The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1530: Dreaming back to eternity, the past is like smoke (12)

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Amid long laughter, Shen Nongtuo jumped up.

He was in mid-air, clapping his hands continuously, and waves of blue spiritual power were like spring wind turning into rain, stretching for hundreds of miles, and finally injected all of it into the body of the young man in green.

With his help, the young man in Tsing Yi became even more imposing.

Following a magic formula, the gust of wind surged, and it turned into a tall Dharma figure, holding the Heavenly Immortal Sword in its hand, staring at all directions, and I am the only one!

"What an air of heaven and earth, and I am the only one!"

Shen Nongtuo gave a heartfelt compliment, and at the same time pinched the magic formula with both hands urgently. With the spiritual power in his body circulating, a verdant ancient tree appeared above the two of them.

This ancient tree is the manifestation of his supernatural powers, and it has infinite magical effects. At this time, the leaves dance gently, protecting the two of them from the fierce wind above their heads.

"What senior Shennong did was extremely difficult. Although the junior is not talented, he is willing to do his part!"

The boy's voice pierced through the endless wind and fell into Shen Nongtuo's ears. The latter was slightly taken aback when he heard it, and then laughed loudly:

"Okay, my way is not alone!"

He seldom felt like this today. Although the cultivation level of the young man in front of him was far from his own, it gave him a kind-hearted and passionate feeling.

Shen Nongtuo didn't hold back at all, he kept making tricks with his hands, and used all kinds of magical powers one after another, while delivering spiritual power to the young man, and at the same time resisting the surrounding wind for the two of them.

And that young man is even more indomitable!

Very different from his master, this young man doesn't seem to know what it means to follow the trend, and he has a domineering aura all over his body, as if he is the only master of the world, and the wind around him must follow his will.

The method is microscopic, and the fairy sword breaks through the sky!

Under the joint efforts of Shen Nongtuo and the young man, the mighty giant hand was finally torn apart, turned into countless tiny breezes, and dissipated in the midair.

After the disappearance of the giant hand, the power of the entire Gangfeng Sea Territory weakened a lot, but Shen Nongtuo and the young man were in full swing, without the slightest hesitation, they joined forces and entered the Gangfeng Sea Territory.

The surrounding gangsters found the intruders, wave after wave came, the gangster danced wildly, filled with evil spirit, as if there was an invisible beast, trying to devour the two people who broke into here.

But Shen Nongtuo and the boy showed no fear.

Although it was the first time they teamed up, the cooperation between the two of them was amazingly tacit. It only took half a stick of incense, and the two of them had joined hands to clear the wind on the sea. The wind raged.

As the light fell from midair, Shen Nongtuo and the boy returned to the crowd again.

At this moment, everyone was so surprised that they were speechless, not because of Shen Nongtuo, but because of the young man in Tsing Yi in front of him.

"It's said that young people are awesome, and the old man has opened his eyes today." Fang Yue narrowed her eyes and said slowly.

"Indeed!" Zhu Yuchuan glanced at the young man in Tsing Yi, then looked at Wen Daoxing next to him, and said enviously, "Friend Wen, you are an extraordinary apprentice!"


Wen Daoxing smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and touched his chin, with a smug look on his face.

He was a little ashamed because of his failure just now, but in a blink of an eye, his apprentice was in the limelight and was praised by everyone, and he felt that his face was bright again in an instant, and he began to feel complacent.

Among the crowd, Shen Nongtuo admired the young man the most, at this moment he smiled and said, "This little friend, can you tell me your name?"

"My surname is Linghu, and the single name is 'Bo'." The young man in Tsing Yi replied. "Linghu Bai."

Shen Nongtuo repeated it, nodded slowly, and said, "Okay, I remember you. What you said just now is good, the road is difficult, and there are many divergent roads. We should be the ones who blazed the trail."

Having said that, Shen Nongtuo pondered for a moment, then took out a snow-white folding fan from his sleeve, and handed it to Linghu Bai.

"this is?"

Linghu Bai was a little confused, so he looked at Shen Nongtuo with some doubts in his eyes.

"The name of this fan is 'Suppressing Evil,' and there is a lineage of Confucianism in the fan.

It's useless, like chicken ribs. And just now I saw that the supernatural powers you use are somewhat compatible with the "tyrannical Confucianism, the same lineage". I hope it can help you to go further on the road of cultivation. "Shen Nongtuo said slowly.

"Suppressing evil..."

Linghu Bai held the folding fan in his hand, but looked at Wen Daoxing not far away.

Although he has strong supernatural powers, he is also Wen Daoxing's apprentice. There is another sect's inheritance in this fan. Whether he can accept it depends on Wen Daoxing's nodding approval.

"Since it is a gift from senior Shennong, then you can accept it." Wen Daoxing said with a smile.

Linghu Bai nodded, put the folding fan in the storage ring, and bowed to Shen Nongtuo: "Thank you, senior, for the gift!"

"You don't need to thank me, little brother. Although you and I are not masters and apprentices, we have something in common in our ideas. This can be regarded as a kind of inheritance and continuation... I hope that there will be more people like little brother in Antarctic Immortal Continent, There may be earth-shaking changes in the future.”

After Shen Nongtuo finished speaking, he patted Linghu Bai's shoulder lightly, and then the escape light lit up, engulfing everyone, and continued to fly in the direction of Wusheng Island.

After passing the three passes of "Luoshui", "Xinglei" and "Fengsha", everyone successfully crossed the inner and outer seas of Wusheng Island. And following Shen Nongtuo's escaping light and galloping, in just a few breaths, everyone finally landed on the land of Wusheng Island.

As soon as they landed, they saw clusters of icy gray mist floating in the sky, and a chilly force surged from all directions, making everyone shiver uncontrollably.

"This is the fourth level... Soul Eater!"

Thinking of what the white-haired old man said before, everyone's faces were solemn.

This level was personally arranged by the current master of the "Sin Court", it can restrain the soul and refine the soul, and its power is even stronger than the previous "Feng Sha"!

"His grandma is a bear, it's finally my turn to play!"

There was hearty laughter from the crowd, but it was Suzuka Shanlu Chixiao who was the last of the eight people named by Shen Nongtuo!

It should be said that although Lu Chixiao is a casual person, he has a bold personality, likes to travel around, and has made many friends over thousands of years. Among the people present, apart from Shen Nongtuo, he was the most popular.

Back then when Lu Chixiao offended Kunwu Immortal Court, he almost lost his soul, but fortunately Shen Nongtuo rescued him, so he saved his life.

He has a straightforward personality, and he is a person who repays kindness and revenge. Hearing that Shen Nongtuo asked for something, he even gave up the opportunity to break through the bottleneck of his own retreat, and came all the way to help.

Shen Nongtuo knew his roots, and said solemnly: "Chi Xiao, I know that you practice the 'Soul Breaking Art', and the power of the soul is different from ordinary people, but this 'soul devouring' is dangerous and unpredictable, so don't be careless!"

"Don't worry, benefactor, I know how to advance and retreat!"

Lu Chixiao laughed, took a step forward, and raised his hand to pat himself on the forehead.

I saw a ray of light flying out from his celestial spirit cover, splitting into two in mid-air, splitting into four, and splitting into eight. In just a moment, it turned into eight identical villains.

Each of the eight Yuanshen villains guarded one side, clasped their hands, sat cross-legged, and seemed to be reciting some formula silently.

The next moment, a huge black vortex appeared in midair.


With a dull loud noise, the vortex turned rapidly, and the surrounding gray mist seemed to have discovered something abnormal, and they all rushed from all directions, trying to clear the intruders in the barrier.

However, as soon as these mist approached, they were attracted by the black vortex. There seemed to be a strange force in the dark, sucking them into the depths of the vortex until they disappeared...

"You can actually seal the 'soul-devouring power!'"

Seeing this scene from a distance, Shen Nongtuo couldn't help but secretly exclaimed.

You must know that although the gray mist looks ordinary, it actually contains the tyrannical supernatural power of the Lord of the "Sin Court". Once a living person approaches, his soul will be sucked out by the mist, and he will eventually become a walking dead.

However, after Lu Chixiao's soul left his body, he was not swallowed by the gray mist. Instead, he opened up a space to absorb and refine the soul-devouring power in the gray mist.

"Three Thousand Ways, as expected, each has its own mysteries..."

Shen Nongtuo sighed secretly, since the rise of the human race in the gap between the monster and the demon race, all sects and factions have been released. Although he is a saint, he has never seen such a method of refining souls.

"Soul Devouring" is very different from the previous three levels. There is no attack on the physical body, it is purely an attack on the soul. Therefore, it is impossible for Shen Nongtuo to inject spiritual power to help Lu Chixiao like before. Everything can only depend on his own means. .

Lu Chixiao himself knew this very well, so the eight villains had serious faces from the beginning to the end, without the slightest distraction.

As the eight villains continued to cast spells, the black vortex was spinning faster and faster, and the surrounding gray mist kept pouring in, and in a blink of an eye, it had already lost 30%.


Just when Lu Chixiao was concentrating on casting spells, one of the eight Yuanshen villains in mid-air suddenly blushed, as if he couldn't hold on any longer, and blew himself up in the astonished eyes of everyone.

"Fellow Daoist Akasaka!"

There was a cry of exclamation from the crowd, and someone wanted to step forward to help, but the remaining seven Yuanshen villains shook their heads at the same time and said: "It's okay, it's just hurting some souls, it doesn't matter! You don't want to come here, otherwise If you interrupt my spellcasting, you will fall short!"

Just as he was talking, there was another loud noise, and the second Yuanshen villain also exploded in mid-air...

The pressure on the remaining six villains increased sharply, each of them had red faces, but they were still gritting their teeth and trying their best to move the vortex and absorb the gray mist in the distance.

When Shen Nongtuo saw this scene, the corners of his eyes twitched.

He knew that these eight villains were all the souls of Lu Chixiao, and every loss of one was equivalent to the loss of one-eighth of the primordial spirit. There was almost no way to make up for this kind of loss, and it would seriously affect future practice.

After being silent for a while, Shennong Tuoguo broke his mouth and said, "Chi Xiao, stop, we will find another way for this level!"

After hearing this, Lu Chixiao said with a smile: "Hehe, don't lie to me, you don't have to lie to me. You have no other way to do this level except me. And my 'Baji Duanhun' can't be stopped once I use it. You forceful interference will only drive me into a trance."

"But if you continue like this, you will be doomed forever!" Shen Nongtuo said anxiously.

"So what?" Lu Chixiao laughed and said, "I, Lu Chixiao, have always been happy to be kind and hateful, and I am most afraid of being in debt to others. Since you gave me my life, I will pay it back to you now!"

"Lu Chixiao!"

Shen Nongtuo raised his voice, trying to persuade Lu Chixiao to give up voluntarily, but the red-faced man turned a deaf ear to his voice, and the remaining six villains remained silent.

The black vortex is maintained while casting the spell.

As the gray mist was continuously sucked into the vortex, Lu Chixiao's pressure became more and more intense.

Getting bigger and bigger, the faces of the six Yuanshen villains were all flushed, and they seemed to have reached the limit of their patience.

boom! boom! boom!

A series of explosions came, and Lu Chixiao's Yuanshen villains exploded one after another.

Six, five, four.....

In the end there is only one left!

At this moment, most of the gray mist in mid-air has been sucked away, leaving only a small half still in front of everyone.

Lu Chixiao didn't give up, he still gritted his teeth and persisted until the barrier of "Soul Eater" was completely broken, and the last puff of gray smoke was sucked into the vortex. Finally, his Yuanshen villain couldn't hold on, and gradually disappeared in mid-air. become transparent. Rumble!

The black vortex in midair stopped rotating. At the same time, the space of the vortex gradually shrunk, getting smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a wisp of green smoke and dissipated in midair, as if it had never appeared before!

"Eight Extremes Broken Soul" finally But Lu Chixiao was exhausted. He only had the last remnant of true spirit left, and looked back at Shen Nongtuo who was galloping forward, with a smile on his face.

"Grandpa, I, Lu Chixiao, am a rough person, and I don't understand your way of life, but I know the principle of repaying kindness. Today, my life is repaid to you..."

"Lu Chixiao..."

Shen Nongtuo's face was heavy

, the eyes are extremely complicated.

He didn't expect Lu Chixiao to be so upright that he didn't even want his own life, but wanted to repay his kindness.

At this moment, 99% of Lu Chixiao's primordial spirit has dissipated, leaving only the last bit of true spirit. Even if Shen Nongtuo's medical skills are the best in the past and present, he is powerless at this time.

"My lord, don't feel sorry for me."

Lu Chixiao's remnant soul looked at Shen Nongtuo, still with a smile on his face: "I hope that one day benefactor's dream will come true... One day, Antarctic Fairy Continent will prosper, and by then there will be no need for everyone In danger, mortals can also practice the way of longevity..."

In the end, Lu Chixiao's soul was as indifferent as smoke, and his voice became lower and lower, almost inaudible.

When everyone saw this scene, they felt sorry for each other, and some were soft-hearted, such as Nan Gongling, who practiced "The Way of Love", and even shed a tear.


At this moment, Shen Nongtuo suddenly thought of something and shouted, "I have another idea!"

After hearing this, everyone's eyes fell on Shen Nongtuo, only to see the magic formula in his hand, and a khaki bead flew out from the storage ring.

The next moment, Shennongtuo lightly tapped his right hand, and the ball rushed into the air, emitting a ray of light, covering the last bit of Lu Chixiao's soul that was about to dissipate...


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