after thinking for a while, he slowly opened his mouth and said: "As far as I see, the way of swordsmanship is a special method of refining weapons. Practitioners Use your own essence as a guide to sharpen the flying sword in your hand until the spirit and weapon are combined, so as to maximize the power of the flying sword."


Liang Yan nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "Your eyes are vicious. But unfortunately, what you see is only the appearance. The way of swordsmanship is indeed started by refining weapons, which also causes many people to be confused by appearances, but the essence of swordsmanship is actually It is an exploration of yourself, when you are constantly sharpening your own flying sword, the flying sword is also influencing you everywhere..."

After hearing this, Gu Xingyun showed a hint of surprise on his face: "Isn't it a man who comes to control the sword? Could it be that the sword also controls people?"

Liang Yan smiled slightly, but did not answer right away.

He clamped the leaf in his hand with his middle and middle fingers, and flicked it lightly, the leaf flew out of his hand, stirring up layers of sword energy in mid-air, like a blue streamer.


There was a crisp sound, and the leaf was finally nailed to a boulder in the distance.

Gu Xingyun looked intently, and saw that where the leaves passed, there was actually a deep scratch on the ground, which seemed to be the trajectory of the leaves, extending all the way to the place where the boulder was.

Without waiting for him to think too much, he heard Liang Yan's voice calmly say: "You two, go and pick off this leaf."


Gu Xingyun and Qingqing responded at the same time, but Qingqing didn't act immediately, but stood there and looked again and again, as if he found something interesting.

Gu Xingyun was unwilling to be left behind, and was the first to pass by.


He came to the boulder, stretched out his hand to grab the leaf that had been nailed in half, and used his spiritual power to pull the leaf out of the boulder.

However, no matter how hard he tried, the leaf remained motionless, as if it had taken root on a boulder, and it couldn't be pulled out no matter what.

Gu Xingyun was not surprised by this, he knew that Liang Yan would not let go of everything, every word and deed must have a deep meaning, if this leaf was pulled out by himself so easily, it would be abnormal.

Thinking of this, Gu Xingyun took a deep breath, stomped his legs violently, and even inserted both feet into the ground.

The surrounding earth attribute aura seemed to be summoned, swarming from all directions, gathering at Gu Xingyun's feet, and finally sucked them into his body.

This is the unique skill of the Stone Spirit Clan "Eight Directions Gathering Spirit Seal", which can temporarily condense the power of the nearby back soil into one's body, thereby stimulating the potential of one's physical body.

After performing this stunt, a rune appeared on Gu Xingyun's right arm, and he strengthened his right arm with the absorbed power of the earth, and now it can almost rival Jindan's late stage physical training.

He grasped the leaf nailed into the his arm was strong, trying to pull the leaf out of the boulder.


The moment Gu Xingyun exerted force, the leaf in his hand burst out with an invisible sword energy, which easily pierced his skin, leaving several bloodstains on the palm of his hand.

Gu Xingyun suffered from pain, and the "Eight Directions Gathering Spirit Seal" on his arm was also dissolved by the sword energy. As a last resort, he could only let go of the leaves and took a few steps back.

"Master, this is not an ordinary leaf. It contains the sword energy you left behind...... I can't pull it out."

After Liang Yan heard this, his face was noncommittal, he turned his head and glanced at Qingqing next to him, and said, "You should try it too."


Qingqing was not restrained at all, and walked towards the distant stone...

Bamboo Forest Sword Hidden

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