The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1528: Dreaming back to eternity, the past is like smoke (10)

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Outside Wusheng Island, the black water is surging to the sky, and the evil spirit is like thunder!

The first layer of enchantment that Xi Wang's mother has set up by herself is so terrifyingly powerful that it is unimaginable

Even if the lowest cultivation level of the people present was at the Tribulation Realm, facing this strange and dangerous Luoshui, I still felt a chill from the bottom of my heart.

In the sky above Luoshui, the light cannot condense.

Once it falls into the water, there will be no bones left!

Not only the suzerains of various sects, but even the sanctified Shen Nongtuo is very afraid.

Although he has the sacred body of Shennong, the poison of Luoshui comes from the "Luoshen bottle" of the Queen Mother of the West, and it is no longer a poison in the world.


If you forcibly lead the crowd to pass through the sky above Luoshui, the final end will be that the entire army will be wiped out.

But everything has a turning point.

Wuji Academy is well-known for its deduction techniques. Among them is Fang Yue, an elder who received the favor of Shen Nongtuo in his early years. Now, in order to repay his kindness, he went out of the customs himself, and he did not hesitate to spend five hundred years of cultivation and a part of his essence to calculate that chance for Shennong.

The reason why the date of action was set today is also because of Fang Yue's calculations.

It's just that this opportunity is fleeting, and with Fang Yue's powerful divination ability, he can only get the news ten breaths in advance.

Now, seven breaths have passed since he spoke the prophecy just now.

Shen Nongtuo and others have already arrived near the location he designated, waiting intently outside Luoshui, quietly waiting for the fleeting opportunity.



Everyone chanted silently in their hearts. When the word "one" was counted, the nearest black water suddenly sank, and the evil spirit around them gradually dissipated, even the coercion that suppressed everyone gradually dissipated.

Seeing this scene, everyone was a little surprised, but Fang Yue's expression remained unchanged, and she said in a deep voice:

"There are laws for everything in the universe. Nothing can flourish forever. Just like the tide ebbs and flows, now is the time for Luoshui to ebb. The position calculated by the old man is the weakest link in this space."


Shen Nongtuo's face was calm, and he didn't say any more nonsense. With a pinch of the magic formula in his hand, he swept the crowd with his escape light, and broke into the Luoshui restricted area together.

As soon as he reached the sky above the black water, powerful forces immediately surged from all directions, and even the light condensed by Shen Nongtuo quickly dissipated at this moment.

Obviously, even a saint cannot continue to fly over Luoshui.

But Shennongtuo doesn't need to hold on for too long, he just needs to find the location of Shengmen. "The position of Shengmen has shifted slightly, and it is now due south!"

"The location of the gate of life has changed, hurry to the west!"

Fang Yue's voice continued to sound, and she was constantly correcting Shen Nongtuo's direction.

It's not that his deduction skills are too weak. If he only calculates the future of a secular mortal, Fang Yue must be able to count everything. But the object of his deduction now is Luoshui, and Luoshui comes from the Queen Mother of the West.

Queen Mother Xi's realm is too high, and everything related to her is constantly changing.

Every time someone extrapolated a future involving her, the future had actually changed. According to this principle, every moment Fang Yue calculates the position of the birth gate, the birth gate changes.

Therefore, the gate of life is not fixed, but is constantly changing. It needs to be corrected all the time, so that it is possible to capture this one-in-a-million chance.

Fang Yue tried his best to deduce it, and Shen Nongtuo also tried his best to keep the light from escaping. At the same time, he also released the aura of body protection to ensure that everyone would not be eroded by the evil spirit contained in Luoshui.

After three breaths of time.

After three breaths, Fang Yue suddenly yelled: "The gate of life is just ahead, but to open this gate, two fellow Taoists, Zhu Yuchuan and Nangong Ling are needed!"

Among the crowd, Zhu Yuchuan and Nangong Ling had been prepared for a long time. They looked at each other and nodded calmly.

The next moment, Zhu Yuchuan and Nangong Ling made a formula at the same time, pushing their own skills to the extreme.

Both practice the law of water. The difference is that, as the master of Tianshui Palace, Nangong Ling cultivates "Sentimental Water", while Zhu Yuchuan, as the head of the Zhu family in Xiyue Mountain, cultivates "Ruthless Water". of water".

Tianshui Palace and Zhu Family of Xiyue Mountain, one is "Sentimental Dao" and the other is "Ruthless Dao". The two parties have caused many conflicts because of the orthodoxy, and they belong to the relationship of never getting in touch with each other.

But hearing that Shen Nongtuo was in trouble, the two rushed here together, and were willing to temporarily put aside their grievances and work together to cast spells.

In mid-air, both of them were surrounded by water, but the water around Nangong Ling was extremely clear, while the water around Zhu Yuchuan was muddy.

The next moment, the two of them clapped their palms at the same time, and the "Water of Love" and "Water of Heartlessness" rushed forward and merged into one in mid-air, forming a Tai Chi of water, covering a radius of hundreds of feet and running across the sky. middle!

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help but be amazed. Among them, You Yiwen Daoxing looked surprised and sighed: "I didn't expect that the 'water of love' and the water of 'ruthless water' can really merge with each other. It is said that Dao is ruthless. I said Ruthless but sentient!"

Even the two parties involved, Zhu Yuchuan and Nangong Ling, didn't seem to have expected the integration to be so smooth. They looked at each other with a look of complexity in their eyes.

But at this moment, it is not the time to delve into this matter.

The two were only distracted for a moment, and the next moment they restrained their minds and devoted themselves to casting spells.

At the same time, Shen Nong Tuo was reminded by Fang Yue, and without any hesitation, he pinched the magic formula in his hand and poured his own spiritual power into the Tai Chi diagram made of flowing water in front of him.

According to Fang Yue's calculations, Luoshui's power is at its weakest right here and now.

Both Zhu Yuchuan and Nangongling are masters in practicing the law of water. The supernatural powers formed by their fusion, strengthened by Shen Nongtuo's spiritual power, are enough to tear apart the barrier above Luoshui and open a path leading to the inner sea of ​​Wusheng Island. channel!


In mid-air, the Taiji diagram formed by the fusion of "Sentimental Water" and "Relentless Water" began to rotate slowly.

The surrounding Luoshui seemed to feel the threat, and countless undercurrents surged, continuously converging towards the location of the Tai Chi Diagram, and there were bursts of strange noises under the water surface, as if a huge wave was brewing underwater.

"Luoshui has already sensed it, so we need to speed up. Whether we can make it happen or not depends on it!" Fang Yue's voice raised a lot, and it sounded a little hurried.

But Shen Nongtuo's face was always calm.

He was concentrating on it, making quick moves with both hands, and the spiritual power in his body gushed out continuously, slowly controlling the supernatural powers of Zhu Yuchuan and Nangong Ling.


Suddenly there was a loud noise in midair, but the barrier above Luoshui was finally torn open, and a space crack appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing this scene, Shen Nongtuo did not hesitate at all, and stimulated the spiritual power in his body to the extreme. The light flashed again and again, and everyone felt a blur before their eyes, and then they got into the void crack the next moment.

The surrounding space is spinning!

Everyone was dizzy, and I don't know how long it took. When they came back to their senses, there was no such strong evil spirit around them.

There is a calm sea under the feet, the water is clear and blue, and there are a few reefs lying on the sea.

"Looks like we've reached the inner sea of ​​the 'Lifeless Island.'"

Wen Daoxing murmured, thinking of the horror of "Luoshui", he still had lingering fears at this moment.

Shen Nongtuo nodded slightly, and the next moment, he suddenly felt something, and looked behind him.

"Brother Fang, you..."

With an exclamation, everyone's eyes turned to the past.

I saw the Supreme Elder of Wuji Academy, who was sitting on a reef above the sea panting for breath at this time, he was as thin as a stick, his hair had become white, and his face seemed to have aged hundreds of years in an instant.

The people present were all people with advanced cultivation bases, so they naturally guessed the reason after seeing this scene.

The Queen Mother of the West is too powerful. This Luoshui comes from the Queen Mother of the West and is related to her. Using Fang Yue's Taoism to deduce the changes in the Luoshui is a clear statement in itself.

Know what you can't do and do it.

Although with the joint efforts of everyone, she finally broke through this layer of enchantment, but Fang Yue also lost too much essence, not only her cultivation, but also her lifespan.

Shen Nongtuo knew it well, and was even more grateful to Fang Yue, but he didn't like to talk too much, so he just cupped his hands and said, "Brother Fang's kindness, I, Shen Nongtuo, will always remember it in my heart!"

"Hehe, benefactor is just joking, you saved Fang Yue's life, it's just a loss of life, what a shame!" Fang Yue leaned against the reef, panting and laughing.

After hearing Fang Yue's answer, Shen Nongtuo's face became more solemn.

This place is full of dangers, but everyone is willing to take risks for themselves, and the only thing I can do is to try my best to get them out of this place alive.

"Fang Daoyou, you can adjust your breath here, this level, leave it to us."

Shen Nongtuo said, looking at the sea ahead.

I saw lightning flashing and thundering there, and thunder and lightning as thick as water tanks filled the air, forming a fine thunder net.

These lightning electrodes have the power to kill, and they are numerous and densely packed. As a member of the fairy court, Shen Nongtuo naturally knows the power of these lightnings. "This is the punishment thunder of the 'Sin Court', which was developed by the first master of the 'Sin Court'. Even a person with physical training can hardly resist this kind of punishment!" Shen Nongtuo said with a serious face.

"Hehe, it looks like it's time for the three of us to go out."

A chuckle came from the crowd, but it was Zhuang Sheng who was dressed in white.

Behind him, Yu Yuhao and Cheng Kun also came out, but the two of them kept a serious look from the beginning to the end, rarely spoke, and seemed to recognize Zhuang Sheng as their spokesperson.

Seeing these three people coming out, Shen Nongtuo nodded slightly.

"The third ancestor of Shenxiao, I have heard the name for a long time. Whether I can break through the 'Xing Lei' today depends on the methods of the three."

"Senior Shennong, don't worry, we will naturally help you!"

Zhuang Sheng, Yu Yuhao and Cheng Kun handed over at the same time, all with serious expressions on their faces.

In the next moment, the three of them flew into the air at the same time, and each of them made spells to cast spells.

The power of one after another thunder was condensed in mid-air, suddenly heard several loud noises, and the thunder danced wildly for a moment. When everyone looked up, they felt dazzled, as if they saw three peerless thunder gods!

"Worthy of being the 'Three Patriarchs of Shenxiao,' the name really lives up to its name!"

Everyone was amazed, and when they looked carefully, they found that although the three of them practiced the Thunder method together, their own divine thunder was different from each other.

Among them, Zhuang Sheng is unrestrained and unrestrained, with a clear state of mind, so the thunder and lightning he cultivated is also as clear as water, and it is called "Shen Lei without Scale"!

And Yu Yuhao is extremely feminine and beautiful, and the thunder and lightning he repaired is as black as ink, which is called "Taiyin God Thunder"!

As for Cheng Kun, although this person is taciturn, he is usually the most jealous.

Wugou, Taiyin, and Zhanxie, the three thunders strike together!

The sea of ​​punishment thunder in the distance seemed to be attracted, and at the same time, three lightning bolts were separated to suppress the spellcasting of these three people.

But Zhuang Sheng and others had already prepared for it. At this time, the tactic changed. Instead of dodging the punishment thunder, they used their own lightning as a lure to continuously inhale the punishment thunder into their bodies.

"You have such a physique!"

At this moment, even Shen Nongtuo was a little surprised.

He had heard about the power of Xing Lei for a long time, if it was just one or two strikes, it would be fine, he was not afraid at all. But with so many Xing Lei gathered together, even his own saint's body had to stay away.

But these three monks in the Tribulation Realm in front of them were able to absorb the lightning with their bodies!

After observing silently for a moment with curiosity, Shen Nongtuo suddenly shrank his pupils.

"No, if this continues, their cultivation will be ruined!"

At this moment, Shen Nongtuo has already seen the clues.

Although the physique of the "Three Ancestors of the Gods" is, there are too many punishment thunders here, and they are extremely powerful.

Constantly absorbing Xing Lei, the final result is

It is to consume one's own natal thunder.

"They are planning to sacrifice their thousand years of penance to open a path for me!"

Shen Nongtuo understood the intention of the "Three Ancestors of Shenxiao", and suddenly jumped up in a flash of thought.

He was in mid-air, clapping his hands continuously, and streaks of blue spiritual power rushed out, like spring wind turning into rain, moistening things silently, slowly covering the bodies of the three of them.

Shennong is a benevolent doctor, and his research on the meridians of the human body can be said to be the most ancient and modern. At this time, he is using his supernatural powers with all his strength, using part of his original power to guide the meridians for the three people, and immediately reduces the damage caused by Xing Lei to the body. lowest.

In the sky above the sea, the four of them joined forces to turn the thunder. In this way, a stick of incense passed, most of the sea of ​​punishment thunder was gradually melted away, and the barrier that originally blocked everyone gradually dissipated.

At this moment, Zhuang Sheng and the others had reached their limit and could no longer accommodate more Xing Lei.

Shen Nongtuo knew that the time had come, and he was able to deal with the diluted Xing Lei Zhihai.

Without any hesitation, he pinched the magic formula in his hand, and the blue spiritual power turned into a huge ancient tree, and put everyone on the branches of the ancient tree, and then with a thought, the ancient tree flew into Xinglei with everyone in the sea.


The Xing Lei around seemed to be enraged, thunder after thunder fell from mid-air, desperately trying to stop this ancient tree.

But Xing Lei at this time is far worse than before. After being absorbed by Zhuang Sheng and others, the power has been reduced by half, and he can no longer threaten Shen Nongtuo.


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